Oh great...the perfect thread for this place. We do enough of that already :roll: But btw I think your a dick for making it.. have a nice day :lol:
I let Tpam fuck me up..
so we've evenly fucked each other up now.
Quote from: "alimei"Oh great...the perfect thread for this place. We do enough of that already :roll: But btw I think your a dick for making it.. have a nice day :lol:
seems like you love it here.. who made you post in this thread?
tpatpam is lame.
and tpam is gonna meet Gavin tomorrow.
Quote from: "DefCubus"Quote from: "alimei"Oh great...the perfect thread for this place. We do enough of that already :roll: But btw I think your a dick for making it.. have a nice day :lol:
seems like you love it here.. who made you post in this thread?
Yo mama..
tpam stop interfering with our post fucking eachother up thread.
Quote from: "digital_maggit"tpam stop interfering with our post fucking eachother up thread.
Say again..
wtf is TPAM?
Quote from: "joey13"wtf is TPAM?
I haven't a clue :wink:
"the person above me"
OOOO ok so I'll leave your thread alone now
oh. ok.
i apologise for my slowness in processing abbreviations.
Its okay tpam. But get with it and describe tpay. man.
i'll see tpam next month for some churros
Ok ok geez...the person above me before (not you) is a total hottie..stop teasing with that pic :roll:
What is tpam talking about?
TPAM now said to get subject.. DUR :wink:
me, maybe? 8)
Quote from: "joey13"me, maybe? 8)
Heck yea you... :shock:
The person above me let her noon flag fly by calling this a new thread
tpam meant noob instead of noon right?
I thought tpam said he/she/it was gonna leave this thread alone.
and tpam just reminded me that i should prbably stop watching this tread.
thx. :wink:
But tpam I had to comment on myself..
The person above me caught me on a typo
tpam says i look like I'm 16.
tpam looks like she's at least 17 :D
ahhh to be 17 again...
and i dont think I've seen tpam..
The person above me looks young, but cute...and she haaad to get a pic with me 8)
haha because i was starstruck with tpam.. :P
And yet, the person above me was too cool to sit with me and dufftones, she wanted to stand next to the fools headbanging at Team Sleep
nooooooo i just wanted to be up close. It was my first time seeing them. Unlike tpam who has seen 'em like 10 times.
....were there really people headbanging?
the first time i spoke to tpam, she called me a bitch.
.the first time i spoke to tpam, he sounded all crusty.
tpam doesnt want me to go to sleep
tpam's ALL comfy in bed... and that sounds damn good right about now.. so.. I think I'll join him. In the sense... Of being comfy.
so so tired..
goodnight tpam and all you other pam's..
tpam likes my radiohead av and sig combo
tpam has me feeling like less o_O
Quote from: "The Captain"she wanted to stand next to the fools headbanging at Team Sleep
I had no idead that some people headbanged to Team Sleep... woah... that stuff puts me to sleep. (no pun intended)
tpam pretty much intended that pun. haha
tpam got me :?
no... not really
tpam has the best shoes ever
the person above me likes badonkadonks
the 2 people above me have cool sigs!
Ahhh it's the return of one of my favourite topics!
The person above me is a long time member, just as me. Dunno who was first though. And no we can't find out cuz there has been two board crashes.
I'm responding to tpam because I can 8)
Gee pam, that's a pretty boring reply right there ;)
tpam writes some strange poetry
I saw tpam yesterday night mwahaha
I don't understand what tpam means.
Oh and he's got nice hair :!:
tpam is one of the smartest and intellectual on the board..which i admire
tpam is quite the brownnoser
tpam has the cutest av and he really should be out there trying to find his grandma. Just think, no more knitted jumpers for Christmas :(
tpam isnt as intellectual as she may come across as.
tpam is waiting to hear about a job interview tomorrow
tpam was excited to see mazzy at the ts concert, but she was too scared to talk to someone she only knows from the WORLD WIDE WEB
i like tpam's bear, Minus...
tpam is tricky and Evil
where in middle fuckin' east is tpam from?
This guy above me is quality.
tpam thinks he is looking gay. i could disagree, but i'll prefer to concur.
Quote from: "black coffee"tpam thinks he is looking gay. i could disagree, but i'll prefer to concur.
I respect tpams opinion but only because I know he wants my cock.
The tiny eared person above me looks gay
Quote from: "The Captain"The tiny eared person above me looks gay
I actually really like this dude so that's cool in my eyes.
The person above me gets a joke and that's why I love him.
right back at you sexy asian.
On a sidenote my av is fecking huge!maybe my ears will look bigger!
i want to see a photo of tpam's elvish ear
tpam doesnt know about the picture topic
The person above me has a sig that matches Chick de la lynch's av
TPAM loves to go to lots of deftones/team sleep shows.
tpam cant stand black people
I always hahaha at tpam's comments, therefore the person above me has a good sense of humour.
The person above me needs help with iTunes
tpam likes fishing
tpam likes opeth.
^ window licker
Likes 50 cent. Yuck!
Tpam looks like dan. So he's pretty cool, too. ^^
tpma likes b&w photos
50 cent is a guilty pleasure, beeotch. haha.
tpam is rockin the woodland
haven't talked to tpam in a long time...
I described tpam so much in the past that no words are needed in this post :)
:o tpam <3....
The person above me makes me want to listen to Static-X
i miss tpam's old avatar
The person above me needs to be more specific, I've been through many an avatar
did nt you used to have a cat as avatar or am I completley wrong?
The person above me is correct, I had a cat as my av waaay back in the day...it's still my myspace display pic though
Tpam always reminds me of the words: "Captain, oh captain!" :?
tpam has some sexay pics posted on this board.
Tpam makes me blush..
tpam likes circa survive...wooooooooooooooo
tpam does, too and i recommend him to listen to the track haste the day - bleed alone.
tpam has the best taste in music on this board....well next to me of course. haha.
i like tpams av...very noose-inspired
tpam is a freak...j/k.
thank you tpam...i take it as a compliment...
No no, I think the person above me is a freak..just not in a bad way ;)
tpam and i have cultural differences when it comes to the labelling of items of clothing. eg jumper/jacket
So tpam, what does more feel like?
tpam never had another sig / ava combo
tpam seems to like glassjaw
tpam thought i was male for the longest time...
tpam and i go waaaaay back...
tpam wants to give me a lap dance with the way she compliments my already massive brain.
The person above me exaggerates the size of her brain
tpam is obsessed with me :)
Tyler I have something that would shock and excite you, it is in my possession.
tpam is......... tpam...
The person above me is out of ideas
The person above the person above me is refering to electric nipple clamps
(get it, shock and excite...)
tpam is correcto bout the ideas thing.
:( i need a life.
:( i need some zoloft again
tpam is one who likes to cause trouble :P
tpam is a closet freak :oops:
tpam has lots of friends on myspace
Tpams an awesome dude.
tpam has a purple mohawk
The person above me was made for walkin' and that's just what they'll do. One of these days the person above me's gonna walk all over you.
i love it when tpam speaks musically..its so sexay :wink:
I haven't talked to tpam in ages, I'm not even sure that I'd be remembered.
tpam is most definitely remembered for his sweetness...i hope tpam hasnt forgotten about me :( ...
I definitley have not forgotten about tpam.
helllllo tpamz! :D
tpam has something in his head
tpam knows where he is going to be sometime in November.
The person above me better be seeing Team Sleep in Oakland on the 26th.
The person above me is nice to me now..and I like it 8)
The person above me misunderstands me
Nobody gets me[/drama queen]
I will sex tpam at the team sleep show.
tpam owns a blood brothers hoodie, meaning he must like bb's.
Tpam is correct, although the love for bb is fading.
even so, tpam obviously has some good taste in music
Tpam gave me a compliment, I thank you tpam<3
i am pretty sure tpam has seen the blood brothers xx times, while im gonna see them for the first time on august 29th :lol:
tpam sent me a couple of quitter tracks waayyy back in the day
TPAM never sleeps.
tpam watches the amazing race when its on
TT is gay
tpam shouldnt post in this thread if he thinks its gay
The person above me keeps the Norwegians in check
Tpam's got like. . .a secret identity.
The person above me should know that all superheroes/secret agents/etc. should have a secret identity. 8)
tpam is always incognito...
The person above me's use of the word "incognito" reminds me of a Kevin Smith movie..I just can't remmeber which one...Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back?
Oh, and she thinks pinkeye is beautiful, hehe
tpam likes to tease me...in more ways than one :wink:
The person above me has inspired me to resurrect my Eve Ellis combo
tpam has a way with words :wink: ...
tpam is an awesome person 8)
george bush named the australian prime minister john howard an "honorary texan", therefore in some strange way TPAM and john howard are citizens of the same state.
LOL Bush is silly 8) Tpam loves Radiohead
tpam doesnt ring a bell and strange because of the pretty high postcount
i want tpam's old AV...with the stuffed monkey sitting at the comp desk :(
tpam would wear that nurse or school outfit I posted some time ago if I can remember correctly.
tpam likes girls
...with big juicy asses.
tpam is loveable. I love him. cause he's my special friend. we do all sorts of stuff. together. alone.
tpam is telling the truth
TPAM name is Dave 8)
The person above me is not named Dave
and I just remembered the Kevin Smith movie "incognito" made me think of, it was Dogma :)
tpam has a really naughty avatar and sig.. :)
me likey!
Tpam has a really nice sig, too. :wink:
Tpam looks very cute in her av :D
Thanks tpam!
I can't see tpam's ava.. :roll: Just an X.
tpam and i both like circa survive, tpam and i are both awesome
tpam be an aussie, a dirty, outback, exiled, drunken, barbequeing criminal.
gotta love them aussies.
no really most of the aussie tourists i meet are freindly as john
Tpam told me you can't bake things in an grill and he was right :(
The person above me got BLOCKED for dissin my dream lover.
Tpam should know I don't give a shit. I can just ring him when I miss him MWAHAHAHA...unless he changes his number :(
The person above me didn't really get blocked, I just switched to "Appear Offline"
Awwww tpam really likes me but is too afraid to admit it.
tpam wants to save the humpbacks
I love tpams sig pic <3...
I love Tpam.
oooh snap
I love tpam tooo...passionately and unconditionally :wink:
I used to talk to tpam (sometimes)...
tpam likes RATM
tpam lost his inspiration in a fight with his typewriter
Tpam is always pretending to be someone else.
Oh, and he didn't come to see me, the queen, on the Rheinkultur. :x
tpam and i share the love for vampires...dangerously sexay!!
WTF? Who said that?
Tpam seems to be confused..
I dont know tpam...
Quote from: "rxqueen"WTF? Who said that?
Tpam seems to be confused..
yes i'm confused..i thought you were someone else...
the person above tpam is fucking right.
The person above me is proud
tpam would be "proud" of that, too.
What? :shock: Cool, I just listened to their album. Now I watch golden girls, haha.
Tpam never answered on myspace. :cry:
i'm watching the person above me through a webcam. :roll:
/edit: uh, not anymore. tpam posted too fast.
Tpam doesn't want me to see him through webcam. :cry:
tpam and tpah should get a room
How does tpam me know, that tpah and me haven't already taken a room?
i dont know tpam.. but i know shes not in the state of mind i am.. i think... i dunno...ahhhh goodnight ALL.
The person above me has finally had her brain fried out in the desert.
tpam seems to love that chick from theSTART
the person above me is the singer of that band Train
i have no clue why tpam has a new acc
tpam had a nice round number of posts (2700)
haven't seen tpam post in this topic much...btu i know he sure loves this topic...
tpam's Sig is awesome :D
tpam as of right now is only one post away from.. yes.. 100 posts. i wish him luck
tpams avatar is too big
Quote from: "manic_bastard"tpam as of right now is only one post away from.. yes.. 100 posts. i wish him luck
Shame that person has a fadge and not a phallus.
Tpam above me is Scottish therefore,not cool like the Irish.
The person above me should download The Art Of Safecracking's EP that I posted in the Turn people onto bands thread :wink:
even thinking about tpam makes me all moist
when i take a look at tpams last post in the hxc topic, i must say he really got influenced by dave :lol:
tpam also expanded his taste in music over the last months.
The person above me shares my love for Catch Without Arms
tpam is the most anal retentive mother fucker I have ever had the pleasure to live with.
I still need help with my record lable man... Get your ass to business school or something :P
Don't think I've ever talked to tpam... maybe i'll see if he's on messenger..
Tpam doeshave an awesome sig.
But I'm gonna let her win just so she can pin me.
haha...I'll pin tpam alright...what else goes on...mm..hehehehehe
tpam can pin me even if we arent wrassling. :D
good to know tpam...good to know... :D
Tpam is really warm..
..and smooth... :D haha hmmm tpam...ahhhh....
tpams hair is wavy, and doesnt smell like butt.
But like rain.
I'ma see tpam in a week or so............hopefully.
If not, I'll see tpam at the team sleep show :D
Heheh...does tpam want somethin to happen at the TS show???????
*wonders what tpam has in mind*
* haha...tpam should ask me on messenger...........
Quote from: "Lord Scrotum"Quote from: "manic_bastard"tpam as of right now is only one post away from.. yes.. 100 posts. i wish him luck
Shame that person has a fadge and not a phallus.
Tpam above me is Scottish therefore,not cool like the Irish.
i cant think of something to say about tpam.
the person over tpam can't wait for the team sleep show and something more to happen :lol:
tpam is gonna smoke some weed and play some table tennis later.. :D
tpam be a fellow bass slinger
tpam is very right! :)
i dont know tpam, but i think he is the "thinking" type...me thinks lol
I dont know for sure.. but I think tpam had a different name before this one.
I'm kicking tpams ass in my sig.
tpam is deadly digital maggit.. and thats..the digital flying forearm..?
I dunno.
The Deadly Digital Flying Forearm of Dooom. Tpam turns 20 in two months.
apparently.. im not wearing a shirt in tpams Sig
I dont even know if I'm wearing a shirt in my sig...
But tpam owes me some extra good massaging.
I wonder if tpam bites
tpam's gonna help me learn spanish?
tpam used to have his own face as avatar and hes real time friends with some other person on this board.
The person above me currently has his own face as his avatar -rimshot-
j/k <3
*high fives tpam*
tpams bowels are delayed
tpam :roll: over rated
I'd have to protect tpam if things got crazy at a concert.
TPAM has a landing strip, a very thin landing strip leading into the treasure area of his body.
i dont know tpam...but i think he's got curls...
I have n't talked to tpam in a long time on msn. maybe we meet after my vacation.
tpam lives in the desert
tpam decided to not to drugs.
Since the person above me's been gone, I can't breathe for the first time
tpam makes me wonder wtf bh stands for
Tpam wants to aim with me.
tpam is friends with dan i believe
Tpam is a sherlock, too. :shock:
tpam posted a pic of myself on another board AGAINST my will :cry:
Tpam will never forgive me.
tpam likes friends, photography and fashion. (alliteration.)
TPAM sent me a PM yeserday and never replied back :shock:
Quote from: "alimei"TPAM sent me a PM yeserday and never replied back :shock:
tpam seems so fucking awesome! even though i dont know her that well.. :D
Quote from: "Azwethinkweiz"Quote from: "alimei"TPAM sent me a PM yeserday and never replied back :shock:
tpam seems so fucking awesome! even though i dont know her that well.. :D
tpam wants some e-flange.
tpam is the lord of manhood...
tpam deosnt rlealy wxist
Quote from: "Azwethinkweiz"Quote from: "alimei"TPAM sent me a PM yeserday and never replied back :shock:
tpam seems so fucking awesome! even though i dont know her that well.. :D
Thanks sweetness 8) THIWA (the person I'm writing about) which isn't technically above me has the best name I've ever heard in my life 8) Oh an TPAM (oldnewtype) has an original sig :shock:
TPAM is really cute. I commented in the pic thread..she never replied.
Quote from: "Jerry_Curls"TPAM is really cute. I commented in the pic thread..she never replied.
I never saw your comment in the pic thread TPAM :shock: :shock: (Goes and checks now) 10 minutes later still not seeing it.. point it out to me :shock:
TPAM should feel like they pwn3d me because I mistaked you for someone else. EEP
Quote from: "Jerry_Curls"TPAM should feel like they pwn3d me because I mistaked you for someone else. EEP
LMAO.. I was about to say I'm going crazy cause I don't see it :shock: :shock: No pwn3d'ing here.. (not that I really know what that means) TPAM thought I was RXQueen 8)
The person above me isn't blonde, I don't see how Jerry_Curls made that mistake
I frightened tpam at the team sleep show.
tpam has the nicest facial hair on this board...I think he's the only one who can actually GROW facial hair on here :P
tpams eyes tell a story
tpam's eyes are the same color as mine.
tpam has the same kind of dog I do... if i remember correctly :?
I <3 tpam's sig pic...
I definitely agree with tpam about tpah's sig. And um...havent talked to tpam much.
tpam is my digital buddy, except she's into maggits and i'm into knives...
most persons above me have a deftones-related nickname, the magic 'digital' included :lol:
tpam has a nice dredg sig
the person above me has a name that in holland we write as 'thijs'
tpam is an attentive new user and already in love with the board, consider his 8.49 posts a day :lol:
tpam was just a bit later than me with posting his comment on azwethinkweiz
tpam's av always makes me giggle
The person above me's sig always makes me giggle.
The procrastinate now...for some reason it always makes me think of a campaign like Catholocism Wow!
7p4m 3Ets t3h p3n0r
tpam has the coolest av ever :D
Tpam is a cool Denmark...ian........ite........
Quote from: "Knife_Party"Tpam is a cool Denmark...ian........ite........
haha :D it's called "dane".. i'm a cool dane :D
edit: sorry, off topic..i know.
TPAM is a cool dane 8)
Tpam is a cool dame 8)
TPAM hair is totally awesome :shock: Props for that 8)
I havent seen tpam's pic :|
I mistakingly thought tpam was online, but instead it was his mom :shock: ...
well--..nice eye...she´s pretty cool...even if i don´t know her..that´s the fact
TPAM is from Venezuela 8)
I remember back in the day when tpam used to hate on this thread.
The person above me is beggin for rides on myspace. Best watch out, girl
I remember way back when I hated TPAM.. oh wait..(not captain)
The person above me used to hate me too (don't lie) ;)
TPAM is very correct..in fact I called TPAM a complete "beeotch" to Moz one day and he said "He's just misunderstood"
aww, Moz defended me.
The person above me actually meant yesterday when she said "one day"
hehe, j/k...I think :|
Blah tpam beat me to the post.
TPAM...pssh nevermind I'm dry..I got nothin. Captain when are you talking about?? cause I'm sure you're right.. if there's anyone able to call my typo's it would be you.. notice I spelled "you're" right.. you little english teacher you.
Haha...I didnt know tpam HATED me haha. Jeez.. So is there still hate lingering, alimei?
The person above me beat me to the post :P
And the person above her didn't get that I was joking, not correcting.
By saying "one day" I assume it was at least a few days in the past and I joked that it was yesterday as in you still think I'm a beeotch.
TPAM has a very dry, somewhat misunderstood humor. No Digital not hate..I only hated you for a brief period of time IE when you were the only mod that never answered one of my q's :|:|
tpam is the new rosebud, kinda
EDIT: wow 3001 posts :D
TPAM I don't get the connection :?: But I think Rosie is a cutie.. so thanks 8)
i mean tpam is the new post-alot-girl
The person above me is my little swedish meatball <3
Ooohh ok got cha.. TPAM recently changed his avatar :shock:
i had the previously avatar for about a year :)
It was Rikku (forgive me if that's wrong) wasn't it TPAM?
tpam has done her homework
LOL not really my best friend lives for FF.. so that's where the knowledge came from. TPAM is friendly 8)
TPAM needs to post her pics again and stop editing them out.
TPAM needs to change his location.. it always makes me want Nerds :shock: On the pic thing.. don't worry you're not missing much..a small face shot taken with a camera phone.. plus I'm not showing any cleavage.. I know I know.. total bummer :lol: :P
A few times the person above me has been down that track, but it's not just gonna happen like that 'cause she ain't no hollaback girl, she ain't no hollaback girl
TPAM, You're just awesome.
And no cleavage? No big deal, I like to see who i'm talking to so I can picture the person as I read what they say.
(rather creepyish statement) :shock:
TPAM I totally understand the "I wanna know who I'm talking to" thing and just for future reference the cleavage thing was a joke..a TOTAL joke 8)
The person above me has awesome cleavage.
j/k...or am I? :wink:
Well post TPATPAM!
TPAM, I don't see how people don't think you're funny.
Quote from: "The Captain"The person above me has awesome cleavage.
j/k...or am I? :wink:
You promised you woulden't tell... ahh hell they should of guessed from our posts in the official sex thread.. but seriously don't tell anyone about the late night threesome with Digital_Knives..oh wait DAMNIT. TPAM likes hollaback boy..and I just don't get it.
The person above me is all I need
The person above me is all I dream
The person above me is all I've always wanted
I don't think anyone remembers this song anymore :(
Bits and pieces..it may come to me when I'm almost asleep one night. Newayz TPAM secretly wants a cell phone.
I just had a rather nice PM convo with TPAM :wink:
tpam has forgotten all about me...i'm sad :( nobody loves me
The person above me is among my favorite Canadians
tpam would swallow his pride, he'd choke on the rinds, but the lack thereof would leave him empty inside
The person above me reads women's magazines, he swears the truth doesn't phase him, he knows the hardest bras for fall and how to make her fall in love in 4 or 5 days or less, guess it depends on the stars and how well he has memorized his dating dos and don'ts
tpam butchered that shit!
tpam is in a counterfeit sleep...
TPAM is awesome 8) :lol:
tpam is awesome-er (i know its not a word, but now it is)...
and tpam's website aka deviantART is wicked 8) ...
now time for me and tpam to whore up the thread...
Has TPAM read my writings on my devaint art page? 8)
no i have not read tpam's writings :cry: ...what's the url??
Well TPAM you might not be digging them.. or you may who knows 8) The link is http://alimei.deviantart.com/
tpam does not know that i write myself...so there is a good possiblity that i will be digging tpam's writings :D
TPAM needs to send me some of her writing's :P I would love to read them. I'm going now.. but I'll talk TPAM again soon 8)
alrighty..i shall PM tpam some of my writings :twisted:
The person above me left me and alimei
TPAM is right...left without a good reason. 8)
i've never seen the person above me post here.
TPAM isn't very observant :shock:
did tpam get my PM with my writings?
Yes TPAM I certainly did..and was blown away by "snow white" :lol: Good job
tpam is a real person. with real emotions. and shares a common similarity with all of us, sharing god's green earth, maaan
TPAM if that was actually meant and heartfelt how sweet and perfectly beautiful 8) TPAM is deep..
after the sex topic was closed, tpam can hardly stop posting what she is listening to right now :lol:
tpam has a very nice sig 8)
tpam sees a connection between white pony and dredg and i dont get it
tpam thinks i see a connection between dredg and the white pony which i dont.
I just love both bands(deftones and dredg) :D
tpan wants to go to school in california
The person above me is never satisfied, everytime I see them post they're feeling like more
i think tpam sounds like a cool guy. no sarcasm inteneded, folks
TPAM changed his avatar recently 8)
tpam now has 700 posts :D
tpam was eating onion rings... or maybe it was calamari
oooooooh yeh it is too :oops: either way, tpam inspired this afternoon's drive to burger king just for onion rings
tpam had an onion ring withdrawal...he gave into the craving
tpam writes, although i'm not sure what about.
TPAM is homesick. He misses being poorview.
TPAM looks like a girl
Tpam has crazy legs. :roll:
The person above me was a girl, the person above that was a boy, can I make it any more obvious?
I don't get what tpam wants to say.. :roll:
The person above me isn't down with Avril...good :)
tpam has framed his homemade internet personality.
The person above me is perfect, yes, it's true. But without me the person above me is only the person above me.
tpam has funny hair
ooohhh i finally understood tpam's avatar.
tpam understands tpah avatar. but i dont get it?
Tpam wants to come to LA
tpam tried to make me feel better
tpatpam is going to trade stock quotes with lostcancer like a real grown up
edit: tpam is a punk bitch
tpam beats off 2 times daily, his sperm is watery
tpam will massage claudios butt because its asleep
The person above me is an international P.I.M.P.
did tpam miss me while I was gone? :wink: :twisted:
i didnt even notice tpam was gone
hah j/k
tpam thinks his taste in music rocks. I`d doubt that.
*anyone who finds three differences between Spears thing and Aguilera thing will get a chewing gum!*
tpam is lithuanian
The person above me hates Australians and Radiohead
Quote from: "bored"tpam thinks his taste in music rocks. I`d doubt that.
bwahaha! says the guy with the marilyn manson quote in his signature :lol: did you even click the audioscrobbler link? now i doubt THAT and that you at least know half of the bands in my list!
and now...
GO HOMEthe guy in the middle of the pic tpam posted lately could be tpams brother ... and i could be wrong.
tpam has uploaded some very good shit lately! :)
The person above me is cool.
tpam's fave movie must be Night At The Roxbury according to his sig pic
...<3 EMILIO!!!!!!!!!!!
The person above me is addicted to Dangergirl, as are others
"how perfect to be acknowledged..." tpam :wink:
tpam is a super-hot female with a million dollar contract. + she seems nice so i like her.
The person above me has the hair, clothes, the fashion, the cashflow
i bought the same bl0od brothers hoodie tpam owns when i saw them a couple weeks back
tpam is very cute in an emo sorta way... :wink:
tpam and i are making msn love
tpam knows how I like it...
tpam is a human being. who walks, thinks logically, experience ranges of emotion, learns for their mistakes (at least i think so) and eats food. we can learn a lot for this person... oh yes..
i'v been wondering who's in tpam's av?
tpam's curiousity is at an all time high - and it will end. its john frusiciante.
Tpam is very much my type of person. And he has the cutest name ever, ERIC!!
tpam likes boys with long flowing hair
The person above me's probably right! this time, but I don't want to listen!
tpam is part of the "rickets"
tpam thinks I'm intellectual and she may just be right. She also has only posted one picture of herself, and that ain't grand. Post more girl!!
The person above me is not intellectual
The person below the person above me is mean
tpam loves aimee echo! :o
how the fuck does TPAM know that...i thought you were a n00bian.
haha if you read the past pages.. its not hard to catch on... common people.. its not that hard
EDIT: The person above me is on top of things, good girl.
TPAM is laying down that pimpness....good boy :D
you would think tpam is irish the way he describes his drinking
TPAM has no idea....i was born with scotch in my fuckin blood...i was bred to drink...everyone on my fathers side is alcoholics...everyone on my mexican ass mothers side is straight arrows....go figure.
TPAM seems pretty cool although this is my first night actually talking to anyone on this board
The person above me will enjoy her time on the board...which hopefully lasts because we need more theSTART fans!
tpam doesnt need to worry.. i will be here for a while and any time he would like to talk about theSTART or hwp im here!
The person above me is just a girl without apology
Quote from: "hellview"Quote from: "The Captain"The person above me is just a girl without apology
tpam has weak cs skills
tpam wants to make out with me, after apologizing for being mean
tpam taught me where babies come from :shock:
tpam got school'd
tpam told me when he was small he would use his turds and draw war paint on his face
tpam is exactly one month older than me.
tpam= fat, ugly, and out of shape
tpam is a rough cunt.
tpam is an even rougher cunt
tpam is such a rough cunt that sandpaper would be a better object of masturbatory pleasure
tpam has mastered the art of masturbation
tpam is going to see alexisonfire in september
I see tpam is stalking me again... :wink:
Tpam is like a flash of lightning.
Fast and amazing.
tpam pwnzors teh misspellage
tpam, WHUT????
tpam is domesticated
i don't know tpam.... i don't know most of you :(
it'll be tpams birthday tomorrow.. and hopefully she'll get some courage..
tpam is the Oprah of the board...
tpam is coming onto me
I believe tpam was coming on to me first :twisted: ...am I right tpam? hmmm?
ahaha I can make a real bad joke about coming on to tpam
Than i challenge tpam...oh i'm guessin tpam liked his lil post i made on myspace... :D
oops...ignore this post
tpam tpam'd herself, then decided against it.
i always see tpam post in this thread
The person above me is too suave for his own good, just can't get rid of the ladies.
the person above me.... is very popular on this board i see..
tpab is a pretty cool newbie.
tpam just earned major points with me... props...
tpam's got a kickass avatar...
I shall say the same thing about tpam
The person above me is the only sister in the BrotherHood...unless you count Jerry Curls
tee hee
tpam is walking on BH thin ice.
Yeah Masta Cat. We might have to throwdown if you tip that iceberg any further. And as for tpam, I saw this girl that looked like you on the bus. Well from far away anyways..
Boo far. bad times.
The person above me also had abad day and she's about to knock some drunk fool out
tpam thinks i should say "tee hee" more often
The person above me remembers something I do not :?
everytime i come to this thread tpam has posted in it
tpam will soon show her panties.
i told tpam it would be unacceptable!!
i knew tpam was a prude :P
tpam is very much wrong lmao i would so post a pic of my undies... look in the pic thread theres pretty much one of me... in my boy shorts haha
i'll agree with the pretty much part...but tpam knows a panty pic between a shorts pic....just wait till i post one of me in my panties.
deal ill post one of me in mine if you promise to post one in yours?
i wear boxers but i could so make it work if tpam would pm me a picture...i'll let you start it but you know that shit aint gonna happen haha, nobody wants to see a man in a thong...believe me...but i make that shit WORK! :shock:
well tpam should know thongs arent my favorite and if im not mistaken that thread wants to know your favorite type and im more into lacey things or nothing at all haha
sorry for the info
this thread doesn't care btw....and lacey is ok for "show" but tpam should know...that lacey shit...when used in the correct place....comes off as fast as it went on :D
^^^^^^^^^^^^pim p nigga
and fellow drunk :D
the panties thread cares!! haha and tpam should know that i know how to work what i got.. and he doesnt have a clue how fast that lace stuff can really come off...
The person above me made me raise an eyebrow
thats not all i could make you raise...
okay im done i promise...
tpam's gettin a lil board action..well done :twisted:
tpa the tpam is a pimp ass negro too...but tpam should know that i do realize how fast that shit can come off....how bout...never fucking with that lacey shit in the first place and getting to the point where your with someone who doesnt need lace to spice up some shit...tpam should know that i got plenty to work with... and ive had plenty of practice...and i can make that shit work just as well...believe me....you just want to see me in some fuckin amazon bikini. :D
edit...tpam is neither knives or tyler.....
The person above me is...no frills ;)
Haha, and he should get a gold bikini, Princess Leia style
tpamtpam is right.
and i am glad tpam has entered this convo
edit: tpam is wharf....and he's your usual asshole... :D
All the people above me posted at the wrong time, hahaha
i love being called a fag. and i think tpam is right haha...
tpam likes being called dirty names....thats hot.
tpam has no idea...
The person above me just made me eyebrow stretch, yo
it sounds like tpam has awesome eyebrows that move alot
tpam has no idea the sexual power of eyebrows.
tpam seems like the kinky type...hmmmmm
i think tpamtpam is one of my favorite board friend
i have not met tpam
is tpam talkin about me?...but i dont know tpam :cry:
tpa tpam is right when they say kinky...im into some fun fuckin shit :D
i believe tpam is referring to me... :wink:
very intresting talks could come from all this kinkiness... i like...
The person above me will not be the person above me by the time I hit Submit
ok tpa above tpam is right...variety is the spice of life...
The person above me lies!!! I swear!!!
tpam is a post whore!!!
tpam speaks the truth
tpam is right and i shall introduce myself.. hello tpam i am kaylie and i know i will be too late by the time tpam reads this
i give haha... im going back to the panties thead haha
tpam is so cute haha
tpam seems coool...
all these compliments ahaha thanks guys... i think greedyfly is such a cutie and i wish i knew you better tpam... it would be good to have a girl board friend
i know 2 of the same faces luckliy this thread is moving fast and i didnt look like a gay little noob with a double post of the same thing...
but now i look like one from talking so much :roll:
edit: double post... fuck me haha
tpam better stop blushing....that shit only makes you cuter...god i hate people who like to be cute...i just wanna throw them off a dam or somethin :)
edit: you made me blush
haha sucker ill blush all i want...
of course...tpam is just like the others... :D
tpam doesnt know what he is talking about and im still wondering where that pic of him in his boxers is...
The person above me wants to make friends with herself
is tpam grumpy?
kaylie...what kind? do you want the spongebob? because i swear if i post it and i dont see yours im gonna be so hateful in the future :lol:
The person above me is a low budget underpants model, hehe
deal... spongebob... NOW
The person above me thinks I'm grumpy?
done...im gonna post that shit public too, i gotta pull em out the dryer now...cuz im goin indian as we speak...smoke...spongebob...camera...its fuckin on dude.
The person above me said Indian when I think he meant Commando
just wondering.. and
imma go snap my pic
warnings to all... imma be in my undies
one without:
and one with...please keep you sex IM's to a minimum:
The person above me bending over makes that pic so much worse
Quote from: "GreedyFly"one without:
and one with...please keep you sex IM's to a minimum:
woooooooooooooooooo..i'm starting to really like sponge bob :wink:
Quote from: "The Captain"The person above me bending over makes that pic so much worse
hahahaha just put your penis back in your pants and it'll get better.
EDIT: Digi...i love you too :D
i love them.. but mine looks like 100million more times slutty than yours
yeah if i was a girl...id be sluttin that shit up too, fo sheezy
my camera isnt charged so we can wait or i can post the one i already have...
Quote from: "kaylie_moreno"my camera isnt charged so we can wait or i can post the one i already have...
say what?!
chicken impression :D
oh hahahahahah well... fine... but let me tell everyone right now... this was a deal.. i had no choice and... sorry for the boobage i know its only supposed to be my undies
oh and i know i know and i know my mirror is dirty
i feel really stupid doing that haha i just posted myself practically naked on a public message board
The person above me's mirror is dirty because of GreedyFly, hehe
EDIT: And she shouldn't feel too bad, Cody posted his (crooked) penis multiple times
DOUBLE EDIT: And 2 people on the official deftones board made a laaame ass sex tape and leaked it.
this thread is ahahah oh man, im tearing up.
hahahah hahahahaha haha
god...ok i can understand women being self-concience...(sic) but comeon kay...theres a fine line between what you've got, and what most women want...but then again your only 17 right? wait till you put a beer gut on you....otherwise that picture is pretty fuckin dope. puts my spongebob to shame...course i think tyler and digi's got some kinda thang f0r me :D
haha i have to take it down! lmao
haha, its understandable...my spongeboy pose will forever live on tho 8)
haha i look the way i look because i have been swimming since i was 8... and... what i have isnt that great haha.. i have like nothing i wish i was big and curvy!
no joke
The person above me didn't make sense just there
you should see me when im running around the neighborhood with a cig hangin out of my mouth....people are funny lookin haha
Edit: TPAM knows what she meant in retrospect
kkaylie is dope yo..
The person above me is right and the person above him is right too, I just like to give people a hard time
your dope yo..
FINAL CALL!!!! all perverts to kaylies pic!!! its coming down in 5 minutes!!
bah, babe ive seen better 8) you are still cute for your age tho...just wait till you have a 20 year old girl wrapped around you and makin out for an hour....gods been good to me :D
not to say you'd ever want a 20 yr old GIRL wrapped around you..but you know what i mean :wink: nothin like hangin out with someone you really want...and then actually just grabbing them and pulling them on top of you....wow...this topic has gone way off.
haha cute for my age... psh you dont know shit and you've had better?! hahah you dont know how good i am...
The person above me is confident, right on
yeah i forgot how old you are...but im a picky guy...and ive been with those girls who dont know shit...now...if a girl bites my lip during a make-out session.........well......god biting is fucking cute....but yeah i guess i dont know shit huh?
tell me your a lip biter and i'll believe your an experienced chickadee.
you dont know shit about how good i am...haha but im sure you have had better im just a stubborn brat who doesnt like to be compared sorry haha
The person above me feels challenged
haha i love compition and yes i do bite lips... biting girls lips is way more sentual though... it feel softer.. but with guys it incredibly hot... and i feel control when i bite their lip
i never said i "had" better...just "seen" better....but better in most people's minds is a skinny as a fuckin pencil chick...which is something i actually despise....i have been with my ex-girlfriends best friend....and i consider that better, if only for the fact that i got to be with my ex's best friend....she was my favorite, and she was probably shorter and just a little more filled out than you were....i can't deny the fact that you are a very cute person...thats a given....but my definition of better, comes from the personality files...and the fact that i dont know much about your personality, gives me the "ive had better" quote...no disrespect...because unless i have had you...how would i ever know?
very true haha... i took no offense to it just felt like defending myself
and i wish i was curvy... as mentioned before
your curvy...your not a fucking stick...your attractive and all that shit, plus you like deftones...which is an automatic plus in my book, it took me four years for me to get my ex into deftones....and i secretly despised her for it...if you dont like deftones....get the fuck outta my life :D
The person above me forgot to mention Kaylie's love for Aimee Echo boosts her hot and cool points at the same time.
tpam above me knows thats a personal trait of Kaylie's he digs...but i dont :cry:
haha i admire tpams honesty
and i admire tpatpam's love for aimee
ty TPAM...i hate dishonest people, but tyler hooked me up with Far...and for that...i am eternally in his debt...anything you need dude...im all over it...
The person above me needs more love for Aimee, that's my next project
EDIT: He also needs AIM or MSN cause PM'ing takes too long
dude, i got offa aim...but if you want me to get on, lemme know...but all i use is Yahoo Messenger....i would so hop on AIM if you asked tho...im gonna have like 30 ppl message me as soon as i do tho.
The person above me should hop on AIM cause I hate YIM
mr popular show them your spongebob... you'll get some
tyler dude, whats your screen, i'll hop on and add u.
Just another one of us Texans
i'll start the tpams again
tpam and i have not talked much
tpam should listen to the best band of all time: the grateful dead
tpam has a great avitar
tpam should know that i have listened to grateful dead
tpam should know that in 7 minutes, itll be 10 years since jerry died
tpam just gave me a reason to smoke a bowl.....R.I.P. Jerry
edit...I have a picture of when I was like 8 months old with Jerry...My mom has it, it's pretty cool, even thought I was to young to remember
tpam shoud know that grateful dead was a crap ass band as far as i know....but thats just me...save your fuckin hate Wharf, cuz i already hate your ass :shock:
i think i love tpam and his honesty (already mentioned)
Quote from: "GreedyFly"tpam shoud know that grateful dead was a crap ass band as far as i know....but thats just me...save your fuckin hate Wharf, cuz i already hate your ass :shock:
tpatpam just went off
tpam knows what wharf is like...he's a fuckin dick...i think he's cool...but he's a fuckin dick....and everyone knows it.
Quote from: "GreedyFly"tpam shoud know that grateful dead was a crap ass band as far as i know....but thats just me...save your fuckin hate Wharf, cuz i already hate your ass :shock:
save my hate?
you do realize that the dead and its fans created so many things that are still occuring today. you know that the dead experimented with sounds and speaker set ups. you know that without the dead, many things would not be around. yeah i thought so, bitch
Quote from: "wharf rat"Quote from: "GreedyFly"tpam shoud know that grateful dead was a crap ass band as far as i know....but thats just me...save your fuckin hate Wharf, cuz i already hate your ass :shock:
save my hate?
you do realize that the dead and its fans created so many things that are still occuring today. you know that the dead experimented with sounds and speaker set ups. you know that without the dead, many things would not be around. yeah i thought so, bitch
haha, first time i ever seen you post out of hate...and yeah i know about that shit...just dont like The Grateful Dead...i thought their music was shit...i could give a fuck what you think...but i did say you were cool, and i said that because you actually say whats on your mind...which i admire...but your a fucking asshole...you make a good point...but in most of your other posts...you make some stupid fucking asshole comment...just sayin...your cool...but at the same time...your a fuckin browneye stain....you know it...everyone knows it....
tpam loves the dead
tpam called me a fag
tpam knows its true...i actually have the little black bear with white bones beanie baby from the Dead Collection.....and fuck you btw...The Dead was about as good as Flock Of Seagulls.
greatest touring band of all time
tpam loves teh cack
The person above me just said the worst word for penis of all time
hey i dig "I ran so far away"...and thats it...and Wharf dude...i would love the cack if it was yours...fag :D
tpam called me a fag yet admits to wanting my junk
its true, for some reason im drawn to tiny "junk's" i want you wharf, you and Jerry's tiny dead ass fucking penis....i wanna feel you....deep inside me...haha, you dont intimidate me ho...anyone with a beavis av is automatically sucking "cack" on the side.
All of tpam have provided me with Entertainment.....and I thank you :wink:
now is not the time to diss jerry
i will adhere to tpam request...only because you can come-back with some shit that dont make me hate you...what is this august 9th....fine...RIP Jerry.
tpam over estimates my interest in him..i did say i loved sponge bob :wink: ...egos..geez :twisted: ..though ur ass was nice...lol
hahaha, over-estimations are keen to those who like spongebob plastered on asses.
im jealous of tpams boxers
yeah...tpam is cool....sun devil....but still cool
tpams gettin a kick out of the board...especially from tpah..
The person above me is a pretty woman who enjoys Pretty Woman
yeah right haha tpam is pretty chill lol
no no tpam is pretty chill...would tpam like to be my board buddy? and we could over power the manly species present at the moment...deal? lol
ha deal!
tpam made me feel left out
wanna join?
tpams excited now...
he should be
The person above me is obviously a spy
The only question is...Who does she work for??? -shifty eyes-
tpam has made me paranoid
:lol: i work for......
YOUR MOM!!! im just kidding.. i work for myself
tpam don't take no shit from no one, she just whips out her switchblade.
The person above me sent me a song I have to listen to 20 times at a time
tpatpam is trying to score points with me.. and its working
and tpam has all the points in the world for his taste in music
The person above me is that girl with sharp teeth who grabs at the walls and pulls meat down
tpam is usually the first to post in a deftones/teamsleep related topic.
i always thought tpam was american. but now im not too sure
tpam....*day dreams*...LOL..you know u waaaaaaaaaaaaaant it
TPAM, when I get rich, I'm gonna move in with you.
is tpam who i think it is?...lol
tpam is right.
I heart tpam. He's so sexy.
tpam got a new digital camera and is going to pic whore
i have no idea who tpam is.
tpam hasnt been paying enough attention
The person above me enjoys the museum that is my myspace
tpam thinks he knows all
The person above me knows her Austin Powers...figures she'd know a movie about a SPY!!
this is true i have been spying on your board for the past couple days..
The person above me should know that I remember bunny, she's the devil
and since she's been here longer, that makes The person above me number 2...it's all coming together now, isn't it!
red pics are sexy ass fuck....your friend is cute...nothing wlaw.
whoops :!:
couple facts on this photo right when it was taken the house across the street got struck by lightening and any of these pics weren't turned red... they just turned out red
hah double post
The person above me should know I have hot friends with red pics too
my friend is hotter sucker..
Quote from: "kaylie_moreno"my friend is hotter sucker..
you're hot... its just look at mine.. she is like beautiful.. i dont know you guys are tied!
The person above me hurt poor Josephine's feelings :(
i said he was hott! what if michelle read this her feelings would be hurt
Quote from: "kaylie_moreno"you're hot... its just look at mine.. she is like beautiful.. i dont know you guys are tied!
ha ha ha it's cool i just figured i would cash in on some sympathy
The person above me takes it where he can get it, hehe
muhahahahahahahah jk.. i <3 the person above me
The person above me wants to fuck me in the ass :shock:
EDIT:...no...still true
oh man that worked out perfectly
Quote from: "wharf rat"^fag
tpam loves Jerry and his gay little tunes....fuck dude...how can you be into that shit?
is tpam still trying to get some off the board? :wink:
tpam can wink all she wants, im not a board booty hunter tho :wink:
The person above me never got back on AIM :(
tpam likes old people cereal.
The person above me likes old people...
tpam doesnt like bananas.
i see tpam is from arizona
Quote from: "The Captain"The person above me never got back on aim
awww sorry buddy i got drunk and passed out....those sleeping pills kicked in like no other.
The person above me is one of those "I'll call you" people...you know what I'm talkin about, haha
tpam just made me cry :cry:
haha i know what your talking about those people suck
ok screw you both :D
anytime... that would be intresting..
The person above me has green fingers
the person above me wishes he had these fingers
apparently tpam has THE fingers...
tpam also wishes she had my fingers
tpam is newer then me... but has more posts :o i suck
tpam is very special
Tpam wants to pinch my cheeks.
I want to give tpam a California Hug to remember.
tpam's board name DefCubus rhymes with NefLubus..
tpam is a very intelligent person...lol
Tpam is a great person to talk to.
tpam is teh greatest
both tpam and tpah are the greateat :wink: :twisted: ...<3
Quote from: "kaylie_moreno"you're hot... .. i dont know you guys are tied!
I thought the person above me was going to disappear...guess I was wrong
i always thought the person above me was a girl...
tpam's av is still my favourite. it brings a smile to my face. haha
is tpam talking about me? (what a question)
if yes, elaborate plz :D
i just like the look on tpams face
how does the person above me know for sure if that it's me in the av?
The person above me was unaware of my penis :?
well, the person above me should forgive me, cause i've never seen it, so how should i know??? :wink:
i'm hoping it is tpam, its funnier if is.
i <3 tpam...he knows how i feel :twisted:
no offense to tpam, but now i cant ask the person above the person above me, how that would make it funnier (cause it IS me).
erm, yes.
The person above me the person in their avatar!?
tpam is right
sorry tpam :(
hahaha! tpam is taking my comment toooo serious, and feeling sorry for nothing! :D its fine!
hahaha...i kno tpam...i'm jus in a very emo mood at the moment...
i hope the person above me doesnt kill him/herself (? )
no no...not that emo tpam...lol
good, is tpam male or female (hence the ? at the end of my last post here) ?
hahaha i'm glad to inform tpam i am all female...
The person above me is only midly emo tonight.
