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Bullshit Thread #7

Started by Drop-Dead, Sep 15, 2005, 05:44 PM

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bright lights, big city


Quote from: rock_n_frost
Bright Lights !..Why the fuck are you so damn awesome? Cant you be a piece of shit sometimes?

one weak

sing blue silver

should have some songs to put out by the end of the month or so. a snippet of what i'm currently working on. warning: shitty cell phone video.

Track Preview


sing blue silver

Yup. My cell camera sucks major balls. On a separate note I'm on day 2 of no smoking. It sucks. I shouldn't have started again. I was off them for 2 years and then in september I was moving and it was hell, I had one smoke and I was right back on them. Hopefully this time it'll be easier since I know what to expect.



looks like a shit load of tracks

sing blue silver

Well there's lots of different parts and instruments fading in and out. I'm pretty excited for people to hear it.


I have a question for the Americans on here, or perhaps from all over the world except from where i'm from. Is it normal for you people to wear shoes indoors? And i don't mean like in an office building or anything, but at home in your house/appartment. Movies and tv tell me so.


Yes generally, except in some Asian countries. My girlfriends family don't and neither do my friends, I assume it's just to keep the carpets clean. Is it uncommon in Norway?


Yeah. In my 23 year long life i've never been to anyone's house where they wear shoes inside.

one weak

almost always, yes. if you're a renter, chances are you're not responsible for floors and carpets can be cleaned once a year for super cheap.

i take my choos off when asked politely though.

bright lights, big city

I know a few people that have shoes they only wear indoors. They just find them more comfortable. I call some of them pompous wannabe yuppies though. I'm more a barefoot-whenever-possible person.

Quote from: rock_n_frost
Bright Lights !..Why the fuck are you so damn awesome? Cant you be a piece of shit sometimes?


In France, we don't. Same everywhere around Asia I'd say.

If ignorance is bliss, then knock the smile off my face.

sing blue silver

Steven Wilson just posted this video to facebook of his new touring guitarist. Sounds fucking awesome.

Venetian Poison ( Niko Tsonev 2011)


It's a good idea, but most people here don't. I used to do it at my Asian friends house though.


This baffles me, i thought it was just a movie or tv phenomenon until i saw the episode of curb your enthusiasm where larry gets irritated when someone asks him to take his shoes off in their house. Your floors must get hella dirty real quick.


A lot of it does depend on the weather, where you've been walking and the colour of your carpet. I don't consciously take my shoes off before I go inside, but if its a wet day I do, but more for comfort.