Sharing Lungs - Deftones Online Community

The +/- thread!

Started by raynor, Jun 22, 2004, 10:15 PM

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- bitching moms
- not having any money

only 2 schooldays left
going to Roskilde Festival this summer


+sexed out
-no more weed left
+spent money on ice cream and chinese food and got fucked with the ladyfriend
-/+that hailstorm
+gonna go get some new strings
-bass strings are so fucking expensive
-my mum wants to redecorate my room
+arch enemy


Quote from: "ItsClassicalAnyways"-/+that hailstorm

One of those days where one minute it's pissing it down, the next the sun's out and it's a clear blue sky.

- Things are still crap
+ Some of the messages on this board are making me laugh - cheering me up

Quote from: Chino Moreno
You are as cool as you tell yourself you are...everybody just do what you do...have a good time...don't walk around being a punk...walk around and be your life


Quote from: "Oldnewtype"- gf is sick and her dad wont let me come over

+ no matter what im gettting high tonight

+ went to my g/f's last night
+ got high with her dad
+ plan on going back over today

feeling like more

-not enough excitement these days
-work is really challenging at the moment
-want to move back home but cant


+/- Plenty of excitement these days.  I need to take a step back.
+/- Quit my no more annoying coworkers and customers...but also no money. Blah.
-Moving back home but don't want to.  Blah.  ...Anyone looking for a "woman on the couch" ...or willing to have one? hah.




+My life right now is amazing
+I can't believe the things that are going on
+and for his privacy and mine, they will not be told

-flights to NY are too expensive  :(

+he's gonna get their tour manager to set up a show in Seattle, so he can come see me.


- My dad's pissed and he's acting like an arse
- The Eurovision Song contest is on
- Still revising, but I haven't done enough cause I can't get the hang of some stuff. Fuck this sucks!
+ Can't wait 'til Wednesday - FREEDOM!

Quote from: Chino Moreno
You are as cool as you tell yourself you are...everybody just do what you do...have a good time...don't walk around being a punk...walk around and be your life


Quote from: "Chrisbo"- The Eurovision Song contest is on

hahaha, eurovision sucks, but norway was kinda good this year. I hope their just kidding though.


Quote from: "NoLLiO"
Quote from: "Chrisbo"- The Eurovision Song contest is on

hahaha, eurovision sucks, but norway was kinda good this year. I hope their just kidding though.

you're joking right? it was so disturbing, i could see the singer's nuts through his fucking silver jumpsuit thing. thats when i decided not to watch anymore.  :roll:


they were better than all the rest, + i think they're just doing it for fun. Well i hope so.

I never really understood why they only have sucky music on that shit.

The Captain

You lie, you watched until you couldn't see his nuts anymore


speaking of which, i know its slightly off-topic but it just leads on perfectly....the new QOTSA video. GODDAMN.  :shock:


Did anyone think the guy in the Moldova entry (well I think it was Moldova)  looked like he wanted to be Anthony Kiedis? Not in the way he sang, just his stance and the way he moved around the stage.

Hahaha! The Norwegian entry made me laugh, reminds me of Bon Jovi. The singer was freaky but at least they were different to a lot of the shite that gets into Eurovision.

Haven't seen the new QOTSA video, what song is it?

Quote from: Chino Moreno
You are as cool as you tell yourself you are...everybody just do what you do...have a good time...don't walk around being a punk...walk around and be your life


newest one ive seen was the one for little sister.

did anyone see QOTSA on saturday night live last week? with will ferrel in that blue oyster cult outfit- that was pretty damn funny


Quote from: "deftoneskid144"newest one ive seen was the one for little sister.

did anyone see QOTSA on saturday night live last week? with will ferrel in that blue oyster cult outfit- that was pretty damn funny

Lord Scrotum

the new QOTSA video is fucking hilarious,very disturbing,but hilarious nonetheless,it's for Everybody Knows You're Insane.


hmm, still exams..

The new Stereophonics cd
being drunk
red wine


-doing nothing all day
-im bored
-and doesnt seem like im doing anything later on either
+smashing pumpkins
-essay for english
-i wanna go to this lingere party i heard of