Sharing Lungs - Deftones Online Community

i have no reason for posting this except that it makes me chuckle

Started by occipudding, Jan 29, 2008, 07:47 AM

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OH MY GOD! He posted a picture outside of the picture thread.  I vote for a temp ban.  All in favor?



well i feel like a jackass now.  i forgot there was a picture thread.  whatever.  it still makes me chuckle.  why is it a red x now though?  or am i just gonna feel like a jackass again when i get the answer..............
machete!  meow


I would guess that the server you used to host the pic is fucked up, or deleted it.  I dont know.  And I dont really care that you posted a picture outside of the picture thread.  To me that just means you want to talk about the pic instead of have it breezed by real quick.  But beware, there are internet nazis around here.