Sharing Lungs - Deftones Online Community


Started by fireflyry, Feb 12, 2006, 11:29 AM

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Quote from: hydroponic82 on Feb 16, 2006, 08:32 PM
people have been hating on hydroponic as of late.

forgive them Lord ...they know not what they do...

Hahaha. Well I wouldn't hate on you Divad... So another kung-fu karma kick for you too.


What the hell?

Last time I signed in I was on 6 lol....must have gotten someones goat.

Quote from: tiger modeThats why we're all here. Deftones - common ground.


I think this karma bullshit is making people way too egocentric. can we maybe delete it?


Clapping peeps on a daily base 8)


Quote from: Crazylegs on Feb 14, 2006, 01:02 PM
Tuck and Alimei +1

;) Thanks     -Ups three people in this thread but wont say who-
I Keep You Jealously To Myself


Quote from: alimei on Feb 20, 2006, 11:15 PM
Quote from: Crazylegs on Feb 14, 2006, 01:02 PM
Tuck and Alimei +1

;) Thanks     -Ups three people in this thread but wont say who-

Back at ya.
Quote from: tiger modeThats why we're all here. Deftones - common ground.


Quote from: skinnypuppy on Feb 20, 2006, 10:50 AM
I think this karma bullshit is making people way too egocentric. can we maybe delete it?


Im not into this karma thing, but i dont think we should delete it, and thats coming from someone whos hopes of having a positve karma are destroyed from children being children.


Well seeing as I'm the dork who started this thread (unintentionally) I'd have to say I'm not fussed either.

Mine appears to fluctuate between -3/+3 depending on who's online (it's not THAT anonymous) hence I put little bearing on it.

It appears though that most of my smites appear when I'm off-line (although I'm quite sure this post will earn me one or two)  and hav'nt posted for a few days which only suggests that a few people (for whatever reason as I can't ever recall offending anyone) must sign on and straight away smite certain members out of dislike as opposed to any actual recent comments/posts.

Too funny.

I think it's misuse/abuse is it's downfall as it is not programmed to comprehend/calculate the word "grudge" or the gang mentalities I've seen here from time to time.Still it's only logical a system of this type will be abused at times given the medium of a public message board.

*awaits smitting*

Maybe some system of maximum smites(maybe 2?)/karma kicks(maybe 5?) per day would work and keep everyone in the positive?

Either way it's no big deal and could be far worse.

I'm a member of other message boards which allow self editing of threads or "hammering" of posts whereby the thread author can instantly remove any posts by any member in any thread they have started.

Imagine that here!


Quote from: tiger modeThats why we're all here. Deftones - common ground.



"elvis was a hero to most but to me it was plain to see a straight up racsist...simple and plain "   :  " YO! FUCK HIM and jon wayne"


is there a way to view who has given you karma?

Paint Your Lips

Haha, i like the fact that i went down 3 points from yeasterday, and i hardly know anyone on this board.


Quote from: fireflyry on Feb 21, 2006, 06:16 AM
*awaits smitting*

Oh my god, IF that kid was my little brother, i would rip that cat in half.

God Damn, that gif really pissed me off.


Hehe, how caring.. Sweet.

black coffee

to be honest, I never pushed anyone's karma, nor did I smite anyone.


This karma thing got's all you fuckers that ask for it in the middle of a thread or announce it like you're doing some extraordinary deed.  Stfu already.


haha i got -3 karma

4th Eye

It's weird how some people's karma fluctuate so much. Have I missed something?

Moz La Punk

Quote from: fightclubche on Feb 22, 2006, 07:17 PM
This karma thing got's all you fuckers that ask for it in the middle of a thread or announce it like you're doing some extraordinary deed.  Stfu already.

Quote from: fightclubche on Feb 22, 2006, 11:05 PMUP MY KARMA, ONE UP FOR YOU!


Exactly, I was doing that to prove my point.