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Deftones Bullshit Thread

Started by Oldnewtype, May 19, 2011, 07:19 AM

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Big Boss

Quote from: Visionz on Sep 16, 2020, 12:39 AM
Quote from: Big Boss on Sep 15, 2020, 11:34 PM
Quote from: Visionz on Sep 15, 2020, 10:52 PM
FUUUUCK!!!! had to revisit Gore just now and I haven't heard Rubicon in over a year probably. I think that song suffers the most from the bad mixing and or production. What a cool fucking song besides the "woooh" he  belts out and I'm not talking about after "the crowd goes wild " ...I'm talking about that single shreaky wooh. but that song is a killer track. The album really could have been great because they are mostly good songs. Damn. Damn. Damn it

Also, xenon sounds like Janes Addiction so fucking much that I'm almost convinced it's them LOL another one of my favorite all-time bands

I will never. In any lifetime. Understand the adoration for Rubicon ;D

Well it took me until now just today to actually realize I like it but I do at the same time have trouble with the lyrics. He's talking about something about not wanting to face you from the stage and at the same time sounds like he's talking to a lover so that part is confusing but I like the jam of it. It's very jammy To me I love the guitars

To be fair I've never really listened to the lyrics much. The mix bugs me. Singing at times bugs me. And the fact that it came at the end of a poorly mixed album also likely has something to do with it. But I should give it another shot


Hey all, looks like the subreddit is holding a tournament for deftones songs


ok keep it there friendo doggo trash panda sea flap flap


Agreed. The sub Reddit sucks.


Change (In the House of Flies) is number 7 in Spin's Top 50 songs of 2000 article:



Quote from: Vesanic on Oct 03, 2020, 11:23 PM
Adrenaline was released 25 years ago. Love this record so much
wow, 25 years. i actually became a fan off adrenaline. 16 years old was watching a video channel called "the box" and saw 7 words 2 different times. the 2nd time i recorded it because i loved it. Oct-Nov 1995. that lead me to order adrenaline along with 11 other cds for a penny(columbia house), when i saw deftones adrenaline in the booklet i looked through ordering, i was like hell yea i'll give that one a try for sure. i was thinking if any of the songs are as cool as 7-words then that would be sweet. screaming was shocking to me back then, but in a good way(it was new to me)when all the cds finally got here(last week of dec 1995) i think i played adrenaline first, and "bored" plays, and i was smiling like, i just found a really cool unknown band. and liked the whole album. but my 3 favs for a little while were the predictable bored, 7 words, and engine no.9(nothing wrong with that though, they might still be my 3 favs from the album) later gave the other songs more play(didnt take long) and they became one of my fav bands right away. probably heard the album 400 times or more, lol. by late 97 they were my favorite band. lucky i found the band so early. i'm 41 now and they're still my favorite

happy 25th Adrenaline


Somehow it's become underrated now. Great record, not a duff song on it. And, despite the perceptions of some, there's a lot of really intelligent songwriting.
I could float here forever


Quote from: Hidalgo on Oct 03, 2020, 11:59 PM
Quote from: Vesanic on Oct 03, 2020, 11:23 PM
Adrenaline was released 25 years ago. Love this record so much
wow, 25 years. i actually became a fan off adrenaline. 16 years old was watching a video channel called "the box" and saw 7 words 2 different times. the 2nd time i recorded it because i loved it. Oct-Nov 1995. that lead me to order adrenaline along with 11 other cds for a penny(columbia house), when i saw deftones adrenaline in the booklet i looked through ordering, i was like hell yea i'll give that one a try for sure. i was thinking if any of the songs are as cool as 7-words then that would be sweet. screaming was shocking to me back then, but in a good way(it was new to me)when all the cds finally got here(last week of dec 1995) i think i played adrenaline first, and "bored" plays, and i was smiling like, i just found a really cool unknown band. and liked the whole album. but my 3 favs for a little while were the predictable bored, 7 words, and engine no.9(nothing wrong with that though, they might still be my 3 favs from the album) later gave the other songs more play(didnt take long) and they became one of my fav bands right away. probably heard the album 400 times or more, lol. by late 97 they were my favorite band. lucky i found the band so early. i'm 41 now and they're still my favorite

