Sharing Lungs - Deftones Online Community

The +/- thread!

Started by raynor, Jun 22, 2004, 10:15 PM

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wharf rat

Quote from: "DrivenFarAway"+++ in 2 weeks i'm going 2 stufstock... a rock festival from my country...

-don't have a tent

you dont need a tent man, just eat a lot of mushrooms and wander

feeling like more

-still sick
-fell off an exercise bike. literally, the bike even fell over
-it was a pretty stupid thing to do

+paid sick leave
+hair cut

yoda on mars

- work
-- more work
--- even more work
- I'm lazy
-I will see my girlfriend in 4 days... this suck

+ good book
+ soulfly
+ death from above 1979

feeling like more

-speeding fine
-my lisence is fast running low on points
-third fine this year


- Didn't get the grade i needed in my exams  :(

Quote from: Chino Moreno
You are as cool as you tell yourself you are...everybody just do what you do...have a good time...don't walk around being a punk...walk around and be your life


+ Mix bagging on Triple J tonight. They're playing Team Sleep last.
+ Alex is over and he's sleeping on my leg. Stupid little kid.

- I need to pee but I can't be bothered getting up.

yoda on mars

+/- my girlfriend's new look (I haven't seen her yet so it's +/-)

- work
- I'm starving


+ so much new good music to listen to
+ bedlight for blueeyes

- my pc fucks me when it can
- tired as hell (3 hours of sleep)

- hungry
+ going to eat in a few minutes


- being drunk anbd pissed off
- having to take a shit in a club
- some cunt stole my etnies hoodie
- amanda. goddamn shes far too hot. raa
- not being able to get what i want

Paint Your Lips

-  School starts tomorrow
+ School starts tomorrow, can't wait to see the "gang".

+ It's awesome

-  Has to leave now to paint my new room at my dad's
+ Moving to my dad's


++the official start of Joeypalooza last night.
++continues all week.

yoda on mars

- some people are fuckin' crazy
- I'm scared as fuck!
- This world is not safe anymore (was it before?)

+ I'm going to sleep in few minutes


+its finally over
+stoned reporters
-leaving california tomorrow
+ill be back like ahhnold
+im sure of it


+6 packs



Quote from: "ItsClassicalAnyways"-bored



+no more of her
-i'm still gonna remember forever whether i want to or not
+picked up a bunch of cds today
+goin to get hammered tonight
-basement might not be done before i leave
+22 days til i'm gona
-want a cigarette
-want a girl
-kaylie thinks i'm a loser :(


i was just kiddin' you're not a loser... you own my heart

-it sucks being a noob..


+cult of luna
+my mates 18th tomorrow night, gonna get booooooooozed
+get my doel money tomorrow
-my job got postponed due to a lisencing fuck up


+ prestretched canvas 50% off

+ bought a REALLY big canvas

- dont know what to paint on it

- pierced my ears and now they hurt

+ stoked about being a senior next year

- REALLY wanna go to california for spring break

- im broke

+ my birthday's this friday