The person above the person above me doesn't know anyone's sex around here, hehe
tpam is one of the only ones i do know the sex of (now)... its because im 'new' that i dont know these things... sorry :roll:
tpam already knows enough simply by being active in this topic :)
tpam is a niggah
The person above me is misunderstood cause he wanted to meet Christ alone
tpam feels sore...me and him couldve been so flown...
i want to be much than more while i watch tpam..
i had a drunkn convo with tpam on msn the other day;]
edit: tpatpam
i never kno if what tpam is putting in the artwork/poetry forums are songs or poems? tell me tpam.
tpam was very drunk the last time i talked to him...tpam is also a myspace comment whore... :wink:
I would also like tpatpam to watch me...
this post will answer tpatpam's question he has about my work.
i'd say some i post are songs and the other are poems. but either way, they're all just pieces of broken thoughts put together to make fine people such as tpam AND tpatpam question it's existance as to whether it's a poem or a song. :)
I hope tpam is all male...*crosses fingers*
tpam knows im all male now
:twisted: heheh excellent tpam...you have no idea...
The person above me somehow makes sadness seem new
As soon as tpam came in...the agony...it went away...:)
Tpam doesn't post that much anymore. I mean, in other threads.
tpam loves casey donavan
Tpam sings 'What about me' every morning when he wakes up.
tpam voted for andrew g for cleo's bachelor of the year
Fuck you, Andrew G is hott!! He's vegan too.
Tpam is a spitting image of Guy Sebastian. And seriously, a Prada keyring for $220. Do you know you could feed, like, a whole village in Somalia for that much money?!?
tpam is telling my secrets. remember, i have secrets too
You wouldn't. You promised me.
i wont
Tpam is a very honest person who knows a deep dark secret of mine.
tpam seriously bought a key ring for $220 ???!!!
Tpam is confused. I didnt buy one. The persom above me did, and I was kinda telling him it was a waste of money.
Tpam is female and Australian :)
tpam is male and dutch
Quote from: "Mazzy"Tpam is confused. I didnt buy one. The persom above me did, and I was kinda telling him it was a waste of money.
(im not confused, you were just a sec earlier with posting your comment! :D )
it makes my heart heavy and my prostate weak when i see tpam ignoring the rules of this topic
hahaha! well tpam forgot to get upset before then, cause im not the only one that has ignored the rules.... (and another reason i 'ignored'them, was i dont know anything about tpam)
im afraid that tpam is insulted by my drunken antics
what does tpam mean.... ('insulted', 'drunken antics')
tpbtpam is refering to my coments on your av which i actually quite like and hope you keep using seeing as it s a nice picture<33
hahahaha! ok tpam is forgiven, hihi!
tpam gets ignored cause its not like i know a thing about him/her
im sorry tpam, i didnt mean to offend you! i wont ignore you anymore... cause now i know something about you: you dont like being ignored...
The person above me said she'd check out Human Waste Project, but didn't :(
tpam doesnt know that i was in the us on a computer with no kazaa when i said that, and that i just got home few days ago.... havent had the time yet, sorry!
The person above me wants a pet alligator
And to tpatpam, a link was provided to mp3's, no excuses :P
tpam usually has the last word :)
Quote from: "hellview"TPAM <3´s clarissa explains it all.
erm i dont get it
tpam looks a bit like chino!
and to tpa tpam: when you told me it was at night and playing music in a house where you can hear everybody's single move isnt a good idea. and after that i still didnt forget. i just wanted to do all that stuff at home. (i did check out theSTART though) so sorry! i didnt think you'd be that dissappointed.... if i knew iwould've immedeatly checked them out.... can you forgive me?
The person above me can check out HWP soon and tell me what she thought of the START
tpam is always causing un-neccessary problems...especially this pain i've been having :wink:
tpam would be proud of my hang over. real proud
tpam wont tell me why he bought a prada keychain for $220 !!!!!?!!!!
(why, god why!?!)
tpam's avatar always turns me on for some reason.
so far, i have the impression tpam is a sex-maniak. he probably is.
it was a gift tpam:[
my father loves me. but he wasnt too impressed with the cost. i havnt told him i lost it
was this keychain special to tpam? :wink:
we wern't together long enough to form a bond
sorry to hear tpam :(
so tell me, tpam, why was it so expensive? what was so special about this keychain... (do you have a picture?)
it was like a clip. it was silver. it was more of a sentimental thing that you could keep for ever providing you dont leave it somewhere.
i have a feeling tpam is getting me back for saying i think her av is funny. a comment which i have now retracted.
nonononooooo! thats not it! tpam understood me incorrectly.
i was just wondering why something like that should cost so much money, there had to be something special to it. and now i know.
u dont have to retract that comment, its called freedom of speech where i live... and it's always nice to have somebody comment on your pictures/av's :wink:
Tpam's a cool chic whom I missed seeing in Seattle...
Sorry I couldn't have been more help... :?
tpam thinks I want to see defskulls dong
and I never knew tpam was so close to me!
Tpam did too know that!
Tpam, I said something about possibly running into you last time the 'tones were in Seattle...
But I didn't go cuz it was sold out :(
tpam should have waited outside the venue anyways just to meet me :wink:
I don't wanna stalk tpam...
...that would be...
..but we shoulda had an afterparty of sorts...
Tpam then needs to meet me at the next Deftones show so we can have THAT after party :wink:
I now have a stanplan with tpam...
...I just hope I can afford and get tickets before they sell out next time...
first off tpam should know Chino's mine!
secondly yes tpam needs to buy tickets WAY in advance like I did.
Me and tpam could use my wheelchair to our advantage, as I did when I saw Static-X, and we could POSSIBLY meet them all...
...as I did to meet Static-X...and get their autographs...
Tyler just told me that tpam is Z-Vox and I had no idea.haha
but hey it's cool :wink:
and hell yes for autographs!
Hahaha, I was thinking tpam didn't know I was Z-vox, so I enjoyed our conversation while it lasted.
well aslong as tpam isnt annoying I'll continue our conversations.
Well tpam, I don't believe I've been too annoying lately have I? Otherwise you would've known right away that I was Z-vox...
..am I not correct?
The person above me uses his gimp card at concerts, I do it too 8)
haha tpatpam has not been annoying as of late, thank god for that.
and tpam is just hotness, I love him <3
Hell yeah tpam, I use that shit if it'll get me something awesome...like meeting chino...
The person above me is dreaming, but it does get you in front of the line. I did that at the January '04 show :D
And the person above the person above me is one cute Canadian..and she supplied me with the link to more links to codes to pimp out my myspace even better than before!
Quote from: "The Captain"cute Canadian
Tru dat tpam... tru dat.........
tpam is a cool guy! maybe i'll meet him the next time i go to seattle... :D
The person above me kinda looks like Avril j/k
tpam is trying to get me agitated. it's working :evil:
The person above me still hasn't told me what she thinks of Aimee's projects past and present
okay, tpam should post the links again, cause if i wont listen to them now he wont stop asking me...
The person above me can find links and eventually post in the Human Waste Project thread (http://www.deftonesworld.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=6243)
im glad to tell tpam that ive checked them out. i like em. especially the human waste project.
The person above me has gained some respect and suddenly seems more attractive, hehe
hahahaha! tpam is funny!
The person above me should post in the HWP thread, it's dying and that makes me sad :(
tpam is in an emotional state of mind...bring on the Ben & Jerry's :P
Almost everytime I check this thread, tpam is the last poster. :shock:
tpam made me feel sad...i thought maybe i'd be a sight for sore eyes... :roll:
tpam is sad.
The person above me cries when Bambi's mommy dies...every single time.
tpam is pimping thestart and the human waste project
The person above me enjoys the bands I pimp 8)
so far, tpam is right
The person above me should add some scrollbars to her myspace
Tpam is my spirit animal.
tpam and i will see circa in october
tpam likes the colours red'n'black - very good combination
The person above me <3's David Hasselholf(sp?)
tpam joined the board on my birthday and i dont like hasselhof tyler :lol:
I used to talk to tpam on MSN before I changed my screename 8)
i miss tpam...how come you never come on msn anymore? :cry:
TPAM still hasn't posted in my new thread. :(
sorry tpam...I haven't been online lately...
I changed my MSN name and junk TPAM..just pm me and I'll give it to you or look under my name 8) 8)
tpam is this person, who goes online, goes to the deftonesworld.com board and posts messages to other cool people talking about anything they want..
and i bet tpam thinks life is still sweet.
TPAM is right.. life is sweet 8) **BONUS** TPAM is from NJ...observation but hey I dont really know TPAM :?
Totally forgat to PM TPAM back...
The person above me makes me show off my vast deftones knowledge often...so I love him.
TPAM increases my knowlegde of Deftones....so I love him.
Tpam needs a sig.
The person above mes' menstruating heart, it ain't bleedin' enough for two
Tpam always confuses me. oO Always..
The person above me needs to brush up on their Faith No More ;)
Hehe, I'm no walking lyrics register. And I've never really been into them.
Tpam is obsessed with song lyrics. (Me too sometimes, all my pictures are named by song titles or lyrics.) ;)
TPAM is right, but I can't think of something good.
TPAM lives in the same country as I do
TPAM suprised me.
Then again, I should have know something by the sign and '4 mtrs below sea-level and dry!'.
tpam seems like a groovy person... is this philosophy true?
what does tpam mean with 'groovy'?
(i kinda 'know' tpa tpam, so ill try to answer that question if he is)
The person above me's name is Lisa ;)
I ruined tpams simple joke
The person above me ruined my simple joke about people coming out of the closet
tpam's name is tyler
(ow god, how lame :P )
(and i dont mean his name) :wink:
The person above me is a big silly ;)
Tpam is just as old as I am, which I hadn't expected.
tpam sure knows how to get me worked up! :twisted:
I don't know what tpam means. :roll:
it was meant for tyler....
you were just a bit earlier with posting... sorry tpam!
The person above me is a teensy bit forgetful, hehe
what do you mean tpam?
(i have my suspicions though)
The person above me knows what I mean, hehe
t2pam love to chat in public forums...
is tpam who i think it is?
tpams a futtbucker through and through
tpam wishes i was a futtbucker...
i KNOW tpams a futtbucker.
yeah tpatpam I am who I am...
And tpam had sex today, the lucky fucker... :wink:
I miss talking to tpam :( ...
and for tpatpam, if i was a guy than i might be a futtbucker..but since im not a dude and clearly am a chick...no futtbucking here...
Yes tpam, I'm really busy those times... I Had quite a complicated and long year!!
And tpam, if you're not a futtbucker, how about a futtbucked ? :lol:
I'm gonna sleep now. Bye all !
hahaha tpam... :twisted: ... :shock: ..why does tpam like it that way? lol
Well tpam, why not ? if both parts like ti... :wink:
OK, I'm really gonna sleep right now...
Bye bye tpam
tpatpam probably wouldn't like NMW but should join anyway so i get the pelts :wink:
tpam has a fashion haircut
The person above me is the addict on the corner
tpam is a saggitorpio (whatever that may be)
The person above me has yet to check her myspace
doe tpam know that if he wants to know exactly what his sign is he could find out easily? (cause technically there's no such thing as a saggitorpio, right?)
tpatpam enjoyed the wit and banter of mr belding
oops not you...
tpam is yet to explain the finer details of her name too me... waiting...
and she has hot friends;]
is tpam talking about me?
aaah yes [tpam]
double yes for tpam :wink:
tpam always has really pretty av's
TPAM thought she offended me...silly bear 8) :wink:
tpam is very sweet!
:P 8) @ TPAM
tpam is my board twin...
im not the one with a freakin multi-coloured bear for an avatar...guess who the fag is now...tpam...
^ doesnt know who the best band ever is, i feel sorry for tpam
The person above me was born way too late
Quote from: "digital_knives"im not the one with a freakin multi-coloured bear for an avatar...guess who the fag is now...tpam...
tpam did not describe tpatpam
TPAM needs no description..neither did TPAM previously.. 8)
no comment
tpam just farted
and it smells like shit
tpam needs a good touching
tpam has more myspaz friends than me
the number 12 looks like tpam
lolz tpam has a good album as an av
TPAM had no comment about my post 8)
what's up, tpam?
Tpam above me is a swede. I don't like the swedish, my mum's "boyfriend" is a swede. Fuck him!
TPAM has a little red X as an avatar.
tpam watches this crappy dutch soap called 'goede tijden, slechte tijden' (good times, bad times)
TPAM makes me laugh :)
in that case tpam has a good sense of humor... :P
Quote from: "lyzaah_CavityCase"in that case tpam has a good sense of humor... :P
Hahaha true, at least, I'd like to think that...
..and TPAM must be glad it ain't winter, cuz if it was, the tongue she keeps sticking out would be frozen! :D
tpam likes to think in certain ways
TPAM said something about being groovy...
has tpam changed his mind yet about growing his beard?
Nope. It's still there :) But, I'll tell TPAM, I'm getting sick of it. So it'll probably be off soon.
i think that would be a good decision, tpam... :)
Maybe TPAM is right :)
TPAM like bike rides... 8)
will tpam please tell me who those two people are in her avatar?
Does TPAM have a messenger of any sort.. cause then I will 8)
sure, ill pm it to tpam! but why wont tpam just say it here?
Quote from: "lyzaah_CavityCase"sure, ill pm it to tpam! but why wont tpam just say it here?
Cause it's a secret TPAM... 8)
TPAM has a secret...
tpam, doesnt know it and i do!!! :P
and dont worry tpatpam, i wont tell!!!
Now TPAM has the secret too!
TPATPATPAM should let me in on it :)
Quote from: "Tuck"Now TPAM has the secret too!
TPATPATPAM should let me in on it :)
tpam forgot to leave out the 'me's' in his post... :D
:lol: in tpam's face!!!
tpam resembles Uma Thurman.
hahaha tpam is the second person to say that (it's what nuno said as well)
it's just this picture though, but thanks! :oops:
Pfft...TPATPAM laughter does not penetrate my beard! HAH! ;)
TPAM has a pretty sign.
tpam is being silly
And TPAM is bored too eh?
tpam is right, and bored.
Yup very...
...does TPAM have any good idea's on how to solve the boredom?
TPAM is thinking nasty thaughts.......
nope, cause tpam is in zoetermeer (i presume), and i'm in amsterdam
(being bored together is less boring, than alone)
oops that was meant for tpa tpam
and to tpam: that's just what you would think... :P
TPATPAM has got me all wrong!
TPAM is correct in both ways (yes, I'm in Zoetermeer and being bored alone sucks more).
Quote from: "Crazylegs"TPAM is thinking nasty thaughts.......
Oh Tuck you nasty nasty man :P
TPAM is making fun of me :(
I would never make fun of TPAM :? 8)
tpam LIES... :lol:
i just added tpam to my myspace
TPAM has nothing to do tomorrow (I suppose).
sorry, tpam, i have to work tomorrow...
Ow ok, figured so, since it's 01:45.
what does tpam mean...?
yes it is late, and i still have to work tomorrow... maybe i should go to bed... :roll:
That is what I meant :)
EDIT: though, of course, staying up late and having to work can be combined perfectly.
Mmm. Maybe I should get some sleep :)
ah tpam was being sarcastic! (or ironic or some other word... they're all so alike... too tired...)
I wasn't being sarcastic nor ironic to TPAM...jus figured staying up late is easier if you don't have to get up in the morning :)
tpam is confusing me
does tpam think its logical that someone goes to bed this late when they DO have to work the next day...?
i would say im being stupid...
Didn't mean to confuse TPATPAM; no it's not logical. And your not stupid :)
Best thing is to sleep at a decent time when having to work the next day, that's more logical.
But then I remembered how often I got (and get) some sleep late and got up early and managed fine, so getting in early when having to work is best, but not logical.
*sigh* do I make any sense at all? :?
TPAM likes Digital Bath.
The person above me has sexual fantasies about Judge Judy
tpam doesn't post penis-pics
TPATPAM has sexual fantasies involving men coming into his yard.
TPAM's statement is true, luckily!
The person above me LIES!
And The person above the person above me asked me to post penis pictures
Is TPAM sure?
Quote from: "The Captain"I'm drinking a milkshake and there is nobody in my yeard. Somebody elses' milkshake is better than mine :(
And what's that Jugde Judy thing about??
The person above me took my quote way out of context, hehe
and he has sexual fantasies about Judge Judy (http://www.judgejudy.com/home/home.asp)
I know of whom TPAM speaks, but what do I have to do with her?
The person above me should know that I hardly ever take this thread seriously
Ah..I thought TPAM constructed a clever joke I didn't see.
:?: TPAM
Haha... either someone's getting hot because of tpam or the person above the person above me just didnt know what to say.
hahah its a lil of both tpam...though which is more than the other...im not sure...
Ow my...TPAM...
tpam now i know which is more than the other...and it has nothing to do with not knowing what to say...
tpam doesnt make any sense to me, and neither do all the persons above her... UNTIL tpa tpa tpa tpa tpa tpa tpa tpa tpa tpa tpa tpa tpa tpa tpa tpa tpam...
and that person is this person:
Quote from: "feeling like more"tpam+me=<3
TPATPAM :wink:
Poor TPAM is confused.
toam seems to like this thread.
tpam has the girls anxiously waiting for his sexy pics...
tpam must like herself a lot.
wow where did that come from, tpam?
maybe I'm wrong, but I thought tpam had a pic of herself for an av. and my guess was that tpam like herself a lot. no offense intented. I like myself a lot. well, most of the time.
i liked tpam alot too...once upon a time...but he new that... 8)
tpam doesn't like me anymore :cry:
tpam i plead guilty...i do :oops: ...didnt think u would feel the same...
ok sorry for ignoring the rules, but for the record: i dont like myself ok? yes it is me in the av, but that's not ME. it's the only pic i kinda like, and i think it's a cool pic. if it were someone else, i might still have it as an av...
the fact that you think i like myself, makes me hate myself even more.
The person above me is a bipolar rule breaker
*givees tpam an e-hug*
tpam is sweet. :)
Quote from: "lyzaah_CavityCase"ok sorry for ignoring the rules, but for the record: i dont like myself ok? yes it is me in the av, but that's not ME. it's the only pic i kinda like, and i think it's a cool pic. if it were someone else, i might still have it as an av...
the fact that you think i like myself, makes me hate myself even more.
hey now, it was only mean as a joke. don't take it so seriously. it's a pretty pic and I'm not exactly complaining about you having it. sorry :?
TPAM is right; it is a pretty picture. I have another cool picture with TPATPAM and another cool person 8)
tpam is pimpin...
The person above me thinks she missed the train to mars, she's out back counting stars
I just busted tpam
TPAM is a smooth talker and is going to be a birthday boy in a few days.
tpam will think i'm unaustralian because i'v my hatred for cricket
TPAM and I have something in common. Hatred for cricket. When I was in Australia I went to a cricket game, not only was I bored to tears, but I thought cricket was a ripoff of an already horrible game, baseball.
At least I gave cricket a chance.
tpam would enjoy red rock honey soy potato crisssssssssssssssps. i can just tell
The person above me knows all the words to "Feed My Frankenstein" by Alice Cooper
tpam knows all the right words...
i bet tpam gets up in the morning, shakes off it's sleepiness, heads outside and looks out into the sky and wonders to herself - "what a damn good day"
tpam also knows all the right words...i bet tpam likes the sentimental and deep part of life...very poetic
The person above me is the President of the Milli Vanilli fan club
TPAM lies, he is the president of the Milli Vanilli fan club :oops:
I think tpam will be the first to get 10000 posts...that is if Jacob doesn't go for a posting binge.
The person above me is probably right :oops:
I got to show something TPAM hasn't seen before :D
The person above me showed me something I'd never seen before...had I seen it, I would have noticed it ;)
I have no doubt TPAM would!
tpams a dude/
tpam has stated the obvious
The person above me is disillusioned about what bacon really is.
tpam prefers shaved (had to look it up...)
i'm wondering who the person in the avatar is, tpam.
it is me.
now i want to know who tpam is :wink:
yeah who is this person all you talk about on this thread???
who is tpam reffering to? i dont know of anybody this thread keeps talking about...?
explain please.
Quote from: "vida_mae"yeah who is this person all you talk about on this thread???
so who are you then, tpam?
tpam, i'm steve, aka che.
i was laughing and omg'ing because vida_mae doesn't seem to understand the purpose of this thread.
i know, it made me laugh too. :lol:
tpam is called steve. (but why raynor on this board?)
don't know...it's just a nick.
i hope the tpam like jambands (esp grateful dead).
why does tpam hope that?
tpatpam, wtf?
Tpam needs to get a - in front of 'the bear'. ^^
ahahaha, what the fuck, who is tpam? Where is he or she from and why is he or she so fuckin' important? If only some brains could be as big as the tits of the owner! :roll:
i agree with tpam
tpam and tpatpam need to visit www.gdradio.com
erm, why, tpam?
see tpam, i'm not the only one who has wondered about the av :wink:
yea, but tpam called it 'funny' :evil:
:P :lol:
How was TPAM's stay in NY?
wow, cannot believe you remembered that!
tpam has a good memory!
(ill pm you a quick update)
PM received TPAM :D
Good to hear that, my memory has been fading from time to time.
has tpam been smoking some green stuff lately...?
i thought you werent in to that...?
Hahah you are right.
Though I did smoked some brown stuff a couple of weeks back, when I was at a party of friends in Enschede :D
Consumtion of alcohol can also do that to the brain.
Gonna go have a drink (cola btw)! *waves* to TPAM.
tpam consumes way too much alcohol then! :wink:
The person above me kinda reminds me of Lisa Marie Presley in her avatar pic
tpam has a very creative imagination...hahaha *no comment* :twisted:
The person above me is a barbie girl in the barbie world...
I wish I could see tpam dance to the song he quoted in his sig.. ^^
hahahaha tpam...me too
The people above me just freaked me out cause I joked the other day that I was so going to learn the dance from the video :shock:
tpam is a control-freak :wink:
I think tpam is way cuter on her other pics. Maybe it's because the pic of her ava reminds me of a girl in my class (5th -10th grade) which was soo.. errr.. dislikable. :roll:
The 2 girls above me both have pics of themselves as their avatar...hm
what are you trying to say tpam?
I had exactly the same thought tpam. ^^
the captain is just jealous of tpam and tpatpam...some ppl
The girls above me are obviously guilty, I simply made an observation
why is tapms head soo biiiiiiiiiiig? whyyyy is his head sooo beeeeeeeeg?
tpam just called me by me real name, fo sho.
tpams freshizzles/
ive heard of the band in tpam's signature. i should give them a listen.
thanks for saying something nice to me, tpam :roll:
tpatpam really shouldnt. itd be bad for the human race to hear the atrocity that is my band.
The person above me is a master of reverse psychology.
^^ Tpam takes the words out of my mouth! ;)
The person above me LIES! I've been nowhere near her mouth, I swear!
Tpam would be a dead man if he'd get near my mouth! :wink:
The person above me confuses and excites me with the use of a wink after such a statement.
Tpam misunderstood me.
The person above me took my above statement too seriously.
No she didn't.
Tpam doesn't get my humor, but don't worry tpam, even dan is confused sometimes!
Haha true, tpam is fucking unpredictable at times.
The person above me must go through much fear and confusion, haha
tpam is taking a shower.
(it's not what you're thinking, he told me... :wink: )
The person above me has been waiting in agony for me to come back, haha
tpam wishes that his comment were true... :P
tpam is on myspaz
ha ha! so is tpam!
tpam has added tpatpam :wink:
tpam now has 1 more myspaz friend!
so does tpam!!!
isnt myspace amazing!!! *gasp* :P
The person above me is a trysexual
tpam used a term i dont know.
wrf is a trysexual (i can guess though...) and how am i that?
tpam trys anything sexual, lolzords!!!1111onehundredandelevenandone!
Tpam is Dan's parallel brother. (Dan's ex was also named Natasha, you know? ^^)
:shock: tpam is wrong.
Tpam is too slow!
nah, tpam is tooo fast! :P
(sorry not funny, im tired, bare with me...)
tpam is crrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrazy...
hhhmmm maybe it seems so to tpam... though im just tired...
awww i was hoping tpam really was crazy....tired is so boring :roll:
tpam would find a way without me
tpam appreciates japanese beer
tpam is also german like me
If the TPAM is at his location, he's not in Germany.
tpam is wrong coz me is a she
Woops! Sorry TPAM, my bad!
does tpam know that its my birthday on saturday? i bet he didnt :(
i only ever see tpam post in this topic..
spread your wings tpam
TPATPAM is right :(
I wonder if I ever knew though...
TPAM is wrong. She's also is the +/- topic :D
hahaha tpam and tpatpam have a thing for stalking me...a major turn on of mine :wink: ...
TPAM has a birthday this month.. along with me :P Libra's are sooooo sexy..-e-high five-
:o tpam!!!??? i miss you...what day is your birthday?...and we are sexay...we have this way of charming others as well :twisted:
TPAM didn't know my birthday was today 10-10 8) Sorry ya miss me.. I'm back in school and hardly ever online :?
Im so sorry tpam...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!....hehe mine's on saturday, the 15th baby!!!...Libra's are the coolest 8)
Quote from: "digital_knives"Im so sorry tpam...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!....hehe mine's on saturday, the 15th baby!!!...Libra's are the coolest 8)
TPAM's birthday is on Saturday. An early and very special happy birthday to you 8) :P
thanks tpam :D
The person above me didn't just spend 2 weeks in Utah and that makes them pretty fucking lucky in my book
How is TPAM doing?
The person above me brokje the rules but he can get away with it cause I love him.
(And I'm OK)
i'v got that fucking song in my head because of tpam. shit tpam
apparently tpam shits tpah. intriguing.
tpam has a thing for massive attack.
tpam isn't very widely respected on this board. i don't personally mind him that much...
tpam is a guy who was born human just like the rest of us.
that looks like chevy chase in tpam's av, but i'm not certain
tpam would be correct in that statement
The person above me weezes the juice
I think tpam is a fucking cool dude! Never spoke to him, sbut he seems like a fucking cool guy! I also like tpah's av, Chevy is a fucking legend!!!!
tpam is well drunk tonite. and the tpah and i have an evil trick up our sleeves
The person above me should know that I keep all my evil in my pants...cause nobody ever looks there :(
tpam knows i look there :wink:
The person above me recently had a birthday
Happy birthday!
thank you tpam...its been so long, we havent had our nightly discussions in a while...miss that :wink:
The person above me and I post in this thread way too much
the person above me posts way to much in this thread
TPAM posted in this thread for the first time.
TPAM just learned me that TPAM means 'the person above me'
It's 'taught me that...' TPAM :wink:
TPAM knows I'm messing around with the beautifull english sometimes
tpam gives a holler to holland. HOOOOLLAND!
Tpam should become a Jersey City Devil
tpam loves his mama 8)
The person above me is just another hobby for a guy like me
[Note: Yes, this post is just an excuse to post a GJ reference since I'm listening to EYEWTKAS]
tpam doesnt approve of my matchmaking attempts
Tpam loves circa and wants to visit LA
tpam is a reasonable man. get off his back
the person above me envy's the person below him
The person above me dreams of californication
tpam saw the blood brothers a couple of weeks ago
TPAM should read the news more... :wink:
tpam lost one of his favourite guitarplayers a while ago.
tpam looks like a freakin monkey
tpam looks like a freaking chino... :lol:
tpam kills tar
tpam is this board's pothead... Congrats tpam !! :D
tpam is me... 8)
LOL TPAM is silly..
tpam lost her twisting avatar...
TPAM noticed that too... what the hell happened to it?!?!
add a nice picture of yourself in it pam.
TPAM knows better than to ask for me to put a pic of myself as my avatar..
TPAM has a money sig...i've actually got the poster right behind my desk (ment for moz)
I have no idea what the person above me is talking about.
TPAM ? Me either..
TPAm and TPAH is posting like hell at the moment.
Thats because we're in love with each other PAM.
awesome, Tpam.
Quote from: "Moz La Punk"Thats because we're in love with each other PAM.
Stop telling everyone..
Quote from: "wharf rat"^fag
Are you that redneck in your av?
Edit: sorry hon. we'll pretent we're just casually spamming then
Quote from: "Moz La Punk"Quote from: "wharf rat"^fag
Are you that redneck in your av?
Haha no, it's Jake Cinninger of Umphrey's. They did a tour once where they all grew mustaches.
tpam should send me some jack herer through mail...
Alright, I just put that guy's face and the cans of beer together and I thought, redneck.
too slow...
so again : tpam should send me some jack herer through mail...
... so what's jack herer?
TPAM hates video games.
TPAM doesn't have emo hair.
I thought you were from Netherlands man...
(http://www.ganjaland.com/seedlistgallery/jackherer.jpg) (http://www.jackherer.com/)
Haha oh. I don't know all the facts I just smoke it.
I would say come over, it's already filled with French people here anyway so.
Yeah tpam... I actually did go once a couple of years ago with lots of friends... But going alone is well, not that enjoyable... So I'll have to restrain myself...
TPAM's avater rocks.
The person above me is lookin at the man in the mirror
The person above me is askin him to make a change
Tpam made an MJ inspired post
Ow right! MJ! Thanks for that TPAM.
No problem Tpam.
tpam was wondering who would be beneath him/her and probably didnt expect me!
Tpam lives in the same state as me and knows I own this place.
TPAM trows disturbing parties.
Cant remember tpam altough he posted an awful lot of posts. Am i gone that long?
tpam above me is a liar, hes a typing human being
Quote from: "tarkil"I thought you were from Netherlands man...
(http://www.ganjaland.com/seedlistgallery/jackherer.jpg) (http://www.jackherer.com/)
my friend had a crossbreed of jack herer and sweet tooth, it was unbelievable
The person above me is the world's tallest midget.
Tpam has a line in his sig that reminds me of Mini Me.
Tpam has a decent pic for his av. He also gets on my nerves occasionally. He makes me laugh though sometimes.
TPAM= :idea:
Tpam invited me to see CKY tomorrow
TPAM is wrong..
I said the 19th!!!!!
does TPAM want to come?
Cant. Tpam should go to the party at Teddys that day.
tpam is a biatch ! (even if they like to call themselves brothers of the hood !) :lol:
tpam has an amazing av... (r.i.p. brother dime)
wat is tpam???//
"//"wat is tpam???//
a delicous new potted meat
and here's a guy who says he's a real 'po thead'. oh wait, that's 'pothead'
tpam has an av from one of my favorite movies.
^gay :lol:
tpam wants us to know that he loves the cock... :roll:
^should know that a perfectly cooked cock is delicius.. :D
the person above me loves getting head from a girl hanging upside down while he pleasures her clit
WHOA.. tpam just... well lets just stick with WHOA..
Tpam just said something that describes most guys.
how right of you tpam...
I need some fine wine
and the person above me,
the person above me needs to be nicer
Tyler, happy birthday love.
The person above me is premature
hahaha nah I just live in the future.
The person above me shouldn't post what happens in the future because I like to be surprised
i respect tpam for his taste in music, but i will never understand his love for bands like the one in his signature.
tpam and i have never been fully acquainted...
tpam joined this board on July 1, 2004. only a true friend would know of such personal information.
tpam joined this board on july 3 2004. only a true friend would know of such personal information :wink:
tpam has a hat like my hat
tpam likes delicous wine and has the most kik ass neighbor in the world..
The person above me shares my hatred for The Sixth Sense
the person above me LOVES the anti-drug commercial episode of Saved By The Bell ....
The person above me should know that there's no hope with dope.
the person that WAS above me should know i cant cope without some kind of dope :wink:
The person above me has used the power of rhyme for eeevil!
tpam is still a board whore after all these months :wink:
Tpam only posts in this thread, or so it seems.
haha tpam is correct. tpatpam should venture further into the board
hahaha hey its tpam!!!!!!!!!!! i miss tpam very much...and considering i havent been on the board for more than 2 months...give me a break...i just happened to love this thread...tis all...*coughs* excuse... :D
The person above me said "brb" like a month ago and hasn't talked to me since :?
tpam smokes pot. and he has opinions. and let's just say, the man wants to be heard.
tpam has one of my favorite board names on this forum
tpam has a great avatar (Rodrigo Minotauro or Rogério Minotouro?!) and also a great name! ;)
Oh, and he is a Horror movie fan, just like me! :)
TPAM's board name is derived from the best Deftones song ever 8)
I'm gonna chill out at a deftones concert with tpam... 8)
Tpam doesn't look at all like i thought. I pictured him looking like dimebag. Tpam was the one with the dimebag av right?
Tpam is actually one of my fav members here. Cool guy. Has also unknowingly hooked me up with numerous bootlegs over at bands videos.
I thought Tpam hated me, he disliked me some months back.
Yeah tpam, I'm the former dimebag avatar user. I'll soon post some pictures from the days I still had the long hair, maybe it will match your imagination more... ;)
Tpam is at a job interview, I wish him luck...
TPAM new avatar confused me for a bit.
Quote from: tarkil on Mar 03, 2006, 12:29 PM
I'm gonna chill out at a deftones concert with tpam... 8)
Yeah same pam, so same answer... :D
Who's TPAM? ???
Tpam just asked a question which has been asked millions of times before. TPAM = The Person Above Me.
Tpam just explained to me what 'tpam' means. Tpam also has a quirky sense of humour, and is from Norway if I remember rightly. I like tpam. ;)
It's nice to hear that from Tpam, i don't hate tpam either.
Tpam finds it hard to admit that tpam likes me. But tpam does like me. ;D
Tpam might be slightly correct... slightly
Tpam's cute when he's trying to express his feelings without making himself too vulnerable. ;)
tpam just learned all about my feelings over the internet.
tpam is gonna get laid soon apparently... ;D
Tpam looks like an innocent little boy. :P
If i was TPO TPAM i wouldn't know how to take that. well all tpam's have to accept me going to bed now. Later!
Same here for me tpam... good night all
Tpam is probably sleeping! :D
Well tpam, I'm awake now... Still in bed, but awake... How's Brazil going bro ?
tpam me has masturbated at least 3 times in the last week.Teehee......
I'd like to know what makes tpam think so... Maybe some kind of jealousy for my uber cock ?
Tpam got the more weird pic. Hahaha
Quote from: tarkil on Mar 05, 2006, 12:51 PMHow's Brazil going bro ?
So DAMN HOT! It's the hell on earth! Damn..I'm not the biggest fan of the sun.. ;\
How about France?
Today Paris is sunny too tpam, but that is such an exception coz it's usually grey and shitty as fuck. And my hometown in south west of France is friggin cold apparently today. Fuck it, we need sun already, and spring and everything...
(I'm the biggest fan of the sun... :P)
Tpam freaked me out with that extremely weird picture.
i know tpam is not doing it, but back in the day assassins smoked lotsa hash
Tpam is correct. In fact, the word 'assassin' comes from the Arabic word 'hashishyun', meaning hasheesh addict.
tpam is correct. by the way, i gave a speech about that topic a few years ago ... in religion lesson ;D
Tpam has intrigued me. What was the speech about? Surely you didn't just discuss the fact that assassins used to smoke a lot of weed back in the day? Since it was a religion lesson, I'm assuming you related this to Islam, since the Assassins were an off-shoot of the Shia sect of Islam. Tpam, am I correct in this assumption?
TPAM really took a liking to this thread
Tpam might be slightly correct. ;)
tpam is making jokes inspired by one of my earlier posts
Tpam might be slightly correct. ;)
tpam love shisha... Or nargeelah... or whatever the name is...
Tpam is correct. Tpam also loves shisha, which is the Arabic name for the type of tobacco used in an instrument called a nargeelah, which is frequently referred to as a bong. ;)
Tpam looked good with long hair. Tpam wishes he still had long hair. Poor tpam. :(
TPAM resurected this topic, which is cool 8)
tpam wished me luck for my exam and that's cool, too. :)
Tpam took dirty pictures of herself in the bathroom
Fuck TPAM ! Whos TPAM!
Quote from: Crazylegs on Mar 05, 2006, 01:28 AM
Tpam just asked a question which has been asked millions of times before. TPAM = The Person Above Me.
I know what it was Eddie Van Halen.
Tpam has a Russian-inspired nickname.
tpam is the spam master.. :P
@crazylegs.. they weren't dirty..
Tpam has good dream tits.
tpam has the sweetest tattoo!
Tpam's karma is rising! ;)
TPAM smoked a shisha tonight... Lucky girl...
Hahaha! Tpam is correct, I did indeed have shisha, and it was damn good! (Actually we did two, apple and strawberry. :P)
tpam should know that I'm always correct... 8)
Tpam should know that I am humble enough not to claim that I am always correct, but the fact still remains that I usually am. 8)
TPAM studies history.
Tpam has an excellent memory! Tpam is also one of my favourite members on the board. A really cool guy who's upfront enough to mention his criticisms, yet courteous enough to do so in a polite manner. I respect that. ;)
Tpam is me.
Tpam just made a double post.
Tpam just made an obvious statement.
TPA TPAM is god
Tpam is fucking ace and has the bestest fart jokes in existance.
(http://img300.imageshack.us/img300/8996/fart0cy.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)
Tpam is right about the ace thing.
but when did i ever make fart jokes?
TPAM is correct...you did'nt...must have been Assassin
Tpam is probably correct, cause hes brilliant, like Mr Holmes.
tpam should get his urinals in order.
tpam might have killed this thread
But TPAM tries to bring it back to life himself.
Tpatpam is admirable for trying, and I wish him luck in this quest.
By posting, TPAM has helped TPATPATPAM in his quest 8)
everytime i see TPAM i think of a horrid show on the E! network
Dare I ask TPAM which one...
Think I can guess it though...
TPAM is one of the coolest, most chilled people I've ever (sorta) spoken to over the internet, fucking respect dude!
TPAM cared enough to ask.
TPAM was very nice to a few of my pics from a while ago and was welcome enough to care about ;)
TPAM wears overalls and drives a red tractor!!!
Fucking hell, TPAM just got a hole in one!
Tpam is a sorted guy, and is cute. ;)
Tpam thinks that the occupations of Iraq and Palestine should be ended.
Tpam did not give any clue as to whether he agrees that the occupations of Iraq and Palestine should be ended.
TPAM thinks I'm cute, which is cool because she's pretty cute too! :) She's got a good taste in music too, and shares the 'friends-have-shit-taste-in-music' syndrome.
tpam is an oldschooler of the board who came back recently... Which is nice...
I think it's real cool that the TPAM thinks that I'm an old school member of the board :)
TPAM keeps it real
As does TPAM...mostly, haha jokes dude! ;)
I have just felt the wrath of TPAM, it was not a nice experience.
Wow, did you really feel it tpam?
Nah TPAM, I'm just doing my job, talking bullshit :D
TPAM was talking bullshit
Tpam has probably had a lot of practice at talking bullshit. ;D (Kidding!)
TPAM's av is fucking me up. Why the hell is it sideways?
Tpam should ask fireflyry, because he made it for me.
tpam can just edit her av in photobucket
Describe me.
tpam wants to be described.
Quote from: raynor on Mar 27, 2006, 10:25 AM
tpam wants to be described.
tpam needs to describe ATF27
I wonder if TPAM sukcs blood.
Is tpatpam Sam?
I see what TPATPAM means about TPAM.
I'm glad that tpam also recognises the root of my dilemma.
tpam thinks i hacked her photobucket account, if ida done that i woulda fixed your av pam.
So where did you get those pictures from?
to answer tpam, photobucket...
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh I get how you did it, you just typed 'Zazbag' into the search engine. I didn't realise people could do that!
i actually typed in deftones, and got your old signature picture, tpam should be careful what she runs through photobucket.
Oh right, yeah thanks for pointing that out to me.
*Promptly deletes naked pictures of self...* ;)
tpam thinks i didnt check...but i did.. hahaha
Tpam is mistaken in thinking that I think he didn't check. Tpam doesn't realise that I know how the male mind works, especially his. ;)
Is tpam disappointed? ;D
a little, although i know tpam is a proper lady and wouldnt have any.
Haha, I'm going to break this up because TPAM makes me LMAO from time to time.
Haha tpatpam just said something really cute. ;D
And tpam is a kilted Scotsman with a soft spot for alcoholic beverages.
Quote from: Assassin on Mar 27, 2006, 05:19 PM
Haha tpatpam just said something really cute. ;D
And tpam is a kilted Scotsman with a soft spot for alcoholic beverages.
TPAM is indeed correct!
Shame I dont have one with a beer in my hand :(
HAHA! Tpam just made me laugh my ass off!
I'm glad I made TPAM laugh her ass off because I don't make people laugh their asses off that much 8)
Awww I think tpam is funnier than tpam thinks tpam is.
Aw thanks TPAM! That's real nice! :)
Tpam is very welcome. ;)
tpa tpam should wear a black kilt and a white beater, dred his hair and sing songs about being laughed at!
are you reaaaaaaaaaaaaaady!!!
Hahaha tpam's idea sounds awesome, I second his proposal.
I dunno TPAM, I think the suggestion done by TPATPAM sounds rather....corny...
I think I agree with TPAM
Tpam is a cool fucking member.
I agree with tpam.
Well I thank TPATPAM and TPAM, they're both two cool fucking members too! :)
I thank tpam.
I thank TPAM for thanking me! ;D
I thank tpam for thanking me for thanking tpam. ;D
This could go on for a while TPAM.
Tpam is correct.
So I think we should leave it at that TPAM haha! Respect! :)
tpam is a myspace whore..it's true it's true
TPAM jacked my ballo highscore.
TPAM has awesome hair... 8)
Uhh, TPAM.....uh.....
...I got nothin'.
tpam used to watch bobby's world
Tpam thinks I wanna slap some skins.
Tpam is a whore for this thread. Which is good, gotta keep this shit going yo.
Tpam just called me a whore of sorts.
If tpam wants, I'll do it again
Tpatpam doesn't want tpam to.
Tpam loves Pink Floyd.
Tpam is correct.
Tpam is correct. ;)
tpam talk to herself appearantly.
Do I tpam? ???
Quote from: Assassin on Mar 30, 2006, 02:22 PM
Tpatpam doesn't want tpam to.
Tpam loves Pink Floyd.
according to this the person above the person above you was yourself, legs being the person above you..
anyway tpam, its all good.
Tpam just explained an earlier statement to me, and now I understand what tpam was referring to.
tpam is still crazy.
Tpam is possibly correct. Possibly.
'nuff said.
Tpam is named after a Converge album that I listened to once, but can't really remember if I liked.
TPAM needs to re-listen to it to discover the awesome punk-rockityness of Converge (even though they're hardcore, not punk rock)
Ha, in the Converge DVD I have, when it first starts it says: "The footage in this video is very raw and uncut. IE very punk rock"
That's just awesome.
Tpam has inspired me to give it another listen, and I thank tpam for that.
Thanks. So is tpam. ;)
....I dunno, I just want to be TPAM'D
Haha tpam is being honest. Ok...
Tpam has cool hair and even cooler taste in music. Big up tpam. Respect.
3 cheers for TPAM!
Thanks tpatpam.
Tpam - you're hot! You need to ignore the bullshit that some people enjoy talking, because that's all it is. Bullshit.
After the accident they shaved it off....cuz they had to take a chunka me skull out.
So my hair is currently somewhat short. But I'm thinking about growing it out for awhile and not doing anything to it. My dad has some sweet ass curls. I dunno if I do, I wanna scalp the bastard and superglue it to my head.
Oh, uh, TPAM...
tpam is pissed that i raped his Ballo score, but he'll get over it
TPAM is wrong, I won't get over it.
He's so Greasy...he's a star :o
tpam got his name from The Big Lebowski. and if he says he didn't i'm calling him a fucking liar
tpam's av sig quote is teh cool
TPAM?? whha??
Tpam doesn't know what tpam means, so I will explain to tpam that tpam means 'the person above me'.
I'm going to reply to tpam's pm in a tick
Tpam wrote me an awesome PM yesterday, and in part, inspired me to attempt to complete the mountain of essays I have to do.
Hahaha, tpam finds my words inspiring! :)
Tpam is going to see deftones in June, as am i btw.
Tpam as a sweet ass av. I don't mean that your av has a sweet ass mind you, I just mean that it's sweet. Ass.
Tpam is one of the coolest mofos on this board. Respect.
Karma for you!
Aw thanks tpam, karma for you too. 8)
Happy 50th karma day!
Haha thanks tpam, it's been a tough journey but thankfully I've arrived safely. Thanks to all the people who've applauded me. :)
And happy 14th karmaday to you too. ;)
TPAM is my budd-ay 8)
TPAM is too school for cool.
looks like i failed TPAM..
Tpam fails at life.
TPAM made me feel like crap. and that annoys me. TPAM should expect a thread called "Let's Ban You Fail Me" preeetty soon
Tpam is a meanie-bo-beanie.
tpam reminds me of blue velvet
I still haven't figured out tpam yet.
TPAM hasnt kept to her "promises" from yesterday...
Tpam caught me out. DAMN IT.
I'll reply to your PM soon btw... I promise...
And I have been working on an essay! I'm just talking a break for a lil' while. Honest! :(
Hahaha, I'm only joking tpam! I was hoping that you'd ask 'what promises?'
You're doing what you're supposed to be doing, that's good ;)
What promises tpam? ;)
Nah I've lost my flow now tpam!
Tpam lost his flow. I hope he's only talking metaphorically. ;)
Don't worry tpam!
tpam has got some pretty sweet shows lined up.
TPAM has some nice new artwork.
Tpam, what is this in the new firefly TV chapter?! Transformers?!
I think tpam is right in his guess, but my drunken ass aint sure, so I'll stick to my original thought that tpam is a cool mutha fucka!
TPAM is the hottest male member of this board in my eyes.
I think that tpam is the sweet (I mean that, thank you, you're pretty too!)...but I'm not sure who the bitter is?
TPAM its all lyrics to my fav song
Oh right, I get it, tpam! Should have got it before but ah well... :)
Tpam makes me giggle.
I make tpam giggle, which is pretty cool! ;D
tpam doesn't know too many scottish bands ;)
tpam loves my sexy voice
tpam has a sexy voice? I wanna hear tpam's sexy voice! ;D
And tpatpam is correct, I think I should go do some research so I dont slip again!
tpam is gonna see Deftones at The Carling Academy in a few months... He bastard !!! ;)
Isnt tpam going to see them in Luxembourg like 4 days after the Academy show? :)
Yes I am tpam. And hopefully I'll see them also the day after for their second date in Luxembourg.
And of course in Paris in May. 8)
Tpam is never here anymore. ???
But you still are tpam... Or should I call you spam ? :P
j/k of course
It's peanut butter jelly time for TPAM.
tpam just got a fucking present thanks to his parents. And he was able to see the deftones.... :'(
tpam says LE before everything he says
TPAM's signature is waving at me.
