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ask the person below you a question

Started by skinnypuppy, Sep 06, 2005, 01:20 AM

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Brilliant, as it has been for 5 days straight.

Would you sell yourself for money?


Depends how much is being offered  :D

What do you think I should do for my birthday?

Quote from: Chino Moreno
You are as cool as you tell yourself you are...everybody just do what you do...have a good time...don't walk around being a punk...walk around and be your life


Get wasted.

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could Chuck Norris?

lithium royalty


Because you want to know something more than you currently do...or 42

Should I move out?

Quote from: Chino Moreno
You are as cool as you tell yourself you are...everybody just do what you do...have a good time...don't walk around being a punk...walk around and be your life


Out of the house? Sure, if you feel like that, go ahead!
Living with 18 peeps, of which a lot are very cool 8)

Do you like the way the water tastes?


The water here is alright, I preferred the NZ water though, as clear as a blue sky

Do you think 'The Love Department is a good name for a hardcore band  :D

Quote from: Chino Moreno
You are as cool as you tell yourself you are...everybody just do what you do...have a good time...don't walk around being a punk...walk around and be your life


Maybe. Sounds more emocore to me.

What would you name your band?


S.O.D.A.H.O.G. J.K.B.

Old or new Soad?


Old SOAD, even though new SOAD is pretty cool too!

Cherry Coke or Dr Pepper?

Quote from: Chino Moreno
You are as cool as you tell yourself you are...everybody just do what you do...have a good time...don't walk around being a punk...walk around and be your life


Pepsi Twist

Mozilla Firefox or Intershit Explorer?


Intershit. Works for me.

MSN or Yahoo Messenger?



Gay parade, no wait powerade.

am you stokered for THP8?


Eh? SESSION THP8: Numerical and Symbolic Computation in Control? Tony Hawks Pro Skater 8? Ah well, I'm stokered for anything!

Arent waterfights teh cool?

Quote from: Chino Moreno
You are as cool as you tell yourself you are...everybody just do what you do...have a good time...don't walk around being a punk...walk around and be your life


T3h yes

Would you like to ride an elephant?


Aye, what the hey, I'm stokered for anything  :D Jokes!

My mate just asked me this. Waking up with a minger, or waking up with your clingy ex, the one you left because you got sick of all their shit?

Quote from: Chino Moreno
You are as cool as you tell yourself you are...everybody just do what you do...have a good time...don't walk around being a punk...walk around and be your life

lithium royalty

wakin up with an ex. 

wakin up to some stranger you met while drunk is really weird.. especially if you hardly remember the night before..

waking up with either one, OR, alone?


too hard to say! it depends on so much things ! But usually alone is okay !

vagina sex or anal sex ?

If ignorance is bliss, then knock the smile off my face.

lithium royalty

lol, shit why not have your cupcake and eat it too!

trimmed or fully shaven?