Sharing Lungs - Deftones Online Community

Challenge: Recognize Deftones lyrics only by basic words like the/this/to/you

Started by krook, Dec 25, 2016, 01:35 PM

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Only the most devoted fans can nail this!

How it works: you're given the first lines of 20 Deftones songs. Most of the words are replaced with hyphens.
The number of hyphens matches the number of letters of the word, e.g. ---- means a four letter word.
Apostrophes don't count, i.e. "she's" is shown as 4 hyphens, not 5.

It might seem impossible at first, but if you know all Deftones lyrics you will do it with ease, no sweat!

EDIT: I tried to take the quiz I created five minutes ago and couldn't name half of the songs, lol. The quiz was actually too hard so I've made it a bit easier by adding more words. Hope it's all right now.
EDIT2: Forgot to make the quiz available for others. When it's in the test mode, only the author can access it. What's wrong with me today
I hate White Pony.
