Shit, this thread should have been made a long time ago, I see in so many topics in so many parts of the forum discussions about random games, there just should be a general games topic to discuss everything you know.
About Saints Row, crazylegs: really, the game is good, much better than I expected. Bad humor and it tries a little too hard to be street, but youll be far too much occupied with getting cool clothes, tattoos and pimped out rides to notice. The combat is MUCH better than GTA, even though its practically the same system the 360 controller just feels better. Dont get me started o nthe graphics, I dont know if you have HDTV but damn it looks good... those explosions, WOW.
Why the hell aint I a mod in this section? I would've make this a sticky.
Yeah, someone make this a sticky, and make moz a mod.
I really enjoy the explosions aswell, all i do on the demo is buy these little bombs and throw them in front of cars, it's so much fun. That and crashing through your windshield. Can't wait for it. Luckily i won't have to for long cause i'm getting it tomorrow. I already said that. Whatever.
Fo sho!
Yeah man enjoy yourself tomorrow.
i will.
wow, I see you really succeeded with this thread moz...
actually, I'd appreciate some advice on an xbox game to purchase. I'm so bored nowadays and almost finished with Ninja Gaiden. so I need something new. to get you an idea of what kinda games I like, these are some of my current favorites: Ninja Gaiden (obviously), Resident Evil 4, Call of Duty 2, Oblivion (well, I got sick of it some time ago but I LOVE those kind of games), Parasite Eve 2, Deus Ex... hmm, and more...
to sum it up, I love action, a dark story-line and don't mind rpg/strategy elements. I prefer if I have to stop and think every now and then. but lots of blood is of course necessary.
Get Playboy: The Mansion lolz boobz
can I kill the girls?
Quote from: aenemic on Sep 06, 2006, 07:54 AM
wow, I see you really succeeded with this thread moz...
actually, I'd appreciate some advice on an xbox game to purchase. I'm so bored nowadays and almost finished with Ninja Gaiden. so I need something new. to get you an idea of what kinda games I like, these are some of my current favorites: Ninja Gaiden (obviously), Resident Evil 4, Call of Duty 2, Oblivion (well, I got sick of it some time ago but I LOVE those kind of games), Parasite Eve 2, Deus Ex... hmm, and more...
to sum it up, I love action, a dark story-line and don't mind rpg/strategy elements. I prefer if I have to stop and think every now and then. but lots of blood is of course necessary.
Fable, BOOYA!
been there, done that.
I actually couldn't take it no more and just went down to the games store. I bought BLACK. it's friggin awesome. I head heard that it's all guns and no brains, but so what? for now, it's highly entertaining. and loud.
To be honest there's not THAT much good stuff on the Xbox imo. I love the 360 way more already.
If you like big RPGs and Star Wars, waht about Knights of the old Republic?
Two great SEGA games are Panzer Dragoon Orta and Jet Set Radio Future.
Jade Empire is also a great RPG from the makers of KOTOR.
Brothers in Arms is pretty good.
But you bought Black. Also good!
black is a good game but you have to spend lots of time on one mission which sucks!
fahrenheit is a good game
definately deus ex
all tony hawk games rock too
and I fucking love playing guitar hero for ps2!
and for the old school games
golden axe
bubble bobble
Awww... PS3 delayed in Europe till March 2007, the so called selling point of the PS3 (1080p HD) so far only works with a mere one game AND there will be a super limited amount of PS3s available during launch in Japan and the US this november. Sony is Nintendo 10 years back.
Quote from: Moz La Punk on Sep 06, 2006, 05:06 PM
Brothers in Arms is pretty good.
No shit. Hell's highway looks amazing.
Knights of the Old Republic is my favorite game of all time. I've beatin it almost 20 times now.
Soooooo fun.
My whole body has pimpin' tattoos in Saints Row yo. Im a badass.
I've played KOTOR2 for PC already. and I've been looking around for Jade Empire but can't find it anywhere. I tried downloading it but it won't work. I can play the first training mission then it just freezes. highly annoying.
the new madden is pretty good :)
Quote from: aenemic on Sep 06, 2006, 10:11 PM
I've played KOTOR2 for PC already. and I've been looking around for Jade Empire but can't find it anywhere. I tried downloading it but it won't work. I can play the first training mission then it just freezes. highly annoying.
buy it for the box. Also, Kotor 1 is better than kotor 2.
That's true. The weapon customization isn't as good though, but the storyline is muuuuuch better. The ending in KOTOR 2 kinda sucked ass.
yeah, I'm probably gonna check out KOTOR 1 for PC because I heard the same before.
WOA Saints Row is getting better and better. I'm freaking addicted and its just a GTA clone!
I'm pierced all in my face, tattoos all over my body, superb clothing and jewels, awesome cars in my crib... fuck this game owns.
cool, it got sold out here. I suck
Awwww *paws head*
Quote from: aenemic on Sep 07, 2006, 08:27 PM
yeah, I'm probably gonna check out KOTOR 1 for PC because I heard the same before.
Get it on Xbox.
saints row has serious glitches and framrate issues on my copy .
and i take care of my shit, so i know its the game.
anyone experiencing the same?
listen to "Deftones" on a xbox360 with surround sound.
you people will understand it then.
it picks up every sonic wave .
this is the way to hear it
Quote from: hydroponic82 on Sep 08, 2006, 08:27 AM
saints row has serious glitches and framrate issues on my copy .
and i take care of my shit, so i know its the game.
anyone experiencing the same?
No problems here...
gamertag : DEF82
holla at me for that work.
just got Brothers In Arms for PC. awesome game. it's like Call of Duty with a lot more realism and strategy. my kinda game.
wørd. the bia games kick. The new one (Hell's highway) looks insane.
the only thing I miss is big epic battles like those in Call of Duty 2. on one hand it feels a lot more realistic running around in a small town with your guys and picking off a group of 4-5 enemies at a time. but the battle for Hill 440 in Call of Duty 2 is one of the coolest fucking things I've experienced in a game.
so I got my hands on KOTOR 1. and played it for like 10 minutes. it looks awesome but for some reason I'm having big graphic issues. the graphics are freezing up constatly while the game is still going on. for example, I won a battle but only saw like 3 frames of it. I don't understand this seeing as how KOTOR 2 ran flawlessly on the same computer. and this is a great fucking computer, it can handle almost any new game.
Scarface is awesome.
fucks completley over gta. somewhat.
what does scarface got that gta doesnt have?
looks better
looks better
looks better
missions are more challenging
you can shoot people in the balls
the sound is 138742837502143071 X better
you can blow peoples faces off
you can buy a tiger
the cops are very smart ( you cant just walk around with a gun all day like in gta )
the side missions are better
saints row sure is fun.
Tried fifa 07 demo last night, i can't say i'm super stoked about it, but hey the project 8 demo will be out soon. peas.
Finally have enough money to buy a 360, now I need money to buy a game for it haha.
Quote from: Teddy. on Oct 17, 2006, 07:08 AM
Finally have enough money to buy a 360, now I need money to buy a game for it haha.
Good games are:
- Call of Duty 2 (take on me online, Ill be sure to kick your ass)
- Dead Rising
- Oblivion
- Saints Row
- Enchanted Arms (its OK)
- Ghost Recon Advance Warfighter
- Condemned (cult classic!)
And dont forget all the good shit on Live Arcade. Lumines Live got released today!!!!!
Damnit... I MUST play Condemned.
I'm thinking of just going ahead and making a purchase for Rule of Rose. No game store here rents it because they all say it's too "mature". I know the true reason behind this is because there are 5 churches to every fast food restaurant in this city. Either way, it looks awesome.
Quote from: Moz La Punk on Oct 18, 2006, 07:56 PM
Quote from: Teddy. on Oct 17, 2006, 07:08 AM
Finally have enough money to buy a 360, now I need money to buy a game for it haha.
Good games are:
- Call of Duty 2 (take on me online, Ill be sure to kick your ass)
- Dead Rising
- Oblivion
- Saints Row
- Enchanted Arms (its OK)
- Ghost Recon Advance Warfighter
- Condemned (cult classic!)
And dont forget all the good shit on Live Arcade. Lumines Live got released today!!!!!
I don't understand why there's all this hype around lumines live. It sucks donkey balls. And 1200 fucking microsoft points.
Lumines is still Lumines.
sure, but what the heck is lumines?
The best game in the world.
"How about NOOOOO! You crazy dutch bastard."
How about yeeeeesss, toilet monkey.
it's basically just a bad copy of tetris. Also tetris sucks ass.
Tetris is GREAT but it pales in comparison to the perfect creation of Lumines. Its like crack.
You are too simple to see its godly figure.
i'm too simple to wear pants.
Never heard of "lumines" but I hate Tetris
then you must not really like brick-layers then.
scarface yes meet the sandman
anyone playing animal crossing on the ds?
awesome game.
and soon final fantasy III yeha.
I just preordered Carl on Duty 3 and Tony Hawk's project 8.
Quote from: Crazylegs on Nov 04, 2006, 10:32 PM
Carl on Duty 3
haha that sounds like a porno movie.
I just bought Legend of Zelda and Adventures of Link for the NES, Ratchet & Clank for the PS2 and Gears of War and Viva Piñata for the Xbox 360.
does someone have a copy of Fable for xbox they want to send me?
Started playing Final Fantasy X yesterday again, awesome game. I fell in love with my PS2 again.
Moz: Ratchet & Clank, any good?
Quote from: raynor on Jan 11, 2007, 08:03 PM
Started playing Final Fantasy X yesterday again, awesome game. I fell in love with my PS2 again.
Moz: Ratchet & Clank, any good?
Surprisingly so. I was getting sick of the Jak & Daxter series (Im a big platformer fan), it was more or less becoming something else. Ratchet & Clank felt really simple and fun though. It blew me away. Apart from the graphics, of course.
The dialogue in Ratchet and Clank is worth playing the game(s). :)
Haha yes its pretty good. I love Clank.
I bought Wario Ware Smooth Moves for the Wii btw. KICK ASS. Best game available outside of Zelda right now.
i just got a ps3 its not bad im gettin a wii next whenever i find one!
Nice. You got a PS3? I think Ill wait till the end of next year. By then it will be clear if its going to be a success, or the new Saturn.
Quote from: Moz La Punk on Jan 16, 2007, 12:23 PM
Nice. You got a PS3? I think Ill wait till the end of next year. By then it will be clear if its going to be a success, or the new Saturn.
hahaha yea im liking the idea of the ps3 being a computer really, i already put sum movies on it so i can watch wud ever movie i want witout the disk lol
Quote from: hydroponic82 on Jan 19, 2007, 02:06 AM
God that's fucked up
Fing Gears of War.
you deserve a hero cookie
Fucking microsoft are gonna charge 500 ms points for a download pack with 3 songs for guitar hero 2.
