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The Deftones Interview -- ''Creep Show'

Started by Sugartolove, Dec 17, 2009, 12:25 AM

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Edit: Can you delete this please? I didn't see the other post - sorry, my bad  :)

Hmm... Quite interesting interview - Chino seems very candid, like he used to be back in the day.

Some key points: (more or less accurate transcripts from a non English person)

....the best music that we make, is when Steph, you know like the main foundation of the songs are coming from Stephen, you know, and I'll be straight up honest about that because you know.. although I do like to write some of the music, the music that I write is obviously it's a little bit more on the mid tempo, you know, slower kinda stuff and more mellow type of stuff, which you know, I think is cool for some parts.. aspects of our music but the.. I think the foundation of our music stems from the aggressive stuff that Stephen brings to the table....  

...We also worked with this producer, this guy, Nick Raskulinecz.... who somebody knew and we brought into the team, and he actually is a producer producer, like he was there during the writing process, and we've never had that, with somebody who's in during the writing process....

....My favourite record from us is probably Around the fur upto now, I mean, that record , kinda for the same reason, it was written and recorded in 4 months, uhhh... which is probably the fastest record we've made but uhh.. like really focused, like an easy, fun record to make, and I haven't had that since then, and this record totally had that feel to it, Like I said, it's a lot more aggressive...

RELEASE DATE OF UNTITLED ALBUM from Chino: April 27 - Estimated funds raised from Auction: $50.000 Estimated funds raised from live shows: $50.000


Thanks Heidi but a topic about it is already open.


Yeah I noticed AFTER I posted it - sorry, my bad  :)
Delete please?