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Can Video Games Be Art?

Started by oldgentlovecraft, Oct 10, 2010, 12:29 PM

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Lately I've been seeing academic articles, from my students, arguing for and against video games as works of art. It poses as an interesting question. Can they be art? What's the definition of art?  If they aren't, or won't be considered as works of art, where is the cutoff? Some people have argued that games contain artistic moments, or are on the cusp of becoming art, but still are not actual works of art. Or that because games react and often change depending up the actions of the players that they are incapable of becoming art. I'm only posting this because I'm curious and know we have quite a few gamers here. What do you think?  Post examples if there are games that support your opinion.




Well.. art is massively subjective. I usually see art as any expression with any form of creativity. Some forms of science seem like art to me, so video games definitely can be art. It's all about taste too - for example, if you will be looking at "recreating reality" art (thing about realism in painting or photography), games with amazing visual qualities could be considered art per se - attempting to recreate reality. 3D animation IS art. Of course, it always depends on quality/uniqueness and all the other factors that influence authenticity of ANY kind of art.

For me Portal is somewhat art-sy, because it has this amazing idea and creativity within itself. But that's just my regular guess. I'd say that games like Mass Effect are a form of art - first of all, there is the fictional part of the game (writing script = art?), then there is the visual creative part (creating worlds, objects, colors, etc), music. Video games is definitely a form of art.

I have played some games that had incredible aesthetic value to them (sorry, no names in my brain right now), and very indie, and just very art-sy.

bright lights, big city

I normally think of video games as art when it is something unique and original. The more I think about it, though, I would have to also throw in games that create expressions or some sort of emotion from the player. Portal and a music game called Rez (look it up if you haven't heard it) are great examples, but also horror games that create fear or tension like Dead Space and Resident Evil 1 & 2. Playing those by yourself at night is an experience. You've also got games that are just beautiful like Shadow of the Colossus and Okami.

Bioshock is a great example of art with its underwater environment and its insane portrayal of a 'utopian' society. I would also say games Fallout 3, Fable, and Mass Effect where you really care about certain characters, as well as completely disliking other characters and having the option to decide their fate.

Quote from: rock_n_frost
Bright Lights !..Why the fuck are you so damn awesome? Cant you be a piece of shit sometimes?


Great examples, guys. I have been playing tons of Bioshock (both) lately and feel that both could be considered art. But, there's a debate as to whether or not the games themselves can be art, since all of the elements that are artistic stand as separate entities. For example, Bioshock takes music, existing architectural styles, and a well written script to pull everything together. I'd say that as a whole it is art, and that each element is also art. What about a game like Manhunt? Or GTA?

bright lights, big city

I would say definitely, especially since I agree that a well-written script for a video game equals art. GTA series has that, and is also the original "open-world" series that everyone else copies nowadays. Might as well add in Red Dead as well then. Rockstar Games in general, actually, has original, creative, and well-written stories in their games.

Quote from: rock_n_frost
Bright Lights !..Why the fuck are you so damn awesome? Cant you be a piece of shit sometimes?

Sea Bass

Pixeljunk series is pure art.


devil may cry 3 and 4 is beyond art...bayonetta too
Quote from: Vesanic
You used to call me on my cellphone


Quote from: oldgentlovecraft on Oct 11, 2010, 04:12 PM
Great examples, guys. I have been playing tons of Bioshock (both) lately and feel that both could be considered art. But, there's a debate as to whether or not the games themselves can be art, since all of the elements that are artistic stand as separate entities. For example, Bioshock takes music, existing architectural styles, and a well written script to pull everything together. I'd say that as a whole it is art, and that each element is also art. What about a game like Manhunt? Or GTA?

Well it depends.  Do you consider storytelling art?  Is a good literature also art?  If so, then sure, GTA can be considered art.  I personally wouldn't put any of the GTA games on that pedestal aside from part 4.  As for Manhunt, just no.

black coffee

Games like Deus Ex and Outcast come to mind there.

I know Deus Ex is a 1st person shooter, but there are multiple scenarios for the game to end, depending what choices you make in the game.

Outcast on the other hand is probably the least linear game that was released in the year 1999 and before that. Of course this was perfected in newer games like Far Cry or Crysis, but for the time being and then-future of video games, it had a pioneering role.
The attention to detail is just ridiculous, starting with the soundtrack by the Moscow Symphony Orchestra, the funny dialogues, the revolutionary AI and graphic engine. Too bad the game didn't sell well, due to the fact that the game was too cpu-demanding for the time, and not many people had computers that could perform the game well enough.


bright lights, big city


Quote from: rock_n_frost
Bright Lights !..Why the fuck are you so damn awesome? Cant you be a piece of shit sometimes?


bright lights, big city

then i am one of the greatest artists on the planet.

Quote from: rock_n_frost
Bright Lights !..Why the fuck are you so damn awesome? Cant you be a piece of shit sometimes?


Video games are art... and I seriously maybe play a video game once every 3 months if that.

It's the ultimate experience as you get to interact with it. So video games are really just interactive art.

Some of my biggest inspirations have been from video game art.


i used to make video games, it's definitely art... think about it, each model is a 3d work of art, just like a sculpture, and then its texture (the "skin") is literally a drawing, painting, whatever... then combined with the landscape and level, there's no question it's art... i would go as far as to say that's a stupid question even, it's totally art... no question about it...
Check out my soundcloud/ facebook page with some music...


Because people have to come up with an idea, plan it, draw it, discuss it, code it, test it, etc.

They have to be original and imaginative, which are the foundations of creating art.

If you look at the process of making games, it's not as easy as it seems. There is a long period before they actually start programming. Look at the production notes of any game company and you'll see how many sketches and storyboards had to be done. You'll be amazed.

I think most people see art as a solitary activity rather than a group one and that there is a stigma attached to anything computer generated which is why they look down on video games.