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White Pony is "the first great metal album of the 21st century." -The A.V. Club

Started by Inkblades, Nov 19, 2009, 12:16 AM

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No More Sugar

QuoteSome one tell me shut up.

Far away

Quote from: Inkblades on Nov 19, 2009, 12:16 AM,35509/

Of course they are wrong about anything before ATF being "shaky", but still pretty cool nonetheless.

i agree bro

"and with a tight sound that Deftones never achieved before and never would again"
lol right


This article is flawed from the headline on....White pony, a metal album?
The dude meant well, I'm sure.
But no bueno.
We'll stop to rest on the moon, and we'll make fire.
I'll steal a carcass for you, and feed off the virus.


Quote from: Nathan on Dec 02, 2009, 11:50 AM
This article is flawed from the headline on....White pony, a metal album?
The dude meant well, I'm sure.
But no bueno.

What's wrong ?


Quote from: Vesanic on Dec 02, 2009, 12:00 PM
Quote from: Nathan on Dec 02, 2009, 11:50 AM
This article is flawed from the headline on....White pony, a metal album?
The dude meant well, I'm sure.
But no bueno.

What's wrong ?

wp too soft to be called metal


Quote from: Vesanic
You used to call me on my cellphone


I adore White Pony.
Calling it a non-metal album is not an insult at all.
Isn't that what makes it great (that you can't easily pin it in any single category)?
It is for me.

To me, White Pony marked the band's birth into what they really are, not the death of what they were.
We'll stop to rest on the moon, and we'll make fire.
I'll steal a carcass for you, and feed off the virus.

No More Sugar

White Pony is definitely an experimental album, and i guess it did bring them from being just another metal band to something more complex and deep, however it's still metal to me...Elite, Korea, Passenger...
QuoteSome one tell me shut up.


Quote from: Nathan on Dec 03, 2009, 12:54 PM
I adore White Pony.
Calling it a non-metal album is not an insult at all.
dude, im talkin about the article
Quote from: Vesanic
You used to call me on my cellphone

Far away

Quote from: Nathan on Dec 03, 2009, 12:54 PM
Isn't that what makes it great (that you can't easily pin it in any single category)?
It is for me.


thats exactly why Deftones are different.. its hard as fuck to classify what they play.. and i hope they keep like that.


Quote from: jesusinabowlofdirt on Dec 02, 2009, 12:04 PM
Quote from: Vesanic on Dec 02, 2009, 12:00 PM
Quote from: Nathan on Dec 02, 2009, 11:50 AM
This article is flawed from the headline on....White pony, a metal album?
The dude meant well, I'm sure.
But no bueno.

What's wrong ?

wp too soft to be called metal

'elite' and 'korea' cant be decsribed as anything but metal

'Feiteceira' is too dark too be called soft.


i would agree its the last great alternative album...considering the whole 'alternative metal' tag..



Quote from: No More Sugar on Dec 03, 2009, 03:33 PM
White Pony is definitely an experimental album, and i guess it did bring them from being just another metal band to something more complex and deep, however it's still metal to me...Elite, Korea, Passenger...

2 metal songs out of 12 isnt a metal album,sorry. (passenger is a little too mellow too be called metal)

Quote from: Jizzlobber on Dec 04, 2009, 07:24 AM
['elite' and 'korea' cant be decsribed as anything but metal

'Feiteceira' is too dark too be called soft.


lots of bands play dark AND soft music. no contradicton there.


yeah white pony scored a top 20 metal albums of the decade in metalsucks too,. the good thing is that the ranking is made by people on the industry.

though im having a hard time putting the band in the "metal" category.

No More Sugar

QuoteSome one tell me shut up.

chick de la lynch

I remember reading that not too long ago. A lot of what they put on their "Best of the Decade" lists don't belong there, but I'm happy to see them owing credit where it's due.


that little article about deftones actually pissed me off

to say adrenaline is shaky is plain retarded.. the album may leave you shaking, but it certainly wont be your head, and the music is not shaky

anyway. white pony also is not the bands best album. it was their biggest commercial success, and a great album. but to say that it is hands down their best album would be like saying dark side of the moon is hands down pink floyds best record, when really it was just the biggest commercial success

its really all about taste. but the guy who wrote the article about deftones obviously shouldnt be make a heavy metal list if he thinks that white pony is where deftones only nailed it. most true metal fans stopped liking deftones when WP was released.. luckily im not a metal head

I'm Not Here.
This Isn't Happening.


White Pony was their best album, to me. Although I recognize that it's not the album that sounds Deftonish the most.


I think the only reason that the "is it, isn't it" debate is even going on is due to the final mix. If you listen to the tracks as they were before that, they are way heavier than the previous two records. The production was influenced by the mix on MBV's Loveless album, the music on which, is really, and intentionally, muddy, or as Chino put it, "coked out."

Regardless of what genre we may try and put it into, I think we can all agree, it is a fucking stellar record. And there is no "deftonish" sound within the context of their own catalogue.
never odd or even

No More Sugar

honestly if you wanna get into a discussion about heavyness, i'd say the list would go like this in my opinion:

adrenaline and around the fur = top dogs. if i had to pick between the'd be a rough battle...but i'd say around the fur just for the fact that it's pretty much a constant heavy minus mascara and be quiet and drive(which is just an overall perfect song in my opinion so it's excluded because it's just as heavy as lotion for it's lyrical content and feel AS WELL as the music being pretty heavier than mascara.) adrenaline is just fucking heavy all the way through. no stopping...but when compared to around the fur, my level of head nodding comes up just an inch shorter.
with Lovers coming in close second.
Saturday Night Wrist following that
and White Pony being the latter, right above B-sides.

either way all of their albums have a distinct feel about them, and this debate is kind of dumb in my eyes, because in 2000...idk to be honest, but i bet you there was a "better metal album" than white pony released that year. alot of good albums actually came out that year, so it's hard to specify exactly.

@unframed - honestly maybe i'm just late or something, but I've never heard of any scrapped tracks from white pony. i'm assuming i'm incorrect, as i don't believe you'd just spit that statement out there without some truth behind it, so if i may, could someone list these tracks for me, and if it's possible give me a link to download or listen to them online?

@Fireal - I completely agree with you. It's not their best album in ANY regard. No album (in my opinion) is the best, because i listen to them all on complete repeat day in and day out...(on days where i feel like i NEED the deftones..which is quite often.)
QuoteSome one tell me shut up.