Tpam just moved house.
TPAM should come by sometime :)
I thank tpam for his invitation. If I'm ever in Holland I'll let you know... ;)
Glad to see tpatpam is back again, well it's only been a few days, but I missed him! :)
I dont know if I'm due tpam a pm or not?
TPAM is a "pimpassrockstar"(TM)
Tpatpam is not due to send me a PM unless he wants to. ;)
I'm getting freaked out by tpam's Requiem for a Dream-style Simpsons FireFlyTV.
TPAM is foxy.
(http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/1049/129ft.gif) (http://imageshack.us)
Aw wow! Tpam declared me a "pimpassrockstar"(TM) ;D
Thanks TPAM for the comment earlier on this page 8)
Haha, tpam is welcome, now do I get an invitation to tpam's new place now? :)
TPAM rocks the kashbar and should post more.
Haha TPATPAM, of course you can come by!
I'll have Grolsch deliver a tanker truck to fuel the meeting haha
TPAM's TV is always funny :)
You really think so tpatpam? I would post more if I didnt have all this work and distractions hehe!
Tpam has got the right idea! Haha! I'll bring the Jack :)
Tpam is a drunk ass fuck asshole, who no one should really pay attention to, apart from his sig quote, now that's some straight up wisdom! Everybody should live their lives according to that! Chino is the man!
Every time I check this thread, TPAM is above me...
tpam's av is funny
tpam4s one too...
Enven if I'm not fond of Korn...
TPAM is disappointed that I'm always above tpam when tpam comes to this thread? :(
Quote from: Chrisbo on Apr 04, 2006, 03:16 PM
You really think so tpatpam? I would post more if I didnt have all this work and distractions hehe!
No I was actually talking to Tuck but you post so much spam he missed it, TPAM should post less.
TPAM is cold! >:( ;)
Tpam is correct.
I've just checked my inbox tpam, I forgot all about it hehe! Expect something soon!
Ok tpam, take your time. ;)
Tpam went to see Anthrax last night, and his socks were officially rocked off. He also did a presentation for uni, but I don't know how that went. Well, I hope. Tpam will also be happy to find out that I'm listening to Mastodon right now. ;D
Everything will be explained soon tpam! And hell yeah! MASTODON ROCK!!!
TPAM me is wrong...I'm warm and fuzzy.
whats tpam's tv playing today?
The answer to TPAM's question is Iron Maiden.
tpam will soon be put to work making me a new AV..i have some ideas
Everytime i see tpam post, i think of Napoleon Dynamite's brother
I know tpam's real name. 8)
Tpam amazes me with her amazing magical powers. I know tpams name aswell
Tpam is correct, I do have magical powers, which is why I also know what tpam looks like. Muhahaha! 8)
tpam can't really see much out of that picture on myspace. It's old aswell
Tpam underestimates my powers of intuition.
Tpam is talking bullshit
Tpam is correct. Hahaha.
Tpam knows a language nearly similar to my own.
Actually tpam, I only know a few words and phrases in Swedish, and most of them are swear words haha.
tpb tpam didn't know that
TPAM signed into my space last week after a long absence, and didnt know who the hell I was at first
That's cause that picture didn't look like tpam at all. Or so it seemed to me.
I saw tpam's face today for the first time...
And tpam liked it a little too much, didn't you tpam? ;D
tpam posts alot
Tpam is right. :-[ Tpam is also Swedish.
swedish? tpam is wrong
Haha oh my mistake, tpam is Scandinavian though, right?
tpam should know i'm from zimbabwe.
tpam used to have an av and a sig... But not anymore
Tpam got pissed that he didn't win.
tpam wishes it was true...
Tpam knows it is true. 8)
Tpam must be the most posting user on this board. Good going tpam.
Tpam recently got some new T-shirts, one of TMV, one of Pink Floyd, I think. Are they nice tpam?
Judge for yourself:
Tpam should like them.
TPAM is right, I do like them! :)
Tpam has good taste in band shirts.
As does tpam ;)
t2pam are gonna make children soon... ;D
tpam, just think how good taste in band shirts those kids would have?
Tpam is correct, they would have t3h 3xc3ll3nt tast3
hi tpam... how are you ?
tpam is probably about to going to another japan trip to hang out with some japanese girls! You dirty little boy! (j/k)! 8)
does tpam know how to convert jpeg to avi?
Why does TPAM want to convert JPEG into AVI?
TPAM likes my drunken comments, haha! Maybe only when tpam's drunk too though (were you drunk yesterday or the day before tpam?)
TPAM is half right; I like your comments both sober AND drunk haha Probably cuz I reconize it haha
And yeah, I was drunk thursday & friday nights :)
Haha, good to hear you were drunk tpam! How's life treating tpam? I'm curious as tpam was mentioning changes taking place in tpam's life.
TPAM has a good memory, inspite of the booze (joking). I'm doing good; picking up books for study again, and in a different way, living on my own again with all the stuff that comes with it, getting up earlier than noon, being in a social enviroment (I have 17 housemates now)...yeah, loads have changed in little time.
How's TPAM doing?
Sounds like they've changed in a good way though tpam! Myself, I'm doing pretty well, just chilling...I think I forgot to do something though, and it's niggling me! Ah well, overall, all is good!
to answer tpa tpam, i need to shrink down a show to a smaller size to send it to someone so they can work wonders with it.
tpam is the coolest member on this board
I LOVE TPAM LOLZZ!!!1!!1eleven!!
loves Maury!!
i bet tpam has no clue how to play this game!!
TPAM must think I am new to message boards. ;)
HA tpam is OG!
tpam made me laugh UBER loud!
i bet tpam likes guns and roses
tpam want's me to break out in welcome to the jungle.
that's probably the only song i like.. and not coz i want to.. just that san andreas likes to play that song over and over..
pam how old do you think i am?
tpam should know I dont know if you're male/female OR how old you are. But I'll take a guess and say 25???
nice to meet you, the name is erik, but call me lithium.
so,does tpam live in the US?
houston texas
tpam, you close to the town of Bolivar?
about 3 1/2 hours.
Is tpam going to bonnaroo?
i've a friend that lives in bolivar.
you should come visit them and us all go party! ;D
hes a little bitch.. he owes me over 5 grand.
maybe i will though, has tpam got a nice place to stay?
for sure! As long as I dont have to worry about my throat being cut while I sleep. ;)
does tpam have a myspace?
i should get one though.. i had one but i abandoned it.
why what does tpam want to know about the all mighty lithium royalty ?
because I am a nosey bitch! Hahaha No,just carrying on a convo.
does tpam want me to quit asking questions?
no, not at all
what was your first impression of me?
Well, to be honest, tpam seemed like a dick at first, but he's definitely cool now. ;)
tpam has ac/dc in thier sig. :)
TPAM has recently joined us.
TPAM is correct in his statement, and needs to speak more on here hehe! :)
tpam has the same pic in his siggy that I have on my myspace. :)
TPAM is a cool newbie in my eyes! :)
Tpam is cool in my book.
Ditto to tpam! :)
Tpam has a sig that shows chi (the hurdle champion) cheng's belly.
I don't really know much about tpam. ???
i wonder where tpam got his sig pic from
tpam made me sigh with the pretty hate machine. ;D ;)
i made it last nite but tpam never came back on =\
tpam likes PHM the most?
no, i like the downward spiral best, but pretty hate machines' cover is the best one.
hurt or wish?
tpam shouldn't ask that!! They are both great in different way's. ;)
i think tpa tpam got his threads confused!!!!!!!!!
I was thinking that when I repsonded to tpam! ;)
It's all good.
it IS all good pam
word to pam's mother!
tpams av quote is great
nine inch naily.
I dont really know tpam,but hope they are having a good day.
Tpam is a massive NIN fan! I wonder how long tpam has been into them being that slight bit older than me heh!
TPAM went to see Cult Of Luna, and had fun 8)
Tpam is correct, I cant hear for shit just now, man this music sounds all muffled haha! Would have been nice if the band had had fun too, and if the place had filled up more!
hope tpam is having a good morning. :)
*and i've been a nin fan for 16 year's. GOD i'm old!*
tpam is my favorite noob of all time
WOOT! :-*
tpam has me singing the wretched.
tpam is now one of us..
tpam want's something he can never have
what tpam doesnt know is i get what i want.. and it's never enough
sounds like tpam hasn't found what he want's,or he would be satisfied...
So how long has tpam and tpah been going on about this?
not long,I am new here also pam. :)
I did have a good morning and a good day, thanks for asking tpam! :) Hope tpam had or is having a good day too! :)
TPAM is a sweetie...
TPAM is a cutie-pie :-* ;) :D
I am having a pretty good day pam.
That's cool to hear tpam! :)
tpam has good plan's for tonight?
Unfortunately tpam, I do not have good plans, all my plans have been reserved to Sunday night! Looking forward to it though hehe! How about tpam, does tpam have any good plans?
tpam has a band!! Uber rad!
Yeah, we formed last week, during drunken banter! Hell knows if it'll work out but I've got the passion to make it work! Full 100% focus! How about tpam, does tpam play any instruments or sing?
I can play a wee bit of guitar,thanks to my brother,but not good enough for a band. *laughs*
tpam say's cunt,and doesn't know how hard that word makes me laugh!
Haha, me and tpam share something in common, we both laugh at the word cunt baha! Man that is a great word though, I dont use it that much commonly, but hell if someone is pissing me off...
tpam uses the word cunt the same way I do,which is usually when i'm mad or want to laugh. oh my....hahah
I think it's cool that tpam laughs at the word cunt, most females tend to take offence to it, in my experience, that's why I normally dont use it much!
tpam is right about most females not liking it,but that's what makes me uber rad! ;)
word to tpam's motha
tpam is a fan of mudvayne, one of the few on here
this verse goes out to tpam
I'll always be your shadow,
And veil your eyes from states of ain soph aur,
I can't be the hero anymore,
I spit up on my plate and then I turn and walk away,
I spit up on my plate and I disrupt the family,
I spit up on my plate and I sever the entity,
And I feel your warm sun on my face
It took me quite long to remember who tpatam was on the previous board. Then I checked the map and it just clicked. I've been to Peoria, btw.
Edit: tpam got there first. Wanna do it now? ;)
i think tpam is a little slow at the draw!
tpatpam-what were you in peoria for?
tpam-i saw the first ever live performance of Severed
thats awesome dog, i saw mudvayne before they released ld fitty when they were opening for slipknot.. and severed brought a tear to my eye..
you ever read up on ain soph aur? thats some crazy theory, and the shit that martini is involved in with that church.. crazy fukcers man..
tpam is cool
Tpatpam - just drove through but it seemed like a cool place. We were visiting St Louis and lived in Moline (or actually my dad lived there for almost a year, I was there for few weeks).
Tpam a.k.a tpatpatpam (?) - I'm getting old and thus getting slow. And Mudvayne's quite good.
Tpam introduced me to the awesome band Diablo.
hi tpam. how's it going ?
Well, aside from the crapload of college work I need to do and the impending doom of my final exams, I'm pretty good thanks. How are you, tpam?
just good... Work's cool, I've got a long week end, I went back to my parents' house in the south of france for 3 days, I'm moving stuff to my new apartment in Paris at the end of the week end, I'm seeing my best friends tonight so everything's good.
When are your final exams tpam ?
tpatpam has stopped speaking to me :( ;) :D
tpam made me a nice offer the other week which I unfortunately had to decline
tpam has worn a kilt,and look's smashing in it I must say! ;)
Tpam is new here, and seems like a nice gal! ;)
Quote from: Chrisbo on Apr 29, 2006, 07:18 PM
tpatpam has stopped speaking to me :( ;) :D
Oh damn it, sorry man I forgot about that PM, I'll write you a reply now! :-[
Quote from: tarkil on Apr 29, 2006, 02:42 PM
just good... Work's cool, I've got a long week end, I went back to my parents' house in the south of france for 3 days, I'm moving stuff to my new apartment in Paris at the end of the week end, I'm seeing my best friends tonight so everything's good.
When are your final exams tpam ?
Oh that's cool, I'm glad things are good with you.
My first exam is on 15th May, then I don't have any until 7th June, and my last one is on 26th June. 13 exams in total! :o
tpam made me smile! ;D
what is tpam? ??? :-[
the person above me is tpam
tpam is very helpful. ;)
tpam is correct, tpatpam is helpful!
tpam has had a good day??
As a repkly to tpam, I've had a strange, drunken day! I shouldnt be here" Fact, I'm fucking off, good night and good will to those who seek it!
tpam will be resting well soon. :D
tpam on tonite?
Tpam isnt online just now, which sucks!
tpam isn't online either....pfffffft. ;)
tpam should show her tits.. all noobs should..
Tpam and tpatpam should hook up. ;D
tpam made me laugh!! ;)
Tpam's post makes me hope I'm not a noob anymore!
tpam seem's to be really nice.
Tpam should show her boobs, and yes Watson so should you. Even though you're not a noob, it would be nice. okay. Lets go!
tpam really want's to see boob's!!! ;)
Tpam just made an obvious post.
tpam has to be really sweet to see boob's
Tpam is not noticing my natural sweetness.
Tpam is sweet, but he still isn't seeing my boobs. No offence man!
tpam will have a nice pm later
Awww that's so sweet of tpam! ;D
Would it be allright for tpam's if i just posted a picture of my own jubbilies?
Depends what 'jubbilies' is a euphemism for... ;)
tpam just made me spit water! :D
I hope tpam didn't just drench her computer! :-[
I am tpam.
i just made myself laugh.
go on.
The guy is tpam's av reminds me of aenemic for some reason... ???
Tpam is confused, therefore she must show her tittays. Cause that's how the internet works.
Tpam calls breasts 'tittays'.
I don't know much about tpam. :(
tpam is having a good day?
tpam brightens my day
tpam is a sweetie! ;)
i project peoples attitudes. i am a factor of my environment. i love all my friends.
tpam should post her BOOBIES!!
describe me
tpam needs to learn how to play
tpam is fat. ha jokes bro, havent even seen you but you always say so, safe.
it's all good, i am fat. but it's all love pam.
nothing wrong with being a large mammel, im only 18, ill end up in a lazy boy with a 24 pack nightly one of these days so fuck it being fat is cool. respect 2 tpam.
TPAM has a cool pic for avatar.
Tpam thought was being a cow to him.
But TPAM wasn't, and never was or could be really...cuz TPAM's cool 8)
Hehe, tpam just made me smile. Tpam's cool too. ;)
Tpam is a rice and bread girl.
tpam has a kick ass avatar!!
is tpam a fan of kilts?
Quote from: Chrisbo on May 02, 2006, 05:07 PM
is tpam a fan of kilts?
I am! My family is Irish,so some of the men have worn them before. LOVE THEM!!
tpam need's to take more kilt pic's! ;)
Well tpam, I would if I actually owned a kilt, but unfortunately that picture was from a one off night, high school prom/dance!
well that sucks,pam! ;)
devil is the brand of tpams personal massager
I really like tpam's sig pic! Very artistic, and I like the blue!
tpam's from scotland and is gonna see deftones in Glasgow in one month and few days ! BTW, does tpam has any news of Colin (itsclassicalanyways) who was from scotland too if I'm not mistaken ?
Actually, no tpam, havent heard from him! I will send him a message on the ol' my space thingy majiggy! And yeah, he's a fellow scotsman!
does tpam know what album my sig pic inspired?
Is TPAM's signature inspired by Radiohead's Kid A or Amnesiac artwork?
yes tpam kid A it is
I knew that that was what inspired tpam's sig pic before it was revealed here! That's another reason why I liked it. :)
TPATPAM & TPAM have good musical tastes.
TPAM must have good musical tastes if TPAM thinks that TPATPAM and my musical tastes are good!
tpam is very sweet,and has a rad new myspace. ;)
Haha, why thank you tpam! I quite like it myself, better looking than it was before that's fo sho! And it actually loads without freezing now! :D
trainspotting tpam
Tpam is my homeboy. 8)
Tpam won't show me her tittays.
Tpam is correct. ;)
tpam is strong! ;D
Tpam's av is freaking me out.
I respect TPAM for not wanting to flash, but she should consider it one last time.
The fact that tpam respects the fact that I don't want to post a photograph of my breasts on an Internet forum is sweet. I have considered tpam's request one last time, as suggested, but I have come to the same conclusion, which is: no.
No offence. :P
I have a suggestion for tpam though, type 'breasts' into Google Image Search, and then you will have boobs galore haha. And then you can stop asking to see mine!
Tpam is still cool.
the person above me is a great sharinglungs mod
TPAM probably means bandsvideos?
SharingLungs @ Deftones/Team Sleep
Cool. Tpam is da man.
tpam is sucking up.
Tpam could be right, but in this case it's not. Just apreciate his effort to keep things alive so that you can take shits on it.
Tpam is one cool mofo. 8)
Tpam is correct.
Hahaha. Tpam is a cheeky git sometimes.
Tpam just posted a word that rhymes with tit.
Tpam has just returned the theme of the conversation to breasts.
No tpam just did that, i just stated the fact that git rhymes with tit.
tpam is a real straight shooter
Tpam is part of the Kidtones crew.
Tpam is.. Assasin! :D
Tpam is deutsch.
Tpam is Norwegian.
Tpam is now aware that i'm going to bed. See you later mafackas.
Tpam is going to sleep now. So am I. Good night tpam.
tpam is now sleeping
tpam is new here
TPAM's cool 8)
Ditto to tpam! Tpam's birthday also lies next to the new Deftones album release date which is cool!
TPAM is correct! It happend before almost, would be so tight if the album would drop then.
Tpam had a sexy moment last night
Tpam finally received a PM from me!
Tpam is right, and will probably get one back tomorrow or the next day, or the day after that just to keep the pattern going :D
Nah it will be as soon as possible ;)
Haha, in all fairness tpam could leave it for 3 weeks before replying! But I hope he doesn't!
TPATPAM and TPAM have this PM-thing going on...
Yes, it's summer, even online 8)
hahaha tpam is calling them out!
and tpatpam loves it HARD connotations and all!1
I'm not entirely sure what tpatpam means by that!
Tpam thinks I like it HARD. Tpam should know that I like it HARD when I'm in the MOOD, otherwise I like it a bit GENTLER. I'm talking about music obviously.
obviously tpam, obviously
Tpam's always hanging to the left.
Me and tpam have a PM thing going on according to tpatpatpatpatpam :D
i figured out how you would sound pam, you probably sound like the dudes from trainspotting, right?
tpam is demanding
tpatpam is kinda right, the dudes in trainspotting are more common! Try to imagine Ewan McGregor as he usually speaks in normal interviews, aye that's me hehe!
tpam is a damn cool new member of the ol' sharing lungs board!
TPATPATPATPATPAM is making funny statements (in a sense that they can be interpretet in a funny way) (hahah hanging to the left...)
And I meant that TPATPATPATPATPAM and TPAM have something going on, this PM-thing, thins e-thing, this summer-fall-in-love-thing 8) :D
TPAM is a mad fish in a crazy sea.
I declare tpam a thief! Tpam stole sweets from the Big Fresh! :D
Tpam and tpatpatpam are getting action! And tpatpam is probably getting some too!
Tpatpatpam's sig makes me get my lollerskates on! Ho ho ho!
Tpam is jealous of the "action" that tpam thinks me and tpatpatpam and tpatpatpatpam sre getting
Nah tpam, I'm not jealous, I'm just alone with no prospects of that changing any time soon!
Is tpam unhappy with tpam's current situation?
Yes, tpam, I am.
Time to reply to tpam's pm!
Woohoo! Tpam just cheered me up! ;D
Tpam invited me to def-threats.
tpam is a smart man
Tpam is also a smart man I reckon!
I love TPAM.
Tpam loves tpatpam.
I love tpam and tpatpam!
Group hug!!!
TPAM gives good e-hugs.
and e-head
Awww! Tpam and tpatpam are spreading the love on the board! Same to you guys!
*Group hugs tpam and tpatpam!*
Haha to tpatpam - dont you know it ;) :D
Tpam actually sent a PM back on the same day she got it yesterday! Tpam must have had the time! :D
Actually tpam, I felt guilty about how long it takes me to reply to the PMs people send me so I made myself do it quickly!
Tpam likes to respond to pm's asap.
Tpam sent me an image comment on MySpace today that cracked me up! ;D
I'm gonna go see tpam's image comment from tpatpam
Haha at the image comment :D
Tpam found my comment funny, that's cool.
Tpam found it too hard, hitting on my chest.
Tpam will give in to my charm one day.
Tpam is cute when he's being a pervert.
Tpam likes it when tpatpam talks dirty
Hahaha, tpam misunderstood my dodgy sense of humour! :-[
Tpam is a girl
Tpam is very observant.
Tpam knows that cause she's my partner in investigation.
Tpam is correct. Tpam is also Sherlock Holmes.
I'm actually doing a mini talk about Mr holmes in my english class next monday. It's gonna be hot.
Tpam knows it's going to be hot.
Hahaha cool! Tpam is doing a wee talk on Mr Holmes!
Tpam is going on a quest, his quest is to catch the midnight sun.
I've said it before and I'll say it again! Tpam is a cool mofo!
Tpam likes me even though i'm a perv. I like her too.
Haha, that's because (I think) you're just kidding.
Woohoo, tpam likes me! :D
Tpam is kinda right. I'm not being serious, but of course there is a part of me that wants to see your boobies.
Ah well, tpam is still male after all!
Tpam is telling the truth.
Tpam is very observant! That's because of his detective skills!
Tpam isn't fat.
Hahaha! I dunno where that came from, but thanks tpam, I think!
Tpam proves his superior skills of observation yet again!
Tpam understands bits and pieces of my language.
Well... erm... kinda...
Tpam är från Norge!
Tpam was suspended from school 4 times.
Actually tpam, in total I was suspended 5 times, but 4 of those times were specifically for fighting. How badass am I? ::)
Tpam's sig is cool.
Tpam is real bad ass. I kicked this dude down the stairs once, in school, it was cool, you know i'm no fool.
Oh and yeah my sig and av rock. Ry is da man.
i cant see your av pam
Tpam believes 42 is the answer!
Tpam is now on top of me
Man, we're fucking crazy/kinky bastards! :D
Wait? WHAT THE F...
TPAM got me wrong. I posted this thinking someone else was actually TPAM.
*goes to edit*
Haha oops.
Hahaha tpam! How could tpam do that? Did tpam reply from the last page or something? Tpam knows I was just kidding anyway... :D
TPAM is correct, I was looking at page 86 in stead of 87, which then makes it clear about who I was joking about with the remark.
Tpam is secretly having an affair with my PM buddy! >:( :D
Tpatpam said something about me but posted too late, and has now edited what he originally wrote. I'm intrigued!
Tpam's MySpace comment is very true! The Internet is having strange effects on us all haha!
Haha, I know what tpatpatpam said about tpam :D
Tpam knows what tpatpatpatpam said about me so he should tell me! :P
Don't worry TPAM, I'll say it...
I said TPAM was and is on top of me.
*insert interpretation here*
TPAM didn't send me any PM. :(
I don't know what TPAM is talking about...
tpam smells sex and candy. he surely thinks its a dream..
I've never really spoken to tpam before.
Tpatpam made me laugh with his second to last post in this thread.
I don't think tpam is gay.
I've been wondering where tpam got his name...Hed PE song? Friday (movie)? Or something to do with sk8ing?
Skateboarding. Now tpam knows. never heard the hed PE song.
Tpam doesn't think I'm gay. Tpam is correct.
tpam is color coordinated.
I'm not sure what tpam means by that... ???
i like keeping tpam on her toes.
Tpam has his old av and sig again! I'm not sure why though... Perhaps tpam is trying to keep me on my toes yet again...
tpam should know i like to switch it up.
smoking ciggarettes and sippin vodka
Haha, tpam just quoted a part of Back To School.
tpam has big lips. i like big lips
Tpam just made me laugh. Tpam used to be called CentralIllinoise.
Tpam has big boobies.
Tpam is obsessed about mammary glands.
I don't understand tpam's big words, but i'm sure it has something to do with a female's chest region.
Tpam is correct.
yo, i've never seen no zazyboobie.. some one should FWD that shit..
wassup with that pam? hook a nigga up!
I'd like to know how tpam is doing these days!
TPAM has a great Mastodon shirt! ;D
Haha, I'd like to thank tpam for complimenting me on my Mastodon t-shirt!
TPAM should be proud of this fuckin' great shirt taht I want to buy also but I donno where ;D
Well tpam, you'd probably be able to get it online somewhere! Myself I bought it at an actual Mastodon gig!
shit, I will probably pay more for delivery than for the shirt... tpam, thank you :)
You're welcome tpam!
TPAM looks EXACTLY like my friend from the previous school. (I just saw PICTURE THREAD).
tpam sig pic has got a great sky.
tpam has a wonderful "whole train" in his sig :D
the person above me has a sweet sig
Tpam thinks my religion isn't normal.
tpam is an extremist.... :P
Tpam is incorrect.
tpam doesn't understand the smiley language !!! :P
Tpam is incorrect, yet again. ;D
Tpam likes Pink Floyd, which is cool, cos Pink Floyd is a great band.
'Teachers leave those kids alone!' ;D
I think Tpam has a little different taste in music than me. She's into the harder stuff.
Tpam is correct, but I can still appreciate the talent of lighter stuff. What other bands is tpam into?
Obviously deftones, Tool, Massive attack, King Crimson, Kyuss, TMV, Michael Jackson, QOTSA, Radiohead, The smashing pumpkins, ATDI. To name a few. What about tpam?
Hmmm... well tpam, I'm discovering new stuff all the time thanks to certain board members, so bands I'm liking at the moment are:
Deftones, obviously, Metallica, Machine Head, Dream Theater, Trivium, Muse, Pantera, Opeth (thanks BigDave!), In Flames, Diablo, Mastodon, Meshuggah, Yngwie Malmsteen, Necrophagist, Oceansize, Pelican (thanks Josh!), Rage Against The Machine, Savatage, Slayer, Team Sleep, Thrice, Arch Enemy, Sepultura, Carcass, Avenged Sevenfold and At The Gates.
Tpam likes Radiohead. Has tpam heard anything by Muse?
Yes TPATPAM has heard anything by muse. TPATPAM has a few albums on his computer. Not too fond of them, i like cave, and i'm gonna see them this summer. Why is tpam asking?
Tpatpam is asking because tpatpam likes Muse a lot and hoped tpam would too. Cave's cool though.
Even though I'm not too keen on all of the bands tpam wrote, tpam has cool taste in music. Tpam should keep it up.
Who is that in tpams av, i always wondered. It reminds me of final fantasy.
It's the character Sheik from the Legend of Zelda game 'Ocarina of Time'. Sheik is actually a disguise that Princess Zelda uses in order to help Link save Hyrule.
Does tpam have any more questions?
Not that i can think of, but i reckognise the face now.
Is tpam a Zelda fan?
*sneaks in *
Hi tpam
*sneaks out*
Sup' tpam. How's things?
tpam beat me at posting
zaz, is it pronounced shake or sheek?
'Shake' I think, that's how I say it anyway.
To answer tpatpam's question, yes, I am a Zelda fan. Is tpatpam?
I wouldn't say fan, I love watching people play them though.
Tpam isn't a boy.
Tpam likes watching people play Zelda. I wonder what else tpam likes watching people do...
Tpam is dirty.
Tpam just made me feel a little embarrassed. :(
tpam shouldnt be ashamed of her indiscretions
yes she should be tpam ! :P
Tpatpam speaks wise words at the most unlikely of times.
Tpam seems to be in a sex-obsessed mood right now.
not really tpam. did you wish for it ?
No, I didn't tpam. Tpam is French.
tpam likes ac/dc
TPATPAM & TPAM have been posting alot in this thread lately.
Tpam's getting it on with his housemate. 8)
haha TPAM should leave the it out though...
TPAM likes lizards.
I think tpam is from poland or something... am i right?
yes you're right :D
I donno where does TPAM come from... :(
I'm from Norway. Tpam must now die for not knowing so.
Ok! Now I know! Don't kill me!!! Why is TPAM holding a knife!?
EDIT: Norway is a beautiful place. I woud like to visit it.
How could tpam know, i'm actually holding a knife in my hand right now. Freaky.
Tpam is holding a knife in his hand right now. That is freaky. And tasty. Indeed.
TPAM should turn back...
Could tpam explain why that is tasty?
what is tasty?
Tpam and tpatpam want to know why I said that what tpatpam said was 'tasty'.
tpam and tpatpam are fuckin' cool guys and get karma ;D
Tpam has my thanks, but should know that I'm not actually a 'guy'. Tpam has also been karma kicked.
Quote from: Assassin on May 13, 2006, 07:45 PM
Tpam has my thanks, but should know that I'm not actually a 'guy'. Tpam has also been karma kicked.
are you serious!? shit, sorry! I didn't know, really. I like you even more now ;D respect.
tpam gave me karma+, how can i not give back?
Haha, tpatpam didn't know that my chromosomes are XX rather than XY, but he does now. Respect to the Polish brother. Ja.
Tpam has legs that are crazy. Are his arms crazy too?
no. Does tpam have any crazy limbs, or body parts?
Yeah, I have one or two tpam.
Tpam said that she has two crazy body parts, i'm seeing stuff in my head right now.
Tpam is seeing two things in his head now. That's very interesting.
t2pam are ALWAYS in this thread !
Tpam isn't an astronaut.
Tpam might be an astronaut.
What would make tpam think so?
The fact that anything is possible tpam.
Tpam has noticed that tpatpatpam and me are always in this thread, and has now commented on it twice.
tpam is no longer here???? :( :(
why the hell did tpatpam leave the board??
tpam is sad :(
tpam is sad because tpatpam is sad :(
I am sad because tpatpatpatpatpam left
I agree with tpam!
I agree with TPAM as well.
tpam is sad,along with everyone else. :(
i'm more than sure theres people that are glad she left pam.
i for one am not one of them
I really like tpam's av and sig combos! :)
thanks pam, i've got moderate computer skills.
I don't really know tpam. "Internet know" him anyway.
TPAM's drooling from his large tongue.
the person above me, eats cheep meat called, Tpam
TPAM is a hardcore smoker.
tpam has had that sig and av combo for the longest time.
Tpam has a cool quote under his av.
tpam's av makes me giggle...
dog YOUR av makes ME giggle.
tpam should know it's peanut butter jelly time, peanut butter jelly time.
TPAM quoted from one of the best (animated) series ever.
pfft tpam should know that family guy is a simpson rip off
dpam is a badass def threats' member
def threats is actually a company that makes avatars for message board nerds.
so tpam likes graffiti?
TPAM is somewhat right, Simpsons rock too...blueprint for Family Guy? Yeah, think so, in the family setting, but the humour is different.
dunno how tuck is ;D, think he's nice
dap (2 times) am, hehe, yes i do and taggers do not at all.
you wanna say that again pam? no te entendi muy bien.
grafo grafo si, algunos tags sux
tpam is chido! hehe
Dunno who TPAM is either...well, yet anyway :)
But I can state TPAM has a cool signature 8)
Quote from: Tuck on May 22, 2006, 09:51 AM
Dunno who TPAM is either...well, yet anyway :)
would be nice to know you bro!
Quote from: Tuck on May 22, 2006, 09:51 AM
But I can state TPAM has a cool signature 8)
bien merci! ;D
TPAM has cool sig :)
I actually quite like tpam's sig too! I wish I was there right now! Looks so refreshing! I miss the sea :(
If that can relieve you tpam, I miss the sea a lot too !!!!
all tpam needs is deftones.
As I said earlier and in another thread, tpam's sig is fucking great !! Really...
thanks dude, i've been getting a lot of positive feedback on it.
tpam a big fan of pantera?
I think tpatpam is a fan of Pantera not sure, but I can assure tpam, that I am a big fan of Pantera!
Well tpams, I'm not that of a bif fan of Pantera because I need to check more of that band. But from what I know, I really like that band. Plus, they are monsters of metal. They are nearly at the origin of the metal like we know it today so I can only have respect for them... Plus Dimebag was the man...
I think tpam is from beautiful france.
dpam has nice shoes in the av ;D, and his sing rules too!
i think dpam just started a new trend
dapam uses vernacular as his own trend?, i just didnt get it
Ttpam knows the rules, he has to do what he has to do, stay true.
tpam is apparently some sort of evil spiderman.
dap(4 times)am is a real buddy "100%" like ross said he comes from da soul and i'm so glad to be his compadre!
dapam(2 times), is badass, he gave me grtns whe no one done it haha, now im gonna cry, just broma! hehe, just wanna say he rocks!
dapam(just a time) seems so cool too "devil spiderman" udaman! ;D
I think tpam doesn't like tmv :(
Tpam likes Xiu Xiu too ! Woohoo !
Tpam is good with graphic design. That's cool.
Tpam likes Venom (and he IS a kickass character)
And thanks, Crazy.
TPAM is smiling.
tpam is not drunk at the moment, which is said actually :(
tpam says KA-POW!!
tpam lost the messed up sig!
tpam is tpam
tpam just quoted me.
tpam saw what I did there.
tpam's skull is white
TPAM was right, I wasn't drunk when I last posted and I'm not now.
But a sad thing?
I donno. Maybe I was drunk too when I was posting it, that;s why it was said ;)
TPAM has impresive number of Karma :D
tpam's from poland... And wants to improve his english...
tpam has cool avatar. I love mr. banana :D
^ likes ponies, and stuff..
haha, i like tpams nick. Reminded me of Monty Pythons "Holy Grail"
I put tpam down as being Abe in secret on the Board Awards thread
tpam had a good birthday,and played on the roof! :D
Quote from: Børed on May 29, 2006, 10:58 PM
^ likes ponies, and stuff..
tpam is the devil himself!
tpam doesn't know it's "devil herself" ;)
ooops... lol
I just found out that the devil is actually a girl! :D
it's all cool pam. :)
tpam's heart is a whore
Every time I look into the thread it's exactly tpam that is tpam. Yeh, I think tpam is pre-haunting me! :o
TPAM takes cool pictures.
Tpam started a thread which was inspired by something I asked hehe! :)
tpam has a funky av/sig combo.
tpam has God's leg in his av.
tpam has had my fav two sigs ever.
TPAM's TV is always cool.
Tpam changed his av
dapam loves this
Tpam just posted the best gif ever. props.
tpam is from germany (I suppose)
I like tpam. Because of his sig. And because he's a cool guy !
Tpam is a sexy beast.
Tpatpam is wrong about my nationality.
tpam, sorry. you have "gott ist tot" so I thought you must be either from germany or austria :D
tpam isn't from Germany
Tpam just made an obvious post.
tpam's kung fu is strong.
Tpam's tv show today is cool. I like ze arnold robot.
Tpam is going to have a great day on the 16th, it's his birthday and he's going to see Deftones!
tpam sees tool this sunday?
TPAM has a key.
tpam sent me some pics that rock... therefore tpam rocks....
It was nice meeting you man. ;)
TPAM's av always makes me laugh :D
Tpam has a kick ass sig
tpam went to see deftones for the first time few days ago... And it was his birthday... Which is pretty kickass imo...
Tpam is right. Tpatpam does not think that it is a coincidence.
TPAM is right, seeing Deftones for the first time on your birthday is meant to be.
hey tpam... You again ? :p
Tpam, Tpatpam, and Hydro met up for the show in Luxembourg, i hope you had a great time.
TPAM is right, we did, and TPATPAM had a good time for a day longer even!
tpam changed his av
TPAM is right!
(AV is still with the Green Lizard theme I got, it's the lead singer of the band during a gig in Belgium, covered in mud, and wearing the black White Pony shirt).
Hey tpam! How's it going? I decided to post in this thread because I havent done so in a while!
TPAM has a good idea (to post here more often).
tpam's screen name rhymes with 'fuck'
tpam is correct and the tpatpam should post the pics of the luxemburg show he went to with hydro and tarkizzy
Tpam has a fancy key
I haven't said hi to tpam in a while.....
Mmm...methinks TPAM's been away for awhile...
And TPATPATPAM is right, should post some pics, but, I don't have much good ones...like 2 that are allright.
Tpam isn't black
Neither is tpam
Tpam is quite the genious. Plus he wears a kilt sometimes. That's why i respect him so.
I only now notice Zara's quote in TPAM's signature.
Gold it is, yes.
Tpam has gone to put some yummy food in his tummy
tpam should tell tpaH to post those 2 pictures that he has that are aight
OK tpam
tpatpatpam, post those two pictures that tpatpatpam has which are aight, please
Will do TPAM, uploading now.
Thought I'd resize them first, but then I'd need to be home, which won't happen very soon.
TPAM, being myself, did what he just said he'd do.
Pictures up in the Luxembourg thread in the Tour / Concert part of the board.
tpam posted some nice pic's...
tpam is somebodies bitch
tpam's from the other side of the world...
Hence the tpam is upside down.
tpam just dropped mad knowledge straight to head.
It like we are dancing on each others ceilings.
Super Secret Ninja Skillz!!!
what tpam doesnt know is that the second he realizes what hes doing, is the second he falls off the edge of the earth.. so watch it.
tpam is right.
I feel all floaty....oh....never mind...it's gas...
tpam is probably dropin f bombs in the land of the kiwis
tpam could be right, actually I'd take that bet.
Hey tpam, doesn't that remeber you of "Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirst oooooooooone !!!! THe first to fall off of the EAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARTHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!" 8)
TPAM quoted 'Bloody Cape'.
To which he danced like the banana in Luxembourg, I think ;D
ha ha! Shit, tpam saw me doing my secret "banana-dance" ! I'll have to be more discrete (discreet ?) from now on....
Hahah, don't worry TPAM, it looked cool 8)
TPAM is me! HAH!
tpam is Tuck ! HAH !
tpam's national soccer team is gonna ass rape the italians
tpam is called the squirrel master..
I like tpam's sig...
tpam has a LOT of boots....
tpam is somebodies bitch
tpam likes the Jeffersons
tpam is in the big leagues, coz shes fresh to def
tpam is making me laugh....thanks
tpam should download the previously mentioned song .....thanks
tpam shoulod know i took german in school.....
Hey tpam I has German in school as well, gave it up 4 years back though, cant remember any of it haha!
tpam should beware the water.. coz he really should know.
tpam should also beware the water... or else he'll get all rusty, which is not a good thing.... ;)
tpam should know i've plenty of tin oil for the rust
tpam likes Rick James......BITCH!!!!!
*dies laughing*
I didn't know that tpam belonged to def threats
tpam should know I just recently became part. ;)
well tpam, I didn't know... So how's it like ? :P
well pam,it's just uber fab! They sent Deftones in to give me a private show,and we had ice cream afterwards!!!! :o
;) ;)
ha ha ha... how cool is that tpam... glad you enjoy it !
hehe... why thank you pam,you are too kind. :)
tpatpam should know that if he wanted us to, we could also send HIM the deftones for a private show and icre cream too, and by private show i mean....well, let's just say they won't be bringing their instruments... atleast not their musical instruments.
tpam confuses me with a groupie I think...
I want to learn how to dance like banana in TPAM's av ;D
TPAM should watch TPATPAM at a Deftons gig then ;D
TPAM has a wicked sig and has kept it for ages.
Thanks TPAM!
Can't think of anything else though, haha, plus, want to keep it, try and support the band.
Quote from: fireflyry on Jul 08, 2006, 02:09 PM
TPAM has a wicked sig and has kept it for ages.
today's Firefly TV is awesome.
TPAM has cool av.
the girl in tpams sig has big sunglasses.
the guy in tpams sig has big sunglasses.
likes ponys, and stuff..
tpam has stumbled onto this thread
Quote from: Børed on Jul 09, 2006, 06:43 PM
likes ponys, and stuff..
TPAM has badass av and sig
tpam has long green pointy ears.
tpam is from Sweden and LOVES talking about the links between Finland and buttsex... ;)
TPAM probably wasn't happy on Sunday...
tpam made a good point about tpatpam
Yeah t2pam, you both are right... :-\
don't be sad TPAM...
I'm not tpam... I'm not a footbal fan anyway. But damn, losing againt the italians...
It would be as if losing against England at rugby !! No actually that would be worse...
tpam is halfway to 48
I got screwed once again by tpam... Revenge will come tpam, revenge will come... ;)
tpam can suck my youthful genitals
Should I post once again a pic of what tpam should suck, or is it okay ?? ;)
it's okay tpam. i kid i kid
Hah... I now got a scary weapons... Beware all tpams !!! :D
beeeeeeeware tpams penis aaah, aaah, ahhhhh.
dapma is a cool mofo! hehe and got his own trauma (as all) caused for dapam 2 times pic posted., haha why i think now we all feel lil about size and measures?.
TPAM has crazy av.
dapam is my best cool, crazy and polish hommie, actually da only one ;D
tpam has sexy chic's hanging on Def Threats.
tpam likes NIN?
she does tpam, i bet you do too huh?
haha yeah, good job detective :P :D
tpam.... also likes NIN ;D
dapam likes kitty and shes australian, kangoos! ;D
im another holmes
tpam spelled 'kangaroos' wrong :D
haha yep, was a joke i always wanted say it ;D i think sounds funny
dapam didnt get me :(
I just thought you couldn't speak English properly lol. :P
tpam CAN speak English properly :D
dapam ...well all i think about her is "sweeet" :-*
tpam made me smile ^^
tpam is new on the board... And she already has 71 posts... She'll soon become as intoxicated as us... Oh yes, she will... (http://www.deftonesreview.net/forum/images/smiles/icon_twisted.gif)
what do you mean 'become' hehehe ;D
tpam .... can read. baha :D
tpam must explain her name to me.
It's a song by 'The Grates'. Cute 'lil Aussie band. :D http://www.myspace.com/thegrates
tpam probably won't click the link, and if she does it will be to spite me :P
I checked the link pam,shouldn't assume soo quickly. ;)
I am jealous of tpam. Something involving NIN concerts. >_<
Well,if it makes tpam feel any better,I thought it was kinda shitty that they toured soo much over here and not enough over sea's.I have alot of friends that missed out. :( But he will be back next year. ;)
I do hope so :)
tpam seems like a very nice person :D
so some say. ;)
tpam is very creative.
dapam has beautiful eyes 8)
TPAM has a killer sign.
tpam will be glad to learn that I bought Will Haven and El Diablo few days ago... Both are now rotating in my stereo... 8)
TPAM is correct; that indeed makes me glad! And TPAM made a wise choice 8)
William H. rocks the house!
tpam has the same karma than me... We both equally rock the boards' socks... 8)
TPAM is teh ghey.
Maybe but tpam loooooooves teh wienerzzzz...
(http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/9633/1od2.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)
TPAM just made me cry.
No tpam, please don't cry... Lots of people love teh wienerzzzz, look, him too :
TPAM is a crack up.
mmmm, tpam, what does crack up means ?? My english isn't good enough... :'(
It means your funny TPAM.
Like Homer Simpson except fatter.
TPAM posted an awesome owned picture.
OK tpatpam, thanks for your ninja teaching skillzzz... ;)
and tpam, damn you were fast on this one... :-\
dont know too much about tpam,but I do like tpam's sloganizer. hehe
Tpam and i are members of the same crew.
tpam is above average in certain area's........so I read! ;D
you shouldn't believe all you read tpam... ;)
you shouldn't make me post a pic tpam
tpam and tpatpam have me curious......
tpam shouldn't make us post pics.
tpam and tpatpatpam could alway's send in a pm if they don't want to post. ;D ;)
i have to respond to tpams post with this: meh.
tpam should use the word blerf instead.
tpams intelligence seems to be infinite
tpam is my boy
and tpatpam is my girl
holla back tpam
tpam is sharing his lungs
I'm diggin' tpam's sig
tpam is cool guy to talk to
tpam likes omar and cedric way too much
props on the quote under your avatar. prepare your sleep apparatus. prepare, prepare
tpam is way too patient...
You should appreciate the leaks boyee... :P
tpam is wrong, i have a problem with patience
but i do like to wait for album releases
dapam has da reason
I have a feeling tpam likes duct tape???? ;)
dapam tells da truth so i wonder if she likes it too ;)
tpam is catching on to me. ;)
tpam hates me
tpam should know I have nothing but love for him.
i sang to tpams sig quote recently
tpam should know that my grandmother did the makeup for the video in his sig.
dapam's grandma rocks ;D
do i have to say "pop"? :D
i wish she was cool pam,but she is a money hungry bitch.
tpam is a southpark character. ;)
tpam used to be someone's bitch
tpam is probably practicing his moonwalk right this moment.
tpam knows whats up
dapam drank last nite
tpam has me thinking great thoughts of duct tape
dapam knosw that speaking of duct tape there no limits
tpam sounds like a guy who'd be right up my alley ;) :D
tpam is fangirltastic! ;)
both tpam and tpatpam should get it on.
tpam made me LMAO!
tpam laughs cos she knows it's a sweet idea
dapam is talking about an erotic escene... im just wondering
tpam knows what's up
tpam is demanding!
dapam knows what we desire !
tpam should know if you give you shall recieve
something tells me that dapam likes ghey pR0n
tpam made me go :o. Nah, I don't like gai pron.
Quote from: Fireal1222 on Jul 21, 2006, 04:58 PM
tpam likes omar and cedric way too much
really? ???
tpam has 999 posts while I'm writing this post. Inverted 999 is 666 so there's devil insuide tpam.
tpam recently added me on msn
tpam has 69 karma har har harrr 69 I'm very mature :D
tpam sucks fishes... :-\
She's pretty weird ! :P
TPAM is one of teh coolest people here.
Tpbtpam is the toughest mother fucker alive.
tpam has a killer sig pic
Lithium royalty is the next big Rockstar
dapam's sig took me to a place where it said:
A-freak-speaks hasn't listened to any music yet.
^tpam is a lil 'franchute' :D ;)
dapam was fighting with other venezolan and that was rad
jaja in polish!
haha in polish? nah, that asshole isnt venezuelan... the other guy WAS from here ;)
tpam loves his mom :D
dapam should know that
jaja= nuts in polish
and i have a new one my teacha the good yoda just told me:
gówno= shit in polish
i dunno how in the hell does it sounds just can spell for now
tpam's a peeping tom...
dapam made me say Oh la la!