happy 25th Adrenaline

Holy shit thats fucking nuts..... so....... I feel like you just told my story almost down to every detail. I got adrenaline from Columbia house as well along with Nirvana, Soundgarden, I think Wu-Tang Clan enter the 36 Chambers etc. It wasn't until around the fur that I fell in love with them though. I got ATF the day after it came out and it was a wrap. Also, what got me to order adrenaline was seeing them on TV but it's so long ago that I can't remember which was probably House of hair or headbanger's ball (REMEMBER THAT SHIT? So fucking RAD) something like that I know that it was late at night that they would play them. Bored and 7 wds i remember seeing then, anyways. Cheers! And a toast to ADRENALINE!!!


Quote from: Visionz on Oct 04, 2020, 02:28 PM
Quote from: Hidalgo on Oct 03, 2020, 11:59 PM
Quote from: Vesanic on Oct 03, 2020, 11:23 PM
Adrenaline was released 25 years ago. Love this record so much
wow, 25 years. i actually became a fan off adrenaline. 16 years old was watching a video channel called "the box" and saw 7 words 2 different times. the 2nd time i recorded it because i loved it. Oct-Nov 1995. that lead me to order adrenaline along with 11 other cds for a penny(columbia house), when i saw deftones adrenaline in the booklet i looked through ordering, i was like hell yea i'll give that one a try for sure. i was thinking if any of the songs are as cool as 7-words then that would be sweet. screaming was shocking to me back then, but in a good way(it was new to me)when all the cds finally got here(last week of dec 1995) i think i played adrenaline first, and "bored" plays, and i was smiling like, i just found a really cool unknown band. and liked the whole album. but my 3 favs for a little while were the predictable bored, 7 words, and engine no.9(nothing wrong with that though, they might still be my 3 favs from the album) later gave the other songs more play(didnt take long) and they became one of my fav bands right away. probably heard the album 400 times or more, lol. by late 97 they were my favorite band. lucky i found the band so early. i'm 41 now and they're still my favorite

happy 25th Adrenaline

Holy shit thats fucking nuts..... so....... I feel like you just told my story almost down to every detail. I got adrenaline from Columbia house as well along with Nirvana, Soundgarden, I think Wu-Tang Clan enter the 36 Chambers etc. It wasn’t until around the fur that I fell in love with them though. I got ATF the day after it came out and it was a wrap. Also, what got me to order adrenaline was seeing them on TV but it’s so long ago that I can’t remember which was probably House of hair or headbanger’s ball (REMEMBER THAT SHIT? So fucking RAD) something like that I know that it was late at night that they would play them. Bored and 7 wds i remember seeing then, anyways. Cheers! And a toast to ADRENALINE!!!
awesone. i think i ordered wu tang 36 chambers( don't even listen to rap anymore) RHCP one hot minute, and maybe one other for me along with adrenaline, the rest went to my sister(she orered them, and got in trouble for it cause she didn't have our mom's permission). i was so big into adrenaline that i didn't even rush to get "around the fur", as weird as that sounds. i saw the my own summer video on, and recorded it, and really liked it, but didn't get the album until early june 98, cause adrenaline was getting so much play from me and friends all the time, and being party animals was the priority(and a lot of times i wanted to buy ATF at record stores i didn't have enough money with me, it was always like 18.99$ when i saw it. so it was on my list to buy for sure, but no huge rush.) then after i got it, i became even more diehard, and never missed a first day release from them. until koi no yokan-ohms, cause orders came in the mail slightly late, and no more record stores. i miss just going and easily finding the albums on day 1. ordering them and having them show up 4 days late sucks


I remember hearing MOS on the local radio station at work and creaming my pants. I knew it was Deftones right away so I went to the record store and all they had was Adrenaline. At the time I didn't know what album MOS was on so I skipped through all the songs looking for it but after I realized it wasn't there I just sat back and listened to the entirety of Adrenaline. I had heard some of it before but not actually the whole album. I was blown away. Can't believe that record came out 25 years ago... sheesh.