You love that game a lot don't you man? :P
I do.
Legs is crazy. Gay Hero 2.
Holy shit, I just found four games I need to get this year:
Metal Gear Solid 4 !
Splinter Cell - Conviction
Grand Theft Auto - lV
Assassins Creed
How sweet is that...
+ mass effect
unless you dont have 360
Quote from: Paint Your Lips on May 30, 2007, 07:10 PM
Holy shit, I just found three games I need to get this year:
Metal Gear Solid 4 !
Splinter Cell - Conviction
Grand Theft Auto - lV
Assassins Creed
How sweet is that...
Quote from: Corleone on May 31, 2007, 04:19 AM
+ mass effect
unless you dont have 360
+ Forza 2
Halo 3
Quote from: Paint Your Lips on May 30, 2007, 07:10 PM
Holy shit, I just found four games I need to get this year:
Metal Gear Solid 4 !
Splinter Cell - Conviction
Grand Theft Auto - lV
Assassins Creed
How sweet is that...
I think you should count your lucky stars if both MGS4 and Assasin's Creed come out this year... I know for certain that AC is gaining slowdown in developement thanks to it being an ambitious title... and the hype around it ensures that Ubisoft won't release it before it's perfect. MGS4 coming out this year is a long shot any way you look at it, but I'm hoping with you.
Splinter Cell and GTAIV have more chance.
We'll keep our fingers crossed, Moz. ;) Those games are going to turn my world upside down, i'm sure of it.
Btw, bought Dead Rising and Test Drive Unlimited a week ago.
Dead Rising is killer fun, the only thing that bugs me, are the fucked up save points. And the use of text boxes instead of speach when you meet people in-game.
Test Drive is just something I bought because I love the cars in the game, and they feel so realistic.
Yeah Dead Rising has a dumb ass save system and there are all these events in this game that you have to make in time to get the real ending or else youll have to start over. But the game is short so the point is just doing what you want to do in the game, then when you're through the end you can start over but with the stats of your character you had in your previous game, so it gets easier each time.
I seriously think it's the worse game i've ever played.
Quote from: Moz La Punk on Jun 16, 2007, 10:15 AM
Yeah Dead Rising has a dumb ass save system and there are all these events in this game that you have to make in time to get the real ending or else youll have to start over. But the game is short so the point is just doing what you want to do in the game, then when you're through the end you can start over but with the stats of your character you had in your previous game, so it gets easier each time.
Yeah, i'm running around like a headless chicken not knowing where the hell to run. I have no clue how to get on in the story. Do I go for the purple question marks on the map, or what do I do?
hm, I've only heard good things about that game. isn't the whole point of the game that there isn't much of a story and you can just walk around and do whatever the hell you want to do?
Quote from: aenemic on Jun 16, 2007, 02:00 PM
hm, I've only heard good things about that game. isn't the whole point of the game that there isn't much of a story and you can just walk around and do whatever the hell you want to do?
You can do that but it wont get you far and into new, wider areas. To get further in the game you have to do the opposite: maintain a tight scedule.
It's overrated.
Doesn't interest me at all. I'm not into novelty. I like my games with substance.
The lost nintendo sex ed. tape.
i am wating for this one for about ten years now.
i hope it wil be awesome
I bought a PS3 to complement the Wii and 360 yesterday.
how much time per day do you spend or perhaps waste on gaming moz?
Normally one or two hours. Sometimes more, sometimes less.
wow thats ok that you can keep that distance to all that great stuff.
years ago when i was young and really into gaming, i wastet a lot of time per day. its over now. just some rpgs can get me a bit, but i am able to turn them off.
moz whats up with your sig man? its just wrong... your grose man
Its pedo bear
It looks like she has a shit under her arm that's laughing. Come on now, that's not a real picture at all is it?
lol, that's the pedo bear's arm, he's a pervert.
lol wtf
I'm pissed about Manhunt 2. Huge delay because of the AO Rating. B.S.
It's straight up banned over here by our Nazi government.
the internet is your friend if manhunt 2 is what you desire.
I saw some really insightful previews of Assassin's looks awesome and fun to play.
There has been some great videos coming from e3 this year. and there's such a lot of good games coming up. I'm really stoked about:
Mass Effect
Fable 2
Brothers in arms: hells highway
Condemned 2
Call of duty 4
just to mention a few.
Bioshock will own me.
Woke up at 5:30am to get down to NintendoWorld to buy my Wii Friday morning. It is glorious. I seriously have Tennis elbow from so much Wii Tennis.
Quote from: rainnyx4 on Jul 23, 2007, 10:48 PM
Woke up at 5:30am to get down to NintendoWorld to buy my Wii Friday morning. It is glorious. I seriously have Tennis elbow from so much Wiianking
Quote from: Crazylegs on Jul 18, 2007, 11:29 PM
Mass Effect
Fable 2
Call of duty 4
these are some of the games I've been looking forward to for a long time now. I guess I will have to get a 360 eventually.
the one game I'd trade all other new games for is Fallout 3 though. but it's not coming until sometime next year and they're still all hush hush about it.;title;2
yeah, that's pretty much all they've revealed. plus some interviews.
I can't say it won't be a huge disappointment though, considering it will be very different from the original Fallout 1+2, which both happen to be my favorite games.
however, Bethesda did a very good job with Morrowind and a good job with Oblivion and I can imagine that such a big open world in the Fallout setting will be pretty cool.
It seems like it'll be cool. If they lean it more towards Morrowind than Oblivion then I'd be interested for sure.
yeah, and I think they will. they've already said that they'll deal with a lot of the issues that Oblivion had - such as enemies levelling with you. also, they've made the world a bit smaller and instead of having 1000's of people to talk to there are 100's, but they're more personalized and each will have their own voice etc.
anyways, the big deal with this game is that it will pretty much be a FPS. and classic Fallout is turn-based combat. that's the reason why most fans already hate this game even before it's released.
I know its a joke sight but his was pretty cool (
finally wario and sonic can give mario a good wack'n!
I wanna play Hellgate: London. it's weird that it hasn't leaked online yet. or can any awesome soul find it somewhere?
I am not at all interested in Hellgate.
Quote from: aenemic on Jul 27, 2007, 02:56 PMthey've made the world a bit smaller and instead of having 1000's of people to talk to there are 100's
Probably a good move since everything is all post-apocalyptic and such. Makes more sense that way. I mean, if there were thousands of people to talk to it'd make it seem like people have survived pretty well.
I want to see some gameplay footage of Kane & Lynch. I like the idea of a game that largely revolves around robbing banks since when I played with GI Joes, that's pretty much all he did. I like watching stuff on like 70s bank robberies and stuff. It's interesting stuff.
i played the demo of UT 3 and i am going to buy that game when it becomes cheaper. very awesome.
unfortunatly im not able to run crysis with good fps :(
Been reading a lot about Manhunt 2's ban and the parent groups freaking out about it. They already got Rockstar to censor the violence not to mention all the systems already have parental control on them. What the fuck's the big deal? Censorship is b.s.
Quote from: oldgentlovecraft on Nov 13, 2007, 10:58 PM
Been reading a lot about Manhunt 2's ban and the parent groups freaking out about it. They already got Rockstar to censor the violence not to mention all the systems already have parental control on them. What the fuck's the big deal? Censorship is b.s.
probably cause the brain dead clerks at the stores that sell the game have no qualms about selling it to a six year old...i once saw an eight year old boy buy the 50 cent game and his parents were nowhere in site. i am normally against censorship too, but even for me that is crossing the line
Quote from: goldpony on Nov 13, 2007, 11:03 PM
Quote from: oldgentlovecraft on Nov 13, 2007, 10:58 PM
Been reading a lot about Manhunt 2's ban and the parent groups freaking out about it. They already got Rockstar to censor the violence not to mention all the systems already have parental control on them. What the fuck's the big deal? Censorship is b.s.
probably cause the brain dead clerks at the stores that sell the game have no qualms about selling it to a six year old...i once saw an eight year old boy buy the 50 cent game and his parents were nowhere in site. i am normally against censorship too, but even for me that is crossing the line
I agree completely. Instead of holding the industry accountable we should take a closer look at the parents. The game is awesome and I'm enjoying it, but on some level I've been punished with a censored version because parents won't take the time to limit what their children play or take precautionary measures such as setting parental controls on consoles. (
speaking of which....
my sister got singstar for christmas and it has almost nothing good at all on it but I really like the way it works, so i ordered another disk that actually has some good songs on it:
Alice in Chains "Would?"
Audioslave "Cochise"
Blink-182 "I Miss You"
Blue Öyster Cult "(Don't Fear) The Reaper"
Boston "More Than a Feeling"
Cheap Trick "I Want You to Want Me"
David Bowie "Changes"
Fall Out Boy "This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race"
Foo Fighters "Best of You"
Free "Alright Now"
Iggy Pop "Real Wild Child (Wild One)"
Judas Priest "You've Got Another Thing Comin'"
The Killers "When You Were Young"
Motörhead "Ace of Spades"
Nickelback "Savin' Me"
Nirvana "Come As You Are"
O.A.R. "Love and Memories"
Pearl Jam "Alive"
Poison "Every Rose Has Its Thorn"
Queens of the Stone Age "Go with the Flow"
Quiet Riot "Cum on Feel the Noize"
Radiohead "Creep" (radio edit)
Ramones "Blitzkrieg Bop"
Steppenwolf "Born to Be Wild"
Stone Temple Pilots "Vasoline"
Sublime "Santeria"
Tom Jones with The Cardigans "Burning Down the House"
Yeah Yeah Yeahs "Gold Lion"
Yes "Owner of a Lonely Heart"
ZZ Top "Gimme All Your Lovin'"
I actually cannot wait to get this shit in the mail.
Found a used copy of Fatal Frame for PS2 shoved behind other games in a case. I snatched it up! Hard as hell to find and still expensive even used but worth it fo sho.
Quote from: Oldnewtype on Dec 26, 2007, 12:22 AM
my sister got singstar for christmas and it has almost nothing good at all on it but I really like the way it works, so i ordered another disk that actually has some good songs on it:
Alice in Chains "Would?"
