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Bullshit Thread #7

Started by Drop-Dead, Sep 15, 2005, 05:44 PM

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Quote from: Jacob on Oct 01, 2009, 01:33 PM
look over the last few posts and tell me who started mouthing off to who.

Josh said something,then me,but you chose to bash on me. <3


That won't be necessary as I was only referring to your one comment.  


this is what I said:

Quote from: Jacob on Oct 01, 2009, 08:31 AM
while it's pretty fucking funny, you have to remember it's not exactly nice to these people.

I'm leaving my opinion on something. it's in no way even near offensive to you or anyone else. if anything, that comment shows I care about peoples feelings.

and don't try the "get a life" deal with me. imagine yourself if someone you have never personaly talked to starts saying you're an asshole, you're not a nice person and so on. yes, "asshole" is exactly what you called me when this started. and I had said absolutely NOTHING to you when you did that. then we had a conversation over pm's and I tried to figure out why you said what you did, and all I got out of it was that you consider me an asshole because I haven't paid any attention to you and I apparantly only like really thin and pretty girls. so "get a life" huh?

this is about the 3rd or 4th time you've made a snide remark like this and I STILL DON'T KNOW what the fuck your problem with me is. if you, like you say, don't want to associate with me, then why the fuck do you make these remarks? leave me alone and I'll leave you alone.
pray nightfall release me
then i could wander, wander to deep sleep


Quote from: Jacob on Oct 01, 2009, 01:46 PM
this is what I said:

Quote from: Jacob on Oct 01, 2009, 08:31 AM
while it's pretty fucking funny, you have to remember it's not exactly nice to these people.

I'm leaving my opinion on something. it's in no way even near offensive to you or anyone else. if anything, that comment shows I care about peoples feelings.

and don't try the "get a life" deal with me. imagine yourself if someone you have never personaly talked to starts saying you're an asshole, you're not a nice person and so on. yes, "asshole" is exactly what you called me when this started. and I had said absolutely NOTHING to you when you did that. then we had a conversation over pm's and I tried to figure out why you said what you did, and all I got out of it was that you consider me an asshole because I haven't paid any attention to you and I apparantly only like really thin and pretty girls. so "get a life" huh?

this is about the 3rd or 4th time you've made a snide remark like this and I STILL DON'T KNOW what the fuck your problem with me is. if you, like you say, don't want to associate with me, then why the fuck do you make these remarks? leave me alone and I'll leave you alone.

No,I said if girls didn't have a "specific" look,you weren't nice to them. Which in that case was proven true. But why would you care if someone on the internet called you an asshole? How long ago was that? Move on.

QuoteI care about peoples feelings

Quoteimagine yourself if someone you have never personaly talked to starts saying you're an asshole

QuoteI've had it with you you stupid bitch

My point,without name calling I might add,was based on your e-persona,you do not come off as a nice person so you acting like you cared about people was a shock. Josh picked up on that too. God if this isn't BULLSHIT then I don't know WHAT is! HAHAHA  ;D


how was that proven true? and those were your exact words too. what the fuck does it matter to you anyways? yet again, I don't need to explain myself, but here a FYI: I have lots and lots of female friends and they're of all sorts of shapes and sizes. so try again.

it wasn't that long ago you started this and you keep bringing it up, not me. I've tried to drop it, even tried having some normal conversation with you, you obviously haven't done the same.

but ok, if me calling you a stupid bitch makes me a bad person I can accept that. but that also makes you a bad person for calling be a mean asshole.
pray nightfall release me
then i could wander, wander to deep sleep



;D   ;D


There's a difference between being an asshole and being a snarky mortherfucker. Jacob is a snarky motherfucker. Sometimes he can be a dick, sure, but we all can be.

The only reason I even said anything was because I was trying to point out how he usually is. Throwing out wisecracks. Not defending fat fucking moronic wal-mart shoppers.

Kelly, sometimes you can be such an underhanded bitch. And Jacob, I don't know what the hell crawled up your ass today. Chill out.

Everybody chill out and go back to sucking each other's e-peen.


if anyone ever needs to talk someone late at night, hit me up on aim..godinihighschool. i'll be there.
..Yeah don't go there,

I let you get to me

yeah yeah.



And so, the lulz were had.

That was a good one. Thanks.


LOL! But if he wanted to ignore her soo much,why did he have her on his FB I wonder?


This is a good question.

But then again, I have a bunch of high school friends that I haven't talked to since high school on mine. Even middle school friends such as this way. I mean, has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


I love chicks like Jade.


Shit frightens me.

Quote from: Jerry_Curls on Oct 04, 2009, 01:01 PM
if anyone ever needs to talk someone late at night, hit me up on aim..godinihighschool. i'll be there.

Fukken saved.


Quote from: Necrocetaceanbeastiality on Oct 04, 2009, 09:15 PM
I mean, has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

I must be really tired,cuz I'm like wut??


shine down unshy

I hate obsessive chicks like that.  That guy sounds like a super douchebag too though.



I love chicks that like to be choked and thrown around and shit.  ESPECIALLY on the first date or a one night stand.  What a fucking loser if he got weirded out by that.  Some guys just dont know how to handle a good time.  Hes being all pretentious about not being able to handle some hot sex.  loser. 


I think I dodged a bullet with this one girl. she was amazingly hot, but pretty dumb and kinda crazy. it ended before we had sex though, but I heard afterwards that she's into hitting and all that violence shit, so now I'm pretty glad it did... a shame though, she was the hottest girl I knew and had amazing style and taste in music.

and Facebook thread is pure win.
pray nightfall release me
then i could wander, wander to deep sleep


WTF?  You're glad it didn't happen?