Sharing Lungs - Deftones Online Community

Are Deftones Your Favorite Band ?

Started by Fireal1222, Sep 03, 2009, 07:28 AM

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i voted No.

if you asked me five years ago i would have said yes. but my musical tastes have heavily changed since. although i still love the band. they arent my favorite.

i just want an idea of how many of you guys like them the most.

post what you voted. just so we know who voted what.

I'm Not Here.
This Isn't Happening.


I voted yes because of all the history I have with them, all the shows, good times, meetings with fans, meeting with them, etc. And of course cause I like their music a lot.

And my musical tastes are too wide today anyway for me to be able to pick a definitive favourite band other than them anyway...

If ignorance is bliss, then knock the smile off my face.

4th Eye

Voted no. Never quite reached the top spot. And nowadays I tend not to rank bands, just liking the one I'm listening to at that moment.


yes, they're still my favorite. though i have my gripes lately, 8-10 years ago i had no complaints. stephen needs to step outside his style and get as technical as he can on this next record, but i highly doubt he will. he's just gotten too predictable with what he plays. and chino my god, how do you let yourself go that badly? i'm straight, but i know he was a handsome fella in his prime, a pimp. i just find it beyond bizzare that he looks like this now. unrecognizable if i time traveled from 10 years ago, i would laugh at you and tell you that's not him. he's still my fav singer though, and they STILL help me chop wood. i'm still on the bandwagon hardcore, and i'v seen tons of people fall off

and for the people who used to call them their fav but not now, who is your fav now?


Quote from: tarkil on Sep 03, 2009, 07:47 AM
I voted yes because of all the history I have with them, all the shows, good times, meetings with fans, meeting with them, etc. And of course cause I like their music a lot.

And my musical tastes are too wide today anyway for me to be able to pick a definitive favourite band other than them anyway...

!!! Nothing to add ...



I voted no. The deftones definitely the Greatest band in the World, i live with deftones for 9 years and for 9 years support the russian deftones' fan site But... i more love an electronic stuff like Klaus Schulze, Tangerine Dream, Schiller etc.

But once again i wait for the new deftones' album!!! Like everybody here, no matters if you voted yes or no. I think...


There are some things I listen to which I consider not my favourite, but on the whole yes, especially when I go to a concert or when I put ATF on. Like someone else said though, I don't tend to rank bands I just go through rotations and I guess Deftones rotate in there the most.

What do I have on now??? Hmm American Head Charge or Lily Allen.




I love them, but they're not my favorite. That spot belongs to dredg.




yes, histories, good times, bad times, lots of alcohol and weed and friends, ex girlfriends, cover bands, influences,concerts,  its like a fuckin real drug
more than half of my life i´ve heard them, and its feels so good



no. i don't think about music in that way anymore. but back in the day they surely used to be my favourite band.


Quote from: illmono on Sep 03, 2009, 02:35 PM
yes, histories, good times, bad times, lots of alcohol and weed and friends, ex girlfriends, cover bands, influences,concerts,  its like a fuckin real drug
more than half of my life i´ve heard them, and its feels so good


totally agree
Deftones as a life


Quote from: penguin in the desert on Sep 03, 2009, 12:26 PM
I love them, but they're not my favorite. That spot belongs to dredg.
what about incubus?

"coming into the nearness of distance"


dredg has slowly been taking the top spot, hehe. but yeah, incubus is a close second :)


Quote from: Hidalgo on Sep 03, 2009, 09:32 AM
yes, they're still my favorite. though i have my gripes lately, 8-10 years ago i had no complaints. stephen needs to step outside his style and get as technical as he can on this next record, but i highly doubt he will. he's just gotten too predictable with what he plays. and chino my god, how do you let yourself go that badly? i'm straight, but i know he was a handsome fella in his prime, a pimp. i just find it beyond bizzare that he looks like this now. unrecognizable if i time traveled from 10 years ago, i would laugh at you and tell you that's not him. he's still my fav singer though, and they STILL help me chop wood. i'm still on the bandwagon hardcore, and i'v seen tons of people fall off

and for the people who used to call them their fav but not now, who is your fav now?

if i had to choose. id say "god is an astronaut" is my favorite band

I'm Not Here.
This Isn't Happening.


My favorite tends to change a bit.  I'm sure if you were to ask me this question the day their new record drops I would say yes, but as of now, no.


yes, deftones is my favorite although there are many other bands who come close but to me they are the shit, from melodies to chino's harmonic voice and chi's powerfull shouts, fucking chingon