Audioslave "Cochise"
Blink-182 "I Miss You"
Blue Öyster Cult "(Don't Fear) The Reaper"
Boston "More Than a Feeling"
Cheap Trick "I Want You to Want Me"
David Bowie "Changes"
Fall Out Boy "This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race"
Foo Fighters "Best of You"
Free "Alright Now"
Iggy Pop "Real Wild Child (Wild One)"
Judas Priest "You've Got Another Thing Comin'"
The Killers "When You Were Young"
Motörhead "Ace of Spades"
Nickelback "Savin' Me"
Nirvana "Come As You Are"
O.A.R. "Love and Memories"
Pearl Jam "Alive"
Poison "Every Rose Has Its Thorn"
Queens of the Stone Age "Go with the Flow"
Quiet Riot "Cum on Feel the Noize"
Radiohead "Creep" (radio edit)
Ramones "Blitzkrieg Bop"
Steppenwolf "Born to Be Wild"
Stone Temple Pilots "Vasoline"
Sublime "Santeria"
Tom Jones with The Cardigans "Burning Down the House"
Yeah Yeah Yeahs "Gold Lion"
Yes "Owner of a Lonely Heart"
ZZ Top "Gimme All Your Lovin'"
I actually cannot wait to get this shit in the mail.
damn, someone deserves great respect for putting that list together.
I want a good, actually interesting game to play.. so bored these days.
Still haven't finished 'Hellgate', but it just got too boring for me.
Any recommendations? Note, my PC is kind of old.
So no very new games.. :/
Diablo III announced, finally.
I am soooooooooooo waiting for this.
Diablo II is like the best game ever.. uh. So exciting!
Diablo II is the best game ever? if you say so.... I mean, it's fun and all. but the first Diablo is way better for starters :P
anyways, if you're into rpg's there are a lot of oldies that are awesome. they're "true" rpg's though, not just mindless slaughter. lot sof story and dialogue. anyways, check out Fallout 1+2 and Baldur's Gate 1+2. Fallout is set in a retro 50's post-apocalyptic setting while Baldur's Gate is your typical fantasy setting.
if you want a bit more action but still great story and obstacles to overcome other than tough enemies then try Deus Ex. futuristic conspiracy heaven.
Quote from: aenemic on Jul 02, 2008, 03:55 PM
Diablo II is the best game ever? if you say so.... I mean, it's fun and all. but the first Diablo is way better for starters :P
well, for me, it is. so many great days spent with it.. and, as for the games, yeah, I've played both Fallout I and II, and one of Baldur's Gate games, not sure which one. And I liked them..
who's been following e3? I know i can dig much from the microsoft conference. Fable2, Gears of war 2 and Fallout3 look absolutely awesome.
i always look forward to E3...i'm definitely stoked about Final Fantasy XIII coming to xbox 360 too
I'm disappointed with Spore.
I mean, I love the concept, the game, but now I've reached Tribe Mode, and game crashes whenever I enter Outfit Editor.
That sucks balls.
Quote from: bored on Sep 08, 2008, 10:11 PM
I'm disappointed with Spore.
I mean, I love the concept, the game, but now I've reached Tribe Mode, and game crashes whenever I enter Outfit Editor.
That sucks balls.
i think it might be time to upgrade son
Quote from: goldpony on Sep 08, 2008, 11:04 PM
i think it might be time to upgrade son
no money.. no god damn money.
and yes, my machine is old as hell.
who said anything about buying? five finger discount ftw ;)
IGN's Dead Space's also coming out for 360 and PC. I mentioned this a while back for fans of Silent Hill. Looks amazing, and it even reminds me of an even creepier Bioshock.
I don't read game reviews anymore (well, except for entertainment value) and I suggest others don't do it either. gaming journalists are mostly corrupt, lying shitbags. the more hyped the game is, the better reviews will be. actual content and quality comes second. also, pretty much anyone can be a self-proclaimed gaming journalist as long as they have a blog or whatever.
in my opinion it's best to visit the sate of the game (provided by the creators), to see some screenshots and then decide.
ok well either way, Dead Space is fucking unbelievable
Quote from: bright lights, big city on Oct 19, 2008, 09:03 PM
ok well either way, Dead Space is fucking unbelievable
yeah, I just found out about it and it looks pretty cool. might keep me interested for a couple of weeks.
I am also pretty stoked on Left 4 Dead.
Quote from: bright lights, big city on Oct 19, 2008, 09:03 PM
ok well either way, Dead Space is fucking unbelievable
Yeah, it looks the shit
That and Mirrors Edge. I been hyped for that shit for a long time now.
Been playing Dead Space, Mirror's Edge, Fallout 3, Fable II en Far Cry 2 lately.
Oh and the new Prince of Persia.
damn someone's got a lot of new games
still playing cod4 online
it's not that big of a problem when you get half for free
you lucky s.o.b.
Quote from: bright lights, big city on Oct 28, 2008, 07:03 PM
damn someone's got a lot of new games
still playing cod4 online
To be honest i still think i'd be playing that once COD5 is out, it's not as good as i thought it'd be.
Quote from: Subliminal on Nov 05, 2008, 07:48 AM
Quote from: bright lights, big city on Oct 28, 2008, 07:03 PM
damn someone's got a lot of new games
still playing cod4 online
To be honest i still think i'd be playing that once COD5 is out, it's not as good as i thought it'd be.
really? you get the beta? i'm still looking forward to it, but am kind of worried it's gonna play like COD3, which I wasn't the biggest fan of.
can't wait to buy gears 2 tommorow (maybe tonight)
might pick up midnight club also :)
Quote from: Subliminal on Nov 05, 2008, 07:48 AM
Quote from: bright lights, big city on Oct 28, 2008, 07:03 PM
damn someone's got a lot of new games
still playing cod4 online
just the same as cod4 with WW2 japanese part story.
which cod4 online server do you play?
i've started far cry 2, it's a great game but it seems repetitive and the map is too big
To be honest i still think i'd be playing that once COD5 is out, it's not as good as i thought it'd be.
i finally got my playstation 3 online after buying a new modem
if any of you guys are trying to play Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. online.. let me know.. just PM me your Playstation name
too bad i have COD4 on xb360. that is likely my most-played game ever.
damnit. i wish u had it on playstation 3. we would have a blast playing eachother online
anybody else?
MK vs. DC Universe.........I was disappointed :(
just recently played through ICO (PS2). it's pretty great
now playing: kingdom hearts (PS2), & lovin it too
yea, i'm really late on both games
I still buy and play older games!
I'm stoked on Godfather 2.
Quote from: Deadradio on Nov 18, 2008, 10:57 PM
MK vs. DC Universe.........I was disappointed :(
You can't be serious. Superheroes vs completely mortal kung-fu dudes? Where's the challenge?
i borrowed my cousin's wii, & rented "Madworld". i gotta say it's freakin Awesome with a capital A baby! seriously, greatness. if it comes out on PS3 i'm buying it for sure. it's easily the most violent game i've ever played, yet it's hilarious. it's just brilliant. next up super mario galaxy (loved mario 64, & sunshine. all full mario games rock), then zelda: twilight. those 2 games should be great too. the wii has got some nice exclusives for sure
definitely dude. check out house of the dead: overkill and no more heroes. those games are teh shit.
got my xbox 360 flashed, can play burned games online... yaa
that "Metroid: other M" game coming for the wii next year looks badass! i tried to get into Metroid prime, but just couldnt. Metroid is better 2D, & "other M" is doing it that way. 1st person view just doesnt suit metroid. it's gonna be the true sequal to "super metroid" finally (along with metroid fusion)
i'm gonna have to get a wii(at some point), for: madworld, super mario galaxy 1 & 2, & metroid: other M
beat super mario galaxy earlier. wow, that game was stupid good. BRAVO!
ppl with 360
rent that new boxing game
round 4 is worth it
I have it, its not as good as UFC... just like in real life
OH SNAP! It is the truth though. UFC 09 is the shizzz.
just tried both ufc and fight night today for the first time. Played them both a few hours. i enjoyed fight night a lot more than ufc.
Were you playing agaist the comp or friends? They are both good games, once you learn to do counters and such in UFC it can be a blast.
I usually play:
Tyson Vs Ali
Machida Vs Silva
Quote from: Corleone on Jul 16, 2009, 02:05 AM
Were you playing agaist the comp or friends? They are both good games, once you learn to do counters and such in UFC it can be a blast.
I usually play:
Tyson Vs Ali
Machida Vs Silva
Roy Jones, Jr. FTW
Quote from: Corleone on Jul 16, 2009, 02:05 AM
Were you playing agaist the comp or friends? They are both good games, once you learn to do counters and such in UFC it can be a blast.
i was playing both games with friends. Fight night feels more rewarding, you really have to know your shit to knock someone out.
The new Splinter Cell looks better than amatuer porn! Absolute wank material!!
yeah and look up Alpha Protocol too. that looks pretty badass as well. lots of good games coming out this fall.
Quote from: bright lights, big city on Jul 23, 2009, 02:47 PM
yeah and look up Alpha Protocol too. that looks pretty badass as well. lots of good games coming out this fall.
Dude, gimme your gamertag, we'll have to hit some multiplayer on COD-Modern Warfare 2 ;) Once it's out ofcourse!
yeah definitely but i got a huge 360 red ringed a couple months ago. but dont worry its the first thing I buy when I get some more money. oh yeah but just for the hell of it, my gamertag: xmikeditkax
you have no idea how painful it is to hear about my friends playing CoD4 and L4D online without me :(
Quote from: bright lights, big city on Jul 23, 2009, 03:39 PM
yeah definitely but i got a huge 360 red ringed a couple months ago. but dont worry its the first thing I buy when I get some more money. oh yeah but just for the hell of it, my gamertag: xmikeditkax
you have no idea how painful it is to hear about my friends playing CoD4 and L4D online without me :(
Likewise, i mean, it's seriously good fun when you get a good group of friends to play it together, cause it can be a right laugh over the mics aswell.
Damn i miss it, but i'm not working right now, hopefully i'll have a job before the end of this month, and by the time September comes i'll be back online!
Quote from: Crazylegs on Jul 16, 2009, 09:36 PM
Quote from: Corleone on Jul 16, 2009, 02:05 AM
Were you playing agaist the comp or friends? They are both good games, once you learn to do counters and such in UFC it can be a blast.
i was playing both games with friends. Fight night feels more rewarding, you really have to know your shit to knock someone out.
fight night rd 4 is way better than ufc. and once i got the hang of the controls, i destroyed the computer. i can KO the comp every time. 1st round sometimes(18 seconds once). i just have the demo, tyson vs ali, paciou vs hatton, it's great
Can't wait for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - Sith Edition to come out.
ditto on modern warfare 2. Just picked up forza motorsport 3 at work today, can't wait to play it.