I don't think tpam ever sleeps. ;)
dapam knows about mah insomnia ;D, but i already slept 4 hrs today
dapam is the man! =]
i think tpam is a chick.
tpam likes Andy Kaufman
tpam has a nice sig of NIN :O
I don't know anything about tpam.
tpam has a new sig....nice
tpam's avatar makes me laugh
The battery of TPAM's iPod died and TPAM can't recharge because the charger's gone.
You can charge them up for free at apple stores (if he's near one) or could he use the usb port that came with it, or is that the charger that's missing? Everyone has an iPod, i'm sure someone could help him out.
tpam is trying to help.
tpam's got back his old av, which I like...
tpam has great taste ;)
did tpam have any doubt about it ? ;D
nope, tpatpam is always very sure.
I actually think TPAM looks like his old/new avatar.
tpam is wrong.
tpam looks like another old av he had, with the guy with the glasses and bad teeth... I'm pretty sure of that !!! :D
tpam is not correct. You guys obviously never saw that picture i posted of myself sometime ago.
You're wrong tpam, I remember sawing it... It's just I prefer imagining you like that...
Mmm...I think I missed the picture TPATPAM mentioned that TPAM did see...
tpam will fail in life for that.
tpam made me lol
TPAM is doing the same...TPATPAM made me lol too.
It is a failure I think I can get over.
tpam knew of my ipod dilemma,but i'm happy to inform tpam that it has been recovered.
tpam is going to see deftones in a few days, I wanna go with her.
dapam just woke up earlier than me !
tpam maybe is right... and that's a strange situation
tpam is a fan of the smashing pumpkins?
tpam's the Chrisbo boy, and he's one of the guy I will have to party with one day...
tpam is a franchute
tpam will be missed saturday during the show.
tpam will take some good pics in that gig cuz she's a photographer 8)
tpam loves to see the world in white... Maybe he'll be able to paint the streets thanks to his av...
dapam has a signature that changes more often than mine :(, i'd like have one...
Tpam's sig makes me thirsty...
Tpam has dyed his hair.
Tpam's wrong...but maybe I should dye my hair, hmm...or my pubes.
wasn't Tpam the one that said that dying tickled?
Tpam listed Simpsons as one of his favorite tv-series and can't see a Ralph-quote?
I think it was some of those Halloween specials...actually season 13 episode 1.
tpam should know that not everyone learns all 17 seasons by heart.
tpam has a dodgy memory? ;)
dapam really enjoys to kill peep with a hammer!
in the manhunt game ;D
tpam told me this at msn:
youre pins, im needles says:
que paso
tpam is going to wear eyeliner and take pictures just for ME!!!! ;)
tpam has a son that can probably beat me in soccer.
I'm not sure if tpam is male or female, I've heard both! ???
tpam doesnt know im a girl...shes heard both? ???
tpam is a girl, tpatpam knows now :D
tpam is a kangaroo :D
tpam has a big day tomorrow,and get's UBER hugs from me. :)
Tpam loves the cock.
tpam know's of my love for animal's.
tpam is awesome :D
Tpam is a girrrrrrl!
tpam is also a girl,and has a nice sig. :)
tpam is excited as fuck right now
tpam is correct. Wish he could join me...in a KILT! ;)
tpam is gonna rep def threats tomorrow in nashville
tpam is part of def threats.
I'm curious, is tpam as skint as I am? I was just reading the poor thread, and tpam said something similar to my post
I am as skint as TPAM.
tpams sig looks like it's been doing coke for days
Tpam has a kid named Jillian Rose.
tpam knows whats up
tpam is quoting G.B
tpam knows whats up
tpam has a kid?
tpam is a pole :D
tpam's my norvegian homie...
tpam has cool sloganizer
dapam is an artist
Tpam said the fly went to mexico.
tpam has a really nice deftones sticker on his chair.
tpam has a thing for the girl in flyleaf.
the girl in flyleaf looks like jon from korn
legs, yes, i in fact do have a little girl..
tpam is teh ghey for NIN
dapam is the mein
tpam is a designer
tpam chuckled at my story in the bullshit thread
tpam loves TDS and can't find anyone to rant about it with.
Tpam's av is weirding me out.
tpam doesn't like it when I say "sweetie".
tpam likes to be hitted in the ass :)
tpam has great av!
tpam just made me laugh too freakin hard!!!!
Tpam should'nt call people sweetie. Tpam should tell them to fuck off instead.
tpam sould know that I am a southerner,and saying that is the norm. Guess i'm too "nice" ;) But for him I shall say "fuck off".
tpam is female
tpam is a good dancer.
Tpam is the decendant of Jesus.
TPAM is in a band with a cool name.
tpam is going to cook me dinner, as long as I give him cold beer
tpam misses Jolly Ranchers and Mt Dew
dapam likes mucha lucha ;D
tpam has a secret love for "the poontangler" hahahaha!!! ;)
tpam is a sassy sasquatcho
tpam want's to play with el homo loco
dapam is a hot and blue eyed wrestler!
tpam loves teh cockzor!!!11
to dapam: uomoX0rZ!!
i resign this wicked fucking world on it s way to hell
tpam lives in it. see ya buddy...
tpam bout got his ass beat.....K style!
tpam likes gambling
dapam has the stoned nickname i ever heard!!!
tpam made my sig, which is awesome!
tpam likes his whiskey
i think tpam is seeing deftones tomorrow.
tpam is correct
dapam loves drinking margaritas :-X
tpam knows ghey when he hears/see's it!
tpam has karma: 39
Well tpam would be wrong if he read it now! But ah well, karma is nothing, it means shit on here! Just live a good life, and you'll be healthy and lucky! :)
tpam has had that av a looong time.
tPaM just saw DEFTONES
dapam has a bad and illegal plan against the mexican gov. ;D
TPAM has a matching Team Sleep av and sign, and they'r cool 8)
dapam a neat-o vato is
What does TPAM mean?
haha ;D ,vato : word for "homie/dude/homeboy" in the spanglish language
dapam is learning the bastardization of da english language
tpam used the word 'bastardization' and made me laugh
tpam has a karma > 100... He must be a nice guy... :P
Tpam should know that I'm just myself on here haha! Karma doesnt matter at all, just be yourself and say what you want to say, but dont be an idiot.
tpam is gonna come to the states and see NIN with me when they tour again.
;D ;)
I'm gonna try my hardest to make sure that what tpam says true!
TPAM has an awesome singnature. Pretty sure I said it before, but it's worth saying again.
tpam has cool beard
edit : tpam was faster than me
I met tpatpam in Luxembourg, and it was really good times... Let's just wait for the next ones... 8)
Word to TPAM! Well, if TPAM is every in The Netherlands, TPAM is welcome in my crib 8)
tpam, you can be sure that one day I will come... Maybe for a deftones show if we're lucky !!! ;)
tpam's sloganizer says: GET ME MY DEFTONES.
no tpam, it says "deftones extra day" !!! 8)
That would be awesome TPAM; more tones 8)
TPATPAM has Deftones shows.
I don't know what TPAM is saying.
Excuse me TPAM, I just saw my spelling error...Deftones shoes was what I meant 8)
Tpam has a cool Deftones poster which I'm going to steal one day
TPAM makes me do a Anakin Skywalker...
Dont worry tpam, I'm not really going to
I'm gonna get drunk with tpam one day... 8)
I'm not gonna get drunk with TPAM me because tpam lives too far :(
dapam is the mad at his town, the peep just think that cuz hes used to scream phrases in spanish while wastes the beer and talks to a ronaldiño's poster
tpam loves team sleep
tpam is an overgrown midget.
tpam has posted on here for the first time in 4 months
tpam doesn't give a FUCK about karma!!!! :D
tpam is correct, and also shares a love for the word 'bastardization' along with several other word I shall not quote....ok, maybe the one:
he likes jack daniels and deftones
tpam is very perceptive
whos tpain?
tpam is watchin
tpam likes to dress up as ET??
tpam likes to gamble
tpam likes Billy Corgan and probably owned a ZERO shirt. ;)
tpam pooped her pants a while ago
tpam must have me confused with one of those sick chic's from the porn's he watches.
tpam is funny
i just cant stop watchin that gif in your sig its werid as hell
yeah, thats nothing. tpam should see the ones i cant post.
tpam has a sick sense of humor!
whos that chick that "thing" is fuckin?
I think tpam doesnt know how to play
tpam wouldn't mind dying in between a blonde's leg's. hahaha ;)
tpam is right!
they like the color pink
tpam is learning how to play... Good, keep trying.
im going to stop postin in this topic
tpam gave up...
hey bro, just say 'tpam' (the person above me) and start describing.
oh i get it now...
i was wtf is tpam
tpam did understand... but didnt play in the last post.
tpam broke the rules..
the first rule of tpam, don't talk about tpam
second rule of tpam, don't talk about tpam
tpam's rules are misleading.
dapam is just watching yourselves and is a real vato
tpam is going to sell me his SOUL
after the tpatpam sells his soul, tpam should re-sell it on ebay
tpam should know that this faggot made a mistake :(
i was only kidding tpam, there is no need cut yourself over it.
tpam's sig shows ET's true motive for being on earth
dapam is currently digging in APC' music
tpam likes team sleep this much <---------------(oo)------------------>
tpam's sig still makes me laugh every time I see it
tpam likes tennessee sour mash whiskey
It seems like tpam is the gambling type?
tpam does a lot of skating... He should show us some of his tricks... ;)
tpam will have to wait for quite some time for me to get my ass up and film something.
Then tell us what you are able to do tpam ?
there's a long list. Tpam wouldn't be interested anyways. But that's allright.
tpam is a skilled skater
dapam laughs everytime i say "bastardization"
i like tpam's graphic work.
tpam likes:
(http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/1175/83237301e542e1057730c1fd3c46da2ffw2zx3.gif) (http://imageshack.us)
dapam should build a site named "a gif for any ocassion"
tpam knows whats up
tpam must knows whats up to
tpam loves the BBQ, and he's damn right about that !!! :D
I should let tpam know that he's invited to my friends BBQ, when my friend decides to get up off his ass and organise it
Beware tpam, I might come... ;)
That would be cool tpam, no need to beware
tpam come from uk
tpam comes from poland and lives close to the sea
tpam gets information REALLY FAST!
I checked tpam's profile and saw with Google Earth that tpam lives by the sea. Also tpam just had two of tpam's threads locked
tpam is right.
I think tpam is angry because of that
tpam is not right ;)
tpam has to admit that his threads were pretty damn silly.
I'm glad tpatpam is not angry, and Ry made tpam's av
tpatpam is right but it was just a fun. I'm just tired of new SNW threads ;) no bad feelings! and tpam has fucking great mastodon tee which I'm gonna steal one day ;)
tpam is sharing love
tpam's got a nice av/sig combo !! He's sharing love with the Floyds !!! ;)
tpam went to London few days ago.
tpam's right... Good job inspector ! :D
tpam has boots :P
Did tpam check them ? :P
no :(
tpam needs to follow the rules.. teh internetz is serious bidnez
dapam should leave my lil bro alone! haha
tpam is turning into a great pho-tog-rap-her
I'm writing a comment on tpam's My Space right now
tpam has it's av since I can remember
Yes tpam, I cant be assed changing it, because I think it's quite cool
tpam is right that his av is cool :D
thanks tpam, loving the chucktones av as well!
thanks tpam, and I like chino's quote in your sig, which is actually true.
tpam is correct, Chino was talking pure wisdom there!
TPAM is correct.
Quote from: Tuck on Aug 19, 2006, 01:19 PM
TPAM is correct...
... that tpam is correct.
I think tpam needs to sedate me, not because tpam is a doctor or anything, but I've just heard 'Hole In The Earth' for the 40th time (or something) and I'm so excited
tpam really likes 'Hole In The Earth'
tpam is fucking correct!!! ;D (pardon my french)
dapam should know that he is acting lika freak, just like me!! repeat mode fucking rulx!
Haha woo! I'm not alone according to tpam. I knew that anyway, but yeah it's cool to be part of this!
tpam seems like the kinda guy I'd happily drink a few beers with and talk shit for a while.
tpam is as god is.
tpam must not have heard God Am with Alice in Chains.
not a fan tpam
tpam is cool in my book either way.
TPAM is a ninja :o
its waaay past tpams bedtime
TPAM is right..
tpam knows i'm right.. i need to piss.
TPAM just went to tinkle and uses a pink font :-X
pink fonts are awesome.. shit if this board had a HOTTER pink i'd use it all the time.
tpam is a hot pink font herself.
TPAM is a mack.
far from it pam
TPAM is a mack in training
tpam broke out in laughter after seeing something in the owned/pwned thread.
tpam has a pretty sweet Pink Floyd av
tpam has a line in his sig that I recognize a lot but can't remember where it's from.
Quote from: aenemic on Aug 24, 2006, 03:38 PM
tpam has a line in his sig that I recognize a lot but can't remember where it's from.
Tpam lives in a country I've visited four times.
tpam's back to postin ? How interesting... She still didn't tell me how life is going on her side though...
Quote from: tarkil on Aug 24, 2006, 03:42 PM
tpam's back to postin ? How interesting... She still didn't tell me how life is going on her side though...
Meh tpam, I'm just bored. :(
Life's good here thanks, just got into uni(versity) so I'm preparing to move out at the moment. How's everything with you tpam?
And in an effort to remain on-topic: tpam is French, and had long hair. On his head, of course.
ok tpam, nice to know that you were accepted in your Uni. It was a law one wasn't it ?
As for me, since you left, I became single again, been working my ass, partying a lot, making awesome week ends everywhere around France every week since the begininng of July, and I may be going to live soon in Hong Kong...
Approximately all...
So will you stay on the board a bit more now, tpam, or not ?
Quote from: tarkil on Aug 24, 2006, 03:52 PM
ok tpam, nice to know that you were accepted in your Uni. It was a law one wasn't it ?
As for me, since you left, I became single again, been working my ass, partying a lot, making awesome week ends everywhere around France every week since the begininng of July, and I may be going to live soon in Hong Kong...
Approximately all...
So will you stay on the board a bit more now, tpam, or not ?
Aw bless you for remembering! Yep, Law.
Single again? I didn't realise you had a girlfriend! Well I'm glad everything's going well for you. Will you be moving to Hong Kong for work?
I might stay on the board a bit more... a few people have been asking me to (bless them for making me feel wanted :P)...
Yeeeey! It's TPAM 8)
I just wrote in tpam's thread...
Quote from: Juicy Fruit on Aug 24, 2006, 11:11 PM
Single again? I didn't realise you had a girlfriend! Well I'm glad everything's going well for you. Will you be moving to Hong Kong for work?
Yup for work purposes indeed... I'll go live and work there for an undeterminate amount of time... Till I'm bored of the place... Then I'll go back to Tokyo... (I hope)
Quote from: Juicy Fruit on Aug 24, 2006, 11:11 PM
I might stay on the board a bit more... a few people have been asking me to (bless them for making me feel wanted :P)...
Yeah, you can stay, board's pretty cool these days, with everyone getting hyped and excited for the new album... Good times...
I'm glad that tpatpatpam is going to hang around a little more and I shall post a Muse blog for tpatpatpam when I find the time
tpam enjoys wakeboarding
TPAM's going to get drunk at a party tonight and probably post randomness on here it the party's wake 8)
In terms of the interwebby tpam is to cool for words.
Always on point.
Always shining.
tpam's discovered the greatness of HITH thanks to alcohol... Alcohol FTW !!!! 8)
Tpam is moving to Hong Kong
dapam simply ROCKs in this world
tpam is one cool mofo
Hey tpam, what's up?
Not much tpam, back in school trying to stay awake. And what's up with tpam? seems like a lot has been going on lately.
tpam is sad about the death of Syd Barrett
tpam is goin with me to pick up dorian in mexico so he can sleep n our closet!!
tpam has a sexay voice,and know's I will be by her side,duct tape in hand,to steal Dorian!
Tpam is my cocain.....haha
tpam likes to skank while cleaning...
*that makes me laugh*
tpam wasnt supposto mention that haha
tpatpam is sorry!!! ;)
haha tpam is hot so the tpatpam doesnt even trip she was kidding
tpam hangs from ropes
tpam is soo not metal
tpam has an awesome sig
so does tpam...
according to tpams sig he lost weight with deftones.
tpam has one of the best sigs on this board.
tpam like emo bewbs haha
dapam wants an embarradita de mi atole!! jajaja how gross!
Tpam drank his atole and didnt want to share!
tpam is moving to Tennessee...straight outta Compton!
Tpam is totally flying my ass out there once I get the hawk back.
tpam needs a bewbie hat!
i think tpam doesn't know what to say..
dapam should get on at AOL ghey chat and chill with those buddies to understand to dapa him
really, you are annoying man, why don't you fuck with somebody else?
dapam should get a brain
tpam is bringing sexy back! ;)
and i got ya back nucca! :-*
tpam is a cracka
tpam is a BITCH
tpam knows whats up
tpam got me into Gnarls Barkely
tpam should quist listening before you lose brain cell's!!!!!!! ;) :P :-*
tpam is talking with me on msn ;D
tpam is an invinsible friend
TPAM has a show coming up
tpam has a hot ass voice
tpam is a big fan of AFI, as am I
i recently saw the video where tpam got his quote from
tpam, you kick ass.
Tpam is the essence of cool. And I briefly visited his country this summer. Very briefly.
I dont know who tpam is.
tpam is on msn and hasn't said hi to me :(
Quote from: Frankz0r on Sep 04, 2006, 01:56 AM
I dont know who tpam is.
You do. I'm Assassin. ;)
Quote from: devilinside on Sep 04, 2006, 02:05 AM
tpam is on msn and hasn't said hi to me :(
Tpam and I briefly interacted on MySpace a while ago. And tpam is a big fan of Nine Inch Nails. And tpam is also pretty. ;D
Oh now I remember who tpam is... I forgot.
tpam should be back with her real login.
Quote from: Frankz0r on Sep 04, 2006, 02:21 AM
tpam should be back with her real login.
Tpam is correct, but unfortunately I deleted my old account so my amazing original username is now lost forever. :(
hehe tpam now is dissapointed. tpam should stay posting.
Tpam is sweet, but the rate of my posting will depend entirely upon the extent of my boredom.
Tpam is Hispanic, I believe!
Yeah tpam is right, tpatpam is hispanic. Oh yeah, I know tpam know what im gonna say Hola niña linda ;)...
and what I mean before is, tpam should stay posting on the forum...
tpam laughed at me ;D
Quote from: Juicy Fruit on Sep 04, 2006, 02:18 AM
Quote from: Frankz0r on Sep 04, 2006, 01:56 AM
I dont know who tpam is.
You do. I'm Assassin. ;)
Quote from: devilinside on Sep 04, 2006, 02:05 AM
tpam is on msn and hasn't said hi to me :(
Tpam and I briefly interacted on MySpace a while ago. And tpam is a big fan of Nine Inch Nails. And tpam is also pretty. ;D
Welcome back!!! ;D
Quote from: Frankz0r on Sep 04, 2006, 02:36 AM
Yeah tpam is right, tpatpam is hispanic. Oh yeah, I know tpam know what im gonna say Hola niña linda ;)...
and what I mean before is, tpam should stay posting on the forum...
I don't know what that means, but I will assume it is some form of greeting. So thanks.
Tpam thinks tpatpam should stay posting on the forum, eh? I dunno... possibly. I've been coming back here and there for a little while now, I probably should. Hmmm...
Tpam is younger than me. Aw!
Quote from: devilinside on Sep 04, 2006, 02:43 AM
tpam laughed at me ;D
Quote from: Juicy Fruit on Sep 04, 2006, 02:18 AM
Quote from: Frankz0r on Sep 04, 2006, 01:56 AM
I dont know who tpam is.
You do. I'm Assassin. ;)
Quote from: devilinside on Sep 04, 2006, 02:05 AM
tpam is on msn and hasn't said hi to me :(
Tpam and I briefly interacted on MySpace a while ago. And tpam is a big fan of Nine Inch Nails. And tpam is also pretty. ;D
Welcome back!!! ;D
Thanks. ;)
Tpam is polite.
I'm sure it has been said several times already, but as I wasn't on the board this week end, here I go (late) : welcome back tpam!
Word TPAM, word 8)
tpam kicks ass, literally, and also in the fact that tpam is cool
One day, TPAM and me and other boardmembers (like TPATPATPAM) are gonna party 8)
I just gave tpam his 100th karma point... 8)
And yeah, we need to party... But let's do it soon cause as tpams know, I'll be leaving Europe around November...
I'm gonna try my damn-dest to be free at some point in November, but I cant promise anything tpam. Maybe I'll visit Hong Kong (is tpam going there to actually live, and for how long?)
Yes tpam, I'll be living in there, and for an undeterminate amount of time... So yeah, you should (must :P) come visit this place... You'll obviously have a place to crash at !!!
Mmmm...well, as TPATPAM mentioned, maybe noveber somewhere is a good point to set it up. Hopefully I'll be less broke then so I can come to TPAM as well.
Or, the time could be october and we'd go to the UK and catch the Abominable Iron Sloth somewhere and set that as a date to get together?
And thanks TPAM, a hundred looks cool ;D
Quote from: Tuck on Sep 06, 2006, 02:21 PM
Or, the time could be october and we'd go to the UK and catch the Abominable Iron Sloth somewhere and set that as a date to get together?
Seems like a deal to me tpam, because I think I'll be leaving Europe around beginning of November, so yeah, obviously October would be better for me!!
I'm pretty sure that Law and ToneDef will (actually they won't have choice !! :P) come to !!
Let's do so !! But like REALLY do so! Give me a date, a place to stay, and I book my plane tickets today... 8)
Tight stuff TPAM...well...we should make a topic about it. The 'Sloth is doing several dates in the UK, we should find on at a spot that's good to reach and where we have a place to crash...
Well tpam... GO !! I let you create the bad boy... 8)
tpam is a south park fan. And has Jesus in his av.
tpam should come to the euro / ironsloth party... Even if he's a bit further than us... But he should come...
Quote from: Crazylegs on Sep 06, 2006, 04:12 PM
tpam is a south park fan. And has Jesus in his av.
tpam has no personality... :P
tpam likes banana's that can move
appearantly tpam likes snowmobiling...
i've only seen snow ONCE.
tpam is almost like me... Only that I've seen snow just... NEVER!
TPAM should come to the states and play in the snow with me!
;D tpam has a great idea! and we can also visit tpam hot mom ;)
All tpam have to try snowmobiling. ;)
where are you from tpam?
I'm from toronto tpam, what about yourself? :)
tpam, your cristina sig is delicious.. and i'm from houston texas.
tpam is right... that sig is.... Damn!
tpam likes the batman song by billy and friends
I don't know tpam really well... But I love his sig, and his sig's breasts... :o
tpam this is for you (http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/3153/southparkgangot7.gif) (http://imageshack.us)
I've always liked tpam's display name.
I cannot say anything to describe tpam but that his name his The Constant. Weak weak description...
Tpam wore a suit today, just for me!
tpam doesn't wear a bra when she sleeps.
is tpam excited or what ? :D
tpam started a HB thread for the Tuck man
tpam has a jack daniel's sig and i love jack daniel's
Tpam has a John Lennon sig. I love most of John Lennon's work.
You shouldn't tpam, you shouldn't.... :P
Tpam does bot think well of John Lennon
tpam has an extra [/url] on his sig
I clicked on TPAM sig.
tpam likes to drink wine (I think)
Tpam is enjoying the new mastodon.
tpam still has the extra [/url] in his sig
(http://img104.imageshack.us/img104/3406/havvv8.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)
i know tpam, but, if i remove it the whole snw thing disappears.
here you go tpam. put the img /img captions around it.
I dont know why tpatpam says that. Look at my sig.
and tpam is trying to help him.
tpam is a sweetheart and want's my shirt. ;) :-*
tpam is flippin me the bird..
tpma is premed bitch
tpam is correct
tpam speaks the truth
TPAM rocks the Cash in her avatar.
I'm still not sure who it is in tpam's avatar but I'm guessing it's Green Lizard. Anyway, any picture with the horns is cool!
tpam has a sig prepared by mah bro'
tpam is dorian's brother.
the string quartet tribute to deftones!?
tpam has been absent for a while, nice to see tpam back
nice to see tpam also :)
tpam isn't here often enough anymore.
tpam is one post away from 4000! :o
tpam is one of the cooler people around
awww,that was really sweet of tpam! ;D
I love tpam
tpam and tpatpam both love ME!
tpam created one of the best threads on this board ('who would you do?')
tpam has some "different" taste in music... :P
tpam referred to me as being part of a group called 'Bastards !!! >:(' in the 'the chariot UK Tour ' thread
ha ha tpam's right...
tpam's a lucky bitch, and I'm jealous of him, that's why... Plus, he killed Kenny, so... :P
tpam loves the cock
tpam wishes he had a cock, and not a third testicle...
What tpam said just made me laugh
Laughing at the same thing TPAM is laughinh about.
tpam is as smooth as I am, I think :D
hi tpams, how's life treating you ?
Life is treating me cool tpam, just chilling, but I'm starting to get bored. And how about you tpam?
TPAM is right...smooth...well, a little stubble but smooth enough I suppose.
to tpamtpam :
My life consists only in working during the day, seeing friends every night before my big departure, so I'm getting more and more tired...
I gave my demission last Friday, so I guess I'll be leaving France between mid November and mid December...
Fearing a bit the changes, but let's cross the fingers and hope everything will go fine in the end...
And I got to take care of my apartment, parking lot, phone, etc resiliation, which is a fucking pain in the ass... >:(
to tpam :
what about our common gig/party man ?
No need to worry TPAM, everything will be cool by the time it's november.
About the common party...well...I'm broker then ever. Going to look for a job this week.
Tpam and I have something in common, we are bums
tpam, I already told that to you few times, and will probably tell it again : I love your sig... that teets... :o
True TPAM, but, they seem to be hanging pretty soon already...mmm...
I have something in common with both tpam and tpatpatpam, I'm a bum too! And those teets are what I call very lovely jubbly :D
tpam made me laugh really loud
I hope that tpam is feeling better now! :)
Tpam is gonna go see AFI ah! He digs them like me!
tpam is correct :)
tpam must be resting from a hangver at the moment... :)
tpam is actually incorrect, I've just got a headache for no reason, which is annoying. I applaud tpam as tpam just bought 4 Mastodon CDs
ha ha I knew you would like to know that tpam... :)
tpam knows that I am a massive Mastodon fan, I really dont know how...... :D
ha ha ha... I'm very good at guessing, that's why tpam... :P
tpam is .... me !!! :o
tpam is seeing Deftones in two weeks the jammy bastard!
it's too bad that tpam isn't coming...
And foooooooooor the fiiiiiiiiiirst tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime,
Iiiiiiiii wiiiiiiiiish he'd coooooooome...........
hey tpam, I'm coming just now thinking about how excellent the new album is gonna be
tpam is thinking what I think =D
Tpam just typed a smiley that kinda looks like a weiner.
tpam doesnt get the same high with Rapture, as he got with HITE and Beware
Tpam seems to be though
tpam is quite correct :)
Tpam's liver hates him. ;D
TPAM is going to see Deftones soon :)
TPAM doesn't have to go looking for a job like i have to tommorrow :(
all of tpam are foreigners..
tpam is also a foreigner
tpam is correct,
TPAM has cookies.
tpam's my dear Tuck... How was the week end my man ? Got drunk and partied I see ?
tpatpam is tpam's man...i find that weird...
tpam has a bomb-omb as his sig pic
tpam flips the doodle page too much
tpam has caught the Deftones fever much like my myself, and the various members of this here board
TPATPATPATPATPAM is right! Weekend was a long one (including friday and monday) and yeah, I partied hard everynight during those 4 days. Loads of stuff happened, dunno where to put that. How's my man Tarkil?
And how's my man TPAM? TPAM must be bummed out, if I remember correctly, TPAM can't make it to see Deftones next week.
I'm pretty good tpam! I'm not too bummed out, it does suck that I wont be able to make it, but then I know I'll perhaps have many more opportunities to see the band, maybe not in such an intimate setting, but I can handle that!
tpam will get the new cd a day before me...i'm jealous!
tpam is a sexay mom =D
tpam is gonna be a sexy dr,who will get molested by many patients. hah
tpam is correct, I will be getting the new CD a day before tpam hehe! :D
And just like TPAM, I will to be rocking the CD a day ahead.
Man. Poor housemates. Luckily most of my housemates know my love for Deftones, so I've ben giving subtle warnings for when the day of the new release is.
I wonder what kinda music tpam's flatmates are into?
My neighbour on my left (the one mentioned in previous posts) is into a lot of stuff...bit what's cool at the moment, but, not per definition. She digs Gnarles Barkley for one.
My neighbour on the right, she into all kinds of latin stuff, spanish stuff.
There's a bit of a metalhead down the end of the hall, a dude who has everthing acros and the girl acros I dunno about.
And that's just one of 3 halls of the house :D
How's the TPAM doing?
tpam uploaded his picture from december
tpam's from poland...
tpam comes from the land of the worlds second best football team.
tpam has a BIG sord...
tpam can't spell sword and likes to wear makeup (im guessing) :P
tpam's favourite tunes off of 10,000 Days are Right In Two and 10,000 Days according to what tpam said in another thread, much like meself
Quote from: Corleone on Oct 09, 2006, 09:35 PM
tpam can't spell sword and likes to wear makeup (im guessing) :P
well, I'm not a girl...
tpam is one of the best peple here
I thank tpam, tpam is too. Tpam has the Mastodon-love! :)
tpam is one of the cool people here. he's never given me any shit.
Haha tpam, I like to keep things chilled! :)
tpam has a nice beard!
tpam should of said 'had' but hey, give another few weeks, it might be back again haha
Tpam enjoys absinthe.
According to one of her stickers, tpam loves vodka.
is kevin sorbo on tpam av?
Quote from: Crazylegs on Oct 15, 2006, 11:29 PM
According to one of her stickers, tpam loves vodka.
Hahaha, I still have those lying around somewhere.
Quote from: Frankz0r on Oct 15, 2006, 11:31 PM
is kevin sorbo on tpam av?
No, that's Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Tpam cheated on me.
tpam is a noob a haven't seen before.
tpam likes atdi.....
Quote from: acidmouth on Oct 16, 2006, 07:30 AM
tpam likes atdi.....
err... how tpam knows this?
EDIT: whooops, how stupid I am ;D
tpam is sharinglungs for a very short period of time.
Quote from: yoda on mars on Oct 16, 2006, 07:23 AM
tpam is a noob a haven't seen before.
Actually I'm Assassin, not a noob at all.
Tpam is a Polish fan of The Mars Volta.
I met tpam few days ago... It was pretty fun...
As I said when I met tpam, he should be in a death metal band.
tpam finds my drumsticks comforting.
What tpam just said could be interpreted in an extremely dodgy way.
May the blade of tpam never dull!
tpam reminds me of candy
tpam is prob doing homework
tpam likes half naked women with big boobs
dapam is another PAISA, CHIDO!!!
the person above me likes when his womangs talk 1000 words per minute.
da mang above me loves the AAA' wrestling, and hes a massive fan of "la parka"
TPAM is an artist.
Bow down.
the person above me is not on my hit list because he's a fan of Akira.
TPAM is not on my list because he's a fan of fan's of Akira.
*lowers the elbow of death*
Tpam hasn't been around much lately.
tpatpam may not know who tpam is...
Tpam is incorrect.
tpam You're lucky you're kinda cute. Cute like...Juicy Fruit?
i guess tpams name comes from a very famous film family.
Quote from: Corleone on Oct 21, 2006, 10:12 PM
tpam You're lucky you're kinda cute. Cute like...Juicy Fruit?
Tpatpam should watch this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSUafHFMaLY&mode=related&search=). Then he will understand.
Tpam is my Norwigger.
tpam has seen the Deftones twice this year
Tpam is friends with a badger-shagger. ;D
tpam is a british lady.
tpam liked the looks of my classmate
Tpam likes Nibbler - and presumably, Futurama! And I like Futurama too!
all girls have juicy fruits.
i really like your peaches wanna shake your tree
hi tpam
tpam has a strange nickname ^^
I owe tpam £3... I'll refund her soon...
tpam's penis is a feared penis.
Tpam's penis is a penis of steel! Conan would be proud! ;D
Tpam is aka assasin.
Tpam hast kein Kopf in ihre Bild!
I have no idea at all what tpam's just said !!!! :-\
That's cause tpam is French.
tpam's a barbarian, so imo, he should stfu already... :D :-*
Tpam is a typical Frenchman.
And why is that tpam ? Why am I "typical" ? :-\
You just look and act like a typical Frenchman! It's a nice thing haha! ;D
Well tpam, being typical is not a nice thing imo. I'm way better than that !!!! 8) :P
Tpam is not a typical frenchie, cause he's moving to ze far east.
tpam has a very colourfull sig and av..
tpam has a beautiful sig (by the way is it you? )
Yep, that's me. ;) Tpam reminds me of my friend Paula..
tpam's a cool sharinglungs member...
Tpam is a cool sharinglungs member, too. ;) Plus, he wears suits.. ^^
Ha ha... Don't worry tpam. I'll post a pic one day... :)
tpam will move for Hong Kong soon and maybe he should learn to eat with chinese rods (des baguettes^^)
tpam is a friend of tpatpam in real life if I'm not mistaken?
You're not mistaken tpam...
And I already know how to eat with chopsticks (des baguettes... ;)). :D
When exactly is tpam going to Hong Kong (I believe tpam has probably told me already but I cant remember)?
I'll be leaving France on the 25th of December tpam. And no I don't think I already told you... This date was pretty newly set up so...
tpam is leaving on christmas day, is that not a bit of a bummer?
Well tpam, it's pretty cool because it allows me to spend Christmas eve in my family... Which is really a nice thing. So it's okay.
Alright cool tpam! :)
tpam puts the BO in BOOZER
tpam likes to post links to porn sites
tpam cant stop me
tpam's a cool scottish cat... :)
tpam is jesus from SP
tpam has got a nice space ^^
And I like your contact table!! :)
thx to tpam :)
and tpam should add me :D
tpam wants you to dance, bitch.
Tpam is my homeboy.
tpam's party will have to wait.
I like tpam's av.
I like tpam's accent (I still havent heard her ;))
And that's cool.
(hope you can see what I mean)
And TPAM posted when I wanted to :)
Is it just me or has tpam not been posting as much as usual?
TPAM is correct :) My roommate need her screen back to work on her article and I've been sick for awhile.
Hope TPAM is doing well.
TPAM is me ;D
tpam is not me
Damn, what a coincidence, tpam is not me either... Isn't it a small world we're living in ? :D
Tpam just made me smile.
Tpam has a tidy room now.
Tpam has a cool dog, whose name is Oscar if I remember rightly.
Tpam does not remember rightly.
Could tpam correct me then? :(
Tpatpam's dog is called Balder. Balder is a god from Norse Mythology. The son of Odin. Now tpam knows.
Balder is also the name of a ride at the Liseberg amusement park in Gothenburg, Sweden tpam! ;D
Cool, has tpam ridden the ride?
Tpatpam has ridden the ride indeed! It was pretty good but she's ridden better! How about tpam?
tpam is rich
Tpam is mistaken.
tpam said I've made a mistake.
Tpam is correct.
I wonder if tpam is a girl or a man?
Tpatpam was assasin and she's a girl. ;) Tpam is a boy.
tpam is right.
Tpam now knows that I have two X chromosomes.
I want to meet tpam even more now :)
tpam has teh homo sex in his signature!!1bbQ!1
Quote from: yoda on mars on Nov 01, 2006, 08:31 PM
I want to meet tpam even more now :)
Tpatpam wants to meet me which is sweet. :)
Tpam thinks Chino is having truckloads of sex. And tpam is most probably right.
tpam should go to bed earlier cause she has to study hard...
Wait, what did I just say ? :o
Go on like that tpam, that's good for you... You should try getting some alcohol though. Alcohol's fun, mmmmkay ? Plus it helps you not sleeping... :P
tpam is really really dirty guy
he knows everything about alcohol, porno movies and so on
tpam's wrong... I just enjoy the good aspects of life... You should doing so too tpam.
Plus, I dunno anything about pornos. You should ask Moz if you're intersted in these matters.... ;)
TPAM is right, I think, Moz knows about those things.
And TPAT is right; people should enjoy the finer things in life!
Man, I'd like a beer hahah
tpam shares my quench for a beer
tpam went to the unholy alliance gig yesterday. And it seems it was pretty awesome, which is good cause I'm gonna attend it in a few days...
Tpam is the man. :D
tpam seems to be a very cool sharinglungs member,nice sig!!
and she was at the electric ballroom show!
-such a great day!!-
tpam just rode her horse
tpam is great.
Haha, I knew tpam would do that.
Tpam knows that i think she's great
No tpam, I just knew that you'd quote what you originally said because you probably thought it'd be mean not to since I did. I could be wrong though.
Tpam is great. Do you belive me now that i did not quote myself.
No, sorry tpam!
Well. Tpam is great.
Tpam is too nice.
tpam is correct
tpam lives near a big lake
tpam has a bad-ass sig, i really like that pic
TPAM has an Ozzfest moment in his sign.
tpam knows his shit about bootlegs I can see... :)
tpam will see Entombed tonight,be careful in the pit tpam,it will be probably pretty hard!
tarkil owes tpam money. ;D
tpam's correct...
Tpam has just started a new relationship, which is great!
based on what i've been reading and seeing, tpam is pretty cool and sexy
I don't know tpam really well...
Haha aw thanks tpatpam.
I told tpam that I think his job is boring (which I actually didn't mean at the time). ;D
I think I will add tpam soon on myspace,she's a cool girl! :)
Haha thanks tpam, you're cool too. Bonjour! (I can't speak French...) :(
Tpam does "speak" a lot of languages though. Understand might be a better word for some.
tpam is quoting someone who hasnt posted in a while.
tpam has an av wich at first reminded me of Linkin Park (you know, the LP)
apparently tpam is in sad times... (I learnt for you dog :S)
sorry for you tpam :-[
I don't know what tpam's talking about... I think I need to read the Chit Chat board maybe...
TPAM is correct, it's in the +/- thread.
Yes tpam, I read about his dog after I posted... Poor dawgie... I love dawgies... I hope everything will turn out well for him...
Tpam sounds like he's into beastiality or has watched Animal Farm :D
tpam's a perv... How could I do that with a dog.. Man, dogs are the awesome...
where did tpatpam get that picture in his sig?
tpam cannot draw a dog for shit!
i drew THE dog, homes.
tpam doesnt know how to cheat!
Tpam said he has nothing in common with me.
tpam speaks fast, but she dont know me..
I wonder who the 'you' is that tpam thinks is so cool
I think the 'you' tpatpam is referring to is tpam. ;D
tpam is hawt and wants to have my babies....maybe.....not......
TPAM has, again, a kick-ass signature 8)
tpam is always....ALWAYS on point and is a major part of why I still visit these boards.
I agree with tpam.
Quote from: lithium royalty on Nov 09, 2006, 08:48 PM
tpam speaks fast, but she dont know me..
I agree, I just quoted you tpam. ;)
The Assasin above me has donated for sharinglungs obviously.
tpam has put some tasteful pics up in the Art section under 'Cherry Waves'
TPAM has posted a picture with and one without beard 8)
tpam's my man... And he's a lucky bitch cause he's gonna be part of the awesome deftones euro tour in 2007 spring... I'm jealous tpam, you should know that ! Very jealous...
Isn't tpam planning on even visiting Europe (for friends/family etc.) after he moves to Hong Kong? He could see them then if he does...
Tpam is seeing Muse soon
Tpam is cooler than David Bowie.
Tpam is fuckin' hard work, But i still wub her!
Wow. I thought tpam hated me.
Tpam thought wrong, We all have disagreements, I think it's pointless hating you over the whole Israel arguement thing, You were right, I'm wrong, I can admitt that :P
I agree tpam, I never hold this kinda stuff against people, it's stupid. As far as I'm concerned we're cool!
Yep, tpam and me are cool, too. We're aaaall cool.
I'm still waiting for tpam to show me her hair!
tpam is hawt
Disclaimer:If a guy posts before me ignore this post....unless it's Moz or Crazylegs.
Hahahaha.. tpam plays with fire.. and he doesn't know, that he gets a "warning, another post has been made, bla bla" if someone has written in the meanwhile..
Tpam is so pretty! Damn i'd turn straight for her :P
Tpam is a fucking charmer! :D And he knows it.
Quote from: Chrisbo on Nov 11, 2006, 10:33 PM
tpam has put some tasteful pics up in the Art section under 'Cherry Waves'
tpam appears to be online, but is on neither messenger..
TPAM has a bit of the 'Hole In The Earth' vid as avatar, am I right?
tpam has done nothing less than get wasted lately, i think
Tpam has shaved off a beard i can't grow myself! >:(
tpam has fucking nailed a few tunes on the guitar, a instrument I cant play >:(
Quote from: Tuck on Nov 14, 2006, 09:39 AM
TPAM has a bit of the 'Hole In The Earth' vid as avatar, am I right?
it's from lost.. but now that you mention it, yeah i guess it can also be from the hole in the earth vid, cool
tpam goes to a lot of shows.
Tpam appears to like beer.
tpam can be a little bit too anal sometimes...
tpam has moobs....and hairy nipples.
Tpam has a massive cock!
tpam is wrong, it's tiny all be it very pretty.
Tpam had a big enough cock when i saw it! :o
tpam saw Ry's cock... :o :o :o :o
tpam feels cheated on?
tpam's right... I feel like there's a hole in the earth... :D
Tpam is jealous cause i've seen Ry's cock. 8)
tpam's did some tight shit covering few songs from SNW at guitar...
how was the Peeping Tom concert in Paris tpam?^^
It was pretty good, I was able to get the setlist, and as I was also able to talk with Mike Patton, I had him sign it which is awesome... I may go to another concert of a Patton band in Nantes in the next few weeks. The band's called John Zorn, it's a mix between metal and jazz, and I was told that it's completely awesome...
Plus if I go, I may hang out with Patton after the show so... :o :o :o :o
lucky bastard!!! :o
You shouldn't be hating me tpam, in a few months, I'm gonna be dying during the deftones tour when you're gonna follow the boys on several dates... Damn, I already feel my heart shrinkening... :(
Quote from: tarkil on Nov 15, 2006, 03:40 PM
It was pretty good, I was able to get the setlist, and as I was also able to talk with Mike Patton, I had him sign it which is awesome... I may go to another concert of a Patton band in Nantes in the next few weeks. The band's called John Zorn, it's a mix between metal and jazz, and I was told that it's completely awesome...
Plus if I go, I may hang out with Patton after the show so... :o :o :o :o
Oh my god TPAM got to meet Mike Patton! The son of a bitch!! :D
tpam also likes Mike Patton as I can see! ;)
and tarkil: you're right,sorry for for you but I'm jealous!If I hadn't learn too late that Peeping Tom were coming in France,I could have see him!
yeah, you're unlucky on this one tpam... You can still come to Nantes if you want, it's gonna be awesome... It may not be that far away from Amiens... You're from Amiens tpam, right ?
yes I'm from Amiens but Nantes is pretty far away from Amiens (about 500km) and it expensive to go there by train so it's over for me... : /
Well, I'll say Hi to Mike Patton on your behalf tpam then... :)
Only if I go though...
Tpam has a Zack de la Rocha quote in his sig.
omg tpam spelled ZaCH wrong.
oops, no tpam did.
Haha, I knew tpam would say something about that.
TPAM has a sweet SN
TPAM digs the 'S/T' a lot 8)
tpam digs William Haven a lot... 8)
TPAM is right, WHVN rocks 8)
None of the TPAM have checked my WGTB cover yet :P
you're right tpam, but I'm at work, so I can't do that for the moment...
tpam likes southpark...obviously. ;P
tpam's correct... tpam has a yawning pussy... Is she tired tpam ? :P
Tpam just made a very dirty joke... :P
Tpam always seems to be tpam.
That's because tpam likes to stalk tpatpam. :o
tpam is seeing Muse tonight, and I hope she has a good time and doesnt get too out of breath
tpam uses many words i've never heard before
that's because tpam is american maybe ?
I like TPAM sigs.I like cats.
tpam's beer looks great right now!
(and yes...i'm american)
TPAM said what I was thinking.
(Andddd awww...poor kitty..)
TPAM felt sorry for the kitty, I found it hilarious :D
tpam gave me insider tips on stalking! ;)
tpam is a milf
tpam made me LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tpam loves Muse!
tpam is wrong. I like Muse
Tpam is 10% emo
Tpam is 80% emo ;)
tpatpam is so gosh darn hot.
I haven't seen Tpam so i couldn't comment any further ;)
I've seen tpatpam though... ;)
tpam really needs to get down to a record store to buy 'Blood Mountain'
TPAM has much love for the Mastodon :)
Tpam has much love for Green Lizard. He's had them as his av and sig since I can remember.
TPAM is correct :)
Thinking of something new though :D
TPAM should/could/would be cool to get an avatar :)
And TPAM is wished a goodnight, by me, cuz I'm heading off ;D
tpam has a beating heart.
Erik's [dpam] thing shouldnt say Organ Donator it should say "OG Status"
Tpam works very hard.
tpam is tpam once again.
And so is tpam...
Why is tpam always tpam ?
because tpatpam is the man in your avatar. Tpam's avatar is jesus if tpam was wondering. Therefore i am Jesus.
Ha! For once tpatpatpatpam isn't tpatpam!
guess what tpam?
What, tpam?
you're tpam again
I could quote you tpam, but I won't... :)
I like last tpam's posts in the picture thread! (the one with the cat and the other with the pigeon) ;D
I already met tpam... 8)
and it was certainly the last time...
It may have been yes... Won't you come at Tool + Mastodon show in Paris tpam ?
Or Opeth + Amplifier ?
I'll be at both...
I'd be at Opeth if I could, tpam!
I'll only be there for Amplifier though tpam... ;)
Damn, tpam has no taste!
tpam made me laugh ^^
and @tarkil:my sister's friends had proposed me to go with them to see Tool few weeks ago but I still haven't made my decision (in fact I don't know Tool very well -shame on me :-[- but I'm sure I won't be deceived,everybody who talk to me about Tool love them! :))
and are you sure that Mastodon will play the support because on the Fnac website it's not written,strange don't you think? :-\
Well tpam, it's written on my ticket, so yeah I'm sure... You should come, Tool is great, and so is Mastodon... You really shouldn't be missing that...
haha tpam says "deftones, whiter than the whitest!"
tpam has a line from "strawberry fields forever" in his sig.
