Sharing Lungs - Deftones Online Community

The +/- thread!

Started by raynor, Jun 22, 2004, 10:15 PM

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- I'm tired
- I need vacations
+ vacations soon (2 weeks)
+ love love, people


+ ragdoll is back
+ It's a beautiful day-ay-ay what a beautiful day
- Shit, I should be working!...

Quote from: Chino Moreno
You are as cool as you tell yourself you are...everybody just do what you do...have a good time...don't walk around being a punk...walk around and be your life

one weak

+ 75 degrees today
+ slept till noon
+ don't have shit to do but go to class and fuck around
- school will be fuckin crazy hard the next 3 weeks


Quote from: Chrisbo on Apr 04, 2006, 06:06 PM- Shit, I should be working!...

Looks like that caught up with me then didnt it? Tut tut!

- Benn in the computer lab all day...:(

Quote from: Chino Moreno
You are as cool as you tell yourself you are...everybody just do what you do...have a good time...don't walk around being a punk...walk around and be your life


+ Just beat KOTOR 2 for the 10th time.
- Man, I need a life.


Quote from: You Fail Me on Apr 05, 2006, 07:02 PM
+ Just beat KOTOR 2 for the 10th time.
- Man, I need a life.

Nah you dont man! Better doing that than the shit I'm doing!

Quote from: Chino Moreno
You are as cool as you tell yourself you are...everybody just do what you do...have a good time...don't walk around being a punk...walk around and be your life


Better playing a videogame than being outside and enjoying life? I think not.


Aye, well I was being sarcastic somewhat! Though there is truth in the fact that you'd be better off doing the video game than the shit I'm doing just now.

Quote from: Chino Moreno
You are as cool as you tell yourself you are...everybody just do what you do...have a good time...don't walk around being a punk...walk around and be your life


What are you doing? Giving head to a hobo?


Bowler Hats A deconstruction by Christopher Cowan

Quote from: Chino Moreno
You are as cool as you tell yourself you are...everybody just do what you do...have a good time...don't walk around being a punk...walk around and be your life


Bowler hats are badass. I want one.


Just for you...not really! It's actually on the front page of my presentation! Woo!

Quote from: Chino Moreno
You are as cool as you tell yourself you are...everybody just do what you do...have a good time...don't walk around being a punk...walk around and be your life


Send it over here.


I think we should start a bowler hat revival!

Quote from: Chino Moreno
You are as cool as you tell yourself you are...everybody just do what you do...have a good time...don't walk around being a punk...walk around and be your life


I gotta get one first!


Quote from: Chino Moreno
You are as cool as you tell yourself you are...everybody just do what you do...have a good time...don't walk around being a punk...walk around and be your life

one weak

+ going on a road trip to vegas and LA in may
+ going to see my nephews and some friends
+ going back to work at a good job this summer with good money
+ summer is going to be the shit
+ being 21 is the best


+ enjoying spending time with this chick im into
+ friend back in town
+ going to make some music tomorrow and watch funny shit


Oh great! Is this the place where I can complain? Hooray!

- no job
- no idea of what I'm going to do with my life
- I haven't applied to any university and the time is running out
- I'm a pessimist
- I'm afraid to drive a car
- my cat is really getting on my nerves
- can't find Major Label's album anywhere
- my English is worse than I thought
- we have German MTV instead of the normal
- why do they have to dub everything in Germany?!
- well, MTV sucks anyway

+ hmm... my brother brought me a kilo of candy from his trip to Sweden
- I should go to the dentist's
+ music