Quote from: Crazylegs on Oct 17, 2009, 06:31 PM
ditto on modern warfare 2. Just picked up forza motorsport 3 at work today, can't wait to play it.
I forgot Forza 3 was coming out already!! I just pre-ordered MW2, that's probably the most anticipated game ever, can't risk not being able to find it on day 1. 8)
YO I need some advice.
Which game is better - NBA Live 10 or NBA 2K10?
and what about football. PES or FIFA?
i haven't tried the nba games, but you should definitely go with fifa over pes. Fifa has been the superior game the last two years at least.
I've been playing a whole lot of nhl10 lately. God damn it's so much fun.
first details about Fallout: New Vegas have been released and it's looking like it can actually be worth checking out. Bethesda have hired Obsidian to develope it, which means a few of the people who made the first two Fallout games are on the team. so far it looks like story, dialogue and gameplay will be heaps better, but unfortunately it's still based on Bethesda's awful engine, with the same stiff character models and hilarious animations.
here are some interesting details about New Vegas:
# There is an optional hardcore mode, the character needs to drink water, ammo has weight, healing isn't instant etc.
# Normal mode is more similar to Fallout 3 gameplay.
# The storyline is focused on the New California Republic vs. Caesar's Legion (slavers from the east) vs. New Vegas residents.
# You are not a vault dweller but are given a Pip-Boy by someone who is one.
# There are special moves for melee weapons in VATS - specifically a move for a golf club called "Fore" which seems to be a groin shot.
# The Hoover Dam is in the game and is supplying electricity to the city.
# There is a quest to rescue a ghoul from some super mutants. The ghoul can then become your companion
# The Geckos are back.
# There are both dumb and intelligent super mutants, including the elite Nightkin. On at least one occasion you can convince them to fight amongst themselves.
# Some super mutants look similar to the ones in Fallout 3, while others are new. There is e.g. a female super mutant with a 1950s hairstyle who apparently is one of their leaders.
# NCR base is the McCarran Airport, Caesar's Legion is based in the Vegas Strip, while super mutants are based in a place called Black Mountain.
# Skils have a bigger effect on conversation choices. E.g. someone with a high Explosives skill may be able to have a coversation about explosives where appropriate.
# There is a Reputation system in addition to Karma.
# Set in the Mojave wastelands. Vegas didn't get many nukes. More intact buildings, as well as desert vegetation. Vegas itself is mostly intact.
# Bartering is not just lower prices but negotiating for better rewards.
# Weapons also now have knock-back upon death, with shotguns sending people flying.
# Followers can be managed through a context-sensitive menu, with orders like "follow", "stay" or "attack".
# You're a courier, wounded and left for dead in a shallow grave. A friendly robot, Victor, digs you out, and his doctor owner Mitchell patches you up. You take a "vigour test", which is some sort of electric parlour game. This decides who you are and sets up SPECIAL. You can also take some Rorschach tests, but the mag says this is for fun. The Doc then gives you a Pipboy as he was once a Vault dweller.
# "Hoover Dam", and "Helios" (a solar plant, confirmed by the mag to have been built by Poseidon) are fought into and then you can direct the power to wherever you choose. In the case of Helios you can also keep the plant for your self, use the energy to call down a powerful laser, or even try to distribute to all equally, however there is a risk of overloading the reactors.
# There is a "reputation system", in which all three factions (NCR, Ceasar's Legion and the locals) will either see you as good or bad toward them individually.
definitely looking forward to it. i was wondering how they had electricity in a post-apocalyptic wasteland when i saw the trailer for it.
Konami has announced new Silent Hill by the end of 2010 or the beginning of 2011. More details will be revealed soon on the E3 convention and I will try my best to go.
from I guess mr. Greenwood enjoys video games.
Office Chart for a week off
For all the nerds who are marveling, like me, at Red Dead Redemption: here's a different kind of office chart.....
Braid (various)
Marathon (Mac)
Goldeneye (N64)
Elite (BBC Micro)
Cave Story (various)
Ico (PS2)
Red Dead Redemption (PS3)
Zelda Ocarina of Time (N64)
Zelda Twighlight Princess (Wii)
Half Life 1 and 2 (Mac, PS3)
Having written that, I think Ico might be the best one. Now back to Bonnie's ranch....
Quote from: RoyalDeftonicBoy on May 21, 2010, 11:40 PM
Konami has announced new Silent Hill by the end of 2010 or the beginning of 2011. More details will be revealed soon on the E3 convention and I will try my best to go.
That series is the tits. I've also heard continued rumor of Manhunt 3 announcement soon, but for a PS3 exclusive. Way to piss on the real gamers if that's true.
And here you go New Silent Hill
Silent Hill 8 - E3 2010 Official Reveal Trailer [HD][1080p][PS3] (
yeah you called that one. i'm really glad they finally announced a new Silent Hill AND a new TWISTED METAL. i am so stoked for both!
Quote from: bright lights, big city on Jun 18, 2010, 04:26 AM
yeah you called that one. i'm really glad they finally announced a new Silent Hill AND a new TWISTED METAL. i am so stoked for both!
Did you check the Marvel Vs Capcom 3 thread? I posted a video there ;)
Some good games were debuted last night. Mass effect 3, uncharted 3, Batman Arkham city, and fucking elder scrolls V! They all look good, but fuck me, i can't wait for elder scrolls.
Those announcements were pretty impressive, but it's ME3 all the way for me. That series is turning into my favorite series. I'm also skeptical of another Forza so quickly, kind of unnecessary.
i thought the same thing, they've probably just thrown in some ridiculous kinect support.
anyone interested in the elder scrolls series should read this: (
god damn it sounds good.
the graphics are making me horny.
Looking good. The talk about all the game mechanichs made me even wetter though.
annnnd I've decided to play Oblivion through again. That should chew up a few dozen hours of my life.
totally worth it!
Ive been playin a whole bunch of Battlefield free4play - its good, and well, free. All into the capture the flag real stylee killy fps-ee type thing should come along.
Playstation Network is down,now what? = /
xboxxx live
No way Im buying that shit.I might as well give my PS3 some rest mainly because I've been playing Marvel Vs Capcom 3 non stop for 2 months.
lol @ sony
this is the first time i'm glad to own xbox
Playstation owners are always so glad to have Blu Ray and their oh-so awesome free of cost network.
Suddenly 5 bucks a month ain't so bad anymore, hahaha!
Amazon just informed me that Modern Warfare 3 coming out in November..
Probably won't be buying it, though. Most of my games are ego shooters, and I'd like to change that.
Next game I will buy is NHL 2011.
I NEED L.A. Noire. Like really bad. And with shooters, yeah, I can't wait for Battlefield 3. I can wait on MW3. If I need my arcadey-shooter fix I have Black Ops still.
Quote from: bright lights, big city on May 17, 2011, 02:14 PM
I NEED L.A. Noire.
me too man. I haven't been playing any of the big new titles, or any of the new titles at all for that matter for the last year or so. And i won't buy them until my exams are done. Nhl 11 will have to do a few more weeks.
Yeah it looks alright, Battlefield is going to own MW3 this year, everyone wants it.
New Duke Nukem game. Doubt anyone cares except me :P
Duke Nukem Forever: Official HD Debut Trailer (
Quote from: RoyalDeftonicBoy on May 01, 2011, 11:23 PM
No way Im buying that shit.I might as well give my PS3 some rest mainly because I've been playing Marvel Vs Capcom 3 non stop for 2 months.
i hate that console wars but xbox live is good on so many ways..
get an xbox, and let me kick your ass at Marvel 3
Quote from: BillyNo.9 on Jun 05, 2011, 09:56 PM
New Duke Nukem game. Doubt anyone cares except me :P
Duke Nukem Forever: Official HD Debut Trailer (
i do. 14 goddamn years in the making! only thing that worries me is that huge amount of hype might hurt it somewhat.
but it's duke. he's back. it's all that really matters.
omg omg Halo 4 taking place after the legendary ending of 3...
Quote from: rock_n_frost on Jun 05, 2011, 10:35 PM
Quote from: RoyalDeftonicBoy on May 01, 2011, 11:23 PM
No way Im buying that shit.I might as well give my PS3 some rest mainly because I've been playing Marvel Vs Capcom 3 non stop for 2 months.
i hate that console wars but xbox live is good on so many ways..
get an xbox, and let me kick your ass at Marvel 3
No =D
Also PSN is back,get a PS3 LOL
Quote from: bright lights, big city on Jun 06, 2011, 03:14 PM
Quote from: BillyNo.9 on Jun 05, 2011, 09:56 PM
New Duke Nukem game. Doubt anyone cares except me :P
Duke Nukem Forever: Official HD Debut Trailer (
i do. 14 goddamn years in the making! only thing that worries me is that huge amount of hype might hurt it somewhat.
but it's duke. he's back. it's all that really matters.
I do too man :) Im so buying that but shit lots of waiting for that game. (
Anyone looking forward to this game??!?!?!? I know Im fucking am since I started playing FFXIII 3 days ago !
All i'm really excited for this e3 is skyrim. How the hell am i going to find the time to play that son of a bitch.
i know man. sadly, i think put 100 hours into every game Bethesda releases.
yeah. I've spent over 200 hours on Oblivion. I saw an interview with Todd Howard yesterday where he said that you'd need 300 hours to complete everything in Skyrim.
good god that sounds amazing!
Do you recommend me Mortal Kombat 9 or I stick to FFXIII and Marvel Vs Capcpom 3?
DmC Devil May Cry - E3 2011 Trailer (
Mmmmmm I dunno about this
I've been playing LA Noire lately. Jesus is it some good. Seeing Ken Cosgroves face all the time has made me want to re-watch mad men.
LA Noire is so great. I'm been deliberately taking my time it, going about 1 case at a time. I'm on homicide cases now, I love that they're tying the Black Dahlia into the game. And how almost everything is authentic- the map, the street names, the landmarks, products/brands
NBA2K11, you are mine!
