Sharing Lungs - Deftones Online Community

Why The Fuck!?

Started by No More Sugar, Nov 12, 2009, 07:58 PM

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shine down unshy

Quote from: Vesanic on Nov 12, 2009, 10:10 PM
Gotta admit that I always appreciated Shine's attitude. Never got anything bad with that dude. But gotta also admit that this reaction towards No More Sugar was maybe too much...

I won't lie.  I'm bored, and he's easy-mode.  Anyway, I feel sort of bad now because I just totally derailed his topic-train.  Please, ignore me and continue with the awesome discussion.

Quote from: jesusinabowlofdirt on Nov 12, 2009, 10:10 PM
Quote from: shine down unshy on Nov 12, 2009, 10:07 PM
And you're seriously pairing me up with jesusinabowlofdirt?  That dude is a bigger asshole than me

hey! i resent that!


Hey, no hard feelings.  I was just trying to get my point across.  ;)



regarding the beefs... after all.. this is a deftones board.. and deftones is a band that play music which is full of emotion... and the people who appreciates that kind of emotion is sensitive people with lot of emotion within them,so of course its gonna be blood sweat and tears when they gather here! 
and we wouldnt want to have it any other way

No More Sugar

Quote from: shine down unshy on Nov 12, 2009, 10:07 PM

Quote from: No More Sugar on Nov 12, 2009, 09:52 PM
@Shine Down Unshy - This is the last thing i'm gonna say about this: People like you are the reason I'm afraid to go out at night. Childish, Ignorant, and just plain annoying. Do the world a favor and install a zipper on your face.[/i]

Dude I hardly fuck with anyone on this board, I'm an observant person, but you seriously take the bitch-cake when it comes to being a pussy ass whiny fanboy.

Join the army, become a ninja or something -- quick.   You won't last in this world for too long with that sort of mentality.

And you're seriously pairing me up with jesusinabowlofdirt?  That dude is a bigger asshole than me.  At least my picking on you is somewhat justified by your lack of rationality.

Well, maybe if you would learn to keep your fucking mouth shut, I'd leave the bitch-cake for you to eat. I hate people who have to cut someone else's throat every chance they get just for a few laughs. That's bitch-cake for your ass. I don't find either of you funny, and no...your initial response to this thread was very unjustified. You simply thought I made a stupid topic, and just wanted to look a little cooler by coming up with something clever. Inkblades decided to open his mouth because apparently my question wasn't good enough for the thread that I i said, you're all a bunch of elitists in your own stupid fucking ways
QuoteSome one tell me shut up.

samson simpson

i actually see why older members when i joined this board hated me ..

that RHYMED!!!111....

god this board is going down...


Dear No More Sugar,

The ridiculousness of your statements and the amount of ignorance you convey is almost mindblowing. But I mean...your just a normal guy like everyone else. Ya know?

Seriously man, get the spiked dildo out of your ass.

No More Sugar

I'm really not uptight at all, I just find it ridiculous that people who are older than me have less than a second grade mentality. Of course I feel like I didn't join this board like 8 months ago, and yet more and more people are still coming into my threads to tell me how stupid I am when I haven't really said anything THAT stupid, rather than to just continue the thread as it should be.
QuoteSome one tell me shut up.

samson simpson

Quote from: No More Sugar on Nov 12, 2009, 11:37 PM
I'm really not uptight at all, I just find it ridiculous that people who are older than me have less than a second grade mentality. Of course I feel like I didn't join this board like 8 months ago, and yet more and more people are still coming into my threads to tell me how stupid I am when I haven't really said anything THAT stupid, rather than to just continue the thread as it should be.

then why do you care at all ?



No it isn't.

btw, awesome thread.  good points on both sides...or maybe I'm just a pussy two-faced milquetoast.
good day to you all. and may your water supplies be laced with a constant supply of opium and THC, rendering you too apathetic to sweat and nitpick about the small insignificant/irrelevant shit. "it don't mean nuthin". the firewater and caffeine overheats your nervous system, sparking the flame of your anger.
basically, chill the fuck oooooouuuuuutt.  or not, and keep the thread interesting, lol...


Motherfucking racists.


Quote from: No More Sugar on Nov 12, 2009, 08:48 PM
Quote from: Inkblades on Nov 12, 2009, 08:37 PM
Don't get sand in your vagina. It's a fairly intruiging topic, but the question you would ask them is just kind of inconsequential. There are literally dozens of questions that would be better to ask.

Oh man....SHUT UP. GOD.  all you had to do was post a "better" question, and not tell me my fucking question is inconsequential. Do you really find it necessary to belittle everyone who doesn't do something quite to your standards you nazi shit? I don't give a fuck what you think, so don't share your fucking opinion with me if it has to do with bringing me down. this is one thing all of you fucks need to learn. you all think your fucking elite and your just fucking ripe. quit trying to be the biggest fucking clever asshole(like shine down unshy as an example) and just be nice to one another, jesus fucking christ. God damn it's like your all dying of boredom or something.

If i ever got to talk to him, yes, I'd be myself...I curse alot...So yeah, I might. I'm not gonna treat him like a fucking god like most of you would, he's just a normal person who's in a band. Big fucking deal. My band wasn't even big, and girls and guys used to come up to me after a show and be like "Dude your so fucking awesome how do you scream like that!?!?!" or "Wow your so hot! we should go out sometime!" and i'm just like....i gotta go...because i'm just a normal person, not looking for any special treatment.

I did plan on posting a bunch of better questions, but unfortunately I had to be somewhere. Now I can. Ready?

