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Koi No Yokan thread

Started by Vesanic, Sep 10, 2012, 11:17 PM

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I think they may be getting bored aswell I think Chino could happily just make his electronic music full time but then again they're not the sort of guys who would just keep doing it for the money so I guess their still driven ,The break is probably because they make their families a priority these days and they were already touring before release so they've been on the road awhile


From what I gathered, they really wanted to get home after this tour. I remember them saying a couple times calling the South American leg of this tour the longest ever or something...
Check out my soundcloud/ facebook page with some music...


Quote from: Inkblades on Dec 05, 2012, 08:40 PM
Sadly, I agree. I blasted Diamond Eyes non-stop when it came out. This? Not so much.

There's something about Koi No Yokan that just makes me want to resist it. It's weird, because on paper, I should love this album. Every song has interesting things going on it. But, for some reason, it just bores me. Maybe I'm just growing out of them?

I think even Deftones are a little bored with Deftones. That's why they released a new album less than a month ago and aren't even touring until Feb 2013.

Think we are just generally getting old, and if we're old, it means the bands we grew up with sure as hell are old. When i consider most of the bands that seemed new and huge when i was growing up, it appears that 99% have been slowly burning out for a long time, slowly becoming footnotes.

It's kind of depressing but inevitable really, I like a lot of odd bits of other new music now, but I wouldn't ever consider getting on a bandwagon and joining say an internet forum for new act as i did with deftones all those years ago.


Quote from: deftoolsys07 on Dec 05, 2012, 09:46 PM
From what I gathered, they really wanted to get home after this tour. I remember them saying a couple times calling the South American leg of this tour the longest ever or something...

I think they deserve a break. They have been touring nonstop for half of their lives.


Quote from: DeftonesNZ on Dec 05, 2012, 11:46 AM
That's guys right there aren't alot of riffs I play those songs on guitar the Riffs are super repetitive and not that complex all the songs basically have 2 or 3 riffs sometimes they might have a very slight variation but they sound awesome so it doesn't matter ,Also Stephen hasn't really written the more complex stuff since Adrenaline but he's mastered the creation of simple bad ass riffs, I love his style it's simple and really fun to play

yeah I like a lot of the riffs on S/T, there are some classic songs on there but coming after WP I was expecting something more diverse, most of the songs on there have basically two main riffs and one bridge, once you have heard a minute of the song you pretty have got the gist of it... but I guess you could apply that to most of their songs not just S/T

sing blue silver

I like original and creative guitar playing. This is a big reason I love Deftones. Guitar wankery and showing off and riffing as much as possible is a big reason I hate most modern metal. It's like they have to meet some notes per minute quota. It's bullshit. Feel what you play. You don't have to be the most technical guitar player to be great.


Yeah Stephen creates more emotion playing a simple riff than other people do when they just start trying to shred or go as fast as possible alot of metal now is just "look at how good i am" people have to learn they don't have always have to go full out, most of the time it just sounds like a mess.


Quote from: cvthedrv on Dec 04, 2012, 09:51 PM
my kny limited bundle came without the litho, im a little sad right now :(
it will come separately.... had the same deal. next day
Pushing you back but still you ain't goooooooooone!!!!!!


lol that guy said that Rosemary was the best song in their entire catalog? haha.

opinions opinions but damn...


Quote from: DEFinatelydeftones,fsho on Dec 05, 2012, 11:08 PM
Quote from: cvthedrv on Dec 04, 2012, 09:51 PM
my kny limited bundle came without the litho, im a little sad right now :(
it will come separately.... had the same deal. next day

are you sure? :O


Quote from: xToxin on Dec 05, 2012, 11:57 PM
lol that guy said that Rosemary was the best song in their entire catalog? haha.

opinions opinions but damn...
What would you say their best song is, then?


It's not so much about the best song. I just get a kick out of some of the fans of the newer stuff. It's interesting, because it's like two different worlds, go back to White Pony era fans, they're completely different to fans of the newer material (IN MOST CASES). I don't know, I just find it strange and mildly entertaining. It's like two different bands. With a whole set of fans for each band.

And, a lot of times they do not get along. Just like some kind of rival gangs or some shit.


I get what you mean I think it's because alot of people tunnel their music tastes and disregard anything that's not what their used to especially metal fan's who tend to disregard the softer stuff as because it's "gay" I used to be like that when i was younger but as I matured I opened up to all genres and found out I liked alot of the stuff i had been making fun of,I listen to all types music now so I'm sort of stuck in the middle because i like everything they've done I can honestly say White Pony is top for me just because of the memories but all the rest of them are even I get something different out of each album


You just come off as the "old fan"/"fan of their old stuff" stereotype. Ever thought a lot of people are just fans of the band period, old and new?


Overall, I was kinda disappointed with this record. I'll give it a spin once in awhile, but definitely my least favorite Deftones album.


its a bad sign when a band puts out a new albu, tours it for a few weeks and then takes 3 months off when they should be knee deep into touring and promoting it.....similar to what faith no more did on their 97 tour....they toured for a few weeks to promote it, then took 3 months off...they broke up a few months later....deftones are burned out, chino wants to do new shit...its over


who knows... but a disband thing really should be more planned i think, like before the release of a last album they should say it's their last album and that it's their farewell tour. it would create a lot more running to concerts, old fans who gave up after whatever record but now would drag their butts to a concert because it was the last time they could see the band for nostalgia reasons or what not

only pieces remain

have any of you ever thought they are taking a break because of the holidays to be with family? (thanksgiving, christmas and new years).


chino can't tour, promised to raise and watch babies



My Brother just got his copy of the latest Revolver Mag. They list the top 20 Albums of 2012...

#1 Deftones Koi No Yokan
One last Thing...You Should Beware the Content!!

Thank God that you........ love..... at all.