Tpam won't be pleased that I'm tpah now.
tpam is so sweet!
TPAM has good taste in tv shows lol
tpam likes skulls
Tpam likes prancing turtles.
tpam is really hot
Tpam just made me smile. ;D
Tpam is getting A Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
TPAM is in the UK, and a little in the past too 8)
TPAM quoted himself.
I had to do it tpam, I wasn't able to resist... :)
tpam just went out from a 4 days party... Nice...
tpam likes to share
Tpam has a pretty woman in his sig. Who is she?
Quote from: Subliminal on Nov 27, 2006, 09:27 AM
Tpam is getting A Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
tpam likes tmv
tpam doesn't like tmv
Tpam is correct.
Quote from: Juicy Fruit on Nov 28, 2006, 08:20 PM
Tpam has a pretty woman in his sig. Who is she?
her name is mia tyler
she's a model "plus size"
tpam has a myspace page.
TPAM's ninja reminds me of my art history class
TPAM has 'Teenager' quote under his avatar.
tpam is loving William Haven... In a non gay way though... :)
tpam has fortune and fame disguised as his friends, i assume this is his punishment for the mistakes he's made..
likes the word beer or loves to drink beer
tpam has a girl in his sig, that i would love to bang right next to her sister while her dad sang the song from the movie armagedon
TPAM has a crazy sig
TPAM is sexy
tpam is one of the few people on tonite..
tpam has a dope sig
I dont know the person above me, so the person above me ias a stranger
(yes, im bored now)
I don't know tpam either... I just know that he want Combat to win the Elimination round against Cherry Waves.
TPAM's sloganizer is right.
Though I'm wondering if it should continue with '...so Deftones won't hurt'.
It should be "so dirt won't hurt" tpam... ;)
Yes TPAM, I know...it's 'God made dirt so dirt won't hurt'.
Since you put 'God made Deftones' in...
Ow well..I think TPAM's pulling my leg :D
Actually tpam, I couldn't know what my Sloganizer cause it changes every time. But I can understand your joke better now tpam...
We were on the same page though... :)
Now that you mention it TPAM, I didn't notice the sloganizer changes all the time. Thought TPAM did it, my bad :)
On the same page, word 8)
tpam's gonna do the buttsecks with black coffee in a few days... ;D
TPAM has a wicked imagination!
(dunno if Black Coffee's still coming this way, or if he's driving with a friend, gig's tonight)
tpam wishes it wasn't just my imagination... :P
tpam likes to participate in "tpam" alot....tpam is popular! ;)
tpam has tickets to see deftones live
tpam likes miami ink??
tpam wants to take to see deftones live?
hahah i wish..
tpam can get ass raped and buy a ticket from ebay to go with me! haha
wtf? ass raped?
tpam is funny and very cute!
Beware tpam! He's watching us all..
tpam's from Germany and likes men in suit...
I dont think ive ever talked to tpam
But i like his avi
tpam is a teenager
tpam thinks he's the boss
tpam thinks..
nuff said..
..get your ass back in the kitchen, and bake me a pie!
tpam want's to be spanked....
tpam is correct for once.
tpam has mistaken me for somebody else,i'm alway's right.
TPAM is a super suga! :D
tpam is one of the greatest chic's left in this world!!
TPAM is right :)
I hope tpam's doing well...
Tpam thinks I'm jealous that he came in another woman's mouth. Tpam is gravely mistaken.
tpam's not jealous... It's not funny anymore then... I'll have to find another mouth to fill... :D
tpam knows of the nutritional value we as men can provide to willing young women.
tpam has a half naked chick in his sig
Tpam probably approves of it...
Quote from: lithium royalty on Dec 07, 2006, 01:38 AM
tpam doesn't know of the nutritional value we as men can provide to willing young women.
tpam has a huge penis.
tpam isn't lying. it's true.
I love the hair of tpam! And his sig is beautiful.
tpam has a beautiful face full of freakless
tpam has long hair and is a mexa like me
tpam has an ipod with a microphone
tpam has a car with a weird grill.
tpam has a rainbow in his sig
Uno has combat lyrics under his sig
tpam sig makes me want to smoke
tpam reminds me i should go smoke right now.
Tpam should make hairpics. *yum*
tpam should explain more what exactly a hair pic is. i don't take too much pictures of my hair...
Tpam doesn't know what I mean with hairpics. I mean those where you can see the hair in it's whole beauty. Just post some already.
tpam got what she wanted:
there's some pics with me and my various hair. (newest on top, oldest on bottom)
tpam has nice hair
tpam quoted a quote . ;)
TPAM is a screaming kitty :)
tpam has a will haven fan site
tpam likes Korn??
tpam has cute dimples
tpam will move close to me soon!?!? ;)
It would be fun bein able to hang out with tpam :D
Quote from: deftoolsys07 on Dec 10, 2006, 02:04 AM
tpam got what she wanted:
there's some pics with me and my various hair. (newest on top, oldest on bottom)
The newest pic of tpam is the bestest! You should leave it that way. (You look like another person on the last one, weird.)
The Tuck above me has a huuuuuge positive karma. :)
Quote from: devilinside on Dec 10, 2006, 03:05 PM
tpam likes Korn??
not at all. i walked out when they were about to come on at family values to go hang with stef after the show. i had to give him his birthday present haha.
tpam takes lots of artsy pics.
tpam had me fooled with the "see you on the other side"
tpam needs to listen to more tool then!
tpam gave steph a hat
tpam is damn right i did! haha. too bad i haven't seen him wear it... it even said corona on it.
but for real, tpam has a picture of me in his signature.
tpam thinks he's rudolph the red nose reindeer
tpam is wearing the same things as the chick in his signature hah.
tpam has big brother on my ass
tpam confused me. explain..
tpam should
tpam confused me more... i'm just a little high guys i dunno what y'all are talkin about.. =P
tpam, google is your friend search for "big brother", and you'll understand...
tpam should explain more. are you talking about the tv show or the book or what?
Quote from: deftoolsys07 on Dec 11, 2006, 12:18 PM
tpam should explain more. are you talking about the tv show or the book or what?
it's the book tpam, the book...
tpam made a funny
tpam and the tpatpam are still confusing me haha. i don't know if tarkil is being sarcastic or not. what the fuck did that big brother shit mean lith!! haha.
tpam is waiting for an answer...
tpam has hot myspace pictures
tpam has made me smile many times.
tpam is probably looking forward to this thursday...
tpam is very right,it's gonna go OFFF!!!!!
(that was gay i know)
tpam is going to film the show with professional cameras and get the soundboard copy of audio to go with the tape.
tpam knows me well!!! ;)
But I am gonna gideo more songs this time.
tpam better watch out for big brother at the show.
film xerces for me <3
tpam burned a cd today
tpam is a cool person
tpam like the color red
it was tpam's bday recently
Quote from: TheWatcher on Dec 13, 2006, 04:00 AM
tpam is a cool person
tpam loves Team Sleep... great tastes of course!^^
tpam shaves thier legs
tpam is faking the funk, and is not representing.. so it's get down or lay down.. bitch
tpam has hair growing in strange places
tpam loves it. and kelly can eat my shorts.
tpam is gonna get beat by a white bitch....you heard me!
tpam sounds hot
TPAM's name always reminds me of blitzkrieg :/
tpam hears Phil screaming in his ears sometimes, which is a good thing...
tpam showed us a picture of his big dick
Tpam loves the cock
tpam loves my cock
tpam's nose is growing.
tpam was jacking off to pinocchio earlier, that's how he remembered the whole nose thing.
Tpam loves the tpam thread!
tpam's right...
Tpam loves to be tpasomeone! ha! :D
tpam likes my name :D
tpam has a incubus sig
tpam likes seinfeld
tpam offered a hat to Stef...
Tpam thinks I suck at life.
I think tpam do so sometimes... Just my opinion though...
tpam has weird opinions
Tpam loves freckles..
Tpam is beautiful
tpam is straight outta compton
tpam is straight out the trailer park
tpam owes me and needs to pay up or your gonna get fucked up!
TPAM is gonna fuck someone up! =o)
tpam is non existent
tpam need to give me a pink cellphone...
hahaha, that's what you meant..
tpam is forgetting one bit of information though..
Quote from: lithium royalty on Dec 19, 2006, 12:59 AM
hahaha, that's what you meant..
tpam is forgetting one bit of information though..
TPAM doesn't exist either. **sticks tongue out**
Tpam..is on messenger
TPAM is on messenger too =o)
tpam thinks shes running shit around here
I just found out tpam can speak german.
TPAM is a talented photographer.
tpatpatpam need's to refresh my memory as to what I am forgetting....
but not at this moment.
tpam just saw deftones last thursday, how was it?
TPAM has a cool signature.
tpatpam... the show was great,sad it's over. need more.
tpam has a nice sig aswell.
to tpatpam, what song is that being played in your sig?
tpam's av is great
He is so cool.
^has a cute avi
tpam has a big booty
tpam has awesomely long hair.
tpam is obsessed with Chino.
(that's ok,I love Stef ;) )
TPAM is obsessed with STEF!
tpam seems pretty nice :)
TPAM has a FCKIN HOT chino pic........ and he seems nice too!
^great to talk to
^ tpam is a sexy latin-gringa :D
tpam is uber sexay himself
Tpam is sexy herself! =o)
^gets all numb
tpam would steal my kids if she was my maid
^"She cant be trusted.....i should go to texas and hang out with erik instead "
tpam has a sexay laugh
TPAM is fun to talk to!!! =o)
tpam should be getting a package from Tennessee soon.
tpam has a devil inside...
TPAM is a hella nice guy, and LUCKY ass is going to HK! =o)
tpam doesn't know how to play to "tpam" game...
tpam will be leaving soon
tpam's right... only 4 days left... :o
tpam should buy me some Louis Vuitton stuff and send it. :P
tpam likes Louis Vuitton ? she should know this brand sucks major ass, and is way overrated...
what would tpam recommend?
I think tpam would like MyCock ®©... But I'm not sure if she can afford it...
tpam just offered a brand that i'm not familiar with. But I have to see it before I purchase.
No tpam, you don't want me to post that pic again, do you ?
anyways, I'm going to sleep, so you won't see it tonight...
unfortunately,pam,I didnt see it. But from the way you talk,I dont know if I want to.
tpam should beware
tpam likes rudolph
tpam loves IT
tpam is right
tpam is loved.
tpam is drunk
i just kk tpam for liking manson, sorta.
^Is gettin charged unfairly...when he can take that money and spend it in the strip club
tpam knows whats up
I like tpam. How you doin'?
tpam quoted Stef
to tpatpam i'm good man, hope you're good and getting some..
tpam, is in love with steph
tpam knows me VERY well.
tpam is at walmart right now, shopping for a friend.
^took off his sexy sig hah
tpam loves the red koolaid
^I hope she has a good hilliday
Merry Christmas to all tpam
Tpam should come to the UK to see Porcupine Tree.
tpam where have u been?
i havent seen u in a while..
I got bored of the board, tpam. Just came back to check that you're not all slaughtering each other in my absence.
tpam's an assassin... :o
Tpam's ghey. lol ;D
When's your HK journey beginning?
tpam is a cool peep... I think it would be funny if we could get mad vodka drunk together... I'd like that...
And my journey to HK begins tonight... :o
I'll be arriving there on the 26th, 7PM local time.
Have a safe journey TPAM, and a merry christmas 8)
thank you kindly tpam. Have a merry christmas too...
damn.. honk kong.. what are you doing there again tpam?
edit: besides the ladies..
^ Once told me to get down or lay down
tpam will see me this year
TPA the gay google ad said she is gonna cook me some food! YAY!
tpam is gonna help me paint,so hell yeah i'll cook!
Tpam is just lovely!
TPAM is gorgeous, plus she seems very nice... =o)
Tpam is also gorgeous, and also very nice! And as I said before, I love your hair, such a nice style! :)
Tpam is so purdy, everything really stands out, her lips, her eyes, even her eyebrows! :D Just not her hair. ^^
Tpam is really sweet... and tpam has a gorgeous face, beautiful eyes (I've noticed a lot of Polish people seem to have amazingly bright blue eyes!), lovely shiny hair and a great body! ;)
all of tpam are beautiful,sweet and strong women.
Including tpam!
tpam is seeing porcupine tree next year, and i'm jealous
Quote from: Crazylegs on Dec 28, 2006, 01:28 AM
tpam is seeing porcupine tree next year, and i'm jealous
Tpam plays drums in a band, and I'm jealous.
Porcupine tree > all, tpam.
Porcupine Tree > Deftones, tpam? :o
At the moment, definitely, tpam.
tpam has lost his mind.
tpam quoted drive
tpam loves NIN
tpam loves the cock
tpam hate me
TPAM loves Whiskey and Bananas!
tpam is a nice girl
Ill give her my banana if she wants...
I know nothing about tpam
tpam and tpatpam love each others cock??
tpam seems to like 30 seconds to Mars..:)
tpam is captain obvious!!1
TPAM's avatar reminds me of The Punisher.
the person above me is a all around good person . all i can say.
and he hogs weed .
TPAM is trying to kill me! ;D
tpam is curious about roswell and area 51, like me.
tpam doesn't know that I am into AREA51 and Roswell as well!!! One more thing in common... Scaryyy!
Tpam <3's t3h aliens!
tpam have returned again, respect!!! I haven'tseen u for a long time....
btw, now i love u all, guys!
Cheers tpam! :) I've just been really busy lately, and not found the time to get onto the computer
tpam will have to come to America when NIN tours here.
^has a nice laugh
^ has a sexy voice.. or so I've been told.....
tpam's a mom...
then... tpam is not dad yet... maybe soon ;). Oh, i can't imagine tpam cooking in the kitchen and singing some songs to a little baby ;D
Well, me neither.... :)
Tpam's my neighbor! I was just thinking a word in russian but forgot it. And the one I can remember I'm not gonna say.....or write.
Oh yeah tpams, you;re both right, I can't imagine me as that either...
tpam's awesome... 8)
tpam still hasn't fought ninjas
i love tpam's signature
tpam is from Siberia
tpam is as big a fan (if not bigger) of Mastodon as I am
I am too tpam... 8)
Oh, and you should visit around here more often dude...
TPAM and I haven't spoken before... but I dig the sig pic.
Hello tpam, my name is Håvard. How be ye?
Hey TPAM, my name is Cyn... I be good. Apparently have crazy legs eh?
so they say, what about your legs tpam?
Well tpam... they are crazy too.... crazy sexy. =o) heh.
i'll bet, tpam is pretty new, no?
TPAM and I have hijacked the thread I think. =o) Yeah pretty new.
history says tpam just made a mistake while registering at SL.com, so tpam's nickname is not white pony as she planned...;)
tpam's from Russia... Damn, he must be freezing his balls off at the moment... :o
not at all, dear tpam, not at all...
here is no snow even, just about +2C...
Damn, what part of Russia are you from tpam ? I thought it was waaaaaaaay colder...
i'm near Moscow, dude, it's Europe!;)
tpam is in europe
TPAM is not?
tpam is definitely in Europe, I know this for a fact (I'm so knowledgeable :D)
TPAM is so knowledgeable!!! :D
tpam's not in Europe... I know that for sure too...
nobody know truth about tpam. In real his name is Osama and his is trying to hide himself from FBi, so every year he's moving to a new country.now he's in hong kong, he was in france before... in half a year he will say:"hey guys, i'm gonna work and live in Australia...", . Now we know your work, fucking terrorist!
Hey, i'm drunk.
TPAM is drunk. =o)
tpam's not... But she's ill...
Damn, I'd ratehr being drunk than ill... You got screwed tpam...
tpam is not. tpam must take care of her children
EDIT: fuck, tarkil was the first
Quote from: tarkil on Jan 10, 2007, 04:15 PM
tpam's not... But she's ill...
Damn, I'd ratehr being drunk than ill... You got screwed tpam...
TPAM is right.. I did get screwed. I'm pissed now. Fck it.. I'll just get drunk and then I'll forget about being ill.
Yeah, you'll get drunk, and then I'll show you my special hypnotizing trick
And then you'll be mine, oh yes mine, my precious...
TPAM is gonna hypnotize me.. and then make me puke. It will be like that dog vid..... *shivers*
tpam is feeling bleh
tpam is not tp I thought it would be...
And for tpatpam :
ha ha... tpam makes me laugh...
I'm going to bed though. Bye tpam, have a good day.
tpam likes kittens,alot. (especially with rice)
g'night pam
tpam likes massive attack
TPAM has a hot sig that... uh.. makes me all warm and cozy...
tpam's sig is of my favorite color. i mean red.
TPAM and I agree that our sig's are hot. =o)
yes, dear tpam, and we are!
tpam was or still is drunk
^makes me smile
tpam makes me....ummm.....happy!! ;)
tpam makes me feel funny in my "naughty" place.
tpam used to have something new on his tv everyday, but is now just displaying a broken link
tpam is right...I'm a lazy bum.
tpam has not been on here a lot lately so it's cool to see him back, if but for a short while. Oh and I like his 'Bottom' TV today
I agree with TPAM, Bottom kicks ass, but we already knew.
Tpam really likes Will Haven. =o)
tpam is a mom, she have 3 adorables kids
TPAM is suprisingly a really nice guy...
I think tpam is feeling good today...hope im right
tpam is right. I feel better.. but im tireddddddd
to tpam - i'm glad you feel better!
to tpatpam - find me on msn!
tpam is one of the weirdest cats on this board
tpam likes mariah
Tpam will let me eat her kitten.
tpam is back, watch out!
tpam is one of the coolest people here
tpam is being modest, but is much abliged
Quote from: lithium royalty on Jan 12, 2007, 08:22 AM
tpam is being modest, but is much abliged
what does ABLIGED mean? I can't find it in dictionary, hehe...
i dunno tpam, i guess what i was trying to say was thanks.
haha, ok tpam :D
tpam isn't around much anymore.
specially for TPAM
Me And Real Crazy Legs (on these pics my haircut is stupid):
1 (http://teamsleep.jino-net.ru/1.jpg)
2 (http://teamsleep.jino-net.ru/2.jpg)
3 (http://teamsleep.jino-net.ru/3.jpg)
Tpam just made me lose "The Game"
TPAM just lost "The Game".....
Quote from: You Fail Me on Jan 12, 2007, 05:30 PM
Tpam just made me lose "The Game"
2tpatpam - what are u talking about? :o
2 tpam:
look down and thick on the floor
restart (so what are you talking about?)
nothing important
just dont stop
(yeah you won't remember me anyway)
(so what are you talking about?)
do u love team sleep?
tpam is talkin about "King Diamond"
TPAM likes chicks that eat bananas...
tpam has seen pictures of......me!! ;)
TPAM has seen pictures... of all of me.... =o)
tpam has short hair.
loves bjork
tpam seems to have huge collection of tennis photos.... erotennis photos.
tpam is asleep
TPAM has a sexy southern drawl.
tpam makes me blush
Quote from: Zevaka on Jan 12, 2007, 05:43 PM
Quote from: You Fail Me on Jan 12, 2007, 05:30 PM
Tpam just made me lose "The Game"
2tpatpam - what are u talking about? :o
2 tpam:
look down and thick on the floor
restart (so what are you talking about?)
nothing important
just dont stop
(yeah you won't remember me anyway)
(so what are you talking about?)
do u love team sleep?
Here we go.
The Game is a game that you cannot win, but you cannot ever stop playing. If you think about The Game, you lose. If you lose The Game, you must announce that you have lost. There is a ten minute grace period after you lose, for you to explain The Game to everyone that heard you announce that you lost. Also, so you are not perpetually losing The Game.
Once one has had The Game explained to them, they are automatically in The Game and may never, ever, stop playing.
Only one man in the history of The Game has won. Nobody knows how, all we know is, he won The Game. Then an hour later, lost again.
Now you know, now you play.
Oh, uh, TPAM is blushing.
Quote from: White Pwny on Jan 12, 2007, 06:46 PM
TPAM has seen pictures... of all of me.... =o)
Tpam has to be very carefull about his body..
Tpam is very, very, correct.
Not to mention, awesome.
tpam likes to hear r's rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrroll
tpam owns you :P
tpam is very nice,and alway's shared his music with me. :D
tpam likes takin photos
tpam doesn't care for NIN
TPAM loves NIN
tpam just wants our eyes fixated on her
TPAM sent me music.... ty!!!
tpam is sweet
TPAM had BETTER spend some time with me before she moves very far away!!
tpam has no worries,it will be a while before I go..if I go.
TPAM better promise me that.
hahah... Girllll do you know how much trouble you and I could get into together??!?!?!
**devilish laugh**
i promise,pam,that if i move to the UK,wel will cause trouble together before I go. :-*
HAHAH! I just read your edit.
TPAM just made my day! :D
tpam wants to come over and help me clean! WOOOT!
TPAM.... no where did I say anything about cleaning... I said painting.... lol.... FCK WORK... we need to party!
tpam love some weed
TPAM loves me! =o) hehehehehhe....
tpam is craaaaaaaayzaaaaaaaaaaaay!
I don't know tpam...
tpam has photo of Chi in his avatar and TATU's pic as signature
tpam's from Russia but is NOT freezing his balls off...
hm. probably tpam knows nothing about Russia
tpam is wrong... I know that they speak russian in Russia...
How knowledgeable am I... I'm impressed... 8)
damn... how did you know? our government said something like "nobody would guess".
tpam sure posts alot in this thread
only last days, tpam, only last days... cuz deftones thread are too boring now on the board
tpam is right...
i don't know tpam at all because ive been playing to much 360, either way i like his style
tpam loves hockey!
tpam likes muse
TPAM does crazy shit for money.... Adrenaline junky!!
tpam gets all numb... :o
TPAM ... finds funny stuff online... and makes me laugh!
Tpam has 773 posts.
TPAM has a hot sig of some chicks that are gonna kiss....
for tpam: these girls on tpatpam's sig are Russian. true.
tpam wanted me to describe myself in 5 words
I wanna know tpam, I like the way she moves
well, the guy wears cool glasses, drinks Brahma while everybody´s working and showed me some great Richard Ashcroft´s songs, what else could I say?
I dont know anything about TPAM... =o(
don´t really wanna know that much bout TPAM.
I already know everything bout Sean Connery.
but the chick above seems a lil bored. where r u from girl?
TPAM thinks im bored... .Nah im not... just winding down. Im in Illinois... USA..
tpam has an awesome sig pic...and av too
Wooo hoooo! Thanks TPAM I love yer line under yer sig... Classic. Don't listen.. just leave... LOVE IT!
tpam loves chevelle and deftones more than other bands.
Tpam has a cool sig.
tpam hasn't any. why?
I can't find anything good to put it in, and I can't be arsed to design my own.
What about an avatar TPAM?
TPAM is a nice guy that LOVES WILL HAVEN. Sent me an awesome song with Counting Crows lead singer in it... *loves that song* TY TPAM
You're welcome TPAM 8) Counting Crows is a good, solid band :)
The song TPAM send is good, but, I don't listen to it very often due to it making me feel a little melacholic.
I like tpam... He's a cool guy...
Too bad he couldnt stay for the second Luxembourg gig, cause it would have been an awesome time hanging out... :)
tpam is a chinaman
and she moves for me. fuckoff already banana boy.
tpam makes me laugh
we supposed to describe THE PERSON ABOVE, right?
git ur sorry arses a thread 4 TPAM, will ya?
TPAM is silly... as Saturday Night Whiskey has his own thread already... Check the @ user forum........
I can´t describe ppl I don´t know. either the ones I know but this lady up here looks quite charming, doesn´t she?
tpam corrected me earlier
fuck it.
ppl lost what this thread´s bout
TPAM says I look charming..... **devilish laugh** yeah.. yer right.. I am charming... =o)
yup. ur quite charming AND you want to know a lil more bout me.
TPAM... did I ask to know more about you?? I am assuming you know Saturday Night Whiskey... thats about all I know...
Tpam looks like a doll in her cute new avatar. :D
AWwwwwwwwww TPAM! You are a doll! I just <3 ya!
tpam should come over,paint,and go to melting pot with me
oooooooooooh tpam dont tempt me... I saw the website... my mouth is watering.........
not really lady...
I´m just relying on my natural scottish sex appeal, mixed w/ the malandragem I´ve been learning since I´ve moved to Brazil.
oh, and btw, do you know saturday night whiskey? that´s a nice fella there, known him 4 bout an year. hell of a fella to have some beer with, tell ya that.
ahhh well thats nice to know TPAM... I like a confident lad.
And yes.. talk to Saturday Night Whiskey a bit on MSN.
tpam is a groupie OH!
TPAM is a smartass! I am no one's groupie... cept Chino.
she has a beautiful soul (how deep I am)
i 100% agree with tpam
tpam welcomed me back which was nice!
TPAM is welcomed back! Tpam is also on myspace but we haven't talked too much .. yet. =o)
Tpam has a cool sig.
tpam is quite allright
TPAM seems to be quite alright too.... =o)
And TPATPAM: Zaz, YOU are cool. Lemme see your hair!!! ;)
tpam is a nasty girl...
Why would tpam say such a cruel thing about me? :(
Quote from: White Pwny on Jan 17, 2007, 02:20 PM
TPAM seems to be quite alright too.... =o)
And TPATPAM: Zaz, YOU are cool. Lemme see your hair!!! ;)
Haha thanks... Ok I'll post a pic in the Picture Thread in a bit.
And to tarkil, I thought the 'nasty girl' comment was about me... so I change my comment to 'why would you say such a cruel thing about White Pwny?'
Tpam has a cool username.
how you doing tpam?
Very well thanks tpam, except I have an exam tomorrow which I haven't even started revising for yet! How about you? Long time no speak! Where've you been?
I'm good. I've been around, just not too much on my computer. Too bad about the exam.
Tpam should be revising.
TPAM´s got a neat sig.
tpam is a genius
Tpam is a such a nice guyy! =o)
TPAM is ALWAYS above me. dunno, maybe she likes to be on top...
TPAM is right! ;)
like i said before tpam, tpay is getting the malandragem
i wish i could drink with tpam... ;)
someday tpam
we will get fucking drunk and we will puke everywhere
tpam conciders barfing a nice social activity
TPAM has no idea how fun it can be
Like I said before, tpam is a genius, he knows how to do some nice fucking pukes!
(also he knows how to clean, remember spud?)
TPAM.... thinks puking is fun..... ew. :-\
TPAM is indeed getting the malandragem.
TPAM.. what exactly does that mean.. cuz I googled it.. and Im pretty sure im not getting it.
TPAM should ask SNW, he´s waaaaay more malandro than me...
oh, btw, malandragem is the malandro´s way of life.
ok then TPAM how exactly am I getting that?
let me think... do you remember that oooooold disney movie called "The Three Caballeros?"
u had donald duck, a mexican rooster, guess his name was Pancho or Panchito, AND you had JOSÉ CARIOCA, a Brazilian Parrot with a cane and a bowtie. Jose Carioca is the stereotype of the old school malandro. does it ring a bell dear?
Nah TPAM it sure doesn't
tpatpam talks like my history teacher ;D
it's morning in tpam's place
tpam had a very annoying teacher...
tpam can be my friend cause he/she likes "trainspotting"
i dont know tpam either
fuck! I'm longer tha tpam on this board and I even talked with tpam on MSN.
tpam's from Poland... And I like his av...
tpam has 69 karma. good number.
TPAM has a nice taste for visual arts... Alex Grey´s the man!
Is tpam new ? I dont think I saw this name before...
tpam is the paintbrush messiah...
and yeah, been here for bout a month.
well tpam, welcome here, you look cool from the few posts I read...
Maybe... :)
tpam died for our sins... tough luck...
tpam is a fag
tpam is such a fag that, after sex, he farts his condom off...
tpam is right, and he likes free gay porn on internet
tpam PAYS for gay porn
it means tpam is cheap-ass ;D
tpam is wrong, cos tpay pays for my blowjobs
oh god, tpam is very dangerous person...
tpam doesn´t have to be scared
tpam likes trainspotting
i don't really chat with tpam here, but she seems to be really cool person ::)
tpam seems like a pretty nice guy,or maybe he has me fooled. ;)
tpam is probably fooled... but will fall into his trap of lies anyway
tpam doubts about the words that i'm pretty nice guy. ;(
TPAM is a nice guy!! Or, perhaps tpam has me fooled TOO!
TPAM is above me AGAIN! instead of describing her I´m gonna start ta ASK her stuff...
TPAM is curious... Ask away.
but then it would be kinda off-topic, right?
anyway, tpam has already caught me heart
^ haha....
BTW.. is that Johnny Lee Miller.. *hot*
Favorite soda..
tpam owes me a certain *cough*pic*cough*
oh TPAM....... are you sure yer ready?
Pink or Blue
i think tpam was thinking of another thread. ;)
im ALWAYS ready! :-*
tpam is not as ready as me
tpam has an interest in heroin, and a nice tie. :)
TPAM doesn't care where... just far..
^havent talked to her in a while
tpam payed it forward last night
have no idea on tpam
TPAM likes Johnny Lee Miller?
tpam changed her pic! still looks great though.
TPAM lies! ;)
no I don´t lie!!!!! I sorta like johnny lee miller! can´t say we look the same though... anyway, tpam doesn´t believe me! outrageous!
TPAM.. I meant that you lie about my pic.
tpam has short hair
tpam is full of <3
i think tpam is a sweetie! ;)
^cool mom
tpam hasn't been feeling good. :(
hey tpam, is that a heart or a steak? looks yummy from here
it's a heart pam...but not a "real" one.
^is in my heart...oooh cheesy
tpam knows im soooooooo gay for her!! ;)
^gay for u too honey
tpam makes me smile...like dis ;D
TPAM is gay for TPAH!
TPAM looks reflective and contemplative
am i right that tpam have chosen his nickname after Team Sleep?
dunno, guess tpam speaks russian, right?
how did u guess, tpam? :o
tpam is shocked w/ my amazing gift
tpam is psychic
(and no not team sleep...i was just tired when signing up :))
I´ll never get tired of saying this... TPAM HAS A GREAT TASTE FOR ART!!! ALEX GREY!!!!!
tpam's amazing guy but it's clear he doesn't care about Deftones at all... ;)
tpam is wrong. i´ve kicked and stomped many ppl to get closer to the stage on my first deftones concert in 2000.
who's tpam? lol
tpam got tricked with the usual "tpam" trick...
TPAM parties after kickin ninja ass...
tpam's right... Well, at least for the "parties" part...
tpam likes to drink a lot, just like I do :)
I think tpam is sharinglungs legend ;)
Yes, that's right. I got to know today, that tpam is also vegetarian..
TPAM IS a talented photographer! AND shes soooo sweet!
^heard me laugh today aah!!
tpam seems to love a band I've never heard of.
tpam loves Milla Jovovich
I don't know too much about TPAM.. but I do know that I like his line under is AV.
i thought it was Sandra Nasic on tpam's avatar... ;D
TPAM speaks of the lead singer of Guano Apes; TPAM speaks of a good band, pity they split.
TPAM knows of the band that I was clueless about.
TPAM should check the band out. They made good music.
Their MySpace (http://www.myspace.com/gapes).
agree with tpam. i love their last long-play, WALKING ON A THIN LINE.
Songs named "Kiss the dawn" and "quietly" make me sick.
Old works are also good, btw.
TPAM is correct. I wonder if TPAM knows they released an album with old demo's, in december of last year?
no me doesn't know. in fact, now i have a lot of other bands which rock my world. i stopped following their progress after walking on a thin line... ;(
Neither have I been very up to date with their career TPAM.
Happened to find them out when I browsed for a picture.
tpam and tpatpam might be interested by the fact that my mate from high school's brother's band supported Guano Apes once upon a time
tpam is gonna get drunk soon I guess, as he finished his exams for the semester...
Haha too fucking right tpam, too fucking right! :D
tpam makes me itchy.
TPAM posts funny vids that make me laugh.
tpam is right about tpatpam... Ry's teh awesome 11
it would be cool if tpam was his av.
tpam has David Bowie in his av....one of my most favorite men.
tpam has a good taste in men (judging from the music and "ziggy stardustness")
One of tpams most favourite men just turned 60.
tpam has great taste in music,and if i'm not mistaken,loves Pink Floyd.
Tpam is correct. I don't know much of tpams music taste except her love for nin and deftones.
the person above me masturbates whenever he hears pink floyd. he cant control it. no matter where he is. the drive thru. the movies. cover band concerts. elevators... he does it whenever pink floyd is playing
im sorry i let your saucerful of secrets out, but i had to
tpam is quite a pothead
Who is in TPAM avatar?
^havent talked to him in a WHILE
Talked to TPAM the other day... Such a cute voice!!! And that laugh.....
tpam is getting a tatt soon.
I love TPAM she is an absolute sweetheart! (Not to mention hottt!) ;)
tpam is gonna demonstrate that bears dance via internet!!! ;)
TPAM thinks I won't.... I WILL!!!! muhahahhaha! oh yea... I will... AND i will sing it!
tpam's post count sure is high after only a month or two.
TPAM is right... Im a loser.
tpam has alot to say
TPAM, according to the SN, is possessed by the devil.
tpam loves Tool i guess
tpam? wtf?!
is a male so isnot above me!
I like tpam's username, but not tpam's sig. That woman is wearing far too much make-up and far too few items of clothing!
tpam is the boss
but i will use her quote now
tpam has a red x
Tpam is 19.
tpam is am now
I like it
(and below too)
tpam is gay. I know it cuz he likes to watch the wizzard of oz
Tpam just made me ;D
tpam likes the fact that I GOT a fucking great personality. AND I LOOK AWESOME TOO
Tpam is making claims which have no basis whatsoever.
Do I tpam? Last time we spoke I'm sure you were 19. When was your birthday? Mine's this Sunday, I'll be 20 too.
in dec..
Belated happy birthday, tpam.
tpam is still soo very young to me,but is very smart for her age.
Tpam is one of the best members on this board, and has recently started some good topics.
can´t tell much bout tpam. not that I really want to...
tpam is missing out...not that I care.
^wont let u fall apart...lol
Hot mom!
tpam is a swetheart and deserves to be treated better than she is sometimes. :(
tpam sometimes makes me wonder abot the meaning of life
tpam is talking dangerous thing about himself sometimes. they usually make me laugh.
TPAM is going to go drinking tonight.
tpam knows all my little secrets, haha ...? ;)
tpam informed me of IDM.... so....are you gonna dance for me??
tpam has the devil inside
TPAM is into lesbians ..... and Yoda.
tpam is "househlod-engeneer" as she once said.
tpam has a fingerprint in thier sig.
tpam has a pic from NIN 'Closer' video
Tpam posted some cool pics in the Picture Thread.
tpam's birthday is soon...:)
Tpam is correct, my birthday is tomorrow. :)
I hope TPAM has a great birthday. And Zaz. I saw your pictures. Gorgeous as usual. And btw. Your hair isn't too long. It's beautiful!!!! (secretly wishes that my short hair was as long as yours)
tpam has been mia!
tpam is a milf
tpam likes vanilla ice....:-*
TPAM has a heart in her avatar.
Where is it from?
the heart if from the nine inch nails closer video,pam. ;)
dont call that man "pam"
tpam needs to REALLY learn what disrespect is,then preach.
^^ satanic cherub of wrong
tpam's cat is sick
dapam was a friend of mine
tpam hurt my feelings...but i'm over it.
TPAM has a cool avatar / signature combo.
tpam keeps me here.
tpam alway's has great video's.
tpam has just changed her sig and avatar. New ones also cool
tpam has a sexy sexy in his new av!
=o( sad cuz i dont see MR Sexy in TPAM's Sig pic.......... Where is he!?!
i am god
TPAM apparently thinks he is God.
This mr Sexy that tpam is referring to is not Chi or Stef
TPAM is right.... I am talking about Chino *ahhhhh*
tpam know the sexy on is IN the pic! ;)
TPAM... Chino is not in that pic! He IS the sexy ONE. =o)
tpam is delusional!! ;)
Tpam seems like a cool mommy to me. :)
tpam is in touch with her sexual side,and not in a slutty way....that's a good thing!
:D Same goes for tpam. Oh all these strong woman in here..
tpam has one of the most level heads on here I reckon
Long time no e-see tpam.
besides the obvious fact that tpam likes david bowie (great taste btw) I can´t say much. not that it matters...
dino lover
TPAM digs Dredg, which is an awesome band.
Tpam has a hangover.
One of my lecturers is from the same country as tpam.
Many of my dvd's have subtitles in languages that tpam understand, for instance english.
I have to agree with tpam, it is a long time no e-see. I'd love to question tpam about how they've been, but I reckon it is pointless that I question this, as it may not be too likely that they will be tpbm
tpam has a good taste on whiskey and the best signature on sl ever
tpam is a fuck up... he didn´t send me the fuckin pics from yesterday!
lol, is tpam talking about his and tpatpam's orgy?
TPAM gave me a heart... literally. :D
tpam likes to say yer, and I am shocked she doesn't live in Mississippi. :-*
the person above me is alright and seems like a genuine soul .is that how you spell geniune? i think its wrong i do
if she gives me teh free tickeT !!!!!1111
and she doesnt think george burns is a jive turkey
tpam is getting the free ticket,and I will even buy tpam dinner....southern hospitality at it's best.
id rather a 8th of some piff . and dont buy it ..make it . thatS southern hospitality.
would you like it if i gave you this ticket in return?
tpam should know I dont cook before shows. We will figure it out closer to time though.
TEH TICKET!!111 charlie wanted it.
haha the person above the stratosphere is drunk cause she aint answerin or askin anything.
what you drinkin? and yes , you can make some cashville hot dogs and stuff them biatches in a bag wrapped in some furl
you dig?
shit sorry..hhah! Yes,I want the ticket! I want to find it,and run into Slugworth in a dark alley...I want to drink that shit that makes you float,and have to burp to get back down. I WANT TO WIN TEH FACTORY DAVID! I can do it!
And I dig teh furl,that made me lolx10
what is your favorite cartoon??
sluGworth finds you.. and no fizzy lifiting drink . its bEEN gone.
my favorite cartoon is felix the cat ,fat albert and of course underdog and popeye
popeye is the all time shit , watch it on boomerang if your BALLIN!!!111 like me
what are you drinking ?
I got a few popeye dvd's at walmart for $1 each! I'm drinking H2o,but did take a vicodin for my head.
Did you like Fraggle Rock?
yea of course , i had a Wembley doll and that red headed ugly fucks dolls when i was a kid.
i loved those little fags that used to build every damned thing out of straws . the green ones . and those FUCKING GIANTS ! they had to run back in their well for those bastards
were totally in the wrong thread YOU!
im not burnt out
tpam corrected me,I was just following his lead! haha...punk!
it was spam above mIIs fault
tpam likes grilled spam
has a bad ass sig
she sold her soul for that sig.
i hold it in a canteene
spam is tryin TO KILL ME!!11
Quote from: hydroponic82 on Feb 01, 2007, 04:14 AM
she sold her soul for that sig.
i hold it in a canteene
spam is tryin TO KILL ME!!11
what are u talking about?
tpam has a fucking ginormous sig...for serious!
tpatpam is the devil in a gene wilder outfit!
Quote from: devilinside on Feb 01, 2007, 04:16 AM
tpam has a fucking ginormous sig...for serious!
tpatpam is the devil in a gene wilder outfit!
so that means the video works?
nope,pam. All I see is a box with a W and a ? through it.
spam above me called me mullet out
tpam knows how to rock the mullet in a non redneck way though. \m/
^texed me in the middle of me donatin blood haha
tpam is a good girl! ;)
^love ur sig
yea she stole it.
im calling the authorities as we speak . fucking theif
spam is awesome
tpam stole my soul,now who's the thief?
haha^ did u really?
That I did...but i'll sell you my....love. ;)
^hell yeah deal.....sweet woman
Tpam is a brilliant person,and has a great future ahead of her. Once out of the house! haha
^damn thats sweet...i wish u were my mom haha but then that would be wrong
i wish you were a feline so i could feed you WARM milk
Quote from: BlitzkidMC on Feb 01, 2007, 06:12 AM
haha but then that would be wrong
tpam and tpatpam rock my world!
no just me ...
because i KNOW you ...
and that thought shivers your timbers
tpam KNOWS me, and has made me a little tingly.
thats you spending all your money on bed bath & beyond instead of a heater for your Wii ones..
i still love you though
tpam has hacked into my checking account!!
i just KNOW you.
i really do ..
its scary when you actually think about it.
oh reeeally?? tpma has gotten secret info from somewhere...
*Loves TPAM* But she's never here when I need her!!
i'm here pam,and it didn't fucking snow last night. Grrrrrrrrrr
i still don't know where's tpam from
TPAM digs Mike's work.
bet u like mr patton too... who doesn´t?
Tpam hasnt let me be on top of him lately! ;)
^havent talked to her in a while...why?
tpam is feeling better?
I miss talking to TPAM and TPAH..... I haven't been on much at night. =o(
But TPAM will return, and TPAM and I will talk online again soon I'm sure :)
TPAM... I am online right now.... =o)
See you there TPAM!
wish you a nice talk, tpams)))
tpam still doesn't know where I am from I dont think. ;)
TPAM keeps her location secret, at least for TPATPAM.
tpam is onto my james bond like ways. haha :p
tpam practices yoga
tpam has ziggy on his av
tpam has the best sig
tpam is indeed correct
Tpam just made the stuff I just wrote useless, cause he was faster than me.
tpam just did the same to me! haha
;D I'll say now what I typed last time: Tpam reads books with her daughter, awwwwww :D tehe
Tpam likes expensive lingerie!
tpam has beautiful hair,and should keep it long! :D
the person whose posting has beautiful locks and rules
nuff said
sho nuff
tpam has probably been abducted by aliens. ;)
ify our a alien i want to
aleins rule i was scared during fire in the sky
I wil kidnap tpam and keep him chained in my basement
jyust have cheese good cheese
only if tpam is a good boy,if not,it's AMERICAN!!!!!!!!!!!!
singles i preach
tpam says im fucking gone
spam is good with a pouiltry rub and cheese and lettuce fried at 350 degrees
tpam wants a fried chicken sammich?
cigaretts the indian kind hold up let me think your moving too fast
call mre?
TPAM gave me the boot...
ima lick you when we meet
worship play;'
I will bite you..cause i'm a vampire and all. and other stuff. ;)
your cso cool brewster
werid but in a cool way..
tpam is sporting new hair
tpam know my eye's are one of the two things I like about myself.
tpam love snow just like me..
tpam is a youngin!
spam is gonna sit on my face lke may west
tpam made me go :o
"fried chickenn dinener a box osf porn and may west to sit on my fcae'
haha tpam is feeling good I assume? Or feels good? ;D
yo please
hahad dont tempt me
over the ralings
facesittin kinda kinky
I know other things kinky,but I'm tooo shy to say online.
no she aint
all things are fake?
just like my chest...........haaaaaaaaaa
^cool foo
Quote from: devilinside on Feb 03, 2007, 05:30 AM
just like my chest...........haaaaaaaaaa
about time some truth ois releveld
i want saffron
tpam is CRAZY! and they're real!
spam and me gonna shoot some furrl at a show
t-pam is gonna chop me up and throw me in the river,down by the van!
Quote from: devilinside on Feb 03, 2007, 07:07 AM
t-pam is gonna chop me up and throw me in the river,down by the van!
no ima bring to my VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER!!!!
~ Chriss Farley
HAHA...have you looked in your thread? I'm assuming yes.
let me eat
yes tell yourself whatver yous want
call it that,
your damned skippy
Tpam is a bad influence on me,and my life will never be the same.
it will be
just not your glands
once again,tpam makes me go :o
reply to my poem bitch your hurting my soul
tpam is probably drunk. it's his permanent status, i believe
spam is the lords holy grail disguise3d in a shrainglungs.com board member .
i want to kiss him.
tpam likes the fuzz..hahah
I <3 Hairry pussy
dont shave yours Kelly, please
Why does tpam like it hairy?
Quote from: Juicy Fruit on Feb 03, 2007, 07:40 PM
Why does tpam like it hairy?
maybe cuz smells more..
Argh, that's nasty tpam!
I agree with tpam...eek!!!!
fuck you all
give me your vagina and shut the fuck up
tpam thinks he can get it by acting that way.
^is lucky she gets snow
tpam seems another sweetie
Quote from: devilinside on Feb 03, 2007, 11:53 PM
tpam thinks he can get it by acting that way.
I was drunk sweetie
but that would be nice...
well sorry babe,I can hang with the fuzz. hah
tpam is the all-knowing-NIN girl on this board haha! :)
^jealous of his karma lol
nevermind, nevermind
cos I know who you are! ;)
and you knows too!
Sexy ass mother fucker. Haha. :p
this man says the truth
tpam likes eddie
tpam too good to talk to me
I've tried talking to tpam,but he never seemed to respong. :(
Tpam doesnt respond in the first place
tpam should look in his @ uno thread...i've talked.
haha ^She was paintin the other day...naked....ok maybe not naked but close enough
tpam should talk to uly
^Nice Avi...and yeah i should talk to u..
tpam was looking through my windows.
^correct i was....
solid this time
this time 'gold'
tpam has a voodoo doll
TPAM is fast to get away!
tpam is all numb
TpaM called me the other day. *coughphonebonecough* :D
tpam dd recieve a call from me,and she had me laughing!
:D TPAM made me laugh too!
^talked to her earlier! :]
^talked to her earlier!
Tpam wants me to pray with him....*folds hands*
tpam needs to be praying!!! haha ;)
tpam represents
tpam is gonna get on aim...now!
tpam is turning green
tpam is too busy for his friends now.
tpam has the purple one in her sig
tpam needs some team sleep
tpam needs too. we all need more team sleep, right?
tpam has a sexy fucker in his av! WHOOOOOOOOOOO
TPAM's dude in yer sig is pretty fcking sexy too! *loves TPAM*
Okay, okay, this has been bothering me for a few days. Who or what is TPAM?
tpam is not familiar with The Person Above Me.