Quote from: RoyalDeftonicBoy on Jun 08, 2011, 12:14 AM
Quote from: rock_n_frost on Jun 05, 2011, 10:35 PM
Quote from: RoyalDeftonicBoy on May 01, 2011, 11:23 PM
No way Im buying that shit.I might as well give my PS3 some rest mainly because I've been playing Marvel Vs Capcom 3 non stop for 2 months.
i hate that console wars but xbox live is good on so many ways..
get an xbox, and let me kick your ass at Marvel 3
No =D
Also PSN is back,get a PS3 LOL
whats your teams ? just wondering
Quote from: rock_n_frost on Jun 27, 2011, 05:46 PM
Quote from: RoyalDeftonicBoy on Jun 08, 2011, 12:14 AM
Quote from: rock_n_frost on Jun 05, 2011, 10:35 PM
Quote from: RoyalDeftonicBoy on May 01, 2011, 11:23 PM
No way Im buying that shit.I might as well give my PS3 some rest mainly because I've been playing Marvel Vs Capcom 3 non stop for 2 months.
i hate that console wars but xbox live is good on so many ways..
get an xbox, and let me kick your ass at Marvel 3
No =D
Also PSN is back,get a PS3 LOL
whats your teams ? just wondering
Trish,Deadpool and Dante
Trish,Storm and Morrigan
almost the same team..
especially ''trish''
my teams are :
wolvi - dante -akuma
x23 - thrish - phoenix
magneto - dante - spencer
my gameplay
man i wish u had an xbox..
Quote from: rock_n_frost on Jun 28, 2011, 10:31 AM
almost the same team..
especially ''trish''
my teams are :
wolvi - dante -akuma
x23 - thrish - phoenix
magneto - dante - spencer
my gameplay
man i wish u had an xbox..
Also I use
Too bad you dont have a PS3 =( and also try to upload that video to youtube because I dont have Facebook.
Quote from: RoyalDeftonicBoy on Jun 28, 2011, 11:23 PM
Too bad you dont have a PS3 =( and also try to upload that video to youtube because I dont have Facebook.
you must be the first human that doesnt have a facebook account :p
Quote from: black coffee on Jun 27, 2011, 12:58 PM
NBA2K11, you are mine!
This shit is all I play these days...My Player is addictive as fuck.
Quote from: lukas989 on Jun 29, 2011, 07:35 PM
Quote from: black coffee on Jun 27, 2011, 12:58 PM
NBA2K11, you are mine!
This shit is all I play these days...My Player is addictive as fuck.
this is what will tide me over till this lockout ends. i love acting as a GM in it.
Quote from: rock_n_frost on Jun 29, 2011, 03:28 PM
Quote from: RoyalDeftonicBoy on Jun 28, 2011, 11:23 PM
Too bad you dont have a PS3 =( and also try to upload that video to youtube because I dont have Facebook.
you must be the first human that doesnt have a facebook account :p
Hehehehehe =D
I will tell my gf to copy and paste it so I can see it at her home through her facebook hehehehe
any RPG fans in here
just finish beating Final Fantasy 13 and Enternal Sonota very good RPG games
im on Alan Wake right now,
alan wake was the one of the best game of the year..
final fantasy was the biggest dissapointment of the year
Quote from: deftjess on Aug 05, 2011, 01:42 AM
any RPG fans in here
just finish beating Final Fantasy 13 and Enternal Sonota very good RPG games
im on Alan Wake right now,
Im on Final Fantasy XIII and I cant beat this fucker How to beat an ambling bellows (
Any suggestions? I would be glad if you can help me out :D
Quote from: RoyalDeftonicBoy on Aug 05, 2011, 01:53 AM
Quote from: deftjess on Aug 05, 2011, 01:42 AM
any RPG fans in here
just finish beating Final Fantasy 13 and Enternal Sonota very good RPG games
im on Alan Wake right now,
Im on Final Fantasy XIII and I cant beat this fucker How to beat an ambling bellows (
Any suggestions? I would be glad if you can help me out :D
try to preemptive attack
use 2 commandos and a ravenger to get it staggered
then switch to all ravengers
i CP up to get my characters skilled up as much has i can at that point
this game was long so i forgot how i did it. excactly
Quote from: deftjess on Aug 05, 2011, 03:21 AM
Quote from: RoyalDeftonicBoy on Aug 05, 2011, 01:53 AM
Quote from: deftjess on Aug 05, 2011, 01:42 AM
any RPG fans in here
just finish beating Final Fantasy 13 and Enternal Sonota very good RPG games
im on Alan Wake right now,
Im on Final Fantasy XIII and I cant beat this fucker How to beat an ambling bellows (
Any suggestions? I would be glad if you can help me out :D
try to preemptive attack
use 2 commandos and a ravenger to get it staggered
then switch to all ravengers
i CP up to get my characters skilled up as much has i can at that point
this game was long so i forgot how i did it. excactly
What team did u use and what were the stats.My characters are around 2800 which I think is not enough and Lightning's weapon is on Level 13.This idiot hits me and tooks like 800 points of my health,so 3 hits and Im done.
Quote from: deftjess on Aug 05, 2011, 01:42 AM
im on Alan Wake right now,
Me too, and I don't regret buying it! Now I hope Remedy is gonna work on Max Payne 3, so looking forward to it.
AWake was awesome, I've heard they have something new in that universe in the works. As for Max Payne 3, Rockstar just released some screenshots of it. It's gonna be their next big release, so with their track record it should be excellent.
finally playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution. and I suggest you do as well.
that's definitely on my list. but it's gonna be awhile. been busy with work lately, and once gears 3 comes out, it's over. i'm anticipating that filling any free time i have for the foreseeable future.
Gears of War 3 Exclusive Dust to Dust Trailer [HD] (
god damn, each game's trailer for this series is so awesome. they get the best music.
its alright, not as good as mad world
well yeah that probably was the best of the 3
I'm craving some gears, but part 2 was awful online.
when the game came out, yeah you're right. I picked it up again about a year later and it was better. Maybe because they patched it or maybe I was just better at it, I don't know. Basically you need to know how to use the shotgun, because on most maps all it really is, is a shotgun-fest.
That said, the bread and butter of the game for me and my friends is the horde mode.
My top 9 ''im gonna'' list for now :
1- New Tomb Raider
2- Modern Warfare 3
3- Devil May Cry : DMC
3- Prototype 2
4- Sykrim
5- Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
6- SFxT
7- Bioshock 3
8- Forza Motorsport
9- Your shape 2
10- Lollipop Chainsaw
dude, no Battlefield?
battlefield 3 of course..its not a game..its real life
to me battlefield is a multiplayer game..never liked their campaing/story mode..
tho this one looks good
just finished ''El Shaddai'' its a damn awesome graphical heaven game
now im playing ''Dead Island'' on pc, its pretty funny
Dead Island bored me :/
That could be the one of the best game of the 12 :
Asura's Wrath E3 Trailer (
I got nhl 12 a few days ago and of course haven't played anything else since. But jesus christ, they've made it so hard to get any chances offensively. It's so fucking frustrating at times, i've played like 5 games in a row with 1 goal per game.
someone should try rookie difficulty haha
NEVER. I've always rocked the all-star, and i'm not planning on changing that.
Rayman Origins coming out in November, I'm so buying this!
Rayman Origins - E3 Trailer [UK] (
Quote from: Crazylegs on Sep 11, 2011, 05:59 PM
I got nhl 12 a few days ago and of course haven't played anything else since. But jesus christ, they've made it so hard to get any chances offensively. It's so fucking frustrating at times, i've played like 5 games in a row with 1 goal per game.
how the hell did you get nhl12 already?
it's released september 8th in europe. I had it on wednesday.
lol thats lame you guys don't even have nhl hockey and you get it almost a week before?
quite lame
im not even getting it, they didn't change much, ive bought it since 07
yeah I still rock the Patrick Kane NHL 10
Apparently you can create female players this time.
My brother has a shitload of FIFA games, and I just don't get it. For example FIFA10 looks good, why would you spend 60€ for FIFA11.?
Anyways, Office linebacker rules!!! HAHA
because the games get consistently better every year
doesn't mean the same for other franchises though, this year's nfl or nb2k haven't recieved a lot of significant updates
on average, i probably upgraaaaayde every 2-3 years with sports video games.
Quote from: bright lights, big city on Sep 13, 2011, 01:45 PM
on average, i probably upgraaaaayde every 2-3 years with sports video games.
Yeah don't get me wrong, I'd love to buy NHL12. I'll prob end up getting it eventually. There are so many other games I'd rather buy though.
Gears 3
lots of sequels lol
why is saints row 3 not on that list
Gears 3 is all you really need for the rest of this year.
Quote from: Penicks on Sep 13, 2011, 04:12 PM
why is saints row 3 not on that list
saints row is piss
Saints Row 3 will blow your mind nigger (
but i guess you need mature games for mature gamers such as yourself
they kinda stole the purple dildo from San Andreas.
Did you play saints row 2 Penicks? It was god-awful. This just seems like the same deal but with an airplane and a giant purple dildo. Pass.
saints row 2 was great once you got over the physics
heck, i put it on the shelf for two years and i played it this summer for the first time since then and had a lot of fun with it
Saints Row?
I'll wait for GTA5... whenever the hell that is.
Seriously though I prob wont even get all the games on my list, let alone saints row.
this is the funniest thing ive seen all day... (
hahaha that brings back good memories of playing NHL 2K5 in college with my roommate, and whenever someone was up by like 3 or 4 goals, we would go full speed into their goalie and check them, knocking the net off the moorings. they have goalie fights yet?
yup... they had it back in 04 too, its funny how they pawn these features off as being new.
max payne 3 debut trailer: Debut Trailer HD - Max Payne 3 (
looks like another gta to me
I really don't see the connection, except the fact that rockstar are involved.
trailer looks cool, and yeah if it's anything like the actual Max Payne series, it won't really be anything like GTA.
and the fact that it is made by Rockstar means that it will be a high quality release.
Damn I was so excited.
Before I watched that trailer. (
Mmmmm =D !!!!!
spoiler: the last good resident evil game was the remake on gamecube
was that before or after RE4?
re5 sucked, 4 was good
4 was brilliant. 5 was fun with co-op though. coulda used more scares.
Playing the co-op mode of RE5 with a friend was massive fun, and so was the mercenaries mode!
We were always trying to beat the last high score and come up with big combos.
And lets not forget all those ridiculous moves to finish enemies and get the 5 seconds time bonus!!
Without a doubt one of my favorite games for the 360
this Operation Raccoon City thats coming out will provide fun multiplayer, so hopefully that means RE6 will go back to the awesome, dark, horror single player campaign.
So I bought NHL12... it's pretty damn good. the hitting is kind of glitchy but no complains besides that.
ooooh haha you clever bastard.
You guys hear about Assassin's Creed III? Genius ideas.
After this Tuesday when Mass Effect 3 comes out, it instantly goes to the top of my most-anticipated games list.
If you live in the UK and have any store credit for Game, you have just lost it as they've gone into administration.
