Sharing Lungs - Deftones Online Community

Bullshit Thread #7

Started by Drop-Dead, Sep 15, 2005, 05:44 PM

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Quote from: devilinside on Sep 14, 2008, 02:31 AM
When will you be back? I dunno if they're touring yet or not.
October 15thish.  Im pretty sure I couldnt never live with myself if I actually did go to that. 




If ignorance is bliss, then knock the smile off my face.


dam man, that was so funny.



aaaaaahahahhhaahahaha! that had me in stitches. the way he mourns "oh god"... haha.



NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- As more and more service stations tell their customers that they are all out of gas, some of those customers have become increasingly angry, and in some cases, have threatened to kill the store's manager, Channel Four's Anne Marshall reported.

(this is where I live) In Portland, Tenn., which is about 800 miles away from Hurricane Ike, all but one gas station on Saturday said it is out of gasoline.

It is the same situation with some of the gas stations in Nashville.

Gas distributors said the reason for the lack of gasoline is two pipelines that serve Tennessee were shut down, as are about two dozens refineries on the Gulf Coast.

On Thursday night, Steve Heath, of Winchester's Heath Oil, said he bought the expensive fuel rather than running out completely, and he said he had to raise his gas prices to $5.29 as a result.

Heath said he received numerous threatening phone calls, so he said he decided to stop selling when his supply runs out until the prices drop.

"Some people understand -- some people want to jump on us without attempting to understand," Heath said.

Portland resident Jon Heller said he blames a lack of competition in the oil industry for the current price of gas.

"They got a monopoly -- a monopoly allows them to control prices," Heller said. "It's ridiculous, but (I) got to go to work, so what can you do"?"

Heath said that he filed a gouging complaint with the Department of Consumer Affairs after he had to pay $5 per gallon from a supplier.

In Arkansas, AAA said that one gas station is currently charging about $8 per gallon.

It's fucked up that places raised their prices BEFORE the hurricane hit,when the fuel they bought from companies wasn't priced higher yet. Price gouging  is fucked up. Luckily the ONE gas station mentioned above in my town only raised the gas to $3.99 a gallon.


lolz @ "they have a monopoly"


HAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Winchester is in the middle of the sticks...for serial! Like...deliverance!


dude you guys are getting fucked.

I live in Louisiana and not only are gas prices 'normal' (around 3.70) but no one is out of gas, alot of places were for like 2 days after gustav but thats it.

Funny though, i went and spent 5 hours in line for disaster relief food stamps today, and THE WHO FUCKING TIME what was stuck in my head? Metallica singing "Nevermind, you've reached the end of the liiiine!!" AND I WAS NO WHERE NEAR THE END!!1 IT WAS TORTURE!!  but i got $270 in food stamps though so thats cool.


aren't you one of the people on this board who always complains about how our government is too big and powerful and has too much control over our lives?  Yet you participate in social programs and forced transfers of income.  Thats not hypocritical at all ::)


Quote from: tarkil on Sep 14, 2008, 04:27 AM

lol, i was not expecting that
My gag reflex is as absent as my Father~


Word of new Deftones brings more users! There are quite a few users on right this should be uber happy Trey!

bright lights, big city

yeah, maybe there will be a record broken perhaps

Quote from: rock_n_frost
Bright Lights !..Why the fuck are you so damn awesome? Cant you be a piece of shit sometimes?


Quote from: devilinside on Sep 19, 2008, 04:27 PM
Word of new Deftones brings more users! There are quite a few users on right this should be uber happy Trey!
I am as long as they aren't a bunch of fan boy fags.  That is the problem with people who show up every time a new album is released.  They are usually not quality.  like 1 out of 10 might be cool.  And I think thats a pretty generous ratio. Then I have to be a dick and chase them off again.  Thats why I like to try to give people who show up in the in between years more of a chance.  I perceive them to have motives more along the lines of intelligent conversation rather than talking about chino's socks and hair cuts.



I hope some new clever ass holes show up. 


There's always gold in ash, aaaalways


dont think I have ever heard that one before


Quote from: Variable on Sep 20, 2008, 01:02 PM
I perceive them to have motives more along the lines of intelligent conversation rather than talking about chino's socks and hair cuts.

Oh come AWN! (southern way of sayin on) Chino socks and hair cuts are very important!!!  :D