1. Why was there never a studio version of Bumble D?
2. Why was there never a studio version of Finger of Death?
3. Why was Entertain Me scrapped?
4. When will we hear the lead single?
5. When can we expect the new album?
6. Can you describe some of the songs off of the new album?
7. Can you describe some of the songs off of Eros?
8. What's the difference between working with Chi and working with Sergio?
9. Will there be any piano playing on the new album?
10. What's your favorite song you guys have written?
11. Will you ever play AOAUE live? Moana? Riviere?
12. Will the new album have any songs about/dedicated to Chi?
13. Do you plan to revive any of the Ezrin demos?
14. Is M83 on the new album?

It was just funny to me that there was so many ways you could go with that but instead you are telling them you think they could have improved one of their songs. Do you know how fucking smug that is? They would laugh you out of the room. There is a reason they are the Deftones and you aren't. Now, to be fair, I have criticized certain parts in their songs, but I wouldn't say it to their face. That's just kind of disrespectful to me. All of the positive stuff you can say to them about the amazing music they have created, and instead you are nitpicking some little detail. It wasn't about the cursing specifically. And it's not a "They are gods" mentality I have. I realize they are normal people, but fuck, show them a little respect. You keep ranting that we are belittling you, but really I find your queston belittling to Deftones.


Quote from: Vesanic on Nov 12, 2009, 08:53 PM
Without any hesitation:

Why the fuck have you guys never played Pink Maggit live, whereas you played its demo from late 1998 to late 1999 and even played its ending once in 2001 ? Is there any bad story related to it ?

They have played Pink Maggit live... the full version, from start to finish... 5.24.00 Petaluma, CA... I was there, Chino smashed his guitar in the middle of the song.  I have a hazy pic of Chino singing the end of the song, its not really any proof, but it was taken while they were playing the song.  It was the last song, they closed with Head Up & Pink Maggit. 


Quote1. Why was there never a studio version of Bumble D?
2. Why was there never a studio version of Finger of Death?
3. Why was Entertain Me scrapped?
4. When will we hear the lead single?
5. When can we expect the new album?
6. Can you describe some of the songs off of the new album?
7. Can you describe some of the songs off of Eros?
8. What's the difference between working with Chi and working with Sergio?
9. Will there be any piano playing on the new album?
10. What's your favorite song you guys have written?
11. Will you ever play AOAUE live? Moana? Riviere?
12. Will the new album have any songs about/dedicated to Chi?
13. Do you plan to revive any of the Ezrin demos?
14. Is M83 on the new album?

every sinlge one of these questions is hella valid.

and to answer the first question of this silly thread: maybe they did it because it was "artsy"/creative/it just felt right...?

Motherfucking racists.


Why 'The Fuck'? Why is your new album called 'The Fuck'?




1. Why was there never a studio version of Bumble D? (cuz we dont like it)
2. Why was there never a studio version of Finger of Death? (cuz we didnt release it)
3. Why was Entertain Me scrapped? (its about the company, ask to maverick)
4. When will we hear the lead single? (soon)
5. When can we expect the new album? (2010 winter)
6. Can you describe some of the songs off of the new album? (its like white pony / it sounds like Rocket Skates)
7. Can you describe some of the songs off of Eros? (the songs are sound like White Pony songs)
8. What's the difference between working with Chi and working with Sergio? (Chi is our friend, sergio helps us as friend, we are there as a band..theres no difference but of course we want chi back)
9. Will there be any piano playing on the new album? (no, some part of FYIHYD was in Eros.)
10. What's your favorite song you guys have written? (the heaviest song ever )
11. Will you ever play AOAUE live? Moana? Riviere? (Its about the concept, fans wanna hear more energic songs at concerts)
12. Will the new album have any songs about/dedicated to Chi? (there are a few songs that we influce from chi's situation)
13. Do you plan to revive any of the Ezrin demos? (that was our demos, ezrin didnt play that songs, but the answer is no)
14. Is M83 on the new album? (haha, no)
Quote from: Vesanic
You used to call me on my cellphone



And I actually kind of know the answer to #2. I would change that to "Is FOD on either Eros or the new one?"


they do answer question 2,3 at the hefe interview:

2:15 - about entertain me, 5:00 - finger of death.

they have played moana live. i love that song but it didnt turn out good live. not  the version i got anyway


Quote from: Derek79 on Nov 13, 2009, 02:35 AM

They have played Pink Maggit live... the full version, from start to finish... 5.24.00 Petaluma, CA... I was there, Chino smashed his guitar in the middle of the song.  I have a hazy pic of Chino singing the end of the song, its not really any proof, but it was taken while they were playing the song.  It was the last song, they closed with Head Up & Pink Maggit. 

Dude... You are one of the luckiest bastards ever. I hate you. Much respect, though. What was it like ? What did it sound like ? Were the guys involved ? Any passion in the performance ?

EDIT: please upload that pic.

EDIT 2: Damn... Just googled about this show, take a look at the setlist:

Be Quiet and Drive (Far Away)
My Own Summer (Shove it)
Change (In the House of Flies)
Digital Bath
Rx queen
Around the Fur
Street Carp

Passenger/Pink Maggit




Quote from: Inkblades on Nov 13, 2009, 07:52 AM

And I actually kind of know the answer to #2. I would change that to "Is FOD on either Eros or the new one?"

i think it would be a rare song...something like lovers i guess
Quote from: Vesanic
You used to call me on my cellphone


Quote from: Vesanic
You used to call me on my cellphone


Quote from: el perro on Nov 12, 2009, 09:24 PM
Vesanis, they played a bit of pink maggit in 01? There a vid you could link me to?