- get hype for the prototype 2
- racoon city is pretty fun
- sfxt is awful
- ninja gaiden 3 is meh
- lollipop chainsaw will be more funny than dead rising
- fuck i hope they make half life 3, and release counter strike g.o.
- just finished asuras wrath, it was pretty dope
- rayman origins is the best platformer game that i played ever..still rocking in
- finished pirate darkness 2 on pc..great fps game..this game is so stylish, fuck the others
^hardcore gamer
because of my job (photoshop designs)
The new DMC (
The 2nd trailer of Resident Evil 6 (
@ rock_n_frost did you give it a try to Street Fighter Vs Tekken? It has pretty bad reviews above all because you have download content,that including players that are only pre-loaded on the game.I hope they put them all for a re-release in the near future.
yep, i have it..
it is the worst fighting game ive ever played..
Dont buy it. Dont bother it.
Gameplay system is so shitty..
Ive played other characters on a modded xbox, too (12 char)
Its shitty as fuck
Only Alisa and Bryan looks interesting. The rest is bullshit.
And everyone dropping the game on online. Hard to find opponent. Also its laggy.
Believe me.
You have a Ps3.
Buy God of War Ascensions
Its multiplayer looks badass.
And keep play umvc3..thats what i do everynight :p
I will buy it but when it comes out my friend ;)
Thanks for the info on SxT I knew so many people couldnt be wrong.I hope they re release it with all the characters,otherwise Capcom can eat it LOL
Get a PS3 !!!
All I want is GTA5.
New announcement coming on September 1 on the Japanese exposition.They might announce new Final Fantasy XIII-3.I know it was a hated game along its saga but Im actually excited for this :D
Got Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD on Xbox Live. Playing the warehouse and school levels again and hearing those songs from THPS 1 & 2 brought back some nice memories.
I'm still waitnig for my PC version of that game. Gonna lose a lot of time on that one for sure. Does it have split screen MP?!
Quote from: RoyalDeftonicBoy on Jul 27, 2012, 01:52 AM
New announcement coming on September 1 on the Japanese exposition.They might announce new Final Fantasy XIII-3.I know it was a hated game along its saga but Im actually excited for this :D
And it happened !!!! :D (
Im so pumped about this !!!!! I cant wait until I play the last episode on this saga! :D !!!
LIGHTNING RETURNS™: FINAL FANTASY® XIII Yoshinori Kitase Announcement Presentation (
Splinter Cell Blacklist - First Gameplay Demo (
I've never played this game but looks really good! I like the infrared effect exactly like Hitman :D
Looks great. I recommend Splinter Cell Conviction, I really enjoyed it, even if it strayed a little from the PS2/XB games. I loved the co-op.
totally agree, i loved the last one.
Grand Theft Auto V Trailer 2 (
Looks SO GOOD! Only game on the horizon i'm really looking forward to, that i can think of at least.
GTA 5 looks really nice..
hope the city is more alive this time around and the graphics resemble RDR also the shooting system
Im so getting it!!!!! :D!!!!!!!!!
I haven't played a final Fantasy game since 12. Too linear.
They have always had amazing CGI but the game play has turned pretty crap in the last 5 years.I'd struggle to call it an RPG anymore.When used copies of Final Fantasy VII are still selling for more than the latest installment I'd tend to wait for reviews before purchase.
Anyone else anticipating "Ni No Kuni"?
Looks really cool. Out next week? Are there reviews yet?
Quote from: bright lights, big city on Jan 15, 2013, 02:29 PM
Looks really cool. Out next week? Are there reviews yet?
Only from IGN, as far as i know. I don't read/watch any reviews to this game though. Want to be completely unbiased when I get it :)
so is anyone psyched to see some playstation 4 tonight?
no backwards compatibility kind of stinks, and yet another Killzone? But I am still pumped. The system's capabilities and that controller look great, and I want to see how well Sony's Cloud will work with playing PS1-PS3 games.
Now I want to see where the next XBox is headed since this current generation turned into a Microsoft supporter.
I will stick to my PS3 1st gen with backward compatibility for PSone and PS2 games :D Also,Im glad I took my naptime because they show no console WTF with that!!!!
good point, haha.
also I'm softening on this backwards compatibility stuff - the future is digital! if this cloud stuff is legit on PS4, and all my xbla purchases transfer to the next XB, I'm all for clearing some shelf space.
I seriously considering getting a WiiU before anything else.
Quote from: Corleone on Feb 21, 2013, 05:05 AM
I seriously considering getting a WiiU before anything else.
Cool idea behind it but it's really struggling to get any backing from developers and it's not going to be able to compete with the upcoming next gen consoles.
im probably alone here but i wasnt impressed with anything i saw from the sony conference tonight
The specifications are really impressive finally better than a gaming pc but I know i wouldn't use alot of the features like their facebook thing also thought it was pretty shit they didn't show it or talk about price or release, I have a feeling it's going to be really expensive...
there was some rumors on the web a couple of days ago, something like 430 for one model and 530 for another one. it looked to me like theyre trying to merge xbox live and facebook together for their online hub.
Sony's always around $500 in the US at least. But yeah, we better get used to what everyone is pushing - social gaming, streaming/digital downloads, motion controls, cross platform connection. A problem with that last one is that XBox doesn't have a handheld, unless they somehow start pushing Windows 8 or Windows Phone into connecting with the XB.
I still do want a Wii U, though. But like DeftonesNZ said they don't have any other backing. I still dig Nintendo and they make incredible games, but these days you can't just buy a Nintendo system and that's it. Then you're missing out on 80% of the generation's best games because they don't come out for Gamecube/Wii/WiiU.
Online multiplayer is as much social gaming as i do, i couldnt care less about the ability to share what im playing or be able to let others see what im doing. But youre right, it seems thats what theyre aiming for now, more social integration.
I've got a wii u, and the only games i have for it are the new super mario bros and zombie u, its really lacking for games right now, they did just a release a zombie u bundle that looks like a pretty good deal if youre really wanting one now instead of waiting though
I really liked the press conference yesterday, and i'm an xbox guy all the way. Shit is looking real tight. The focus of the presentation was definitely on the games. Though i was hoping for something bigger to end the whole thing. Final fantasy is hella boring to me. I'm real curious to see how microsoft will respond. They have to unveil the next xbox at e3 at the latest.
Quote from: bright lights, big city on Feb 21, 2013, 03:38 PM
But yeah, we better get used to what everyone is pushing - social gaming, streaming/digital downloads, motion controls, cross platform connection.
...or you say to hell with all that gimmicky shit and play some real games on a pc.
Quote from: Jacob on Feb 22, 2013, 01:23 AM
Quote from: bright lights, big city on Feb 21, 2013, 03:38 PM
But yeah, we better get used to what everyone is pushing - social gaming, streaming/digital downloads, motion controls, cross platform connection.
...or you say to hell with all that gimmicky shit and play some real games on a pc.
pc's are for people without friends lol , %50 of my gaming is splitscreen with my friends.
Quote from: DeftonesNZ on Feb 22, 2013, 04:01 AM
Quote from: Jacob on Feb 22, 2013, 01:23 AM
Quote from: bright lights, big city on Feb 21, 2013, 03:38 PM
But yeah, we better get used to what everyone is pushing - social gaming, streaming/digital downloads, motion controls, cross platform connection.
...or you say to hell with all that gimmicky shit and play some real games on a pc.
pc's are for people without friends lol , %50 of my gaming is splitscreen with my friends.
so? I mostly play with friends as well, but on pc.
I could as easily say that consoles are for people who are too stupid to use a pc.
Quote from: Jacob on Feb 22, 2013, 04:41 AM
Quote from: DeftonesNZ on Feb 22, 2013, 04:01 AM
Quote from: Jacob on Feb 22, 2013, 01:23 AM
Quote from: bright lights, big city on Feb 21, 2013, 03:38 PM
But yeah, we better get used to what everyone is pushing - social gaming, streaming/digital downloads, motion controls, cross platform connection.
...or you say to hell with all that gimmicky shit and play some real games on a pc.
pc's are for people without friends lol , %50 of my gaming is splitscreen with my friends.
so? I mostly play with friends as well, but on pc.
I could as easily say that consoles are for people who are too stupid to use a pc.
I've used both quite alot and I although I like PC I chose to use my modded 360 rather than my gaming pc, alot of the time pc games come out months after the other platforms release dates and I just find it awkward to play you can't just relax on the couch and play on a pc and local multiplayer requires alot more planning, everyone has to bring their own pc and then alot of the time atleast one person can't see or connect to the game. Also I get sick of bug ridden new releases that require patches it just ruins the experience for me.
I hate sitting at my desk, 2 feet from the screen, using a mouse and keyboard (I know you can use a controller, but fuck that) to play games. Plus you have to drop like $1000 every year or 2 to keep up with the latest required graphics card or sound card, etc.
Part of it is also that I've been playing console games since like age 6. I try PC gaming once in a great while, but really the only game that I like playing on PC is SimCity. Sorry bros.
I've been console gaming since the NES days, never could get the hang of playing with a mouse and keyboard, but to each his own. I'm mostly an xbox guy myself, metal gear solid is my favorite game series though, and I really dig the Uncharted series
Quote from: kurtone on Feb 22, 2013, 08:07 AM
I'm mostly an xbox guy myself, metal gear solid is my favorite game series though
Are you getting the new Metal Gear? I'm on the fence with it, wasn't too impressed with thedemo.
i got it, id wait till there was a price drop, the campaign took me six and a half hours to complete, and that was with watching cut scenes and codec calls, and dying a lot, im not a fan of or any good at and button mashing hack and slash games. theres vr missions to unlock as well, but i dont see a lot of replay value in it.
So another one of these games
Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag -- World Premiere Trailer (
I honestly tried to get into this games and its series but shit I cant.
So have you been paying attention to the game sales on xbox live lately. I've bought three games in as many days.
I resisted most of it. I kind of regret not buying Civ Revolution. But I did get Grid and Dirt 2 for super cheap so that'll tide me over. Just kind of sucked that I already had most of the games.
Oh and yeah I am actually looking forward to another Assassins Creed. It does feel a little unnecessary to keep making a new one every single year, but I did really enjoy the last one. And AC4 could be awesome if its exploration and open (water)world is anything like Zelda: Wind Waker.
I bought dirt 2 as well. I think maybe it's even cheaper over here. I payed like the equivalent of 5.25 dollars for max payne 3.
wow yeah that's definitely cheaper. and Max Payne 3 was a blast.
Splinter Cell Blacklist Collector's Edition Trailer [NORTH AMERICA] (
This looks way too fucking sick but $169 holy fuck! I will buy some other special edition,I like the UK version with the statue of the dude =\
Also looking forward for Deadpool's game my favorite Marvel antihero LOL.I wonder when Ubisoft is gonna make a new Prince Of Persia game.