Oh, haha. Cheers. :p
The persons above me don't really play the tpam game anymore..
tpam has such a beautiful sig!
tpam is an ass kisser and a star fucker.
Tpam has 5555 posts and 111 karma. You're lucky
..def threats..
tpam likes AFI??
Absolut nothing
tpam doesn't know about Absolut Nothing.
Oh yes I do...
tpam is not so long on this board. She seems to be person who really loves Deftones, and that's cool.
Zevaka is a good boy...
^rafael rules...true story ;)
tpam had a birthday recently
Quote from: devilinside on Feb 12, 2007, 06:06 PM
tpam likes AFI??
yes, i do.
btw, tpam is one of old-school members on sl.com.
Were you here when ussr collapsed lol?
Quote from: Zevaka on Feb 13, 2007, 01:16 PM
yes, i do.
btw, tpam is one of old-school members on sl.com.
Were you here when ussr collapsed lol?
Nope,pam. I joined April of last year. hahah
happy birthday pam
Quote from: devilinside on Feb 13, 2007, 01:22 PM
Quote from: Zevaka on Feb 13, 2007, 01:16 PM
yes, i do.
btw, tpam is one of old-school members on sl.com.
Were you here when ussr collapsed lol?
Nope,pam. I joined April of last year. hahah
oh, it means, you tpam post a loooot,
btw i registered here earlier than you...
oh, my god, it's from your profile:
Posts: 4691 (15.848 per day)
As for me it's only 4.090 posts per day
Quote from: devilinside on Feb 13, 2007, 01:35 PM
happy birthday pam
Bingo! Here it is "Describe The Person Above Me" game lol
coolest russian guy I know :P
then how many russian guys do u know, miss tpam?
Oh I know a lot of russian guyz no lie...
...well actually it was a lie lol
nah but you're still cool :P
she is very sweet
trust me
tpam has some fuckin freak on his sig, isnt it your grandpa?
tpam seems like a pretty good guy!
yeah this guy on the pic is cool...he don't give a crap lol
Rafael's siggy is an asnwer to all dem haters who gives him - karma all the time ;D
idk.. groupie
crowds follower
She gotta cute face.
he's very sweet :)
tpam always says nice things about other board members... SAY I'M FUCKING BITCH
^No I don't...I say nice things about people that are respectful and nice to me...in this case I can't call you a bitch :P
Tpam can't call Zevaka a fucking bitch...so I wil!!
fucking bitch
ha ha ;D
to tpatpam....you know this fucking bitch rules!
tpam loled
*knows* that TPAM fucking RULES!
TPAM is teh hotness!! :-*
WooooOOOoooT! TPAM is a sweetheart. TPAM will you go fanboy over me?
i will
WoooOOOOoooT! TPAM... You rawk! :)
To the TPAM, Ok I'll be your fanboy #2 since Zev made it first.. <3<3<3<3<3<3
I do believe I've never spoken to tpam before
I believe TPAM is right...
tpam has stamina?
Loves a band named Stam1na...
Forgot to continue :) TPAM has a good sig...
I too have never talked to tpam.
tpam = trusted penis along me
I have the tpam
tpam is kool
If tpam was his/her own av, he/she would be a fox
tpam has a funny a/v,
tpam has a sexy avy
tpam is pretty cute
tpam is a gangsta
TPAM is a cool guy, altough I don't know him...
i think tpam registred here about the same time as me...
TPAM is an interesting person...
how does tpam know that?;)
TPAM is from Chicago?
tpam likes lucy liu
What's this about?
tpam is slow lol
Do what you normally do and Go play " Hide the fist" while looking at a Chino poster.
no do you? :)
TPAM thinks this is the 'ask the person below you a question thread' :)
hey hey he asked me a question 1st lol
tpam thinks he knows but he has no idea :P
I think tpam is a happy innocent girl on the surface but a raging cocksuckster and slut that does you for free underneath that.
I did mean this as a compliment ya know.
tpam just described himself
sure you did Moz La Punk
tpam is very funny and smart
find me on messangers!
tpam is on messenger
TPAM is my buddy..... Outside this box.
tpam has bewbs... :o :o :o
:o Gosh... how would TPAM know this?? ;)
tpam knows why... :)
*looks innocent* TPAM must be mistaken...
ha ha ha... I'm not tpam, Im not...
I'm never wrong you should know that... ;)
ok you may never be wrong..... but you dont msg me n e more either.... TPAM.
I got no internet any more tpam... And even if I had it, I would have no time being on it unfortunately... I don't even post in here anymore...
Damn real life... ;)
awwww... TPAM.... that is sad. TPAM has a life. :-*
I think I recognise tpam.....hmmmmm.....
hmmmm ... YOU DO??? TPAM.. where do you recognize me from?
Too slow but I'm waiting for tpatpam to come to Hong Kong and get drunk with me...
Has tpam tpam ever had sex in a gazeebo with a guy dressed up in a clown costume?
Quote from: fireflyry on Feb 19, 2007, 07:06 AM
Has tpam tpam ever had sex in a gazeebo with a guy dressed up in a clown costume?
*looks innocent* Maybe? Were you the clown??
Oh and TPAM.. was the sex good? if not.. it wasn't ME.
Quote from: White Pwny on Feb 19, 2007, 07:07 AM
Quote from: fireflyry on Feb 19, 2007, 07:06 AM
Has tpam tpam ever had sex in a gazeebo with a guy dressed up in a clown costume?
*looks innocent* Maybe? Were you the clown??
Oh and TPAM.. was the sex good? if not.. it wasn't ME.
Call me.
tpam's sig makes me lol
tpam's sig gives me a wet patch....in all the wrong places...
tpam either really likes,or it made tpam shit his pants! haha
tpam is very generous with the sharing of NIN downloads
Tpam is quite busy going to shows. ;)
tpam is spot on :)
TPAM and his friends play with Tape Measures. :D
tpam is a white girl
tpam is spicy
TPAM is... Kind?
tpam has beautiful boobs!
tpam likes corndogs! haha
tpam is very refreshing and fun to talk to.
tpam is my neighbor, would you like to be my neighbor?
tpam watched too much mister rogers
Quote from: Sam on Feb 27, 2007, 05:56 AM
tpam is very refreshing and fun to talk to.
tpam above is a cool muthafucker
tpam reminds me of a close friend
TPAM just posted a message above this one.
tpam has a sig with an asian woman who does not lack boob. Looks like she's saying "Hamas".
tpam loves porcupine tree like i do
tpam likes mike patton...like I do ;)
everybody does, tpam. he is one of the most talented musicians of nowadays, imo.
tpam is wrong, i'm not a big fan of Patton
I wonder who this is on the avatar of tpam.
I guess tpam's avatar is herself. Oh, and mine is Jason Lee as Brodie in Mallrats.
lol tpam is clueless, tpatpam's avatar kicks ass.. lesbian ass.
TPAM likes White Pwny... oops... i meant... White Pony. :-*
tpam is cyn and is very cool
TPAM is right
<3's TPAM. He's a gangsta! YEAHHHHHHHHHH! :D
hahaha TPAM.. you make me laugh... YEAHHHHHHHHHHH!
tpam has yet to post teh noOdz
TPAM is right.. I haven't... and won't.
TPAM has a nice ass. :p
every tpam's post is followed by FOUR(!) girls
TPAM has pointed out my women avatar and sigs over kill.
tpam digs lesbian anal strap on action
TPAM is right. :p
Amazingly enough, as I opened this thread, an advert for 'Material Girls' came on the TV, which I'm sure the tpam will be very interested in heh!
tpam's sig quotes Chino Moreno's words he said on musiqueplus in 2000. Incubus were there too.
Quote from: Chrisbo on Mar 02, 2007, 09:33 PM
Amazingly enough, as I opened this thread, an advert for 'Material Girls' came on the TV, which I'm sure the tpam will be very interested in heh!
Indeed, I am very interested. Been waiting for that shit to come out on TV!!
TPAM with the lesbian sigs is twat who shouldn't go off topic.
Tpam has a nice sig
tpam is really funny person. i'm sure he will smite for my words. ;)
I'm gonna smite tpam, just to bring his karma to 69...
TPAM is a ninja fighter........ who apparently thinks he is cooler than I. =o)
Come on tpam, you know I am...
TPAM... I will never admit it.... NEVER. But.. you are cute.
Tpam is a horny little bastard. :D (But he's got my sympathy!)
I thought TPAM was talking about me. Any time I see "Horny little bastard" I assume it's me.
Yeh, cause same goes for you, tpam. ;)
tpam is always kind :)
Tpam doesn't know what I just thought about a certain lame ho on here. ;)
TPAM is one of the nicest chicks I have met on here... I best not be the HO you thought about....
Tpam must be kidding me. I'd never call that hot mama a ho. :D
Oh good then TPAM....apparently we were both thinking of the same HO then.... =o)
Let's just say.. we thought about Dog's wife.. Or someone who looks VERY MUCH like her. Ahahaha
LMFAO!!!!!! TPAM... I do see the similarity... toooo fckin funny.
TPAM is my friend on myspace.. ;)
i haven't seen new tpam's bedroom yet...
tpam has seen my painting though. ;)
TPAM does a great job.. <3 your rooms btw.
tpam sould post pics of hers
tpam is right
TPAM's are both right...but I don't have a camera. TPAM you have seen it!
I know pam,i'm just being pushy! ;)
TPAM turns me on with her pushiness.
i almost thought tpam said "pussyness" LOL!
I kinda see tpam and tpatpam as the same person.
um ... no TPAM we are not the same person. And TPATPAM..... pussyness! LOL funny... I suppose that would turn me on too!
Haven't spoke TPAM in quite awhile....how's TPAM doing? :)
tpam's huge will haven fan
TPAM is right 8)
And TPAM likes At The Drive-In a lot 8)
Come to think of it, I'll go listen to them now.
tpam is a will haven fanatic :D
TPAM has an avatar that makes me smile..
(I wonder where all my MM crap is)
TPAM is a WW2 fanatic. =o)
tpam wants me
not as much as TPAM wants me... :P
tpam needs me
Tpam has a cool Av/sig
tpatpam is reppin ES
tpam has a beautiful sig, that means a lot to me.
the bar below tpams sig drives me crazy, OCD status.
tpam likes to sing
tpam is my favourite sharing lungs member.She is nice to me.and i like her tattoos
Tpam is a good guy,has a nice tattoo also,and had great arms.
I love TPAM... and TPATPAM.. I love your Tattoo!!!! *loves it*
today is remarkable day. for the 1st time tpam has more posts than me.
WooooOOOOooooT! Thats cuz its MY day TPAM!!!
Tpam should have a lot of +karma...
tpam is sporting a swastika
Tpam wants me on the hood of a car....
TPATPAM... yer right.. I should.... nazi's
tpam one more karma to you!
WoooOOOooooT! 25 more TPAM and I'll break even! =o)
I saw TPAM being online the other day, but I was to busy (studying, walking around and whatnot) to talk...hope to do so next time :)
I really like tpam's av
tpam is drunk tonight. It is ok, man, we must fight for our right to party
tpam likes ATDI... Which is a pretty good choice imo...
Tpam likes South Park, like I do..
tpam likes my name
tpam is overrated
tpam should not talk to my overrated ass then
tpam almost sounded serious
tpam knows i'm soo for serious
pOoF tpam
tpam is quite good at that
tpam was a great poofing teacher
tpam is still playing with me when he supposedly PoOfEd! MAGIK!
who is playing pam?
who IS playing PAM??
tpam is playing me
tpam is my bff!
tpam is inspiration to poetry
tpam watched disturbing video's..he will never be the same. haha
did tpatpam watch bme videos?
Tpatpatpam has a beautiful tattoo..
tarantino gives a fart.
TPAM likes to talk about Farts.... ::)
Tpam was abducted by aliens earlier today
TPAM is one of my bestest buddies on here.
I like tpam
TPAM likes metal music and beer.
This user is currently ignored.
I dont give a fart of what she said.
TPAM didn't ignore me... but we can pretend he did.
Tpam is mean
tpam has his own @ thread now
I like tpam
I like tpam too..you seem swell. ;)
tpam enjoyed my Uni video :D
according to the information i have, tpam visits from 10 to 20 shows everyday. :D
Tpam is a cool cat
TPAm has a freaky chick on his sig.
Tpam has two girls kissing on her avatar
TPAM.... its Justin Timberlake and a GIRL.... ::)
tpam rocks
tpam rocks ^[cubed]
tpam doesn't believe in the power of H2o
*trips tpam and runs off laughing*
tpam must REALLY hate me!!!
tpam is sexy!
tpam likes Huge boobed chicks
tpam doesn't like Patton, that upsets me so much
tpam is russian
Location: inside your head
it's in tpam's profile.
anyway, i know he's from Mexico
i know everything
TPAM could be my friend cause' he likes Cedric.
TPAM's got a nice signature ;D
TPAM is rich.
How come TPAM thinks I'm rich?
is tpam rich?
i haven't figured out who tpam is yet.
is tpam dumb?
Tpam has a weird weird signature.
tpam has a wonderful sig..and ive never seen her change it.
tpam is one cool mexican
hm. tpam is another?:P
here i am again on the dtpay
that game is for fags, so tpam is a fag.
tpam is "two-in-one" person
TPAM is a sweetheart who attempted to hook me up with Chevelle leak... =o) Thanks again Z!
tpam is gonna see deftones back to back.
TPAM is right... Aren't you Kel Bel?
tpam is totally non sexual, but she's still funny...
TPAM makes me laugh too... of course in a Non Sexual way.
tpam knows I will be seeing them twice too...maybe more. ;)
TPAM has sexy floors. ???
tpatpam and tpam are speaking crazy
TPAM.. please don't associate me with you....
TPAM has a low Karma
TPAm is right.. cuz there are some low bastids on this board. ;)
anyhow tpam knows she's sweet
Awww... I think TPAM is sweeter! :P
TPAM is the SWEETEST, I think Zev will agree with me..
no. i am The ...est ;) :-*
TPAM .... yer the what .... est?
tpatpam is eastern standard time!!
tpam toooooooootally likes shoes
im gonna back slap tpam!!
tpam is a stoopid.........girl
tpam loves it
why not?
tpam is secretive. lets burn him/her
1 sexy hyna
TPAM loves large chests!
TPAM has a large chest Uh-HUUUH!!!
TPAM is shaboiiiiiiii!!!!!!
tpam has cute eyes
TY! TPAM lives near me! =o)
tpam has skull head in her sig
we should go see deftones when they come into town
My ticket is already purchased! I will be there. June 15th! AND... my ticket is already purchased for June 16th MILWAUKEE!
TPAM needs to get a ticket!
tpam is lucky
how much are the tickets?
TPAm could be lucky too! 30 for Chicago Tickets... 20 for Milwaukee. But the Chitown tickets are at the RIVIERA! that place rocks! Im gonna be in Chitown next Sat night too for Chevelle @ the Riv too!
Sounds like a personal problem TPAM
tpam are u going alone?
damn thats nice
i dig there "midnight to midnight" song
Nah I'll be hangin with my posse! =o)
TPAM.. I GET IT is the best song off Vena Sera.
tpam how many of are there
can i join?
Do you mean for Chevelle TPAM?! Chevelle there will be 4 of us girls... and my guy. YOu going to the concert?! We can meet up if ya wanna.
i wanna see deftones
never seen them live...
TPAM needs to see the 'tones live
TPAM is right TPATPAM! Deftones is a must.
ask... wonder if there still tickets left...
Yes I dont think they are sold out TPAM
tpam am goin to ask my aunt if she can buy them for me...
i think u can only get them online...
WoooOOOooooT TPAM! Lemme know.
ya i sure will
wanna see if can get 2 tickets...
is there a macy's near tpam?
aint that a store?
yeah, tpam should know macy's are ticketmaster retailers.
tpam is trouble
tpam beware
Quote from: lithium royalty on Apr 05, 2007, 04:58 AM
yeah, tpam should know macy's are ticketmaster retailers.
so tomorrow i can go up 2 macy's store and ask them i can buy tickets?
go to customer service, you can get them there.
tpam is clueless
tpam THiNkS shes cool...
tpam know's i'm fucking awesome
tpam must be mistaken me for a foreigner
TPAM loves the person above him
i rock her world pam
tpam doesnt want to play
tpatpam is a green turd floating around in the punch bowl of life.
why would there be a piece of turd in a punch bowl?
you never heard of turd punch?
don't address me.
you're dumb and don't understand metaphors. TPAM is a troll.
this is a punch bowl.
now...why would a turd be floating there? did you mean toilet bowl?
stupid ass.
damn you're stupid. You should date a fresh-out-of-prison black guy and let him smack some sense into that fucking machine-replaced head of yours you fool.
smited for googling a punch bowl btw, dumb shit.
sorry for making you look stupid. i'll try not to next time.
I'm sorry that your mind cannot comprehend metaphors and other simple concepts that even an infant can manage to wrap their small brain around.
a metaphor is when you apply an apt subject with another. with your logic, i could say you're a shit stain on a magical genie's carpet from alabama.
stupid ass.
tpam loves teh smite... sad pam...
nope, i just love handing them out. have one.
TPAM is a smite nazi
not nice.
TPAM knows Im nice.
TPAM is nice yes
i think tpam is from switzerland
TPAM.. TPAY is from Finland!
im talking to tpam
tpam is luuuuucky
TPAM knows that I love her...
love me how pam? love me like a clown? love me ha ha? :stabs:
i havent said hi to tpam lately...hi pam! :D
TPAm and I are going to have weekly Wednesday phone calls!!!
TPAM will have phonesex with TPAH
TPAM is mad that he can't listen in!
TPAM isn't completely wrong..
tpam doesn't think anyone has ever called me pretty before. :(
tpatpam is wrong.
but whatever
Sharing Lungs
tpam is quite t3h funny
Tpam rocks my world
i see tpam is going to a deftones show.
I don´t know TPAM, but TPAM´s name reminds me of an Earthtone 9 song called ´Binary 101´.
tpam is my tuckman... long time no talk sir !
How's it going ?
TPAM has a Sloganizer
tpam likes grindhouse
Tpam likes Tool and Bill Hicks
havent talked to tpam in the longest.
TPAM is correct... we haven't talked. BUT I'm here now!!!
you always have ...you always will tpam.?
Yes Tpam... always!
tpam reeeally likes tpam game
Tpam thought of me, she's cool as hell!
tpam used to have positive karma.
tpam is right
The persons above me obviously didn't karma kick me much lately. ;) :(
secret lover.
TPAM must be unaware that TPA TPAM is also my secret lover.
It's no secret tpam. :D I love almost everyone. (At least a little bit.)
Yes... TPAM but do you think everyone is sexy?! :-\
No tpam. But you definitely are. Btw, your new avatar is hot hot hot!
Tpam is nice.. I don't really know her.. but she's nice
tpam loves beer
Long time no speak tpam :)
TPAM loves to party! =o)
tpam saw chevelle
tpam says very kind words.
and tpatpatpam is right...glad to see he is doing well! :)
Quote from: devilinside on Apr 20, 2007, 02:14 AM
tpam says very kind words.
and tpatpatpam is right...glad to see he is doing well! :)
tpam is one hot mama!
tpam is the man!
the person above me got in a fight with dos.. beat him up badly, so bad that he and quatro had to high tale it
I bet TPAM is happy that it's 420!!!
Hey TPAM, explain me wtf is 420, where does it come from, etc.
Here you go TPAM
There are varying theories on the origin of 420. Some say that 420 originated from a police code that announces marijuana use is taking place. Yet another story is that a group of guys (Waldo's) in the 1970's made 4:20 their official meeting time to smoke marijuana after school. Whether or not 4:20 p.m. is the best time of day for your first hit depends on your own body, your own needs. Some folks feel that waiting until 4:20 enhances ones appreciation of the herb. Of course, your mileage may vary.
In the 21st Century, 420 is firmly established as a code amongst tokers, a time of day and even sort of a toker's New Year's Day. It's in our culture now and only time will tell where it ends up.
Whatever the real story is, 420 has been an important part of the marijuana culture since the 1970's. The significance of 420 has been kept underground and is mostly known only among marijuana smokers. Many non-smokers aren't aware of the symbolism when they see someone wearing a T-shirt or baseball cap that says 420 across the front.
When the 420 icon is somehow discreetly worked into a mainstream product like a film, marijuana users take notice. The film Pulp Fiction is rumored to have had all clocks throughout the movie set to 4:20. Marijuana smokers familiar with the symbol picked up on it—most people, however, did not.
Thank you tpam, that was very useful... But this thing didn't make its way through Europe did it ?
Tpam is awesome :)
tpam's right... ;D
I had good time at the deftones shows I went to with tpam and other UK sharinglungs people...
TPAM is awesome. He is fun to chat with every once in a while. =o)
I agree with tpam. ;)
I also think it's awesome that i've shared two awesome deftones show experiences with tpatpam too ;D
TPAM is talented and HOT.
tpam knows I'm hotter... :P
tpam is just jealous ;) muahaha!
Hey tpam, what do you think about the new NIN, I'm curious about that ?
Well tpam i think it's bloody awesome, Funny you should say that because of just put my comments on it in the Year Zero thread :D
Ha ha... funny indeed tpam...
I need to listen to this album more, I just gave it a few listens for the moment, and nothing special went out of it. Don't have time though... :-\
When you do tpam give it a goood few listens, It gets better each time! it's a grower.
Tpam is a hero.
Agree's with Tpam
<3 Trent.
tpam need's to lay off my man! ;)
Tpam is good to talk to
Tpam thinks I'm the mastah.
TPA TPAM totally meant the Mastahbater. ::)
tpaTpam is a legend and i love him ;D
TPAM dont love me =o(
Tpam is the sex, and I love her for helping me during an asthma attack.
Quote from: Subliminal on Apr 20, 2007, 08:12 PM
tpaTpam is a legend and i love him ;D
Love you too, luv. xxx
Tpam wants to be fucked up the ass by me
TPAM that is Groz.
Tpam he'll love it, You're aweome
TPAm you are making me think you wouldnt mind giving Mike what he wants.
Tpam wants anal
tpam is asleep
Tpam should sleep
tpam where u been?
been taking a break
tpam whats going on?
nothin much just work and stuff and friends
ask tpam who u going with to show for deftones?
well i guess im going with my brother if he gets his ticket.
or maybe mary.but i doubt that
when will tpam come to los angeles
idk man..
i would like to go..
how east la?
east l.a idk.i live in southcentral.l.a
tpam should come and ill invite to starbucks
starbucks is alot $$$
2 white for me..
tpam u drink alotta of starbucks?
if my girl invites me...shit i pay for gas...sooo ..she pays.
tpam u like starbucks?
i only been there 2 times
hey bro am out my eyes are startin to close...
tpam thinks starfucks is "too white" lol! I'll take a grande' white chocolate mocha please. ;)
Dog lover.
tpam is also a dog lover,and needs to get a jack russell! ;)
Tpam doesn't realize, Mini Schnauzers ftw.
tpam is new to teh world of dogs,cause JRT's OWN!
pothead and pillpopper
tpam graduated rehab and is doing well
this board and this thread make my dick soft..
tpam has trust issues
tpam is miss cutie pie
tpam is nappy headed ho
TPAM likes white pony...
tpams whitepony
tpam is uno
tpam is MARK!!!111
TPAM is Kel Bel!
tpam is the taco to my tortilla
am I your BT TPAM?
wtf is bt, and i wanna be the MEAT in that taco.
tpam is toootally gonna take me out for steaks soon
tpam will find out soon enough
tpam should stop being tpam. She always is...
Maybe I like being on top of you... But right now.. yer the TPAM....
OK tpam, let me get down on you then... :)
Go for it TPAM... as long as it stays Non Sexual.
Sure sure, you can count on me tpam... :)
TPAM has late night meetings. ;)
tpam knows lots of things...
I would like to schedule a meeting with TPAM ...
Thing is you can't unfortunately tpam... But don't worry, you' re not the only one in that case ! Actually, there's a vast majority of women in the exact same position as you... :)
lmfao! Conceited prick tpam is..... =o) As if you don't want a meeting with me....... *shakes head*
tpam knows already she couldn't handle it ;)
TPAM knows that is not true.....
tpam isnt on the net
Tpam is going to see the 'tones in june, bastard..
the person above me is jealous
TPAM is a tree loving hippy
tpam is probably right
TPAM has another awesome pony sig. :P
TPAM likes hats
TPAM is right... I do. =o)
tpam didnt get a call from me today
tpam don't love me..... :'(
Everytime TPAM puts =0) I think its a dick going into a mouth.
(Sorry, Im tired)
TPAM is a big kid
tpam has kids. Dunno if they're big though...
TPAM does not have kids... that he knows of. :D
Let's hope I know well tpam... :)
tpam is right,I have 2 kids....3 and 7...they're fucking rad!
Tpam is rad
TPAM is wicked awsome
TPAM seems to have a good outlook on lots of things.
Tpam is lovely
TPAM is a sweetheart... errr I mean a badass!! Yeah!
tpam is tpam... Once again... :-\
Yep...Yep.... TPAM is on top of me again......
I'd rather have you on top of me tpam, so here I come...
ok.. I have been on top long enuf. lets SWITCH tpam!
Getting tired tpam ? :D
I was on top for an hour and a half tpam..... its your turn...... and.. no.. not tired enuf to quit. :)
Tpam is sexually active
tpam can stay drunk for DAYS!
Tpam thinks it's rare ???
tpam should know I can't stay drunk for days....so yeah.
tpam is gonna see me drunk for three days
tpams gonna be drunk.
tpam has some kinda of logo in his av
TPAM don't like skinny chicks...
Tpam is a hot bitch
tpam shoulda added the bbq pic instead of theone he has in his sig
tpam is a pimp. enough said
I'll never find tpam.
tpam masturbates. cute.
tpam reminds me of that rash I had in High School
sucks. i had sex with clean people.
tpam brings the pwn.
Ya Rly.
I love tpam. It's no secret.
It's nice to see you around tpam...
Tpam promised me to try 43er..
tpam wanted to 69, i told her to eat something
Tpam is a big fat liar.
tpam has long nose hairs
I forgot about the 43er tpam... Nice that you remebered me of it...
tpam has a sister that has reasonable rates on the weekends
tpam wishes he could afford reasonable rates...
tpam has a point
I don't know tpam
tpam is experiencing the same damn nice weather as we in the UK have been having lately
Quote from: Chrisbo on May 04, 2007, 12:48 PM
tpam is experiencing the same damn nice weather as we in the UK have been having lately
how do you know that?
am I right that tpam is from Scotland?
tpam made chi sad
you're cool
tpam ...........i dont really know
tpam likes it there
tpam knows i lobe him
TPAM forgat to put a question in the 'ask the person below you a question' thread.
tpam has a lot of posts posted :)
TPAM is right. I love it here 8)
TPAM has ncie sunglasses
tpam likes to give ^5's from behind
Tpam is someone's koolaid
TPAM has tool in the sig
TPAM has lesbians in his sig...... ;)
TPAM looks horrible in the av
TPAM made me sad....
Tpam looks far from horrible
TPATPAM I was just joking
tpam is awesome
tpam likes sam johnson?
I don't who the fuck it is!? I'm not into US politics.
I like TPAM's photo in the sig.
I like tpam's sig/av pics
tpatpam is unaware the Samuel Jackson was a famous literary figure in England back in the day.
He also said
"I called on Dr. Johnson one morning, when Mrs. Williams, the blind lady, was conversing with him. She was telling him where she had dined the day before. "There were several gentlemen there," said she, "and when some of them came to the tea-table, I found that there had been a good deal of hard drinking." She closed this observation with a common and trite moral reflection; which, indeed, is very ill-founded, and does great injustice to animals -- "I wonder what pleasure men can take in making beasts of themselves." "I wonder, Madam," replied the Doctor, "that you have not penetration to see the strong inducement to this excess; for he who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man."
tpam wants to have a bbq with Maynard
I want to have a BBQ with TPAM.. *Loves ya girl*
I want to have a BBQ with tpam and tpatpam
i think your signature is awsome
tpam has something with unicef under his ava, which is a very cool thing!
tpam is hotter than Chino in speedos
Tpam better posts a pic of Chino in speedos now. ;)
Quote from: rxqueen on May 06, 2007, 09:14 PM
Tpam better posts a pic of Chino in speedos now. ;)
tpam has a better chance of photos of Sadam and George Bush playing drinking games (Sadam won BTW)
TPAM has an awesome tat on his leg. .... and a killer pussy. ;)
Tpam has a killer pussy
TPAM made me LOL @ that last comment!!!!
Tpam is in a great mood
tpam seems to be in a good mood as well :D
Tpam can't hug her mom cause she's far away. :/
tpam can't hug me cause i'm far away.
It seems tpam wants a hug from me?
TPAM is gonna take pics of me..... and use a flashlight.... sounds kinky.
Tpam will share the pics that will be taken
TPAM wishes
tpam knows she will show me!
TPAM dreams nasty things about me....
Tpam makes me think nasty things about her
TPAm is crazy... ;)
Tpam is right :D
tpam got poked earlier
Tpam is a biter
tpam is a fainter
I don't know what tpam is talking about
uh huh.. i call bullshit tpam
Tpam calls bullshit
TPAM is ignoring me on MSN
Tpam is being ignored
judging from the text in tpam's av i would say tpam is from Finland.
Tpam knows shit
TPAM is online at the moment.
^ weird name, cool sig.
TPAM thinks its cool to be other people
tpa has a crush on me.
TPAM is like a shadow
betta' watch yo' back then. shank yo' ass quick-like, ya' hear?
tpam wishes everyone had a crush on him.
TPAM is stuck in my heart of hearts
tpam is online
TPAM thinks that Depace Mode is good!
tpam loves them deep down,he just won't admit it
TPAM doesn't understand how much I dislike them. And when Nu-metal made them cool, I was about to scream
tpam's from new zealand, and he's a cool cat...
tpam's from France and is a cool person
TPAM is right.
And TPAM's sign makesme wonder if those girls are sexy or cute, since I don't know they're age, I wind up thinking neither.
tpam's a huge ass WHVN fan...
tpam's a huge ass
tpam is a huge ass vodka fan... I share this love with him though ! :)
tpam is drunk quite often...I share this hobby with him though! :)
ha ha... tpam makes me laugh... Yay for alcohol !
I'm with tpam.. Yay for alcohol!
Tpam's a drunken finn. Kossua helevetti soikoon!
both tpam are drunken finns... dammit !
Tpam is a drunken french..
tpam's a vegetarian (not vegan though) german who want me to try 43er ! (well, that or a similar name...)
Tpam knows the facts.. ;)
tpam knows who's the boss... 8) ;D
tpam has 5604 posts.... :o
tpam knows who's the boss too... 8) ;D
TPAM is on top of me again... just where I like him. ;)
yes, but you know that I'd rather have you on top, so here I come... Well not yet, but .... well you get it. ;)
Tpam makes me feel weird to post after him now.. Is tpam going to get wasted today?
It might happen tpam, it might...
I'm waiting for my washing machine to end, then, I'm supposed to go out, and meet up with friends...
But they dont want to go out until late (its 10:30pm already here)... Damn them...
So we'll see...
What about you ?
Tpam isn't sure
(I'm not drinking today)
Tpam has a good song in his myspace.
tpam has graced this thread with his presence...... surely his absence will go unnoticed
TPAM is invisible
im on the wii kam
tpam is teh scuk
I think your new av is nice tpam...
How's Hong Kong these days TPAM?
tpam should check the "ask a question" thread to know... :)
Tpam fucks a different chinese chick every night, bastard!
tpam is wrong...
according to Sloganizer, tpam trust's Deftones
TPAM and I haven't phoned inna while.. and I miss her...... :-\
Tpam and I have never phoned and I miss her
TPAM should not miss me when I am right here.... :)
Tpam is right! YAY!
TPAM don't like pictures... :(
Pictures of tpam I like
TPAM lies
Tpam lies
TPAM likes to drink....
I have no idea what tpam is talking about
tpam hasn't drank in a few day's
Tpam is quite right, thank you
tpam has a funny siggy
Tpam is hated :-\
TPAM is loved
Tpam is <3
TPAM will be drinking today? FRIDAYYY!!!!
If tpam means water.. Then yes, I will be drinking today
why only water tpam ?
Tpam didn't get the joke
I have a feeling that TPAM and TPAH will both be drinking tonight...
tpam is right, at least in my case... :)
What are you gonna do tonight tpam ?
Today is Fryyyyy day..... so I am going to prolly get a lil blazed up... and end up comatoast by the end of the night, TPAM. Oh... and my friends are all coming over... so prolly do a Wii tourney of some sort. Fun Fun!
TPAM's gonna have fun tonight!
Haven't spoken to TPAM in awhile. I blame studystress. What about you? 8)
I say fuck 'em
tpam is..........................................tpam
I don't hate tpam..
tpam thinks i'm rad.....yo
tpam just breached the rules.
tpam is just maaaaad
Tpam isn't sane either.. :D
TPAM is crazy himself..... ;)
tpam has a spy
hahahaha!!! NOT FUNNY TPAM! :P
I think I know tpam..
TPAM... it is safe to say that you know me well. =o)
Again.. I have no idea what tpam is talking about
tpam just got applauded lol
Tpam had nothing to do with it, I guess :)
tpam likes metal music about realationshits
i make tpam tingle
tpam likes to sell babies
(I had a lot cyppe101 lol)
tpam has a cool siggy :-D
I don't know TPAM, who's TPAM!
*slaps TPAM* :P
tpam should now that e-slapping does no damage.
tpam has no idea lol
tpam thinks i hate her cause i aint her
tpam is funny ;)
Tpam is cute ;)
Tpam doesn't have an av.
Tpam has Batsy in his av
tpam meant Mike Patton
TPAM and I haven't talked inna while! Where you been TPAM?
real busy with school work, but don't worry, just a few weeks left and i'm free.
Tpam is nice.
tpam will be glad to learn that I bought The Wall, Dark Side of The Moon, Wish You Were Here, and The Final Cut this week end...
tpam made a good buy. How are things tpam?
tpam me loves a chocolate covered pretzel.
lolz @ tpam
TPAM is fun... and he lolz. ;)
Tpam is one hot biatch
Tpam called tpah a HOT BITCH! :P
In TPAM's sig pic of Team Sleep.... Chino looks hawttttnessssss.....
tpam never lies!!!!!
haha..... TPAM ... I never lie about Chino! ;)
Tpam is a fangirl
TPAM knows what's up.
sometimes i think tpam is retarded, i mean CLEARLY you see it's team sleep, i mean it fucking says TEAM SLEEP on it, yet.. you still asked..
tpam should learn how to read...
tpam should know I was poking at tpatpatpam...and I knew she was saying "in the pic of team sleep chino looks hawttttnessssss"
tpam finds excuses.... :)
tpam has nooooo idea! ;)
Enjoy your day tpam, I'm out to bed now. Cheers.
TPAM gives pure love to this board
tpam beat me!!
tpam beat me at posting to tarkil,not "beat me" ...hahaa
tpam likes dragons
tpam is my polish fellow :-)
TPAM reminds me of someone raw I once knew.... :(
Tpam is sad :(
TPAM is prolly NOT sad..... =o)
Tpam isn't entirely wrong
TPAM likes to chat on MSN.
Tpam is the reason why <3
TPAM is now grounded from talking to me on MSN for that NOT comment........."you are grounded Mister!!!"
Tpam doesn't scare me! (pees in pants)
everyone above me is below me.
tpam doesn't exist.
why do you say such hurtful things?
because you are stupid! ohhhhhhh
tpam is from Poland! :)
Tpam is a little green man from Mars!
tapm shares my love for vodka...
tpam knows the secret of deftones ;-P
tpam doesn't... ;)
TPAM [the person above me] doesn't like abbreviated words very much :D jus jokes tarkil
Tpam is just joking
tpam meant mike patton
See Mike21's sig quote for further details tpam
tpam shared conan with me :)
Tpam knows Conan is the shit
don't look back TPAM or I'll shoot you!
tpam is a killer
tpam is correct...;)
TPAM's name is Devilinside a Utada Hikaru song, she has 158 karma thanks too me, she has 6202 posts, she is a global moderator and an organ donator, she registared on April 22, 2006 at 1:38 p.m.. she has been here for 390 days.
I have a sneaky suspicion that tpam is not a noob. :p
tpam meet atf
tpam has a really nice siggy
tpam added me to myspazz
tpam has a really nice page...especially the player :-D
Tpam has a real nice page herself.
TPAM is a fan of Tool.
tpam is my man...
tpam thinks jesus is real
Sigs of tpam never fail
tpam likes barbecue
tpam has two girls on his av again.
i missed you all tpams
TPAM has been MIA!
Tpam is my nigga
I picture tpam as Adam Jones.
Adam is my hero.
The person on the av of tpam looks like Alan Cumming
TPAM meant to say Mike Patton
some time ago tpam had other nickname.
tpam is a long time no see person who just came back onboard...
on board, onboard, ha ha, see what I did there ?
onboard, indeed.
tpam is bootlegs-lover (looking through "what song are u listening" thread)
tpam is right...
Tpam is one of the coolest ppl on the board
tpam wants a steak
tpam is offline at the moment
Ow it's TPAM and his signature again! hahaha ;D
I love that TPAM loves my sig :D
Yeah that sig tpam...
Everytime I'm browsing SL at work and I go through a thread with one of your post tpam, I guess all my colleagues do think I surf on some kind of porn websites... :)
Quote from: tarkil on May 24, 2007, 02:42 AM
Yeah that sig tpam...
Everytime I'm browsing SL at work and I go through a thread with one of your post tpam, I guess all my colleagues do think I surf on some kind of porn websites... :)
all people at my home think the same :D shall I change the sig? :D
I don't think so tpam... Unless you want it...
tpam has the best sig ever!
tpam saw the deftones few days ago... twice... and with great setlists...
You have to know that I'm kinda jealous tpam...
tpam is right,and i'm very freakin lucky! :)
TPAM is super lucky.... my back to back shows aren't for another 16 days!!!
At least you'll see them this year tpam..
I like tpam's sig
tpam is an alien
why does tpam say so?
coz tpams from mars
I like tpam's av
Tpam likes to look at pics with two girls doing it
TPAM dreams of sex... but wakes up before the good part!!!
Tpam is teh seks
TPAM looks sad in her AV.
Why not give us a smile, pussycat?
Whoops, someone got in front of mio!
TPAM has an pic of my dream apron (Maynartds one)
TPAM thinks I look sad....
I am not sad.... and I do smile in some pics!
PS.. I like the name pussycat. *smiles*
I shouldn't really call you that. It my g/f's name...whoops!
TPAM would love a saucer of milk
Quote from: marty on May 29, 2007, 10:04 PM
I shouldn't really call you that. It my g/f's name...whoops!
TPAM would love a saucer of milk
TPAM is wrong... I hate milk!
tpam never has and never will
I forget how shit the taste of milk is in other countries! milk here is fucking nice.
TPAM needs some kiwi milk...mmmm
tpam wont eggo his lego's....
Tpam has a nice sig
tpam wants to know "who is deftones"
TPAM knows that the Deftones ROCK-IT!
tpam will be rocked soon
TPAM is right.. and I cant wait!!!!
tpam should drink lots of water!
Tpam gives good advice. Id pass out if I didn't. TOO F'N HOT!!
tpam knows about teh heat.
*i was just at the hottest deftones show on record..chino quit the show 3 songs early cause he almost passed out*
tpams farts smell like roses
TPAM made me lol...and has a fondness for lemons. ;)
tpam loves good charlotte
I hope tpam is mistaken
yes,tpam is correct..and tpatpam has lost his fucking mind!
I love tpam.
aww...;) tpam wants 10000 days?
Tpam is one cool mofo, who I haven't spoken lately..
tpam spoke to me a few minutes ago on msn!
TPAM and I haven't spoken in a while. .....
tpam is very correct :(
tpam's name is Kelly
Tpam has an av from my favourite tv show.
does tpam know where I can watch some episodes online by any chance, cause I may be lazy enough not to google it...
tpam should check out tv-links.co.uk
they updated the southpark episodes recently, and they have 7 seasons i think in damn high quality.
Check the ones that say stage6 at the end.
tpam knows his links
tpam is lost without him
tpam has NO idea.......
tpam should clue us in then..
tpam is very clued in. If not,then...well..I just dont know.
i dont know what tpam is talking about
tpam is using a phrase that I use in certain situations........you have an excellent situation!!!
tpam thinks she knows me, but i'm a metronome, as soon as she thinks she knows where i'm at, i'm in the west... i'm a fucking nomad.. :pokes in the eye:
tpam loves dj diddles
I miss someone I love terribly tpatpatpam
tpam gave himself a sipowitz! (sp)
tpam is afraid of being bitten by bees
tpam is afraid of speeding on mountains
well, if you drive off of them, you crash into an infernal abyss..
i think i may have been posting the tpam shit in a different thread
tpam should fix it
tpam should trust people's driving.
tpam should take her own advice
does tpam know I love him????
i do.. why the face?
too many ? ? ? ?'s pam
tpam is awesome
tpam is a jack russell
tpam is gonna surprise me with a jack russel, and imma name her kEHlee
tpam is going to sleep....g'night
Tpam is still asleep
tpam has an angry face
tpam has a hiding Chi
Quote from: devilinside on Jun 08, 2007, 05:58 PM
tpam has a hiding Chi
a chick i wish i could hang out with and talk on music.
Tpam has an excellent sig
whos that in your sig?
Why didn't tpam know that?
Quote from: cyppe101 on Jun 08, 2007, 09:01 PM
Why didn't tpam know that?
i never really listen to them.
do u like corn on the cob?
Tpam is a stalker. :o
Quote from: rxqueen on Jun 08, 2007, 09:17 PM
Tpam is a stalker. :o
wat the fuck?
why do u say that?
Because of your name. ^^
Quote from: rxqueen on Jun 08, 2007, 09:38 PM
Because of your name. ^^
then going by your name, you're a girl on drugs.
Who said I'm not?
Tpam seems to think I seriously take drugs..
Tpam is an interesting person
Tpam is Fro-k in my book. =o)
Tpam likes to mistype
TPAM knows full well it was not a typo. :P
^Fuckin sucks and there is no getting through to this person
actually...maybe if you show her some vag, but..that operation would really hurt and I like my balls.
tpam loves the company of his friends. Here's one of them..
Hahaha I love you.
Haha, oh thanks. Tpam loves me!!11 zomg
Yeah baby, so if things don't work out with your boyfriend you know who to call
tpam has 7 words to say
Tpam seems to like lesbian pron.. Or just suicide girls.
I like suicide girls :) is it worng tpam? and I just like cool photos.
Na, it's your thing tpam.
I like you respect it tpam :) tpam is one of the best people here
Aww, that was sweet, thank you! :*
I will be visiting the homeland of tpam soon. :)
no shittin'! really!? what part will you visit tpam?
tpam's inbox is full so i can't send him pm
it's ok now tpam
Quote from: yoda on mars on Jun 10, 2007, 07:31 PM
no shittin'! really!? what part will you visit tpam?
Warschau and my hometown (near Ratibor)..
oh, it's long way from my home town. I live in Pomerania region.
I've been there a few times, it's just beautiful. So natural.
yes it is tpam :) I love living here:) tpam has a nice av
i want tpam to upload long version of live private booth
tpam thinks i'm angsty. ;)
i know tpam isnt angsty, shes actually pretty loving
tpam is wanting something i cant provide right this minute
tpam has a tv set
tpam is not online
I love TPAM she is a sweetheart. TOMORROW is the day girl, tomorrow is finally the day.
I just karma kicked tpam. She'll be in the positive soon. ^_^
curious...like a...
tpam likes white pony
tpatpam will lose his arm after an extreme adrenaline fan finds a chain saw.
I dunno what tpam says cause he's on IGNORE, but I don't care cause he has a small penis...
tpam has checked out tpatpam's penis!
tpam wouldnt be lost too long without him
tpam forgot to buy beer....
tpam is from France
tpam is in love with someone!
Tpam is not in love with Variable.
tpam could be in love with Variable ;)
tpam is right...I AM in love with someone. :)
TPAM and I are in the Mega Ultra Cool Kids Club for Adults!!!! ;)
tpam just saw deftones, thats awesome.. i miss it
tpam doesn't like NIN
Tpam loooooooooves alot of stuff.
tpam loves coke....the kind you drink!!!! :)
Yes...and don't forget beer.
tpam will be in houston soon.
tpam is very correct,and hopefully I wont get flooded in!!!!
Haha, hey if it happens you have to prolong your stay
yeah well PAM,I don't know if that's such a good idea if ya know what I mean. lol
Yes yes totally know whatcha mean
tpam wants to love again
tpam has to work friday
tpams gonna get pwned on friday
TPAM is no longer on my top 5.
tpam can fuck off
Tpam wants me to fuck off for reasons unknown.
Tpam is cool.
tpatpam knows it's BRO'S BEFORE HO'S!
tpam has beautiful eyebrows
Haha tpam is trippin.
i'm just quoting tpam
tpam, If I had to choose between fucking your ass or his ass, I'd choose yours. Point is, it's bullshit..idle chit chat.
You mean you'd rather be with a girl?? Gross!!! Tpam isn't 777 no more :(
i remember tpam was cool when i used to enter this forum a while ago, i bet he still is...
TPAM don't want me to listen.. just wants me to leave.. :'(
Tpam met chino lately. And I'm happy bout that cause I'm sure it meant so much for her. :)
TPAM is right! I am so happy to have finally FINALLY met him....... Yer such a doll TPAM... =o)
tpam is a little late with that TOC banner
TPAM is right.. but its a sweet banner!!
nah not really tpam i mean besides thrice and deftones and in some cities [not mine] dredg, that tour sucked
tpam's sig is great...
tpam is right
i agree with tpam and tpatpam
TPAM likes 30 Seconds to Mars =o)
Tpam saw the 'tones last weekend, BITCH!
TPAM saw Lamb Of God Last weekend....DICK! ;)
I played a Lamb Of God song on Guitar Hero,pam! :D
Tpam is tha queen!
No tpam, I'm the queen. :P
Tpam's nick reminds me of the word Xantippe.
Tpam's nick does say she's the queen..
But, what's a Xantippe?
Tpam doesn't know what a Xanthippe is. It's something like a very bitchy moody woman.
Oooh.. I hope tpam isn't one of those.