Quote from: Vesanic on Oct 05, 2020, 12:04 AM
Linkin Park are releasing a 20th anniversary boxset for their classic Hybrid Theory. The reason I mention it here is the boxset includes a never-released live performance of the band where they played My Own Summer.

The Linkin Park cover of My Own Summer is pretty notorious and not a single performance of it was  released in professional quality before. It's also the cover that got me into Deftones. I think it'll be interesting.

Interesting.... that LP linked u to Deftones. Never got into them myself but thats great for u!


Anyone see the track "[Stef]" on Hybrid Theory's 20th Anniversary Edition? Lol, it's a voice message from our boi...

I looked but did not see it in the tracklisting... am I blind or missing something??
Quote from: Vesanic on Oct 05, 2020, 12:04 AM
Linkin Park are releasing a 20th anniversary boxset for their classic Hybrid Theory. The reason I mention it here is the boxset includes a never-released live performance of the band where they played My Own Summer.

The Linkin Park cover of My Own Summer is pretty notorious and not a single performance of it was  released in professional quality before. It's also the cover that got me into Deftones. I think it'll be interesting.


Are they trying to lump themselves up with Deftones? Is it that important of a move to them to put a Steph message in as a track on a special record? Im not being a dick but cmon. Ive always kinda got that feeling that them and other bands try to be like that but Deftones try to keep their distance .... idk man


The Stef clip was out forever ago (a quick google tells me they put it out on their Hybrid Theory remix record in 2002). Really isn't anything to read into.
I could float here forever


Oh I didn't know that was on their 2002 album, I was just scrolling through the tracks and was like "Stef"? I forgot about By Mself! Lol, I just looked in my music library and there it is...

I was never that big of a LP fan, I like them don't get me wrong but not that hardcore like I am with Deftones... really not like that with ANY other band tbh. My gfs little sister is way into them but we were always def heads. I respect the band, I think they have some great music.

Still don't see that MOS cover on the 20th anniversary... must be a fancy European edition...


Quote from: Vesanic on Oct 10, 2020, 07:43 PM
The allergy to Linkin Park is a farce.

That voice message appears on their 2002 remix album "Reanimation", and is listed before the remix of "By Myself" and guess what...

Stephen plays on it.

Linkin Park and Deftones toured together twice.

Just because Chino got mad at Linkin Park once in 2003 doesn't make you cool for trying to diss them. Chino made Mike Shinoda listen to Eros for fuck's sake. Grow up.

??? Geez louizzzz


I think I was pretty clear that I wasn't sure it was more of a question and I guess I felt that way because I'm not into Lincoln Park whatsoever. It doesn't make me a cooler than you and I wasn't trying to be cool because that would be kind of weird considering I will never meet any of you and I don't need to impress you. I said I don't know man. Relax. Do you think if we were sitting at a table sitting across from each other you would have reacted like that? I don't think so


Quote from: Visionz on Oct 10, 2020, 10:39 PM
I think I was pretty clear that I wasn't sure it was more of a question and I guess I felt that way because I'm not into Lincoln Park whatsoever. It doesn't make me a cooler than you and I wasn't trying to be cool because that would be kind of weird considering I will never meet any of you and I don't need to impress you. I said I don't know man. Relax. Do you think if we were sitting at a table sitting across from each other you would have reacted like that? I don't think so

By the way I had no idea about Chango being mad at them, and I had no idea he asked Mike Shinoda for his ears. That explains that I don't watch every move everyone does. Especially if it Has to do with a band I don't listen to. And that's cool. I'm sure I like things you don't like but we both like Deftones.