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The +/- thread!

Started by raynor, Jun 22, 2004, 10:15 PM

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-biggedy bitch tried to ask for a bribe
-its really 7am! fuck you


-at work
+shouldnt be on the board!  :D
+it's Friday!!!

feeling like more

+im really drunj now
+going ice skating tomorrow
+going to a party at star city. 1 of 2000 on the guest list
-kind of sick
-ung iehghgrphpfvhpttijftoyunhfo3ruo456


-- i have the biggest hangover ever

yoda on mars

+ I'm goona get drunk TONIGHT


+diablo with the cubus
+cross was right, norma jean is fun as shit to play
-school in 2 weeks



+ team sleep

------- work the next 8 days ina row                     shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit :evil:


+leaving for hellfest in 4 days
+nyc is the shit
+just got a new tattoo
+/- i also got my septum pierced but it hurts like all hell

feeling like more

+went ice skating today
+i pwned the ice rink
+bought a new polo rl shirt
+ready for siesta
+party tonite
-work in the mornin


++++++ the brown bunny dvd is coming out this tuesday

thank fucking god! a reason to live for the coming week


-missed the 311 show last night, and they played Hive in the first time in forever

+my friend who was there called me the second he knew what they were gonna play, and i listened to it on the cell phone

-still not the same experience

Moz La Punk

+ The avatar of the dude above me.
+ Going for a new chair and 24 Season 2 DVD box in a few minutes

- School starts next week
+ New education, journalism baby

- Haven't had sex in almost two weeks.


+it just rained heavy as fuck!
-moz, i havent had sex in a loooong time
-need a womanflesh.

black coffee

Quote from: "ItsClassicalAnyways"
-i havent had sex in a loooong time
-need a womanflesh.

+ my birthday is over
+ i had a good time, i went to the open air cinema with some friends and after that we smoked out.
- the bigger part of my circle of friends was still gone for holidays...
- ...and so was my girlfriend
+ ...but we still had a good night.
+ gf coming back in a few days
+ coupons for multimedia stuff like cd's, pc hard- and software etc.
+ gonna buy a new keyboard for my computer later today
+ i feel like playing computer games ... recommendations please, Moz.
+ got a new mobile phone
+/- materialism

Moz La Punk

Ehhh dunno what you're into and what consoles you have.

It's a bit quiet right now because that's always in the summer. If you like a game that combines Zelda-like puzzles with Prince Of Persia-like movements and brutal fighting, get God Of War. For the PS2. It's the best game I've played this year.

feeling like more

-where are my fucking keys???


+gonna go out tonight and get drizzunkles
-/+ who knows, might pull.
+if not, my ass is on the dancefloor.


- Everything doesn't feel right just now
- Finding it hard to express this to people because I can't really pinpoint a specific problem
- Really bored
+ Ah well, time to have my tea
+ Then maybe I'll watch some Buffy...

Quote from: Chino Moreno
You are as cool as you tell yourself you are...everybody just do what you do...have a good time...don't walk around being a punk...walk around and be your life


+Irish Pubs
+Knowing the bartender
+being charged for 6 drinks when we had 18
+being with a beautiful woman
+/-that woman is my best friend
+making out with her
-mutual agreement of not sleeping with each other
+sleeping together
-being in love with your best friend