Tpam is Finnish.
Tpam is juicy.. :P
tpam shared conan with me,and I love it!
tpam is lying shes too hardcore to love anything
tpam doesn't know me
tpam THINKS i dont know her..
tpam wants to be on the 13 floor again
tpam should watch grey's anatomy,his favorite band is on! TVOTR!!!!
i hate both tvotr and greys
you should watch aces of cakes, aaron lewis is cooking cakes
that is a freakin awesome show,tpam is gonna buy me one of those cakes.
hell yeah imagine the NIN symbol
have a good day tomorrow pam,i'm goin to bed.
imma have an awesome day tomorrow
be safe in gelatinburg, dont do nothing i wouldnt do
tpam has karma 111
i just gave tpam karma for his sig...still lovin it.
Tpam is el coolio in my book
Tpam is an alki
Tpam is right.. Fuck, he is right
TPAM is my speshul friend.. :)
what about moi?
mrs penny lane?
your new av is quite nice tpam... I think I like it !
I agree with tpam.
Tpam is probably the coolest person i ever met on the interweb.
tpam is one of the few who still rep def threats
tpam is online
tpam hates mosquitos but loves the symphony under the stars
tpam doesn't eat pork,but likes bacon and pork chops? ? ? ?
tpam has a new myspace layout
tpam loves Jared Leto
tpam is too cool for school
TPAM likes the Devo song WHIPPIT!!
i'm so gonna get one
tpam likes WHIPcream?
i fucking love whip cream
does tpam have any chargers?
TPAM needs to get balloons with those 8)
tpam is my man... Too bad he doesn't give as many news as he used to in SL...
tpatpam should know that you get damn thrid degree burns from those balloons! GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!
tpam misses tpah's news.
TPAM and I haven't spoken inna while. I miss TPAM. :'(
It's OK tpam, I'm here... :)
Going to bed though... :-\ But we'll talk again tpam, don't worry !
I miss tpatpam aswell. :(
G'night pam
We should talk soon TPAM. So much to catch up on!
tpam is very correct...maybe tomorrow???
What does TPATPATPATPAM mean by not giving much news these days? And how's TPATPATPATPAM? 8)
TPAM got burns? Wow. Never had that.
look at the picture i posted, that canister eliminates the use of balloons, you just charge it with 3 or 4 chargers and thats it.. tpam, you ever seen those?
If I've ever seen those things from the picture? Yes indeed, just not with the tip where the whipcream would come put of, that white thing. The one I saw was without that, balloon on it, 2 chargers in it and breath in and breath out 8)
But maybe there are differebt kinds?
tpam really loves Will Haven
tpam loves lesbians
not true. i like good pictures ;D
I like tpam's sig
tpam is a fan of at the drive in
has a pretty smile
TPAM Likes bjork
tpam likes deftones
BRB my show is on ill be back in hour
tpam loves the fat ones...
TPAM is a French Ninja!
how does tpam know about my hidden ninja skillz ?
Tpam has underestimated me... ;)
I still need tangible proofs to believe you tpam... ;)
TPAM is completely non sexual. ;)
tpam knows... ;)
TPAM has wavy hair
tpam is mistaken...
Tpam your hair is wavy/curly!
shush tpam, you don't know ! :)
Tpam is a cool nigga
tpam is 101 years old
tpam likes mexican music
tpam is from mexico?
Tpam has a great sig.
I could talk to tpam in two different languages.
Quote from: rxqueen on Aug 12, 2007, 08:06 PM
I could talk to tpam in two different languages.
TPAM is a great writer!
Tpam is hot with her new hair
TPAM didnt seem to like it at first.
Tpam is right
TPAM has changed his mind?
TPAM digs Hate Crew Deathroll ;)
Tpam is absolutely right and doesn't like the song in question
TPAM knows that I like a lil less heavy. \m/
Tpam hates it when I just say ok
tpam has a great sig
tpam likes house music
tpam looks nice
tpam is very kind
TPAM is new to me...who is TPAM? :)
good question.....I am relatively new to the board, and am trying to get to know everyone....you can call me Jacqueline.
Tpam seems curious..
tpam flipped me off. (http://boards.deftones.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_frown.gif)
tpam wanted me to....:)
tpam likes when i tell him things
TPAM has no pictures of my feet.
so you think.
tpam doesn't understand the game... not
Tpam does
tpam is mysterious
TPAM is right, I am curious about this fairly new member of the board :)
Welcome to the board TPAM, hope you like it here.
Hey TPAM. Swa is my best friend in real life.
TPAM works in radio.. and is very photogenic!!!
tpam is helpful
TPAM is sweet.... and never on to chat anymore!
Tpam makes an incredible spaghetti.......mmmmmmmm
tpam is White Pwny's best friend
Tpam is very wise you are
tpam has a cool photo in her av
TPAM is cool~
Tpam is a great friend , wonderful listener, and loves to rock out at concerts....:)
Tpam is a friend of cynner. :)
Tpam seems pretty cool, and wise.
tpam is from the usa
tpam is creative
tpam loves sodomy
tpam is mistaken
tpam is trying to hide her secrets... ;)
tpam likes south park?
tpam is right
TPAM knows that I know his secrets..... :P
Tpam played cards with me tonight
TPAM and I kicked ass in Spades! Them poor online fools!
tpam and me= 2 card sharks
Tpam is nice
TPAM is my sweetheart!
I like tpam, she's honest.
TPAM is beautiful!
TPAM is right... but only on Saturdays.
A lot of people would like to be in my position now, having tpam above them. ;)
Tpam isn't completely wrong
TPAM and TPAH made me just :o
I bet tpam just blushed. ^^
TPAM is absolutely correct. I did. =o)
tpam comes from Illinois
Tpam likes TMV
tpam is right
tpam has a weird av/sig combo...
tpam will be saved by jesus
hallelujah tpam... :)
nah tpam...
Tpam likes Pink Floyd
(hehehe, I just started to like them ;) )
tapm seems to be nice
tpa yoda is very nice.....
tpam seems nice as well
tpam lives near chciago
yeah....not close enough
tpam likes geometry???
I used to back in the school years :)
tpam is white_pwns' best friend
yes, yes that has been established. she's a great friend
i do not know tpam's real name
Ziemowit is my name.
I don't know tpam's name either.
my name is Jacqueline, some call me Jackie, my nickname is Jackson
Tpam has a very dynamic name
I call TPAM Jackson
I just realised I don't know tpam's real name as well! *feels embarassed and stupid*
TPAM you can call me Cyn.
Tpam loves CHINO
Tpam is incorrect. I am obsessed with Chino! :-*
tpam uploaded some pics on myspace
TPAM don't have myspace. >:(
tpam is angry at me
TPAM thinks I'm a 3/10. :-\
tpam is wrong and she knows it :D
Tpam is year older than me
TPAM is much younger than I am. :(
Tpam is older than I am
I am older than everyone on this board TPAM :-\
Tpam is prettier than me
TPAM is wrong.
Tpam is a much stronger person than me
I bench press way more than TPAM. ;D
true, Tpam, but i was speaking of emotionally.....I am aware you could kick my ass........;)
the person above me doesnt want an ass whoopin
tpam thinks marijuana is fun
TPAM, it is fun! 8)
tpam, I know
TPAM is interested in fascinating things.
is tpam on-line?
Yep. Tpam.. I am.
tpam is a great person to talk to, and is very helpful! :D
TPAM, you don't really need my help. You got it on your own.. But I don't mind still reading !
TPAM makes me feel shy...
I like tpam. he's a nice guy
thank you tpam.
tpam is online
Tpam posts here often
tpam is elite
tpam is always getting applauded by me
tpam keeps my karma not going down :)
i try tpam, as i do with all of my friends
tpam has just become my friend :)
awww thanks tpam, so sweet
tpam has a nice av
thank you tpam....your av needs a haircut. lol
hahaha, I need a haircut too :)
tpam has no sig picture
i havent found the right one yet....
tpam "feels like more"
tpam is correct
TPAM and I need a vacation!
lets go right now dude. im going im my jammies. you drive.........i dont care where just F A R !!!!!!!
tpam goes with tpatpam on vacation
yes, we love it
tpam loves to travel(?)
tpam is right, i love to get away
tpam has 340 posts
tpam has 3163 posts!
I told everything I know about tpam :)
hahahah tpam
Tpam laughed
TPAM don't like to laugh... or smile. :P
is pretty
TPAM is too sweet! ;)
haha how much rain have u gotten?
TPAM... LOTS! :-\
yeah lots here too
its going to get better next week.
tpam loves the greasy ones...
TPAM prefers Ninja's
tpam is still up ?
yep TPAM its just 12:20 am. Early yet.
oh nice... I'm very hangovered tpam... What should I do ?
I only know of one remedy for hangover... drink more TPAM! ;)
that's gonna happen tonight for sure, but what should I do until then was more my question tpam...
hmmm tpam... my recommendation is...
1. sleep
2. have sex. :)
Well, I guess I'm gonna go for #1, unless you teleport yourself here tpam...
Frick! My teleport machine is broken, TPAM! :-\
OK, nap time for me then tpam...
(Well, I'll try at least...)
Sleep well Tpam.. you need it!
I'm too dead for that, but I'll try tpam... thanks, and talk to you later
tpam is going to sleep. ;D
it's 2.39 in tpam's country
Tpam is one of the few keeping this board alive
yeah, I should be given an award for that ;)
tpam seems to have a good taste of humour
Tpam likes to be hidden
tpam likes to be seen
Tpam isn't showing his MSN or MySpace
because he doesn't have them
tpam is part of myspace community
Tpam should have them
tpatpam doesn't have time for myspace
tpam as more karma than me :)
Tpam should have more karma
tpam seems to be offline
it's not true tpam
tpam posts a lot in word thread and describe tpam thread
Tpam prolly means word association thread
yes, I'm lazy to write the whole name
tpam is a man(?)
Tpam is a man like me
tpam has 6 people in his sig
Tpam can count
I hope tpam can count too ;)
Tpam... tpay is a Real OG
Tpam is a Gangsta bizzle
tpam is drunk
Tpam will be soon
TPAM is drunk on a Saturday night? NOoooooo...
Tpam is on?, Nooooooo
TPAM is right! I am on! Yessssssss.
Tpam is still teh OG bizzle
I dig tpam
I've been posting with tpam here yesterday
tpam is waiting for the same thing i am waiting for
tpam is from russia
tpam is lightheaded?
tpam has nice hair
tpam likes to complement :)
tpam is right; tpam has just woken up ;)
tpam is very intelligent
tpam has a nice sense of humour ^^ ;)
tpam doen't know I am sensitive
I know something new about tpam :)
i tell tpam somethin new everyday
tpam is a very sensitive person
i keep working on tpam's karma, but others are trying to hold me down ;)
hahaha, thank you
I always give tpam +karma
tpam is cool
tpam is one of the best people here
tpam is as well
its around a quarter past 9 in tpam's country
tpam must be psychic ;)
tpam is right ;)
tpam should read my tarot cards...lol
tpam will have a bright future :)
sounds good tpam, you will too
I hope so tpam, I hope so
tpam and tpatpam have occupied this thread so there's no place for me here
tpam is right... no I'm just joking. tpam is a clown.
TPAM! Read my future!!! ;)
Tpam will travel far away and find true love
TPAM.. that sounds like a fairy tale.
Tpam already has BioShock
Tpam is/was drunk
tpatpam was drunk on friday, and had one drink on saturday.
tpam seems like he lives a million miles away
tpam lives 10000km from me
then TPAM and I prolly live that far away from eachother too!
tpam has recently changed her sig which I really like
tpam has a red X under his sig.
Quote from: White Pwny on Aug 27, 2007, 12:56 PM
tpam has a red X under his sig.
I don't know what does tpam mean *confused*
Well... tpam, there is the spinning sphereical cube... and then under it is a Red X.
RED X!? I don't fuckin' see it on my computer LOL
tpam SEES red Xes ;)
tpam, i don't see the red x either
tpam would be a nice person to meet in reality :)
why is that tpam?
just to talk. I prefer a talk in relaity tahn chat tpam.
yeah, i understand tpam. i get that a lot
Tpam seems to be online
TPAM is mean! ;)
Less than tpam
TPAM! I am not mean! I am very nice! :P
to tpam: Riiight...
TPAM loves Stamina and MInistry!
Tpam is quite right
TPAM is my friend.
good morning from the USA, tpam
good afternoon from Europe, tpam :)
Good afternoon to you two
good afternoon tpam
Tpam has a cold, like me..
Tpam needs some chicken noodle soup
Quote from: cyppe101 on Aug 28, 2007, 11:39 AM
shit man. I've just used a whole toilet paper to get the shit out of my nose.
tpam is knows how to get cold out of somebody.
I have a cold too TPAM... it sucks! :-\
damn is it a virus going through the wires or what?
tpam caught a cold like other people here
How long have you had yours? TPAM. I got mine on Thursday!! ugh. Hopefully it leaves me soon!
I got my on friday tpam :(
awww Tpam. I think we got it from SL. ...damn SL.
well we SHARE lungs. so we SHARE ilnesses. tpam haqs a nice av/sig combo (10/10 ;) )
TY tpam .. that is better than 3/10!
tpam gets a 10/10 from me as well
wrong thread tpams...
Awww Tpam... party pooper!
tpam has more posts then me
tpam posts a lot
tpam is a passenger
guess what tpam......passenger is my ALL TIME favorite from Deftones
it will be a special day for tpam tommorrow ;)
tpam IS psychic
tpam is a happy mother
tpam wants to be a daddy
tpam is right
tpam's karma is going up
... thanks to tpam :)
tpam is also part of the good karma committee
tpam has 3 kids
I just applauded tpam
i can't applaud tpam because it hasn't been 5 hours yet......;)
tpam looks hot in her av
thank you ...
tpam is very kind.
Tpam has a great av/sig combo
Tpam needs an av
woot woot! tpam has a SIG.
WoooooOOOooooT TPAM! I love bunnies! :D
tpam loves animals :)
tpam's av is adorable
tpam has her bday today ;D
Tpam is RIGHT!!!!! ;D
I wonder where did tpam get her sig pic from?
i "borrowed" the pic from some deftones fan's myspace pics..the original was in color and rotated upright, i cropped it, turned it, and changed its color to match my av
tpam did not describe tpatpam :P
sorry tpam, i'm a bit sleep deprived this morning
tpam loves mars volta!!!!!
It's TPAM's birthday today. And I love her. =o)
Sidenote.. I'm also sleep deprived and I'm taking a small nap.
oh, I know why tpam and tpatpam are sleepy today ;D
tpam, i told you that you were psychic!!!
well, I was born with it ;D tpam likes passenger song.
tpam was in a Led Zeppelin kind of mood today. Rock On!!!!!!!
I'm sttill in the mood ;D
tpam has a very interesting quote in her sig
I like to make people think and explore their brain..
I think tpam does as well.
which one tpam? :)
tpam likes non-colour pics
tpam likes vibrant pics
did tpam have fun yeterday?
ummm, i would rate the day as a B- (long story)
tpam is always fun to chat with
yes, it's always nice to talk to tpam
tpam makes my day better
nice to hear it tpam. tpam loves her children! :)
tpam is very sweet
tpam is sweet too
tpams should stop to lick their asses...
is it wrong to lick sb's ass tpam?
It absolutely is tpam... Even more when it's going on for pages and pages...
tpam think tpsatpam are stupid
that's what exactly what I said tpam.... But I'm not really fond of ass licking, that's all...
I just wanted to be nice tpam... ;(
Tpam wasn't kissing ass
tpam comes from finland
Tpam comes from..?
...Poland, tpam.
Tpam has a wide range in musical taste. Not too many listen to Gorgoroth here.
tpam has a good taste in heavy music :) and knows what is really good ;)
Tpam is right
tpam has a pipe in his sig
Tpam has a bunny in his av. Where's me Holy handgrenade? ;D
tpam comes from cold country
i like to talk with tpam, he is very genuine, and not an ass like some people
tpam is located in the United States
tpam is out,as am I!
tpam hasn't been here for a long time!
TPAM, my sleep apparatus is ready. ;)
Tpam is a mod now 8)
TPAM is Fro - K in my book!
tpatpam is gorgeous
tpam got stoned yesterday
tpam made love yesterday
tpa tried to make love yesterday
tpam is right,I took a break from the board...
but, tpam is back now!!!
Tpam is happy that Kelly is back.
tpam can rock out
tpam has a great av/sig combo
I haven't spoken to TPAM in a while!
tpam is very special to me
tpam's fav movie is the notebook....*squeeeee!!!*
tpam likes nin
tpam likes bunnies
Is tpam an INXS fan ?
don't fuck with jesus tpam
tpatpam is correct,love INXS.
tpam likes cadbury eggs??
EDIT: wrong thread :D
tpam is here much more often than sometime ago
tpam, I expect that some people will be back now... since their karma is gone....
tpam is right
tpam is such a nice person!
tpam is back to work :(
TPAM may be going away for the weekend and leaving me behind! :-[
tpam..........i would never leave you behind.... now i dont want to go.....:(
TPAM don't be silly. I want you to enjoy your anniversary!!
hey tpam, those 5 big blue stars go great with your av/sig............you new mod you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tpam had tooth problem yesterday
tpam had a good night last night ;)
I was at TPAM's house yesterday ... lookin at pictures and doing paperwork.
tpam broke her hand...
tpam... you may be right... possible 2 hairline fractures... :'( It sure fckin hurts today!!!
whoa! what happened tpam?
tpam's av is funny...
tpam's av is just a classic
Tam isnt on that much now......:(
tpam is right, and tpam has a great sense of humour! :D
aww thanks tpam...
tpam and I have funny conversations,
tpam loves her princess a lot
yes i do , all 3 of them!!!
tpam loves his love tremendously
tpam is right, and she has a wireless keyboard and mouse :D
tpam's mom knows what pulp fiction is about......
tpam is a milf.
oh snap!
the person above me.
and the person above the person above me.
are both holding back some truth
they arent touching there heads in their avatar. their hands are superglued to their head.. those pictures are pleas for help
pretty sure the motherfucker above me had to be high to think up some crazy sheeyat like that
Doesn't tpam love banana splits anymore ? And by banana splits, I mean tits and clits...
Quote from: tarkil on Sep 13, 2007, 04:10 AM
I mean tits and clits...
hes more into chicks with dicks
TPAM references tits and clits to banana splits
tpam has the geratest av in here
Tpam and I haven't had a good conversation in a while. :-\
same with tpam and I
I have never had a conversation with tpam
That's because I'm not an easy guy tpam... ;)
you are correct tpam. Deftones do make my day!!!! :D
Deftones makes tpam's day
Tpam is getting drunk as we speak!!!! 8)
i did not have time to toalk to tpam today :(
Tpam is mrs_swa's friend :)
tpam is mrs_swa's friend as well :)
the people above me have over 90% of the posts in this thread
TPAM's Sonny Bono comment makes me laugh EVERY single time. ;)
tpam is beautiful
tpam did not sleep well tonight
tpam had a rough night as well
tpam is sad today
tpam is very wise
tpam is very calm today
tpam, i have a lot of things in my system right now to keep me that way.......
tpam isn't that talkative today
tpam is a sweetheart! :)
I haven't talked to tpam for such a long time
TPAM is correct. It has been far too long!
when will tpam me online on msn?
Tpam is STILL keeping this fucking place alive
Tpam is more than me buddy.. I guess.. :(
Tpam appears to be sad. ??? Don't be sad TPAM
I get emo when I'm drunk, but tomorrow is gonna be great!.. tpam..
You know we will tpam.
maybe tpam.
also TPAM's inbox is full.
Thanks for the info tpam
tpam is a viking
TPAM, your bunny av makes me smile every day.
Tpam makes me happy
Tpam can make things esplode with her eyes
Tpam, that's just cos my front teeth are missing
TPAM is such a liar! ;)
Tpam is a Global Moderator
TPAM is anxiously awaiting Halo 3
I wish TPAM had AVP2. Id pwn his ass.
Tpam is silly
wow, tpam and tpatpam should just pull an all nighter
I recall TPAM and yoda runnin a long string of TPAM stuff.
tpam is such a great friend!!!!
I can't tell if TPAM is being sarcastic or not. I do love you TPAM.
I love you toooooo tpam
the next person who posts is tpbm
tpam is for losers
tpam should go hit the bong and realize how much fun it is, well....nevermind. ;)
TPAM, I cant wait to hit that bong again.
today is day 8 already!
tpam is handling the breakup quite well ;)
yeah TPAM, it's not too hard. I know we are getting back together. SOON I hope.
I finally beat TPAM on posts!
Ooooh.. It's on now TPAM!
Tpam has less posts than tpamh
Meh.. now that you are on TPAM.. that may change.
I hope tpam
TPAM is anticipating Halo 3
(Yes, 3 years of waiting to finish the fight is about to end)
Tpam isn't :(
TPAM.. i will play Halo 3.. Get LIVE and Ill play with ya!!!!
You're on biatch! I mean.. tpam
hahaha TPAM thinks im a biatch!
Tpam knows I don't
Tpam is a mami
TPAM is my bestest male buddy on here.
Well, wouldn't you know, tpam is my bestest female buddy on this board!
YAY! TPAM likes me!
Tpam is happy?
Yes. TPAM, I am as happy as I can be right now.
tpam is hottttttttttttt X 3
tpam and i should dance to house music.............lol
i want to dance too, tpam
tpam, you can have the first dance ;)
Tpam... while you two dance... Imma sit here and hold my head. :-\
who's head tpam???? hmmm
tpam has a great collection of photos.
Tpam listens to black metal
TPAM listens to heavy music as well.
tpatpam is right, tpam is right as well
Tpam is right about being right about tpatpah and tpah
tpam is excited about halo3
Tpam is right again!
I would be excited if tpam had AVP for PC
Tpam must have patience, lots of shit to buy
does tpamhas staind tee in av?
What will your next purchase be?
Hell no! tpam, STAM1NA (finnish metal band, greatly influenced by Strapping Young Lad)
tapm is a viking!
TPAM's sig is scary.
Tpam's av is lovely
TPAM is just being kind.
Tpam is just being modest
Are you messy TPAM?
tpam is one of the nicest people here...
Tpam ruined my answer :D
i know tpam, sorry :(
Don't be sorry TPAM... Its ok. Im sure TPAY will be TPAM again soon. =p)
I like this >> =p) sign tpam
I have a big nose like that tpam!
no tpam
TPAM.. why such a cute AV.. and such a scary SIG?
I like contrasts, tpam. I'm cute in everyday life but beast in bed.
oh. I wasn't expecting that answer TPAM.
why tpam?
Do you like Beastie Boys song ... SABOTAGE?
Strike 2! tpam
What happens on Strike 3 TPAM?
You're out tpam
hmmm TPAM.. I don't know whether that is good or not.
Tpam posted a fucked up msg on my myspace
I did tpam? hahah I dont recall.
EDIT: I just saw it. I figured you would get it! Why fucked up?
Tpam is using her mod skillz
Yeah.. and not on purpose either! You getting sleepy TPAM?
Tpam is asking questions in the describe the person above you thread
What can I say.... IM unique TPAM.
Tpam is right actually..
TPAM is right handed.
Tpam is a lefty
and yannow what that means tpam... I'm teh shit! ;)
Tpam is being silly again
I prefer being silly than serious TPAM.
I've noticed TPAM.
Silly is fun tpam
Yes... tpam
tpam is ready for halo 3
tpam listens to shiity music
tpam is one to talk...
tpam likes NIN.......
TPAM got me drunk last night. :D
tpam, it is the least that i could do, since you and green guy broke up!! 8)
Yeah TPAM.. I still love that green guy too. MIss him lots and lots.
tpam needs to get some grrrrrren guy
Tpam... the day I know I got that job. Green guy is MINE all MINEEE... *evil laugh*
tpam helps other people
TPAM is a good person too. =o)
tpam, feel like pics tonight????
I dunno TPAM.... perhaps. I really look and feel like crap. Fuckin alcohol.
im just looking for something to do, josh is going to be playing bioshock, and the twins are going to my parents' tpam
You can come over TPAM. Maybe after I shower I'll feel better and maybe pics would be fun.
Haven't spoken to TPAM in quite awhile. And when we were both online, I was busy, and then TPAM was gone :(
I miss talkin to ya TPAM.... We need to schedule a time! =o)
Haha we should :)
Oops. TPAM forgat to use the word TPAM.
Tpam is/was fucked up
TPAM is/was prolly fucked up this weekend. As was I. :)
Tpam is so beautiful it hurts
Awww TPAM! That was very sweet. =o)
Tpams pics in her thread are nice
haha tpam. TYVM. T ROck is over and we are doin pics again tonight. Should be alot of fun.
Tpam WILL share em
Of course I will Tpam. Yannow this!
Tpam is generous
So is TPAM. Not to mention a good friend!
how's green friend tpam?
It's going ok. Tomorrow makes 2 weeks already, TPAM!!!
i used to think tpam is 3/10 ;)
Tpam is 9/10 at least, damn it
Tpam is pretty fucking cool
TPAM is pretty fucking cool as well. ;)
tpam must be mistaken
Tpam IS pretty fucking cool
TPAM and TPAH are both cool. And I would know! TYVM
BTW, Tpam, others have concurred, you ARE SEXAY!!!!!!!!
then I concur that you and the others are crazay., TPAM =o)
well, tpam, i can't deny it ;)
Neither can I tpam ;)
so, tpams......we'll go to the loony bin together, and not give a fuck???
Why not?! tpam :D
count me in tpam, but it has to be a "celebrity retreat" i mean, loony bin...lmao
I have no idea what TPAM's are talkin about.
;) tpam
tpam has a new av
i have missed tpam
TPAM has missed TPAH who hasnt been around alot.
i spent some time with tpam today . we had breakfast :)
tpam and tpatpam are lovely
awwww tpam is so sweet
Tpam is happy now, that Yoda is "back"
i am very happy that tpam is back as well ;)
Tpam, I really wasn't away tho..
i know this tpam, but in a way, you were........
I don't know tpam.
TPAM and I barely talked today. And I am so excited about the Blue October CD"s!!!! The 2nd disc.. LIVE is fantastic!
tpam i woke up at 230 when josh came home
Awesome TPAM.. then ya got some rest. I was up early.. and will prolly go to bed early as well.
good people
TY TPAM.. you are too.
tpam has a new av!
TPAM has the same cute bunny av. =o)
tpam's this board's legend
tpam made me lol
tpam has return.
Tpam made me lol.
TPAM is cool 8)
Tpam is also cool, non-cool ppl on this board are few to name
TPAM is in love with Halo 3
Tpam wouldn't know how much
lol.. oh TPAM... I do know how much.
tpam is a mod... news to me, cool :D
tpam's sig 10/10
tpam was away from the board yesterday
tpam used to have a cool cedric avatar
I don't really know TPAM that well at all...
I know tpam well
tpam is playing halo 3, ive never...
tpam hasn't been here for a long time
TPAM´s a buuuhhhhnyyyy :D
tpam is bald(?)
TPAM is correct.
Especially today since I've just shaved it.
hahaha, I cut my hair yetserday tpam, so my long wigs are gone
I haven't cut my hair in over 2 years, tpam..
haha, I had them not cut that long too. I think it was even longer tpam.
Tpam, long hair for the win!
yeah, but not when you have to wash them. half an hour taken out of life tpam.
I know exactly what tpam is talking about
haven't talked to tpam in a long time
tpam is nice.... how are you?
tpam is back! I'm ok,and yourself Rich??
I just talked to TPAM the other night. =o)
youre not giving up.
Pretty good (devil), I'm trying to reconnect myself to things... hows the little one?
Tpam have had that same sig for a long time
TPAM just got that sig.
Yes, tpam.. The Last Sucker will be playing in my house tomorrow
haha... nice name of CD, TPAM. Have you heard any of the cd yet?
Well it's their last one so.. The Last Sucker! I've heard a couple of songs, tpam
TPAM has heard some of Ministry's new cd. Question is.. do you love it?
Haven't heard the whole thing yet TPAM, but I know it won't disappoint. Burt from Fear Factory sings on a couple of songs.
TPAM likes Fear Factory
TPAM is great at Wii bowling. PLUS, she is my buddy, and a great person to know
TPAM is a ray of sunshine! She is fun loving.. and likes to see others laughing and having fun with her. =o)
Tpam and tpah are very attractive
TPAM lies.... alot. ;)
Tpam is lying right now
TPAM likes the name of the band I wanna create....
Tpam, it's OUR band
OOOOOH YEAhHH!!! Well... Anyway... you like the name I created, tpam! And Im lead singer... ???
tpam is the queen of the board!
TPAM has cut his hair?!? Post pic! I wanna see!! :)
hahaha! heya, that's true tpam. as soon as I get my camera repaired I post it :)
OK, tpam .. Im holding you to it. =o)
Tpam is indeed the queen of this board.
tpam has a crazy sig
tpams bunny makes me laugh
tpam's sig makes me wanna make love
i just saw tpams karma and it made me laugh
tpam loooooooves teh hockey!!
Quote from: Corleone on Oct 04, 2007, 07:46 PM
i just saw tpams karma and it made me laugh
tpam has horns and a long tail
TPAM has short hair!!!!
*hugs TPAM*
*hugs TPAM back* :)
*hugs tpam*
Peace and love?
yup tpam
tpam's bunny is so cute !
is my omar cute too, tpam?
it is very artistic tpam
tpam is wearing cool sunglasses on her av.
I was always wondering whose album is in tpam's sig, cause it's great!
Is the album OUR FAITH by H.R. on his solo stuff (Bad Brains singer).
tpam seems cool.
TPAm enjoys the mystery.
tpam is my american sister
TPAM is my Polish Brother. ;)
tpam loves her children
TPAM Loves his girlfriend.
tpam is the queen of darkness (av). awesome shot!
TY tpam.. yer a doll.
has deftones in there sig
TPAM likes large boobas!
tpam is cool
tpam has two gold stars
tpam has 777's style picture in his signature
hahahaha, well, tpam is right
tpam still likes his karma points
tpam has 100 posts
tpam is hella gay.
am I, tpam? :( that actually made me sad even more than I feel atm.
naaw, tpam should know I'm just kidding.
sorry tpam, not my day today. tpam is unquestionable king of posts on the board.
tpam will do great things
tpam is a mrs
TPAM is a watcher. :)
tpam is cutee
TPAM likes Sarah Silverman
tpam doesnt sag
I'm not quite sure what TPAM means by that?! :) ???
tpam has hot hair cutt
tpam likes going to clubs??
tpam wants to get howney with bebo
i do not know tpam
tpam has nothin to do on a friday night
tpam is correct....even my husband doesnt want to spend time with me
tpam got pwned
thanks tpam...earning mega points
tpam has to get out and have some fun with her buddys
tpam likes hitting on people from the board
Quote from: goldpony on Oct 12, 2007, 10:45 PM
tpam likes hitting on people from the board
tpam doesn't know me
tpam is right. i like breaking balls
i dont know tpam either
tpeopleam make it seem like this is a problem
no,. tpam. no problem, i was just stating that i dont know you that well to describe you is all
tpam can describe me any way she wants. knowing is for suckers
tpam seems young
tpam is not correct 28
awesome tpam, so am i
tpam and me should start the almost 30 club :D
Tpam is new, but still oldskool
thanks tpam
tpam likes ministry too
Tpam wants to have an almost 30's club. :-[ I'm founder of the over 30's club.
tpam had a date with her hubby
I hope TPAM had fun last night. My night was rather bland.... food was good.. but then came home and went to sleep. YAY!
TPAM is a strong woman and knows how to ROCK OUT at concert... awesome time...
tpam is one of my bestest friends
t3pam are hoarding this thread...
tpam, other people can choose to post on here as well
tpam is my friend
TPAM IS someone special!
i don't feel that way tpam :(
Tpam, you seem sad! Chin up! You are a great guy. =o)
tpam is founder of the over 30 club
tpam likes N I N
Tpam is offline
tpam is observant
I don't really know TPAM.. so I can't describe him well.
Tpam stole my reply
TPAM is funny.
like i told your cohort mrs_swa, you can describe me anyway you want. thats part of the fun, who cares if its right or wrong. but for some basic info:
male. 28. family. mary jane. awesome.
Tpam likes to toke. TPAM also has a family. TPAM and I have things in common.
tpam, also sounds like we share awesome too
TPAM is correct. I am awesome. ;)
tpam likes her deftees
tpam is the gold pony
i hope tpam gets some tonight :)
tpam is a goldpony
tpam likes to watch
tpam, I did get some!!!!
i like tpam, he's cool
Tpam got some.
tpam and tpatpam are great!
tpam is great too
Tpplam are great
tpam is also great
tpam and tpatpam and tpatpatam are great :D
all tpam are great
tpam, you are great too!
Tpam lives right by me!
tpam lives to the west of me
TPAM lives to the East of me?
Tpam lives helluva long away from me
TPAM lives very far from me too >:(
i love tpam, she's my friend
Tpam and tpatpam saw blue october with me and they both drove through Chicago and they are my buddies.
TPAM and TPAH are both my great friends and I love them both.
tpam sure loves her girls, hopefully in ways other than platonic ;)
TPAM should not dream so much.
tpam is shooting me down
Yeah.. tpam.. I must.
tpam i understand, maybe we can be reincarnated as snails and leave slime trails together :D
TPAM wants to leave slime trails with me..
in a strictly platonic sense of course, tpam ;)
Of course TPAM.
tpam is cold right now
TPAM is at work... ;)
stop rubbing it tpam
haha.. Tpam.. no one has ever asked me to stop rubbing it. ;)
i meant to add "in", tpam.
tpam must be good at rubbing
Ya got that right TPAM.
tpam is a super cool neato chick
TPAM is new to the board.. but seems pretty cool.
can tpam believe i have 200 posts already? i've been here like a week
I can believe it TPAM.. im addicted too.
i think tpam and i are the only ones on the board right now. its unusually quiet for this time of day
tpam's avatar is weird
tpam's av looks... happy??
does tpam know the new TMV song appeared?
umm, no tpam i did not know
Quote from: DefGuy on Oct 18, 2007, 03:45 AM
tpam's avatar is weird
there is nothing weird about king buzzo other than the fact that he's king buzzo
Quote from: yoda on mars on Oct 16, 2007, 08:42 AM
tpam and tpatpam are great!
Quote from: mrs_swa on Oct 16, 2007, 11:45 AM
tpam is great too
Quote from: cyppe101 on Oct 16, 2007, 01:24 PM
Tpplam are great
Quote from: mrs_swa on Oct 16, 2007, 02:46 PM
tpam is also great
Quote from: mrs_swa on Oct 17, 2007, 08:20 PM
i love tpam, she's my friend
Quote from: White Pwny on Oct 17, 2007, 09:12 PM
TPAM and TPAH are both my great friends and I love them both.
That is the biggest circlejerking i have ever seen in life and on enet.
drink up.
to the person thats gonna be below me blow me.
Quote from: Marlon Brando on Oct 18, 2007, 06:57 PM
Quote from: yoda on mars on Oct 16, 2007, 08:42 AM
tpam and tpatpam are great!
Quote from: mrs_swa on Oct 16, 2007, 11:45 AM
tpam is great too
Quote from: cyppe101 on Oct 16, 2007, 01:24 PM
Tpplam are great
Quote from: mrs_swa on Oct 16, 2007, 02:46 PM
tpam is also great
Quote from: mrs_swa on Oct 17, 2007, 08:20 PM
i love tpam, she's my friend
Quote from: White Pwny on Oct 17, 2007, 09:12 PM
TPAM and TPAH are both my great friends and I love them both.
That is the biggest circlejerking i have ever seen in life and on enet.
drink up.
to the person thats gonna be below me blow me.
tpam is funny
tpam is sad when she read my sig
tpam will fix that this weekend, right? ;)
tpam is right
its a baby
tpam is cool
tpam is special
I haven't spoken to TPAM for a while.
:( I know tpam. I miss talks with ya.
tpam thinks he is a loser and that saddens me :(
Tpam is special.. and so is tpah!
tpam and tpatpam are from Illinois
tpam is from a town that ryhmes with fuck.....
ha-ha-ha tpam... :P
Tpam's karma is 34877
tpam lives on the right side of the atlantic. is the new ministry any good?
I dunno.. but if TPaTPAm likes them.. they must be.
tpam shoul dlisten to ministry
tpam has the SL posting bug
tpam has almost 1000 posts
tpam eats bunnies for breakfast
*yummy* (eats bunnie)
tpam loves jesus
i knew YOU would be the one to notice, tpam :)
Quote from: mrs_swa on Oct 19, 2007, 05:29 AM
tpam has the SL posting bug
tpam is right, i love soliciting unsolicited opinions :)
TPAM is opinionated
tpam is tappable like a fingew dwum lawl
Tpam likes Rudolph.
tpam likes rudolphs red nose
TPAM is right.. its sooo cute!!
tpam is my very best friend
tpam and tpah are best friends
Tpam either.... Likes Napoleon Dynamite or.. he can throw a football really far. =o)
tpam, both?
Tpam is teh coolest new member in a while
tpam is awesome too
I appreciate tpam's comment
does tpam like melvins
For tpam's information, never really gotten into them
too bad, but thats okay. tpam is still cool
Thank you tpam, youre in my cool noob book :P
listen to the lock
Gridlocked? tpam
i think the tpatpam is drunk off that yak
Tpam should know I'm drunk as fuck right now
is everyone fucked up? lets party tpeopleam
I'm down tptptptptapapapamamammaaapptptppammamamamae
Pussy and nipples
tpam likes pussy and nipples?
TPAM is a female and therefore has both of them things.
HIGHHHH tpam, i just got home from your house and found my husband passed out so now i am all alone :(
Awww Tpam. Im afraid I wasnt much more fun. You passed out here! :)
i know tpam, but I havent had stuff like that in a long f''n time :D
Prolly be about a week before we can get it again, Tpam :-\
thats ok tpam, it was fun while it lasted !
tpam got fucked up the tpah
off chronic?
TPAM is correct. Chronic indeed.
what strain?
good herb?
or brick dirt mexican?
tpam likes marlon brando
tpam really needs to change his sig.
i told tpatpam the same thing already today, its not funny anymore YODA!! :(
ma and tpam should think of a new sig for yoda. how about "change my sig iwas told to do"
sounds great tpam, but he is stubborn :)
we should mount a SL campaign to get yoda to change his sig ;D
well, tpam, that was a short campaign, it has been changed....
nah, stay with the campaign tpam and tpatpam! it ill be fun! :D
okay tpam
TPAM seems like a pretty fuckin cool dude! ;)
right back atcha tpam
ok tpam we need to have a meeting about yoda's sig...just let me know a date and time haha
july 24 2012, 1100 am at my house :)
bring the booze tpam
lmao tpam, i will mark that down on my calendar.....something tells me that in that amount of time yoda will have already changed his sig ;)
perhaps everytime we see him online we should harass him about his sig, even if he changes it to something cool. ya wit me tpam
mm, i would never "harass" yoda, he is a great friend of mine, but i will say some things here and there about it tpam, lol
cool tpam, maybe we should start a thread jk
tpam, when i talk to him i will ask... a thread on it could go either way, ya know??
i know tpam, it will probably degenerate into a thread on piihb haha
tpam, what is piihb?
Tpam Is coming over today
i love the way tpam cuts my hair!!
I love the way TPAM colors hair.
tpam has incredulous makeup skills
TPAM passed out with me
yes tpam...i dont know what's wrong with me
TPAm, piihb is... Put it in her butt. ;)
ahhh thank you the all knowing tpam
tpam is my true friend and advisor
TPAM has been a good buddy. I havent spoken to him in awhile..
tpatpam needs to change his sig :) jk
tpatpam is my greta friend too!!! I love Illinois people ;)
tpam is new here.
TPAM is NOT new here.
tpam has again more posts than me.
The Person above me is great.
Great Sig too.
Just Great.
tpam likes marlon brando
TPAM is in a group with me.
used to be cool
the cool kids group, right tpam ;) not ths league of dorks or anyhting
confuses the hell out of me
sorry tpam it was for tpay
i am tpam's advisor?? yay!!
TPAM get her haircut??
i wish i could see tpatpam's haircut
tpam i will post a pic either tonight or definitly tomorrow morning!!
Get a Flatop.
get a clue tpam
lol tpam. that made me laugh.
me too tpam
I dont get it.
Was it supposed to be funny?
Quote from: Marlon Brando on Oct 22, 2007, 08:32 PM
I dont get it.
Was it supposed to be funny?
how did tpam knew THANKS! (Jenquie) ???
tpam is yoda on mars
tpam is goldpony
tpam is cool
TPAM likes The Melvin's.
tpam should too
TPAM should know I have only one space reserved.. for Deftones. =o)
i didn't say you have to love them tpam, just exalt in their awesomeness
Maybe tonight TPAM I'll look into them. Right now too many distractions.
ok tpam, just remember to have an open mind
duz anyone know wot rhymes with orange?
im a funky lyricist. im sure some of u old school members remember the skitle album. hahaha
oh yeah. the person above me doesnt know the rules of the thread
tpam is stoned... but that's why we like him... :)
Quote from: Fireal1222 on Oct 23, 2007, 03:59 AM
im a funky lyricist. im sure some of u old school members remember the skitle album. hahaha
oh yeah. the person above me doesnt know the rules of the thread
.....mind explaining them 2 me?
the person above me needs to read the name of the thread
.....you murdered a carrot
it was SELF DEFENSE. why is that so hard for people to understand
TPAM just wont seem to let go of the past. we cant change what happened. so move on
tpam shouldn't speak to idiots...
What if it's contagious ?
me iz a idiot :D
and your jesus
tpam is an idiot
tpam is right.... very right
tpam knows who wiped out the dinosaurs
tpam is good at pushing buttons
tpam already haves 513 posts in less than 3 weeks....
I guess tpam should get a life !!
tpam should know i have a lot of time to kill at work :)
besides, you wouldn't want to talk to all the cool kids here on SL
Hmmm, tpam is lucky to have lots of time to procrastinate at work... I wish it was still my case.... * sigh *
well tpam some days are busier than others, what does tpam do?
tpam you can come to my house and procrastinate with me....lol
anytime tpam :)
I say we have a procrastination party, TPAM's
hi TPAM!!!!!!!!!!!
hi TPAM. Thanks for the chill session last night. And for the present. I was just having the best dream ever. Why Oh Why did Sara have to somewhat be on time today?!
it was my pleasure tpam.. she was somewhat on time?? lol
tpams are here again... damn ! Stop hoarding this thread damnit !
You're here to share, and if not some pics of your lungs, at least some threads !
And you know what I mean by lungs !
tpam, would you like a Valium to chill the fuck out??
tpam talks too much... And she doesn't know about what...
tpam, if you feel this thread is being hoarded, why dont you post more on it, or anyone else for that matter?? and by the way i am not the only one posting a lot on here....
TPAM is gonna rock out at the chevelle concert.
Tpam is from chi town
TPAM is wrong. We are from 2 hours south of Chi Town, Eh Hole. ;)
Tpam is from Streator, Illinois
Tpa Tpam doesnt know that I am bad at remembering states ;)
TPATPAM is correct in City and State. Smarty Pants.
TPAM don't know.. cuz hes from Canaduh ;) hehehe.. jus playin.
Tpam is the smarty pants
TPAM is my Finnish buddy.
Tpam is my smarty pants buddy from US
tpam and tpatpam are having some sort of internet love thing :P
TPAM is mistaken. TPATPAM and I are buddies! Silly Canadian boy.
Tpam doesn't know that I am no Boy. I am MAN.
Yes, yes TPAM. I am sorry. MAN. TPAM is a man. ;)
they have men in cananda, tpam? :)
He's a lumberjack and he's ok,
he sleeps all night and he works all day
he wears womens clothes
and has high heels
he wishes he was a girly just like his dear mama
Tpam is a python fan?
i have a parrot i would like to sell you tpam
I hope it's alive tpam
A dead parrot would be no fun, TPAM.
a dead parrot is the fun tpam
TPAM has corrected me, and I am confused. :-\
Tpam doesn't know Monty Python skits very well
TPAM is right... TPAM also lives in the land of hotness.
tpam should watch more python
i thought tpam was the land of hotness
tpam.. I am the land of hotness?! Why was I not told?! ;)
i just assumed you knew tpam, but you know what they say when you assume... :)
tpam is making an ass of himself :P
TPAM plays Halo 3. :)
Andddd. has the Seriously achievement on GoW.
tpam plays orange box, and hopefully with orange box ;)
tpam has weird av
tpam, i've said it before: theres nothing weird about king buzzo other than the fact hes king buzzo
wow, tpam is amercian and knows slang. I have no fuckin' idea what tpam is talking about.
exactly tpam :) i know all kinds of slang, you could call me a slang banger ;D
TPAM is a slang banger. ;)
I just saw TPAM and she tried so cover my eyes from behind , but I knew it was her cuz of her soft hands and rings
TPAM is a super sweetheart!
awwww to the TPAM....tpam is a MEGA sweetheart
I don't know tpam.
Dont really know TPAM that well either... or at all for that matter.... But any friend of tpa tpa tpam is a friend of mine... too many TPA's...so if i screwed it up i meant cyn
hahaha, ok. so tpam is cyn's friend?
tpam lives in poland
tpam is cool
i like tpams sig
TPAM, I like that ass better than most you post. =o)
tpam likes tpah ass
tpam sells guns to children while naked :'(
wanna buy a gun tpam
tpam makes me laugh
i like making tpam laugh
tpam should get the most amount of posts in the shortest amount of time award...the MAOPITSAOT AWARD.
what can i say tpam, i have a lot of things working in my favor right now to enable this
i would like to thank the academy, the voters, my family, my agent, the people who have supported me throughout the years *tears of joy*
you're so gracious tpam
goodnight tpplam zzzzzzzz
tpam is cool nigga
tpam likes big booty
tpam has hdtv
lol tpam has a good memory
tpam likes to watch old people have sex on hdtv ;D
no tpam, ewww
tpam is sexy
tpam's sig is sexy
tpam and tpah are sexy
tpam needs a haircut??
tpam IS sexy
tpam I absolutely love your new sig, it is beautiful, and I want a poster of it for the girls' room....
