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It's 03.50 am and i'm...

Started by Azwethinkweiz, Jul 28, 2005, 01:51 AM

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Quote from: black coffee on Aug 23, 2006, 10:06 AM
12:06 and I just booked seats for Superman Returns.

16:07 and i'm telling black coffee not to have high hopes for the film.

lithium royalty


i've reached my last resort.
i'm suffocating. i cant breath, and im contemplating suicide.

lithium royalty


i'm fine, it was just a thought.


8:04 pm n AFI made my day better


11:17pm   i'm bored...i can sleep late, no school until 2pm tomorrow....but dunno what to do...

"I just like the way my dick feels when i listen to certain types of sounds...sometimes i hear certain sounds and they make my dick really fucking hard"  -Chino Moreno


It's 14:20 and I'm about to go and see Muse. Hope you guys are all cool!  :)

Quote from: Chino Moreno
You are as cool as you tell yourself you are...everybody just do what you do...have a good time...don't walk around being a punk...walk around and be your life


What kind of conert begins at 14:20 ??? Is it a festival ?

If ignorance is bliss, then knock the smile off my face.

4th Eye

21:27, just came home from playing basketball and sippin' some beer. Now it's time for wanking and then sleeping.



its 3:44 and I'll do the same


It's 01:55 and I've smoked too much, judging by the way my throath hurts, and I'm still wake for some reason watching 'Bottom'.


11:04 pm

gettin ready to go to bed...taking advantage of being slightly drunk...i'm gonna sleep like if i was dead...but maybe i'll watch some porn first...

"I just like the way my dick feels when i listen to certain types of sounds...sometimes i hear certain sounds and they make my dick really fucking hard"  -Chino Moreno

black coffee

11:12 and it's a chill morning with lots of hagel slag.


11:15 AM, and I'm still drunk from yesterday night... Damn...

If ignorance is bliss, then knock the smile off my face.


Quote from: tarkil on Aug 24, 2006, 01:31 PM
What kind of conert begins at 14:20 ??? Is it a festival ?

Haha, well it is part of the Edinburgh festival, but not a festival itself. Only Muse and My Chemical Romance were playing. The doors actually opened at 4pm, so I was actually going to go and get ready and then meet with the people who I was going with. Turned out though, no bands came on until 7:20 which sucked ass! They easily could have changed the opening times.

It's 17:27 and I just had a little short rant about the gig yesterday

Quote from: Chino Moreno
You are as cool as you tell yourself you are...everybody just do what you do...have a good time...don't walk around being a punk...walk around and be your life


Its 4 and 47 and im about to go to a show and own a pit.


Its 6:21pm and my parent are here talking bout work >.o


It's 16:07 and I have a hangover.


Its 7:10 am and ima go to church for my friends sweet 15 :D :D


it's 16:11 and i finally gave in to Hole in the earth. It's irresistable.