Deadpool's game release date is 06/25/13! First day buyer for sure!
Looks like there is another Wolfenstein called Wolfenstein: The New Order, what you guys think? Will they get it right this time? I truly hope so because I would like to play this on PS3.
Wolfenstein: The New Order - Announcement Trailer (
Wolfenstein: The New Order Video Preview (
Gameplay from the new Wolfenstein
I think it looks fucking sick! What do guys think?
the ending of Skyrim was so epic....can't wait to see the next chapter.
The storyline of Skyrim was boring and generic. Skyrim lives through its open and detailed world, in my opinion.
I agree with nosebleed, i found oblivion much more enjoyable, but that might just be because it was my first real experience with elder scrolls.
I just played through metro 2033 which i thought became very enjoyable toward the end, allthough like the book of course the story is pretty weak. The setting and themes are videogame gold though.
It's no secret that I don't like those games very much. Yes, the open world is fun for a few hours, but you soon learn that nothing you do actually affects anything and the entire world is just the same thing over and over. NPC's have the same lines wherever you are, all dungeons look alike and you fight the same enemies constantly. They should focus more on story and good content.
I can't wait for The Witcher 3. Loved the first two, and the third one will be as big as Skyrim in size, but with actual choice and consequence. They've even gone as far as comparing to everything they thing Skyrim did wrong, and how they will make it better. It's time for Bethesda to die a horrible death.
Killer Instinct - E3 2013 Stage Demo (
Looks like we have videogames on the remaking.
Never a fan of this game.
Quote from: Jacob on Jun 02, 2013, 05:44 PM
It's no secret that I don't like those games very much. Yes, the open world is fun for a few hours, but you soon learn that nothing you do actually affects anything and the entire world is just the same thing over and over. NPC's have the same lines wherever you are, all dungeons look alike and you fight the same enemies constantly. They should focus more on story and good content.
I can't wait for The Witcher 3. Loved the first two, and the third one will be as big as Skyrim in size, but with actual choice and consequence. They've even gone as far as comparing to everything they thing Skyrim did wrong, and how they will make it better. It's time for Bethesda to die a horrible death.
I loved the ending of Skyrim and the whole gaming experience to go with it. I love anything with mystical folklore and creatures and that game did both right. Never had a awesome PC to explore alot of games I wanted to so it was a win. Along with Oblivion and Fallout 3/ New Vegas.
Bethesda is great .
Thank You for the Witcher recommendation though. I'm playing part 2 and about 2 hours in and it's fucking awesome.
" new gen" looks just a little and shit
not a leap like PS1 -PS2
Quote from: Hank on Nov 19, 2013, 05:39 AM
" new gen" looks just a little and shit
not a leap like PS1 -PS2
It was never going to be that noticable because although the poly count has increased alot it's at a point where our eyes can't really distinguish it properly,the more noticable things are stuff like draw distance and the ability to have more objects on screen.
Look at this picture at you'll see what I mean, although the polycount have increased at a higher ratio that Ps1 to Ps2 it's alot less noticable (
It's still not that much diff.
I expected to see alot more. draw distance and all that other stuff you can obtain doesnt justify the mark up.
I'd like to see half of the cut scenes for these games thats upped justified.
Quote from: Hank on Nov 19, 2013, 06:42 AM
It's still not that much diff.
I expected to see alot more. draw distance and all that other stuff you can obtain doesnt justify the mark up.
yeah but you can see a huge improvement in processing power in the more intensive games plus you have to keep in mind these are launch games and as developers spend more time on these new consoles they will learn how to get alot more out of the hardware, have a look at the last generation launch titles they look like complete crap compared to what the exact same consoles are doing now, so when you keep in my mind this new generation is already looking better at launch than the old generation is at full potential you can see how much better these consoles will end up being.
I'm just speaking out of what I've got / seeing(sitting with a PS4) and what's to come bro...shit looks mad weak . I do get what you are typing but my feeling was just a little to early for all of this..I noticed the difference last gen..I don't see that much diff. when it should be..which is NOW!
price point and everything...yea I know its the start of a cycle but its a weak one compared to the others....
Speaking of Bethesda, rumor has it a Fallout 4 announcement could be coming around December 11. I think that's the night of the video game awards, so here's to hoping some sort of trailer or announcement is imminent!
Lots of troubles with The Blue Screen Of Death from the PS4. Im just gonna wait for PS4 bundle with Driveclub, that game looks tight.
Quote from: bright lights, big city on Nov 19, 2013, 01:24 PM
Speaking of Bethesda, rumor has it a Fallout 4 announcement could be coming around December 11. I think that's the night of the video game awards, so here's to hoping some sort of trailer or announcement is imminent!
God yes, that would be amazing! Most game series just don't do it for me anymore, not even Gta V has impressed me and i'm struggeling to motivate myself to even finish it. But Fallout is definitely something i'll always get excited about.
So, did anyone buy a PS4 or Xbox One, yet? I'll wait for a year or so and get a 3DS XL this holiday instead. There are just so many great games for this system
I got the ps4. I'm really liking it. A lot better than the ps3 I think, in terms of interface and psn store. Games are lacking but it just launched so I can wait. Metal gear solid 5 and new uncharted on the horizon. Not to mention fallout 4! Best buy called and told me that Microsoft shorted them on xbones so if I want one I'd have to get there early to make sure I got a ticket, even though I preordered. Luckily, Amazon put more up this morning and I snagged one.
Just got announced. Best news in a very long time
「ペルソナ5」トレーラー映像 / PERSONA5 ( (
Mortal Kombat X
It seems the only reason why I would get the PS4 next year.
Lovely knee breaking animation. And that finishing move ^_^
The reboot was pretty cool, and I think the second part of this awesome icon of the 90s is gonna be even better (
More fantastic footage from Mortal Kombat 10 (
Looks amazing
Buy it, spread it. (
Quote from: Diplo on Jul 21, 2014, 09:44 AM
Buy it, spread it. (
I second that.
Bought Ryse: Son of Rome recently, fun game
I still haven't dipped into the next gen yet. Think I'll finally get a One when Destiny comes out, then that'll tide me over until the Halo Collection, NHL, Projects Cars, Sunset Overdrive, Far Cry 4 come out.
Finally some games to get excited about. Been basically only playing Gears 3, and Walking Dead season 2 the last few months.
Thats ok, wouldn't it have been for that Pepsi caps thing where I won an Xbox One I wouldn't have bought it. Honestly even though my 360 is already 6 years old I still love her, it is the best console I ever had. With new games around for christmas that might change but as of now there is no significant reason to go for the new consoles generation just yet.
Next planned buy is Diablo III - Ultimate Evil Edition
bought LA Noire and Max Payne 3 on a flea market for the 360, good games.
La Noire, especially, is definitely worth your time.
its so much fun searching crime scenes for evidence and solving cases. Good voices of the characters, too.
This is really something I am enjoying a lot about the 360 lately, buying good games for relatively little money. I definitely plan to add more titles to my games collection soon like Mafia 2, Batman: Arkham City / Asylum and some more.
That's the great part of not being a very active gamer, occasionally picking up great (maybe a few years old) titles for dirt cheap.
Those were from Rockstar, right? Can never go wrong with Rockstar games. Had a blast with both games.
Finally getting back into Assassins Creed 4. Pretty fun, but it is repetitive. And long. But I must finish the story.
And this is amazing. (
got to admire those freaks, like the guy who got to the highest level in world of warcraft by picking herbs in the starting zone
Has anyone played the game Bully btw? its also from Rockstar and looks like fun.
Yep. I never finished it, but it's pretty fun. Definitely worth a try.
I enjoyed Bully too. Liked how they through in go kart races and stuff to be "childish", even though it was still rated Mature. If you like minigames for the school classes (like History, Math, Art, etc) and don't find them tedious, you'll love the game.
ok I'll keep it in mind.
Got Diablo 3 for Xbox One a few days ago, this is an awesome game. Also I got a LAN party planned this winter with my friends. Do people even do this anymore nowadays or has this become like an ancient thing now that everyone has super fast internet at home?
We still do it once in a while at my friend's house, mostly for nostalgia purposes with Halo 3 or 4. Damn kids these days probably never do that shit, though. We sound old.
This might as well have been my friend's basement in high school.
Does everyone bring their xboxes and you connect via system link to play Halo? Because as much as I know its an xbox exclusive title.
But I agree, its all about the old games. And regarding kids today, I'd say for them it makes sense not to do something this nerdy anymore,
They meet on Steam and play together online. Sure they miss out on the lan experience but at the same time its much less commitment this way. You're tired of playing, you go offline. At a lan party, you're in it from Friday afternoony till Sunday evening ^_^
Yeah system link definitely. There is something special about being in the same house with a big group playing, instead of each person at home - that party atmosphere. Easier to trash talk too. But Friday afternoon till Sunday evening...holy shit that's intense. I couldn't do that. Going from like 5pm after school on Friday until early Saturday morning was enough to kill my eyes.
just realized you were refering to an xbox system link session as a lan party, that is treason man.
How is it done anyways? ( cause I have no idea ) Something like wwo xboxes, two televisions and split screen on both so 4 people can play at the same time?
Its funny I know some people who own a 360, siblings, cousins, friends, work colleagues and others , but nobody of them ever did system link. Maybe its just not so popular here.
Quote from: black coffee on Sep 16, 2014, 04:06 PM
just realized you were refering to an xbox system link session as a lan party, that is treason man.
How is it done anyways? ( cause I have no idea ) Something like wwo xboxes, two televisions and split screen on both so 4 people can play at the same time?
Its funny I know some people who own a 360, siblings, cousins, friends, work colleagues and others , but nobody of them ever did system link. Maybe its just not so popular here.
When i remember it right, you can connect 4 xboxes on 4 televisions, each with split screen, so 16 people could game Halo together.
It was not easy to find a place with enough space for even 10 people, and to bring televisions, mostly small ones which were shitty enough for even one person to play on it.
I remember when halo 2 came out, to play online (xbox live) you needed a credit card, at this time most people I knew didn't had one. Luckily the father of one of my best friends had one, and he aloud me to use it. This friend was also, just like me, finished with school and without a job yet, and we were practically neighbors, about 500 meters in a straight line, and in the middle of this line was a gas station and a playground.
We used almost every day to play Halo2 online for a few hours (everyone at his home), later we met in the gas station to buy beer, food an cigarettes, sat in the playground for a few hours to talk shit and also smoked weed sometimes, then we went back home to play Halo 2 again, met later again in the playground, went home to play a final round and went to sleep.
