Sharing Lungs - Deftones Online Community

The +/- thread!

Started by raynor, Jun 22, 2004, 10:15 PM

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do. make. say. think.

yoda on mars

- have to work in a garden today
- no job
- not in good shape
- too much bad memories
- need some rest
- no holidays this year

+ if I have THIS job I could move out
+ some good music


- Shitty weather
+ Relaxed just now
+ Hopefully a proper good night out on Thursday for my friends 18th
+ Nostalgia

Quote from: Chino Moreno
You are as cool as you tell yourself you are...everybody just do what you do...have a good time...don't walk around being a punk...walk around and be your life


Quote from: "rosebud#9"-the world's coming to an end

I'm not gonna start counting the number of times people said this.

one weak

+ finished with all my work for the next week
- still have to go to class tomorrow...o well
+ going to get real drunk tomorrow night and have fun before break
+ break
+ going to a film screening in a few minutes...should be good though it's for a class


+talking to some chick about oxycotin on AIM, she's like 16..haha
its a pain killer
basically like vicodin but without the asprin in it
just straight up pain killer l0l

+gonna meet this guy Corey tomorrow, he's been hounding me to go out with him
+Strut magazine just came pics, he looks so good

-I'm chemically imbalanced


+ Left work 2hrs early.
+ We have a cute new trainee service manager. Something ok to look at besides my many stalker-ish customers, I guess.
+ Kinda half way through this stupid assignment.

- This assignment just keeps getting longer and longer as I try to do all the outlined must's.
- My friend hasn't even started hers.

+ Claudio and I stayed up till 12:30am on Monday night texting.
+ He said he cared about what I think...OMFG!!
+ He used the onion analogy from Shrek.

wharf rat

+ i just stunk up the entire bathroom, i rule


Oh god...I don't know why you find that so amusing.

wharf rat

Because it is ahsum.  

+ One page down.

- Six more to go


Yeah sooo ahsum.

+ 5 pages of promotional ideas.

- It's way jumbled and not enough.


+ Just got up after a good nights sleep
- Weather's still shitty and i have to go out in it to buy some stuff
+ Design class tomorrow
- Though it is a full day
+ Still, going out tomorrow night
+ And Saturday night
- Nothing nice to eat around here

Quote from: Chino Moreno
You are as cool as you tell yourself you are...everybody just do what you do...have a good time...don't walk around being a punk...walk around and be your life


+The new 411
- bored
+I'm gonna go skate


-pah, i found out i only get paid for 3 weeks work cause i missed the cutoff date
+its still good though y'all!


+ these new school computers are kickass
+ only two classes today
+ im not that tired
+ new semester. clean slate

- here until 4:30pm
- im bored
- stomach acid pain
- its been raining for the past 5 days


+This fucking amazing new skate spot


beer, beer....BEER!

getting up in the morning..fuck that shit.


+++++ im excited! i scored a very well paid photoshoot with these hot ass guys in a band.. its 4 ther press package, their promos.. im gonna try to get them nude!! jk! but im really excited!!  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


this whole day = -

feeling like more

-i cant stop sleeping

+last day at work before i get 3 whole days off 8)
+got a fun weekend planned
+friends coming up from wollongong to stay a few nights
+going to the belgian beer cafe on sat night

-we'r all gonna get in trouble at tonights work meeting. woops :?

+boost juice