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Deftones pictures, interviews, magazine scans.

Started by theis, May 01, 2010, 01:46 PM

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Quote from: sing blue silver on Jul 04, 2012, 02:47 PM
I bet that without even reading it I can predict it. It'll be 2 paragraphs that says basically "Deftones have completed recording the follow up to 2010's Diamond Eyes and hope to have it out fall this year. The album is yet untitled." followed by a quote from Chino about how it's dynamic, lush and reminds him of White Pony. There. I saved you from reading it.



Quote from: sing blue silver on Jul 04, 2012, 02:47 PM
I bet that without even reading it I can predict it. It'll be 2 paragraphs that says basically "Deftones have completed recording the follow up to 2010's Diamond Eyes and hope to have it out fall this year. The album is yet untitled." followed by a quote from Chino about how it's dynamic, lush and reminds him of White Pony. There. I saved you from reading it.

seems legit


Quote from: Vesanic on Jul 04, 2012, 02:44 PM

Venture inside the twisted minds of the bands on this year's Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Festival, including Slipknot, Slayer, Motörhead, Anthrax, As I Lay Dying, the Devil Wears Prada, Asking Alexandria, Whitechapel, Upon a Burning Body, I the Breather, and Dirtfedd. Plus, in honor of the tour's most extreme coheadliners yet, Revolver assembles our list of the most extreme rockers and bands of all time: From the issue's cover stars, Slipknot and Slayer, to Rammstein, Cannibal Corpse, and more!
- Linkin Park
- Hellyeah
- Dethklok, Lamb of God, and Gojira, on their upcoming tour
- Deftones
- Serj Tankian
- The Walking Dead
- Metal Mulisha founder and pro motocross rider Brian Deegan
- Baroness

PLUS: The Agonist, God Forbid, The Ghost Inside, Crucified Barbara, Davey Suicide, Nachtmystium, comic-book artist Greg Capullo,

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Quote from: cesar421 on Jul 06, 2012, 02:15 AM
Is that Magazine from July or August?

I'd say its the August issue.. meaning it should be on news stands now


Im listening the new Linkin Park album. it has only 1 good song. poppy but good. the rest is terrible.
Deftones doing great on those bands. Korn, Lb, Muse... Only Deftones is doing better.
Quote from: Vesanic
You used to call me on my cellphone

sing blue silver

 I coulda told you the new linkin park was garbage without ever hearing it. That band is based solely on being talentless bandwagon hoppers with no originality or creativity.


im not gonna give even a chance next time
Quote from: Vesanic
You used to call me on my cellphone


Quote from: sing blue silver on Jul 06, 2012, 03:22 PM
I coulda told you the new linkin park was garbage without ever hearing it. That band is based solely on being talentless bandwagon hoppers with no originality or creativity.

LOL their last album, my friend played it for me... if they didn't tell me it was Linkin Park.. I would never have known. It was just a bunch of sounds... with words.


Quote from: iceache on Jul 06, 2012, 05:31 PM

LOL their last album, my friend played it for me... if they didn't tell me it was Linkin Park.. I would never have known. It was just a bunch of sounds... with words and without guitar&drums

Quote from: Vesanic
You used to call me on my cellphone


From the latest issue of Revolver Magazine

'Roller Derby' and 'Flashback' tentative tracks names
Searching the machine might reveal what you don't want to know



i'm really scared actually, hopefully the sound scape is much deeper and layered than diamond eyes


Chino playing guitar in 10 of 13 songs, hmm
Gentleman, you can't fight in here! This the War Room!!


Quote from: vinsanity on Jul 10, 2012, 10:09 AM
Chino playing guitar in 10 of 13 songs, hmm

Atleast it prevents him from dancing like in HITE :D Nah he seems quite fluent with the guitar nowadays, but don't expect them to bring the heavy shit back, though :(


Even if its not Adrenaline or AtF heavy, it's still going to be heavy as fuck. I have faith in them 100%. I do find it hilarious that Chino doesn't know what the lyrics are about. I can see it now... Interviewer- "Chino can you explain the meaning behind the song Roller Derby?"... long pause...Chino- *shrugs shoulders*.... Interviewer- "Ummmmm ok then"


This sounds great.
Everything sounds great about this album.

So 3 months to go ha?
Quote from: Vesanic
You used to call me on my cellphone


"The heaviest song on the yet untitled record is tentatively called Roller Derby and it's fueled by caprenter's rugged 8 string guitar work and multiple tempo shifts"

"Moreno compares it to Rocket Skates on Diamond Eyes"

chino in 10 out 13 songs, sounds like soft songs or "pussy songs" like the man himself calls them. but when they play royal or combat for example, steph and chino simultaneously work together with their guitars so it can still be kinda heavy -  a song could go either way if you look at that description alone. he did mention 2 songs and the sound of them but what i'm curious about is how many songs are "heavy" and what general feeling,to him, this record gives as a whole. is it as optimistic as d.e or did it ran off in another direction? still, i'm happy about not knowing. it's a cool move from chino to mostly focus on the song writing instead of the sound of the record as a whole when the "explain the music" question was popped . keeps it interesting in a not knowing way. for me anyway. thanks for posting this!


it's kinda weird to know chino write lyrics that he didn't know what it is about. he's totally stoned while writing the lyrics lol