At this time, we found it awesome, but when I look nowadays, it was a fucking waste of time :)
You got it man. The split screen on separate tv's helped with the teams. I guess that is treason, compared to a legit lan party tho. But yeah, luckily we had 1 friend that could accommodate about a dozen people at his house. Once in a great while I'd go the Counter Strike lan parties they had.
I think today it could still be fun on say the 360. We're obviously older now and people have their own places, so it's not like you have to be quiet and compete for space with someone's parents. One of my friends has a townhouse and sometimes played Halo 3 with 4 on 4. A bedroom would have split screen on a couple tv's and team up against the big screen in the living room that had 4 people on the 60 incher.
One reason why we probably never got close to even considering system link is that rather than carrying consoles and televisions to someones place, we'd be bringing our laptops which is much less effort.
Anyways we got a holiday house for ourselves, this is gonna be awesome. Maybe I'll be making pictures of the mess and share some here
So I finally finished the Diablo3 single player with my lv 51 Crusader, so many awesomely wasted hours.
Also for me that was a bit going back to the roots, having played the first Diablo on Playstation1, then Diablo2 on pc and now 3 on console again.
Two and a half months till the lan party btw!! I am looking forward to that like a 14 year old
Got my PS4 since Friday and I've been playing the shit out of Assassin's Creed Black Flag, though I've never played any of the series.
Been about one year now with the xbone and I'v really come to enjoy the controller the more I play with it and now I'd even say its better than the 360 one.
Games collection is tiny small and I still haven't gotten a second controller yet but that will most likely change with the release of Mortal Kombat X (
those super moves ^_^
I just pre ordered Mortal Kombat X, the Kollector's edition from UK, so much better than the shitty US version. Now I gotta wait which is hard :'(
180 bucks for a steelbook cover, statue, comic book and game? well why not, I spend money for weed
Been preparing for the release of MKX so I played some MK9 lately. That noob saibot fatality where both rip the legs off of the opponent and split them in half, thats just too funny.
Regarding MKX, the Scorpion and Ermac fatalities are the most horrifying looking so far, and the Ferra/Torr one is just awesome ^_^
Quote from: black coffee on Apr 01, 2015, 05:37 PM
Been preparing for the release of MKX so I played some MK9 lately. That noob saibot fatality where both rip the legs off of the opponent and split them in half, thats just too funny.
Regarding MKX, the Scorpion and Ermac fatalities are the most horrifying looking so far, and the Ferra/Torr one is just awesome ^_^
I havent played MK since part 4 LMFAO Im gonna be such a noob when the game gets here in 13 days!!!! :D
After watching this summon of Final Fantasy XV Im pretty sure this is going to be right there with Mortal Kombat X for game of the year. (
So how is the game guys?
Im still waiting for my Kollector's Edition :/
What made my eyes rain:
- They got rid off a lot of cool characters from MK9 ( and my guess is some of them will still see the light of day in form of some kind of "MK9 fighters DLC" )
- No more 1vs2 or 2vs2 tag team fights. Seriously WTF Netherrealm? How can they leave something as important as this out of the game.
- Each character ( no matter which variation ) only has one x-ray each and it gets very repetitive.
What I liked about the game:
- Each character having three variations is a nice idea to balance out match-ups and I like how you really need to focus on the individual fighting style to win.
- Maybe the graphics are not the best for current console generation, but this game runs very smooth and fluent
- Fun online modes
- Even though I complained about missing characters before, I got to admit the new ones are pretty cool too and I don't just mean the obvious Ferra / Torr and D'Vorah, but also characters like Takahashi Takeda, Cassie Cage or Jacqui Briggs.
Quote from: black coffee on Apr 20, 2015, 02:27 AM
What made my eyes rain:
- They got rid off a lot of cool characters from MK9 ( and my guess is some of them will still see the light of day in form of some kind of "MK9 fighters DLC" )
- No more 1vs2 or 2vs2 tag team fights. Seriously WTF Netherrealm? How can they leave something as important as this out of the game.
- Each character ( no matter which variation ) only has one x-ray each and it gets very repetitive.
What I liked about the game:
- Each character having three variations is a nice idea to balance out match-ups and I like how you really need to focus on the individual fighting style to win.
- Maybe the graphics are not the best for current console generation, but this game runs very smooth and fluent
- Fun online modes
- Even though I complained about missing characters before, I got to admit the new ones are pretty cool too and I don't just mean the obvious Ferra / Torr and D'Vorah, but also characters like Takahashi Takeda, Cassie Cage or Jacqui Briggs.
Thanks for the input! Anyway this is gonna be my first MK since MK4 LMFAO
Here is a pic of my Kollector's Edition
Looks amazing and very detailed, goes perfect with all my other action figures :D
Even though I've been doing quite well lately in ranked matches I am still considering to buy either a fighting stick or the fighting pad they released not long ago:
Quote from: black coffee on Apr 28, 2015, 11:11 AM
Even though I've been doing quite well lately in ranked matches I am still considering to buy either a fighting stick or the fighting pad they released not long ago:
They dont have very good reviews on amazon man, stuff like the buttons stop working and such but if it works let me know so I might get it too.
Thanks for mentioning, in fact I didn't read any reviews up until now.
A few days ago I spoke with some dude ranked way higher than me and he told me he's been using a fight stick for many years and feels that gives him an advantage towards people who play with the normal gamepad. Needles to mention those were some humiliating losses against him, so I considered switching as well. Might just have to accept that theres no professional mkx player in me ;(
anyways how arr you liking the game and what are your favorite variations of characters?
Quote from: black coffee on Apr 29, 2015, 11:41 AM
Thanks for mentioning, in fact I didn't read any reviews up until now.
A few days ago I spoke with some dude ranked way higher than me and he told me he's been using a fight stick for many years and feels that gives him an advantage towards people who play with the normal gamepad. Needles to mention those were some humiliating losses against him, so I considered switching as well. Might just have to accept that theres no professional mkx player in me ;(
anyways how arr you liking the game and what are your favorite variations of characters?
Im enjoying it quite a lot, mostly because this is the 1st MK I play since Mortal Kombat 4 which was a long time ago.
My favorite characters so far are Ermac (Spectre Mode) and Raiden (God Of Thunder Mode).
You can tell Im a noob because the other day I was playing online and I dont know how but I executed a brutality LOL
I might look for a very good arcade stick too and if I get it first I'll let you know what brand is and how is it.
Laters man
Believe me when I tell you MK9 is one of the best games of the entire Mortal Kombat series. Came out for PS3 / 360 like 4 years ago but now with the existance of MKX I understand why you wouldn't be interested in its predecessor.
Jason looks amazing (
I might have to get that extra DLC content along Predator.
Honest Trailer for MKX (
regarding DLC's, I definitely want Tremor. Also Rain looks like a cool character in the story mode.
On Tuesday Jason is arriving to Amazon as single DLC content. Im so getting him.
Been playing Splatoon a lot since I got it a few days ago. Game's addicting as fuck.
It is more of the same but Capcom always makes say yes LOL (
Fuckin' fallout 4, mang. Looks good as a fuck.
This fall is going to be brutal with the amount of games I'm going to want to buy.
Anyone else make out pretty well with this summers steam sale? Think I added 15+ games to my library.... feels gud. Currently playing through Dues Ex: HR, about time
I just trying to mop up my back catalog, and now I'm finishing up Deux Ex. Pumped for the new one. Wanna dock?
Anyone played any good games recently? I just finished The Evil Within which was pretty good.
I can't wait for Uncharted 4!
Metal Gear Solid V! Best game i've played recently.
Waiting for Street Fighter V Collector's edition to arrive home, pre ordered Hitman Collector's edition and already waiting to pre order Final Fantasy XV bundles.
I finished the Hitman Beta tonight and it was pretty awesome :)
I played the Homefront beta and it was atrocious.
I was not gonna buy the Kombat Pack 2 for Mortal Kombat X but this sold me completely (
He is gonna be a new favorite just like Jason.
Looking forward to Uncharted 4 and The Division on PS4.
The new DOOM looks great too.
My Street Fighter V Collector's Edition finally home
Anyone who's into indie games, try Firewatch. Not a long game but I enjoyed it very much
Also, F E Z
Anyone playing The Division?
Anyone playing Pokemon?
I Caught another one.
Anyone got The new King Of Fighters XIV???
I been all about that Deus Ex Mankind Divided for the last week
I love the Movie fight club and the game, Ps2 just to play Fight Club.
Fred Durst as an unlockable character.
I've been playing Final Fantasy XV for the last month and man what a great game!
I've been playing Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!
Finished Final Fantasy XV yesterday.
Now back to Tomb Raider
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
Quote from: Red Pill on Jan 01, 2017, 09:45 PM
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
I played the campaign, and was pleasantly surprised at how good it was. The MP on the other hand...
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare's multiplayer makes some changes from last year's Black Ops 3. While none of it is completely game changing, the new additions do offer a slight shift from what we've seen in the past.
I haven't played a call of duty game since modern warfare 2. This one had me kinda interested though. Maybe i'll check it out later. I used to love those games.
Lately I've been playing Bioshock Infinite and Forza 6.
Finished the new Doom yesterday. There aren't many recent shooters that actually make me feel satisfied to beat them, but this one was pretty cool. A shame the multiplayer looks bland.
Call of duty is awesome!
Last couple weeks been basically rotating between Gears 4, Modern Warfare Remastered, Forza Horizon 3, and Battlefront. Can't quit em.
I love Metal gear solid!
Just finished Rise Of The Tomb Raider for PS4 and I gotta say it was pretty good and solid game.
Now just playing MKX and NiEr Automata Demo until my Black Edition comes home on March 2017.
really loved Rise of the Tomb Raider.
hot take, maybe? i think these new tomb raiders are better than uncharted.
Quote from: bright lights, big city on Jan 08, 2017, 05:28 AM
really loved Rise of the Tomb Raider.
hot take, maybe? i think these new tomb raiders are better than uncharted.
Believe it or not I've never played Uncharted but I think I might get Uncharted 4 Collector's Edition once I pay some stuff.
Assassin's Creed: Unity ! (
New Assassin's Creed Origins. Looks pretty awesome and already pre ordered.
New Wolfenstein (
Another game to pre order.
New Tomb Raider (
Quote from: M36 on Mar 24, 2018, 05:10 PM
Greatness awaits
! No longer available (
New God of War
Collector's Edition arriving soon!!! Hyped!!!!!