Sharing Lungs - Deftones Online Community

Velvet Hammer Blog

Started by buddyboy101, Feb 28, 2009, 03:07 AM

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Everyone has a favorite band. And like most things so near and dear to our hearts, it's a matter that escapes rationalization. You can try to surround the feeling with words, but they usually fall short.

For many reasons, I fell in love with the sound of the Deftones almost ten years ago. I casually read in Circus Magazine (R.I.P.) that the band was doing some left-field stuff with White Pony. As a freshman in high school, I wasn't sure what that meant, but I ultimately picked up the album on a whim to find out.

"Feiticeira" hit, and I haven't been the same since. I soon worked my way through the band's catalog and was surprised by the quality and style. I know some of the songs are jarring and heavy, but they always retained such melody, mood, and beauty - not your typical "metal" adjectives.

The years passed and my interest in the band only increased. As I finished college, I started to plan a future that would hopefully involve an experience with the Deftones. The problem, however, was glaring – how the hell do you work for your favorite band? And not just any band – these guys are legendary veterans in the industry; Grammy-award winners; platinum selling musicians! They didn't know my face, let alone my name. In their world, I didn't exist.

The plan was to somehow sell the band on the idea of having me on the road with them in any capacity. Honestly I didn't care if I was scrubbing toilets. I just wanted to be involved and to help. But more ideally, I imagined documenting one of their future tours through a tour blog. In late 2006, I began crafting a mach site and over-excitedly showed it to the band at a meet and greet in Boston. Chino told me he liked the idea and to "keep in touch." "GREAT!!!" I exclaimed in my head before wondering how to keep in touch with a rock star. It's not like he had a Facebook account...

And here's where Velvet Hammer stepped in. I had read that the Deftones were managed by a shrewd fellow who went by the name of "Beno." And upon some Googling, I came across his email address. I wrote him a letter proposing the tour blog idea. After some extreme persistence, Beno put me in touch with Mark, who evaluated my idea with Graham. In March I visited their office in LA, pitched the idea in person, and sweat a bucket and a half. As fellow Deftones fans, Mark and Graham were into the idea and thought it meshed well with the label's imminent deal with YouTube. They pitched the idea to the band and before I knew it I was a member of the Deftones road crew during the summer of 2007!

I was absolutely shocked about the opportunity ahead. I was also on guard. The adage of "never meet your idols" echoed through my skull in anticipation of working for the band. No longer were these guys merely my favorite band – they were my employers. The what-if's finally quelled when Chino casually approached me at the band's rehearsal with, "What's up, man, I'm Chino." I soon learned the nature of the Deftones. Behind all the mystique and image are a bunch of fun-loving, good-hearted dudes. They're some of the most genuine people I've ever met. Especially Chi. I distinctly remember him waking up early every morning to check in with the crew during load-in. He'd greet everyone personally and inquire about their well-being. He always asked to see the photos I shot, and invited me to stay with him at his home when we did some work in Sac. Rarely do you meet someone with such a gentle, strong spirit.

Stephen is also unlike any other person I have ever met. He's an incredibly intelligent person with a top-notch personality and outlook on life. His attitude is that you have the ability to never be bored. If you're bored, it's your fault and it's up to you to do something about it. Likewise, Abe is an absolute gem. He's one of the most animated people in the world and full of jokes and laughs. I also remember being surprised by how much he cared about his live performance. He was always intensely focused and entrenched in the show. Frank is also an extremely genuine person. Frank's presence in real life is similar to his presence in the music – subdued but powerful. He's not a loud-mouth and when he speaks, it's important...or entertaining! And finally, there's Chino. Chino has a way of connecting with everyone he meets and making them feel like they're the only one in the room. When he's into an idea, he's consumed by it and devoted 100%.

So what did I see on the road? What happens after the show? Debauchery, right? Not really. In fact, they do the same things you and I do at the end of the day – unwind with a drink, watch a movie, and listen to music. There were no trashed dressing rooms or such nonsense. Instead there were BBQs, hang-outs, and chillin'. If you're wondering what was spinning, I remember a lot of Mr. Bungle, Meshuggah, Perry Como, Vince Guaraldi, Dirty Three, Crime in Choir, Trail of Dead, Couch, and Prince. During the day, the guys kept busy. Stephen woke up at dawn every morning to golf. It didn't matter what corner of the country we were in – he would golf every day. That's dedication! Chi spent a lot of time reading and checking out book stores. Chino would scope the sights and sounds of each city on his skateboard. And at night, Frank and Abe were always the life of the proverbial party.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention the crew. The folks working for the Deftones are some of the most talented, dedicated people in the industry. They're well-respected veterans and have hearts of pure gold. They will be my friends for life, and I'm honored to have gotten close to many of them. And this goes for the entire Deftones camp – not only is everyone good at what they do, they're good people. Velvet Hammer, Warner, and the Tones family/friends all share this wonderful energy, which says so much about the band.

I'm sorry this got long. But how do you put this sort of experience into words?! It's been a blessing in my life for a couple of reasons – for one, I've become friends with my favorite band, and I've met some incredible people as a result. But even more important, it's taught me that anything is possible with determination and persistence. It sounds trite, but this was a living example. This is not the part where I get preachy and tell you to get out there and live your dream. At the end of the day, happiness is internal and self-triggering. But if you have an idea lingering in your head, move forward with it! Or else you'll never know. And should you have the chance, meet your idols.


Also, Velvet Hammer is having a Deftones/Bamboozle fly-out contest...complete with a Deftones VIP experience:



that was great! i like your sig btw
"I bet I could throw a football over those mountains"
"Be like Cyn"
Quote from: Variable on May 31, 2008, 09:58 PM
I fucking love Brad Pitt




and Goldie, I like that sig too..




They listen to mr bungle? Pure sex
Quote from: Penicks on Mar 01, 2009, 06:31 PM
damn great read.



Motherfucking racists.