Quote from: mrs_swa on Oct 25, 2007, 06:04 PM
tpam needs a haircut??
i'm growing it out tpam, its in that awkward stage
ok tpam, you'll pass.....dont ya love that growing out stage???
tpam has reached more than 1000 posts!
tpam could hit 4000 very very soon
tpam likes b. spears' song
TPAM likes bunnies.
tpam likes stuffed bread
Tpam has some green goodness.
tpam could too if she came and got some
TPAM is offering... and I may have to take her up on it.
come on down tpam!!! you are the next contestant on the green is right!!!
tpam likes Jellyfishes :)
tpam has 8 posts left!!
tpatpam called me a noob
i call tpam cool now!!
TPATPAM is a post whore. :)
TPAM is my friend.
lol iat first glance i thought tpam was calling me the whore ;D
i'm whoreliscious tpam
TPAM is into hypnosis.
not really, tpam. its just that most women become hypnotized by the sight of me. i thought i went over this already ;D
Ohhhhh... my bad, TPAM.
tpam needs to come over
both tpams are smokin haha
youre smokin too tpam, light it up
tpam is my twin sister
tpam is twins with tpah
so we tpam's are triplets??
sure tpam :) :) :)
Count me outta the triplet's TPAM's. =o)
why tpam??? you can be our quad
I hope tpam isn't sad anymore
thank you tpam, im workin on being happy :)
tpam got coffee from me
i hope tpam gets me some
TPAM wants some! ;)
tpam you didnt want any coffee?
Ok.. Ill take some TPAM
tpam, the only kind I have is green... ???
i like green tpam
come on over tpam lol
I think TPAM is super Uber cool.
Tpam super duper uber ihlbgsjnger cool
tpam is super uber luber cool X 3
Tpam is so cool shes ice cold
tpam is me
Posts: 794 (34.522 per day)
hell, tpam is flooder #1 of SL board
tpam was the start of the cyn av revolution
Quote from: Zevaka on Oct 26, 2007, 03:19 PM
Posts: 794 (34.522 per day)
hell, tpam is flooder #1 of SL board
well tpatpam, i've already won awards for it.
i think the more cyn the better tpam :)
tpam, i think you are on to something here!
tpam fits w/ this board. he is refreshing
like a gust of hot wind :D
tpam is too
Quote from: goldpony on Oct 26, 2007, 03:43 PM
like a gust of hot wind :D
tpam is too
i mean refreshing, not a gust of hot wind tpam
heres a cool halloween link http://www.ew.com/ew/gallery/0,,20085059_20085641_20154359,00.html (http://www.ew.com/ew/gallery/0,,20085059_20085641_20154359,00.html)
i like ray wise and viggo mortensen
tpam, some of those pics were scary. :o
especially dave grohls ;D
tpam = best new SL male ;D
thank you tpam. i think so too ;D
is tpam having a good night?
whenever bong hits are involved you know its a good night tpam
you read my mind tpam 8)
tpam likes bong hits
Tpam is right, tpa tpam likes them... and I see a few bong hits in her very near future!
scared your ass
:o Tpam scared me.
like the old dirty bastard.
ever heard hos full lengthLP?
Nope, TPAM.. never even heard the Not full length album.
tpam should join the brooklyn zoo :) its an odb ref
tpam is a noob, but already has nearly 1000 posts... :o
All I can say is that I wish I had the same job as tpam....
little does tpam know that posting is my job ;D
tpam is silly
would tpam have it any other way?
no, tpam :)
tpam knows me so well
not yet tpam, but i learn more each day. lol
me too tpam. tpam gets cooler and cooler tho
tpam is a noob.
tpam's cafe is awesome ;)
TPAM agrees alot!
i am agreeable tpam
where is tpam?
oh, tpam became a stock owner. nice.
tpam likes calling me a noob
^ poon tang
Stella Artois
it has to be from multiple females to count.
do you like japanese/ NAM (charlie's) game shows?
shit wrong thread
i like ninja warrior and most extreme elimination challenge. the only two we get regularly here. i also enjoyed the original iron chef
ohhh yes man it was great . I like the show where they have the japs (preferbaly a Vag's) head exposed through a table (like "wack a mole") and they dump a container of scorpion's or spiders on it . and if she just stays put shell get free grocries for a year.
do you like Tony Bennette? (no homo)
hes good, but i prefer the velvet fog Mel Torme
TPAM's are actin like they are in the Ask the person below you a ?........
tpam posted on 4:20
Quote from: White Pwny on Oct 29, 2007, 09:20 PM
TPAM's are actin like they are in the Ask the person below you a ?........
Quote from: mrs_swa on Oct 29, 2007, 09:21 PM
tpam posted on 4:20
whoops tpatpam :-[
toke one for me
TPAM knows I'm all about 420.
you and me both tpam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
us tpam's should be in the 420 club!
i thought all SL members were. you haven't gotten your membership card tpam?
lol, i was apparently overlooked, tpam
well here u go tpam
awesome tpam, glad to know i can count on you ;)
Quote from: goldpony on Oct 29, 2007, 09:59 PM
i thought all SL members were. you haven't gotten your membership card tpam?
Looks like the Streator Chicks were all overlooked. WTF?!
Quote from: White Pwny on Oct 30, 2007, 06:05 PM
Quote from: goldpony on Oct 29, 2007, 09:59 PM
i thought all SL members were. you haven't gotten your membership card tpam?
Looks like the Streator Chicks were all overlooked. WTF?!
No mershs or shwag allowed .
do you like saut'ed crickets?
tpam likes old movies
tpam serves coffee to SL
is tpam feeling better?
gmorning tpam! no, it went from my head to my tummy this morning. i just got my flu shot last week...figures
i don't like tummy issues tpam
TPAM is my bestest buddy, and I love her.
i made tpam mad because i was trying to be funny ;D
hahaha... TPAM, you silly boy. I wasn't mad... Trust me... you will know if I am mad. =o)
i hope i never see tpams wrath haha
TPAM is smart!!! =o) TPAM is sick today..... =o(
tpam makes me feel better
Where's TPAM's avatar from?
its a KISS style poster from when the melvins released their solo albums ala KISS tpam. i got it off google image
I like calling tpam a noob. And tpam is like hella fuckin fast in posting!
tpam is correct, i do have lighting fingers
Tpam posts like a mufuka
tpam likes to make words
tpam donated to nuno, something we should all do
tpam has too much money, I think.
tpam likes bubbles?
no tpam, the tpay likes jelly fish, which is wierd cause they sting you..... it hurts :(
Tpam's pimp hand has my face stingin. Nice PWN in MK3..... ya Eh hole! =o)
I know tpam...
i'm beginning to forget tpam
tpam looks like white pwny
tpam doesn't look like white pwny
tpam looks like dots
Tpam is still posting like a mufuka
tpam loves vodka.... good for you tpam.... :)
tpam's name backwards is likrat
Quote from: White Pwny on Nov 01, 2007, 03:00 PM
Tpam's pimp hand has my face stingin.
dont jock my steez. (style , blessed words from Jah)
the Meek Shall Inherit...
The Earth.
tpam is god
i say, WAS
tpam, the resemblance between you and my friend is uncanny ;)
tpam knows a lot about English vocabulary 8)
well, tpam, it is my main language ;)
LOL tpam, it's not mine bu tI have dreams in English LOL
tpam makes me laugh ;D
tpam changed her hair
its even shorter than in that pic , tapm
should i call you sinead swa tpam?
no way tpam....
ok tpam
happy Highday tpam!!
I wish i was tpam, another 7 hours :'(
TPAM is finally off work!
Tpam is hiding cause she doesnt wanna get whooped in MK3. :P
tpam pwns pwny in mk3
tpam has little to no experience at milking cows in the winter
tpam is nuclear
tpam is online! woot woot!
whats up tpam?
I licoriced TPAM last night..
tpam gave me a licorice friendship ring. it was delicious ;)
tpam and tpatpam aren't on MSN.
did ya have a good night tpatpam?
yes tpam, and you?
it was awesome tpam!!!
tpam is waiting for the food to arrive
Tpam likes amebas
Tpam likes ME! =o)
I like tpam :D
I like tpam :-*
TPAM just kissed a boy! :o
tpam :-* ..Better?
:) Yep. TY Tpam!
:-* :-* to tpam and tpatpam ;D
i want a kiss too tpam
tpam wants a kiss from tpah
I want a kiss from tpam ;)
i want to kiss tpam :-* ;D ;D ;D
Yay tpam whole lotta love in SL.. oh yeah :-*
tpam and tpplah are having a SL orgy :-*
Tpam needs to get the new Ministry record
soon tpam soon. probably in next two weeks.
Tpam won't be disappointed ;)
i never am w/ ministry tpam
Tpam is my fellow Ministry fan
tpam is my hotrod
Jesus built it tpam
ding a ding dang my ding along ling long tpam
Psalm 69 tpam
the way to suck eggs tpam
Tpam rules for saying that
i know i rule tpam ;D
Tpam.. colon dick bush
yea they really did fuck us in the ass lol
tpam rules
I thank tpam
tpam thanks you
Tpam is an asset to this board
so is tpam, keeping the dream alive
Tpam keeps on posting like a mufuka
just your friendly neighborhood posting troll tpam
Tpam is friendly
tpam is from Finland. Therefore he gets it on with Vodka... Therefore, tpam is a good person
tpam has a beard
TPAM is Swa's online brother.
tpam is a mod, has starz, and is an amazing person :) I wish we lived in the same town and hang out.
tpam is right about tpatpam
Awwwww... TPAM and TPAH are both awesome guys, and I would sooo hang out with you guys!! :)
tpatpam knows where Siberia is.
tpam has a great sig, 10/10 and av... more than 3/10 ;) LOL
tpam is online!! 8)
tpam is SL stock owner LOLZ
tpam is awesome
i like tpam, he is super cool
tpam is a super cool neato chick and i dig her
im neato?? awesome tpam!! ;)
tpam is keen too ;D
that's peachy keen to you tpam, hahhaha
tpam is Jackie :D
i call tpam Z
yes, tpam ;)
your sig is HAWT tpam
my wife likes tpamtpam sig
it's gorgeous, right tpam?
i usually dont find christina attractive but i like that picture tpam
tpam has posting super powers
able to make 1000 posts in a single session tpam hahaha
i wish i had a superpower tpam :(
lets see, you have awesomeness that counts tpam
tpam is e- cool ;)
e-cool, im working on real cool tho tpam ;D
tpam makes me laugh
tpam is arching her back, meow
tpam is very observant
observant of the female form tpam
ahhh, of course tpam ;)
tpam likes to pass out
well, i don't like to, it just happens when i smoke too much, tpam ;D
tpam is a lightweight ;D
tpam thinks i am a lightweight. ;D
only a little tpam
i would like to hang with tpam 8)
only if tpam doesnt pass out ;)
i want antlers tpam
um okay tpam
tpam is a nice new addition to the board...
tpam wanted to be robinson crusoe
tpam and the tpah want to live on an island together
tpam and i have the same amount of posts.... :o
TPAM and I hung out last night... and we had some fun. I wish batteries would have lasted longer. I'm sure we would have kept going! ;)
*devilish grin*
uhhh, tpam , re-read your post.
it may need clarification! LMAO 8)
Quote from: mrs_swa on Nov 07, 2007, 04:27 PM
uhhh, tpam , re-read your post.
it may need clarification! LMAO 8)
Nope, I set it up that way.. You like?
tpam changed her av... But we can still see some bewbs....
Hmmmm bewbs.... nice...
TPAM, it would be pretty hard to miss em. TPAM is very nice and I haven't spoken to him inna long time!! :'(
tpam and i, and alot of others, chatted on SL last night
tpam is form the USA
tpam is polish yoda
tpam is american goldpony
tpam likes to send people on wild goose chases
TPAM makes me laugh. :)
tpam has a great smile, thats why i do it
Awww Tpam is sweet too!
like tpam didnt already know ;D
tpam loves bewbs
tpam loves yellow tatas
tpam should know that there's no such thing as yellow tatas.... ;)
tpam rules for saying that ahahahahahahhaha
tpam should know I rule... Even if he wasn't there for a long time... ;)
i knew tpam ruled since i first saw this site
Tpam thinks Tarkil rules.. He's right
TPAM is on the Tarkil appreciation group.
Tpams new av is el hottio
Tpam knows this
TPAM, I know alot about you!
Tpam thinks she knows.. muhah.. MUHAHAHAHAHA........ha
TPAM laughed at an inappropriate time. ???
tpam is MY BESTEST friend. I hung with her today!! 8)
Tpam is nice :)
TPAM, is there anyone on this board you don't like?
TPATPAM: My blow dryer broke.. Ill be over after my hair dries and I straighten it.
ok tpam i just got back to the computer from finishing up the girls bath and putting them to bed..so ill see ya when you get here.
ok tpam.. it will take a lil while. This not having a dryer sucks! TOMORROW.. New dryer!
i have a blow dryer and flat iron tpam
I know TPAM.. I just dont want to go into Pit Stop for a Polar Pop with wet hair...... yeah...
ewww, good call tpam!!
TPAM is my bestest buddy .. and she is beside me smoking cigarettes and sippin vodka.. haha... Deftones rule!
tpam just left my house. i had fun singin milli vanilla with ya tpam. :D
tpam is still awake
tpam has THE force! :o
I think the TPAM's above me all have some force.
i'll keep calling you to see, tpam ;)
haha that song is on now. I shoulda known when you said earlier TPAM that THAT was the song for the evening... it would somehow be listened to alot today. And not intentionally.
tpam' sig and av are 10/10 :)
I figured TPAM would give it a 3... ???
tpam loves (X 3) blue october
Blue October is seriously TEH SHIT! You were there with me, TPAM... you know.
tpam i would go every month to see them, it was incredible
hahaha TPAM, I was thinking more like.... every other day..
you're almost there tpam, then im going to bed!!!
HAHA!!! I knew you were doing it on purpose, TPAM! I'm going to be so deflated if notttthing happens. :-\
tpam, i may still be on for the sole purpose of helping you get to 5000, but i am very happy to be here :)
tpam is helping tpah get posts
Tpam has alot of posts in not alot of time! =o)
im the posting troll tpam
Tpam is the posting troll apparently
tpam makes good observations
i like pic in tpam's signature
I like pic in TPAM's Av. ;)
I can see down tpam's shirt... oOo
tpam is so gay and fun, we hold each others hands and prance through fields
tpam likes to hold hands and prance
TPAM has kick ass signature.
tpam is a pretty big Will Haven fan
tpam is a five star general
tpam has me curious...VERY curious.......
TPAM and I used to talk alot
i just left tpam's house
tpam was at tpatpam's home
tpam was surprised when he realized what my real age is
tpam is true
Quote from: devilinside on Nov 11, 2007, 01:30 AM
tpam has me curious...VERY curious.......
what are you curious about??????????
Quote from: yoda on mars on Nov 11, 2007, 11:32 AM
tpam is true
tpam is the shit
tpam is fun
tpam thinks i should be myspace comment king, and i just might take her up on it ;D
you totally should tpam
it would be pretty funny to see consecutive comments by the same person tpam
tpam has the same name as my husband
or maybe your husband has the same name as me tpam, or maybe im your husband ;D
Nope.. Tpam wasn't at my house last night......
are you sure tpam (check all the candy wrappers under window.....)
I am sure TPAM... but to be sure.... what game did we play on 360 last night?
asteroids tpam and i think you mean 2600 hahaha
Wrong -0 tpam. Scene It! On the 360. Too bad it wasn't you. It was fun! :-[
i am the shit at scene it, no one ever wants to play w me :'( i usually end up wiping the floor w everyone. its a rule in our fam the me and the sis n law cant be on the same team cause we dominate. too bad no online version tpam, i would like to play w you (the game mostly hahahah)
Quote from: goldpony on Nov 11, 2007, 05:29 PM
i am the shit at scene it, no one ever wants to play w me :'( i usually end up wiping the floor w everyone. its a rule in our fam the me and the sis n law cant be on the same team cause we dominate. too bad no online version tpam, i would like to play w you (the game mostly hahahah)
I think the 360 is online? Maybe not. Yeah we need to find an online game we can play. That would be sweet! haha... yeah.. I bet.... the game.... *rolls eyes*
no 360 tpam :'( next gen console is going to be wii, my daughter already decided haha. i guess we'll have to settle for uno over messenger hahaha
Quote from: goldpony on Nov 11, 2007, 05:33 PM
no 360 tpam :'( next gen console is going to be wii, my daughter already decided haha. i guess we'll have to settle for uno over messenger hahaha
Oh well, I pwn @ Uno! =o)
hahahahahahahaha tpam, i havent played in ages
I stole this because I can and because its my right 2
Edit**** NeverMind ..i fount a better one .
tpam.....jaws is waaay better!
lol youre right ...a classic
but wouldnt it be way better if it had Sam. Jacksons head and spewed out all those profanity's that he is known for?
tpam knows cinema
TPAM made me lol....indeed it would be better with words
tpam hasn't been posting much lately
TPAM and I post quite a bit
i missed tpam yesterday :(
tpam missed tpah
TPAM missed me too~!
yeah i did tpam, you guys are on so late...i used to be a night owl
i challenge tpam and tpah to scene it. lol
Quote from: mrs_swa on Nov 13, 2007, 07:09 PM
i challenge tpam and tpah to scene it. lol
i'm ready tpam, anytime, anyplace...haha
im getting my buzz-in finger ready tpam ;D
you still can't compete with all the useless info i have stored tpam hahahahahahhah
bring it tpam ;)
oh its been brung tpam ;D
i actually imagined you moving your head back and forth with attitude when i read that tpam ;D
Quote from: mrs_swa on Nov 13, 2007, 07:23 PM
i actually imagined you moving your head back and forth with attitude when i read that tpam ;D
with a snap tpam lawl
tpam is super funny!
i try tpam
TPAM tries to be funny.....
Challenge is ON. Today.... short game.... 97,400 8)
SWEET tpam!
Tpam made cupcakes
I'm guessing that TPAM didn't make any cupcakes!
i want some cupcakes tpam, tell swa top send me some
I will let her know TPAM ;)
JACKSON, solid gold would like some cupcakes.
thanks tpam! you rule!
well, i didnt make them , i bought them tpams'......the school has a rule that no homemade anything can be brought...but i would rather have made them than spend $30 on 48 god damn cupcakes!!!! >:(
next time i bake tpams' i'll send out goodie baskets ;)..and some will get "special cupcakes" .
as long as they come from this aisle im cool
Quote from: mrs_swa on Nov 13, 2007, 07:09 PM
i challenge tpam and tpah to scene it. lol
Quote from: goldpony on Nov 13, 2007, 07:13 PM
Quote from: mrs_swa on Nov 13, 2007, 07:09 PM
i challenge tpam and tpah to scene it. lol
i'm ready tpam, anytime, anyplace...haha
Quote from: goldpony on Nov 13, 2007, 07:13 PM
Quote from: mrs_swa on Nov 13, 2007, 07:09 PM
i challenge tpam and tpah to scene it. lol
i'm ready tpam, anytime, anyplace...haha
Quote from: mrs_swa on Nov 13, 2007, 07:15 PM
im getting my buzz-in finger ready tpam ;D
Quote from: goldpony on Nov 13, 2007, 07:16 PM
you still can't compete with all the useless info i have stored tpam hahahahahahhah
Quote from: mrs_swa on Nov 13, 2007, 07:20 PM
bring it tpam ;)
Quote from: goldpony on Nov 13, 2007, 07:22 PM
oh its been brung tpam ;D
Quote from: mrs_swa on Nov 13, 2007, 07:23 PM
i actually imagined you moving your head back and forth with attitude when i read that tpam ;D
Quote from: goldpony on Nov 13, 2007, 07:24 PM
Quote from: mrs_swa on Nov 13, 2007, 07:23 PM
i actually imagined you moving your head back and forth with attitude when i read that tpam ;D
with a snap tpam lawl
Quote from: mrs_swa on Nov 13, 2007, 10:33 PM
SWEET tpam!
Quote from: White Pwny on Nov 13, 2007, 10:43 PM
I'm guessing that TPAM didn't make any cupcakes!
Quote from: White Pwny on Nov 13, 2007, 10:50 PM
I will let her know TPAM ;)
JACKSON, solid gold would like some cupcakes.
well tpam, you're a little late to the circle jerk. everyone had a fantastic time!
tpam duznt luv me :'(
i luv u tpam, just show up earlier haha
TPAM is a good buddy. =o)
tpam aint to shabby herself
TPAM wants me... ;)
in another life tpam... ;D
Tpam seemed to be another oh-my-god-what-a-fuckin-stupid-idiot. however, he seems to be cool.
thank you for your support tpam
tpam took nice nature pics
all of tpams pics are nice
i dont know if tpam drinks coke or pepsi, so i'll say tpam is a robot and duznt consume liquid
I think tpam will chuck it for me...
who is tpam?
good question tpam
tpam is always busy :(
tpam is now a stock owner in sl
Quote from: ScatteredImage on Nov 15, 2007, 01:53 PM
I think tpam will chuck it for me...
will tpam tell me wot that means plz?
tpam should be nuked
Quote from: yoda on mars on Nov 16, 2007, 11:14 AM
tpam should be nuked
OMG..for a second i thought u sed neutered
tpam wouldnt neuter me, would they?
i would neuter tpam........jk
I would neuter tpam
ouch tpam
tpam is getting neutered
*high squeaky voice* it wasnt so bad tpam
TPAM speaks with a squeaky voice, since his neutering.
tpam was up early
tpam is good tpatpam's friend
tpam is tpatpah's friend. you actually resemble each other tpam! ;)
tpam and me started recursion
tpam stumped me with recursion...but then i googled it...
tpam is correct? :-\
tpam is my friend.
tpam is leader of it all
tpatpatpatpatpatpatpatpatpatpatpatpatpatpam is me ;D
tpam is a douche...
tpam knows me well
the pic in tpams sig is ghey
tpam should kno i only like it for the "WTF" thingy
here are some better wtfs tpam
TPAM likes WTF pictures?!
actually tpam, i just didnt like atomics wtf pic...hahaha
tpam has an average of 39.702 posts per day.... :o
Tpam averages 7.719 posts a day. Not bad gf. =o)
tpam averages 8.016 posts per day, still cant compete with kingdork hahahaa
haha... I would not even attempt to compete with TPAM ???
another victory for kingdork tpam ;D
ill keep score tpams' hahah
tpam is the official scorer for the dork olympics
Y E T H !!!
tpam always makes me smile
aww thanks tpam :)
TPAM needs to get more hydrating Contacts and keep her peepers from getting to dry to. TPAM and cyn and I need to hang out some more.... :)
yes, tpam, i do need new contacts....and we all need to hang out more!!! :D
Tpam needs new contacts
that is correct tpam!
tpam is offline.
tpam is offline
TPAM is online!
is tpam ?!!?! ???
Yes, Tpam.. I am
tpam loves Deftones
TPAM loves Chevelle
Tpam is a babe
tpam loves meshuggah
Tpam loves The Mars Volta
tpam averages 4.154 posts a day
tpam is still all over this thread.... :o
i enjoy this thread tpam
Tpam enjoys this thread
tpam also enjoys this thread
Tpam most certainly enjoys this thread
tpam, i enjoy all threads ;)
Tpam, be like Cyn
thats my motto tpam, actually im trying to spread the word so everyone is cool like her :D
tpam IS cool too
tpam is cool like ice and smooth like butta
tpam cools ice and smooths butter
tpam is agressive sometimes
TPAM has put up awesome bootlegs for download, like the El Cielo show of Dredg. Kick ass man, thanks 8)
tpam is my man...
Tpam is sharinglungs veteran
tpam looks like cyn
TPAM thinks Cyn is a 3 outta 10! ??? ;)
tpam changed her av/sig ...very nice tpam!
Ty Tpam! I like yours too! I also hope TPAM had a nice Thanksgiving Day. *rubs full belleh*
i'd like to rub tpam and tpah bellies ;D
Tpam wants to rub my belleh....
tpam was over my house for 5 minutes
tpam is awake
hi!! i can't sleep tpam :-\
Tpam is going to take a nap today
tpam doesn't appear on this board very often these days
Tpam is right.. :(
i probably will try to take a nap today tpam ;)
TPAM will be napping while I'm cleaning....
tpam loves blue october
TPAM looks like me! =o) and.. Blue October rules!
tpam and tpah look alike but not really
Tpam doesn't think so?
well tpam, u 2 look alike on the board but ive seen real pics of both of tpplam and i have to say Z is much sexier.....lol jk
Tpam digs guys. ;D
tpam thinks i dig guys when really i just like making gay jokes to make everyone uncomfortable haha
Well, tpam. It don't make me at all uncomfortable!
well tpam what DOES it make you ;)
Wet. Tpam
Tpam.... how did you know? ??? ;)
I'm not dumb tpam
nah TPAM.. I don't think you are.. even tho I call you dummy alot. =o)
I know dummy.. I mean tpam
haha.. TPAM is fixin on getting his ass kicked! By ME! :)
tpam is going to go to finland to kick tpah ass ;D
The dummy can try tpam..
Awwww TPAM... <3
Tpam is lovey...
TPAM likes Strapping Young Lad
Tpam knows what's up
Yer right TPAM.. I know all...
Tpam is a mod, so she knows all..
No tpam.. it's not because I'm a mod. It's cuz I smoke weed. =o)
tpam likes weed
tpam is e-cool
Tpam isn't less e-cool than me..
im sure you have more e-coolness than i , tpam
TPAM AND TPAH are both equally as e-cool! 8)
Words of wisdom from tpam
tpam has tpah's blessing
Tpam is her best friend
you are her friend too tpam
I know tpam, our 1 year friend anniversary is coming in January :D
TPAM is right.... Tpam also likes Smart Smokes and Bear Beer!
Tpam is 100% right in everything
lol, any plans for your "anniversary " tpams?
hahaha... no. Prolly be chillin on the boards... like every other day. =o)
*hugs TPAM*
tpam ia one of the lords of the board
tpam is right....
Tpams sloganizer says: Deftones is what the world was waiting for
i dont think tpam likes me, he rarely talks with me..
Tpam is wrong :)
thank you tpam
No problem tpam
tpam is pretty cool
tpam shaved his head...
Tpam is my best friend. :)
tpam is my best friend :)
tpam has a best friend
tpam is posting like no man has posted before
im on a mission tpam ;D
haha, TPAM. What is your mission called? Tpam loves SL! ;)
exarctly tpam!
Tpam, you didn't answer.... WHat is your mission called?
tpam <3 SL, thats my mission tpam :D
hahahah, Tpam!!! Sweet! DO ya like the shaved head?
yea tpam, a big improvement over the mop i was wearing. i just wish i could do something else with my hair, im tired of being bald, especially by choice
Well, Tpam. You could always grow it back out and then have Jackson cut it! She's got hair cutting skillz!
tpam is (http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q223/WhitePwny/thhat2.jpg)
tpam looks like tpah
turn on your imagination, tpam.
Who do i look like?
Who do you think you look like?
what does "i" mean in "1080i"?
what does p mean in 1080 p?
lol, it's other thread, i was wrong))))))
i didnt notice we were asking ?? in this thread either... too much weed apparently lol
TPAM smokes alot of weed! =o)
Quote from: White Pwny on Nov 27, 2007, 06:37 PM
TPAM smokes alot of weed! =o)
like i'm the only one....lol
haha! Tpam, I'm out.. so that isn't a problem until weekend! =o)
i have inside info, if you need some tpam ;)
Tks Tpam.. Can't get any til Friday! :-\
apparently its nice stuff...shall i let him know you want some tpam?
Quote from: mrs_swa on Nov 27, 2007, 06:53 PM
apparently its nice stuff...shall i let him know you want some tpam?
How much TPAM?
Quote from: Zevaka on Nov 27, 2007, 06:07 PM
turn on your imagination, tpam.
Who do i look like?
i think you look like ivan drago ;D
Quote from: goldpony on Nov 27, 2007, 07:12 PM
Quote from: Zevaka on Nov 27, 2007, 06:07 PM
turn on your imagination, tpam.
Who do i look like?
i think you look like ivan drago ;D
"I must break you" tpam
how did you find that pic of me and Zevaka tpam?
TPAM is a boxer!
not just any boxer, tpam. The Italian Stallion!
TPAM is a jack of all trades!!
you have jack right, you left out -off, tpam ;D
Quote from: goldpony on Nov 27, 2007, 08:34 PM
you have jack right, you left out -off, tpam ;D
Hahaha!! Tpam, I was trying to be nice!!!
Tpam TRIES to be nice
Tpam IS nice!
tpam is nice too, i was just making a joke at my expense
tpam wants to be like Cyn!~ :)
Tpam has a really nice guitar.
I just wish I knew how to play it, TPAM...
tpa tpam apparently has a nice guy-tar with a really big string :D
tpam will learn
Thanks tpam
you said it tpam, not me ;D
Nope, tpam
Tpam is one of my bestest buddies on this board. =o)
Sorry to hear that tpam
=o( tpam don't like me...
I like tpam
tpam is gonna be the coolest teacher ever
Tpam is right
Tpam likes pictures! :)
Bet your ass I do tpam
tpam likes to bet with white pwnys ass...it is pretty good currency tho
Tpam is right again
just dont tell her hubby that you're whoring her ass all over finland ;D
hahaha tpams.... not ALL over Finland! :P
tpam is being whored around in finland? :o
haha.. apparently, TPAM.
tpam like to have "e-fun"
Tpam, what is E-fun? I'm not sure I like it yet....
e- fun: fun on the internet......tpam
YES!!! Tpam, the internet is fun! Why not partake.. yannow?
hello, i do partake, but im just a little held back sometimes...tpam
No, no.. I know you partake TPAM. And yes, I know that some times you can't be on... It's cool. I'm always here for ya! =o)
always tpam?
Yes, TPAM.. Always!
tpam loves The Knife
Yes, yes... Tpam loves Chevelle!
yes tpam, but i love others as well ;)
The beauty of music, tpam.
page 307 made me laugh. Ivan Drago, lol
anyhow, tpam is beautiful
Awwwwwwwwwwww.. Tpam is such a sweetheart!!!! <3
i will call tpam Varla
TPAM is Rosie.........
tpam is offline
tpam is crazy and has legs
TPAM is Yoda... From Mars!!!!!
tpam is cyn from Illinois :D
tpam lives 100 km from his university
tpam is a cool new addition to the board...
thanks leon i mean tpam ;D
dude that loves peter fucking north
is that steven tyler's daughter in your sig tpam? she is beautiful
tpam is mistaken, she looks like shit... Fat shit I may add...
you're the caring sensitive type tpam ;D
tpam made first sharing lungs movie
that was amazing, tpam!
tpam lives in the siberia
no, tpam's wrong. i'm closer to him than he thinks
TPAM is Russian Music God!
i enjoyed bullshitting with you today tpam
I enjoyed it too, Tpam! It was nice to just relax and chat a lil on the phone! =o)
i just got back home at 2:30 tpam :-\
tpam and tpah will be the best gay couple on my sl awards list ;)))))))))))))
Quote from: Zevaka on Nov 29, 2007, 08:58 PM
tpam and tpah will be the best gay couple on my sl awards list ;)))))))))))))
varla and rosie FTW
Quote from: goldpony on Nov 29, 2007, 08:59 PM
Quote from: Zevaka on Nov 29, 2007, 08:58 PM
tpam and tpah will be the best gay couple on my sl awards list ;)))))))))))))
varla and rosie FTW
TPAM is deep and thoughtful, but never withdrawn and has a good deal of energy, but she paces herself. She never burns out too fast. TPAM also is great at giving advice and is someone that I think almost anyone can turn to. :) <3
TPAM is energetic and overall a very enthusiastic person. She seems to love life, and even when she don't... she won't let it show. She can bring a smile to all in a room. I am very glad to have met ya, TPAM. ;)
tpam and tpah are my bestest friends
TPAM and TPAH are my best friends too
we are 3 cool, unique, hot bitches tpam :D
tpam is def right
tpam's god avatar is trying to snipe christina's titties
tpam is new for me
Tpam's karma is increasing rapidly
Tpam is my russian vodka drinkin friend
tpam isn't on that much
Tpam is online
tpam is offline :(
tpam plundered my loot and pillaged my woman, arr its the pirate's life for me
tpam is an idiot
didnt tpam already say that?
tpam likes BOOBIES
Tpam HAS boobies (I guess...)
haha, yes tpam :)
tpam has boobies.. omg :o
Tpam is Toronot Maple Leaves fan
tpam doesnt know its pronounced maple leafs, i don't know why, but it is :)
tpam thinks i am hot... :-[
Tpam.. silly, you are!
tpam is super hot.........licks finger, touches tpam, and hears a sizzle sound :)
tpam is just a natural hottie
tpam makes life richer!
every1 abuv me are nuts...for no apparent reason
That's what i can advise you tpam:
tpam is the music God around here !!!!!
tpam hails god!
Quote from: Zevaka on Dec 04, 2007, 01:21 PM
That's what i can advise you tpam:
..i seriously think of duin that alot u know :'(
tpam needs a psychiatrist, seriously get help. :-\
I haven't seen TPAM inna lil while. I miss her!
tpam has been very busy lately. i miss her too
Quote from: mrs_swa on Dec 05, 2007, 03:55 PM
tpam has been very busy lately. i miss her too
c u t e
where have you been tpam???
Tpam is probably sleeping right now... as it is pretty early!
tpam is mother
TPAM is a young music GOD.
tpam isn't around......sigh
isn't tpam on that SNW picture? some similarities are obvious)))
tpam, i would love to be on a Deftones album cover......fans herself.....
tpam is a hot mom
I still love tpam's sig's jugs...
i love tpam's sloganizer
tpam is sexy
tpam loves house music :)
Tpam loves all music!
tpam would do some stuff to Chino ;)
tpam forced me to become a bobsledder :D and made my eyes retarded
tpams eyes arent the only thing thats retarded ;D
tpam is tpam
tpam likes ramen noodles.........
Quote from: goldpony on Dec 08, 2007, 10:44 PM
tpams eyes arent the only thing thats retarded ;D
thats hilarious coz its true ;D
tpam doesn't understand this thread purpose...
That's showing how much of an idiot he is...
tpam speaks words of wisdom
tpam is the worst newbie ever
Tpam is teh man
Tpam is teh man! :)
Tpam is teh man... no, Woman
TPAM is one of my bestest buddies. =o)
That's right tpam
I have missed TPAM... this board has been DEAD.
I have missed talking to tpam also
Then you should be around more often TPAM! >:(
I have been busy tpam
Yeah, tpam. I need to start being busier....
Tpam is apparently trying to be busier..
Tpam, I was at the hospital most of the day.. and then put my Christmas Tree up! So yeah, a lil busier
Christmas tree already? Why were you at the hospital tpam?
Yes.. normally I have the tree up by now.... The kids were getting anxious. And tpam.. I was at hosp bcuz my grandpa is dying. :(
Sorry to hear that Cyn
Tis ok Tpam. I'm pretty strong.. and I'll get by, just like I always do.
I know you'll do tpam..
I dont know anyone above me.
Hope that im cool ???
Tpams sig is equally funny and scary
Tpam loves his Av... and I think it's pretty cool too!
tpam is the coolest around
i miss you tpam, i hope all is well....while i was posting, goldpony snuck in...lol so i guess this is for both tpam's?!!? :-\
i miss all 3 tpams... to the chatroom :P
haha tpam is summoning us
tpam i only kid, im actually quite busy
ok, tpam is busy
tpam is sexy
tpam is 21!!!
Tpam is a lil older than 21
tpam is a lil older than i am ;)
tpam is a hot mom
Tpam says that mrs_swa is sexy alot....
Tpam is sexy alot
Tpam is crazy alot, for thinkin so! :P
Tpam thinks I'm crazy :(
Crazy in a good way TPAM. TPAM also likes Stam1na Tee's
Tpam has alot of Deftones tee's
i havent chatted with tpam in awhile
I have not chatted with TPAM in a while either... but I did chat with TPATPAM this morning! =o)
i miss chatting with tpam too, she really needs to be online between the hours of 10-11 am ;D
Tpam is the father of the religion where ppl are like Cyn
all hail Cyn, tpam, or else you will be smited where you stand!
hahaha , i have the tpam you guys are referring to at my house right NOW!!!!!
bow to my awesomness. :)
Bows down to tpam
i have tpam in submission
thats hawt tpam! Varla and Rosie FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tpam makes us laugh ;D
i havent chatted with tpam in awhile either, i really need to spend more time online ;D
33.441 posts per day, yeahhh you need to spend more time tpam. :)
the number is slowly decreasing tho tpam, i was averaging close to 50 :'(
Tpam does not want to post whore any longer? Are we getting boring TPAM?!
i just talked with tpam on the phone
tpam was talking on the phone early (late?) to tpah
and no, you guys arent getting boring...remember, i took 3 days off
Yes TPAM I called her at 7:15 am to tell her that our children had no school... UGH.... damn it!!!!!! =o)
tpam is the Cyn... I hadn't had a talk with her for a long time... :-\
Tpam, I am on everyday. You should message me... and then we can talk again! I have missed ya!
tpam always has stuff going on
Not true, Tpam. I am on alot during the day with NOTHING going on.
Tpam has nothing going on
Tpam is right... I don't!
Tpam proved me right
Tpam and I get to chat most every morning. It's nice.
dont listen to tpay tpam, you definitely got it goin on ;)
tpam is getting a Wii. good times right there
Tpam likes to play wii sports
well, i did tpam, but i don't play anymore :(
tpam doesn't play wii anymore :( who will i play with?
we need more characters for the movie tpam.....
I just was with TPAM last night!
maybe tpam didn't know but she's Organ Donator
are you happy with that?
tpams should know that I love to donate my organ too, unfortunately, only to females...
Tpam donates his organs to females!!
tpam should know that I'm normal enough to have only one organ... We both know it's big enough to be considered as at least two, but that's still make only one of it...
Tpam, I have never seen it... therefore I do not know it's THAT big...... ???
thats surprising tpam, ive heard reports (unofficial) that it can be seen from space..........maybe thats just the herpes blister tho
tpam makes me laugh
i miss tpam, we havent talked in awhile :-X
i know tpam, things have not been good around here :(
down here as in the board or here as in homelife, tpam?
maybe both tpam....
those are some ominous words tpam :(
im just not feeling myself tpam, no biggie
ok tpam
Quote from: mrs_swa on Dec 12, 2007, 08:26 PM
im just not feeling myself tpam, no biggie
ill feel ya... sorry i had to
haha, it's quite allright tpam
TPAM seems sad! :(
tpam, i am fine. my body is sore today from all the dry heaves.....yeah it was awesome!! :-\
Ino tpam. I went thru it almost 2 weeks ago.. Blah! I'm just sorry you guys got it. Watch out gf... It spreads like wildfire!!!
Tpam warns tpah
tpam comments on tpam's
tpam is a wierdo
tpam is right
Tpam is a woman.
tpam is cyppe101
Tpam has lyrics of ATF on her sig.
i don't know what tpam's sig is....
It's a finnish band tpam.
tpam likes bands with fins :D
Tpam likes good music
so does tpam
I know tpam
im glad that you know that i know tpam
I'm glad the TPAM's all know!
we all know to "Be like Cyn" tpam ;)
Tpam is a good buddy to have.
TPAM? do you think I'm the worst n00b? ;D
i thought it was funny how he praised you and dissed you....besides tpam, you should know i will always be the worst n00b on the board
nahh, there are worse noobs than you tpam ;)
tpam is a milf
tpam is right... :D
tpam is a cool dude
tpam lives in the same state as me
tpam is from illinois... home of blues and jordan... lol
christina aguilera is hot tpam!
yeah she is hot when she tries tpam
Tpam is a cutie!
ok tpam. TPA TPAM IS A HOTTIER!!! ( i love makin up words) :)
tpam iznt the HOTTIESTEST :P
tpam is full of nuclear energy
thats not all i'm full of tpam ;D
i'm aware tpam..
tpam is two steps ahead of me :(
haha watch out tpam 8)
tpam is threatening
is tpam scared yet?
tpam needs to try harder
tpam has changed his avs/sigs today
tpam is a mama
tpam is a lama
tpam is a reindeer
Tpam is just great :)
Tpam is great too! =o)
tpam is also great....i guess ::)
apparently everyone is great tpam
well you are tpam :) :P
thanks. you are too, tpam!
Tpam looked very nice the last time I saw her. and she's great.<3
tpam is a cutie
tpam always has girls pics in signature
Tpam has me in his av! =o)
now - yes
Tpam has changed his av... and thinks I'm a clown... :-\
clowns are great.
........tpam must like clown porn
tpam should be nuked
where has tpam been? :(
tpam is such a hottie
wish she was single.
tpam likes hotties
Tpam gets alot of praises
tpam likes to rock out \m/ ;)
so does tpam \m/
Tpam is no different \,,/
tpam is online!
I'll be damned, so is tpam! :)
were all online tpams!
well, we are missing Pwny tpam..:(
:'( tpam
she'll be back tpam
i imagined you saying that in the governator voice tpam
Hahah, I need to hear her say it now tpam
..clears throat.. She'll Be Back Tpam.... 8)
Make a vid of it tpam
tpam is delirious
tpam has such pretty eyes
thank you tpam
tpam has hypnotic devil eyes :D
tpam is into the Devil.
so tpay is into you tpam? ;D
ha.. More than you will ever know, TPAM
that could be wildly misinterpreted tpam :)
I don't care how ppl take it. I afterall, have been nominated for worst overall member. =o) And tpam.. yer messenger isn't workin! REBOOT it, TPAM!
huh? i got your message yesterday...im not at home right now :'( i thought that was funny tpam, this lithium person must have it out for you from a time b4. i mean how could anyone be hatin on thw pwny? didnt he/she see my sig?
It's ok TPAM. He is just jealous of my awesomeness. :)
tpam is the most awesome SL member
Tpam is prolly right
tpam drinks vodka, and I like that...
Both vodka in itself and the fact that tpam does it too....
Tpam is back in France for Christmas! =o)
tpam stalks me on MSN I can see.... :)
It's been your status message for months TPAM. Don't have to be a stalker to see that. ;)
im talking with tpam right now :)
Quote from: White Pwny on Dec 18, 2007, 03:00 PM
It's been your status message for months TPAM. Don't have to be a stalker to see that. ;)
true tpatpam... I'm not really a MSN kind of guy... I guess I will have to change it soon though... :)
tpam is a good friend of tpatpam
when tpam dies,his organs will go to SL
Tpam don't post much anymore...
tpam is correct
tpam is mother
Tpam likes Mike Patton
tpam is japanese (guessing) ::)
tpam is a stupid ass (knowing)
tpam luvs me, obviously
Tpam likes Buckethead
tpam is from finland... i think
tpam is a cutie
tpam is simply great!
i miss you tpam, don't tell me that girl of yours isn't letting you get on msn.......where have you been TPAM?
a stripclub tpam
tpam is an asshole
isnt there a little bit of asshole in all of us tpam?
Maybe a little Tpam.
i got tpam a polar pop today..
TPAM was a good friend this morning. I am thinkin about running for another... and I'm sooo hot today! =o)
tpam, i am dying over here. my polar pop is gone, i have no smokes and if i did have some, i have no lighter..:(
tpam is very needy today :)
TPAM is uber creative
tpam gives me too much credit, its not hard to create shit ;D
tpam made me giggle with the "its not hard to create SHIT"
i made tpam giggle, my job is done :D
Tpam is a good friend. He is good at making people laugh.
Tpam is good at making ppl feel good.
tpam made me feel good last night :-* ;D
I'm glad you enjoyed it too tpam.. ;)
TPAM is cofounder of the greatest band ever.. BoD \m/ YETH!
tpam is the best member of SL!! hands down....Be Like TPAM
Some people would disagree with that, Tpam. ..... muahahahahahaha
fuck them tpam......
Fuck you, Fuck you, Fuck you.... You're cool, TPAM.... fuck you.. I'm out! ;D Half baked rules!
tpam, is half baked a movie? i have not seen it. im ripped :D
You got munchies tpam?
no tpam, i passed the munchie stage and went to maybe i should lay down stage.... :-\
lol.. TPAM is a tough guy!
Tpam is muh nigga
Tpam is a playa, girl for REAL... playa playa, girl!!
...Who ain't got shit coming :(
awwww Tpam. Don't be sad!
i am fucked up right now tpam!! 8)
haha Tpam. I am not. I will probably be later on tonight tho!
it looks like we'll all be fucked up 2night tpam!
I'll be fucked up after work today tpam
tpam is again with us
I've always been comrade, not that much tho
tpam is satan claws
ho ho hell
What did Santa say when he saw three prostitutes? Ho ho ho... Tpam
tpam is a comedian :)
tpam is a commodeian ;D
All the TPAM's are comedians!
i'm hanging at tpam's tonight 8)
I wish I had met TPAM in reality.
i havent talked with tpam in some time
tpam is... office worker
tpam is... clown porn
tpam likes the coronel
tpam just came back to the board...
tpam's chillin with asian chicks
tpam ate a monkey spine too save someone's life :)
tpam should just be himself....
tpam is a post master
Tpam likes Amy Winehouse
TPAM kicked some serious ass in the game Apples to Apples.... I love that game..ITS SOO FUN we all need to do it again. ;D
i had fun with tpam and tpah last night.. :D
;D I had a Ton o' Fun hanging out with you TPAM...and then leaving in a BLIZZARDDDDD was sorta fun too....
tell me you tried to spin around the corners tpam..... :)
angel face
tpam is army dude.
tpam is the watcher :o
tpam is hot hot hot!
tpam is cool
I like tpam.
tpam is a newbie
tpam always has great sigs
tpam needs to come to club with me
can you believe I have never been to a club tpam?
That's just wrong tpam
Tpam is in disbelief....
Huh?? ..tpam
Disbelief that Jackson had never been to a club, tpam. Dummy. :)
Tpam is a dummy
Tpam is dummier!
Tpam is teh dummiest
TPAM is teh Dummiest +1
Tpam isn't going to stop
(teh dummiest +2)
TPAM should know I am persistant
(teh muich dummiest +3)
Tpam still isn't going to win
(too muich dummiest +4)
Tpam must not know that I ALWAYS win. :P
(too much teh dummiest +6)
I won tpam, +5 hasn't been used, sorry
Shit!!!!! I am a dummy, TPAM! ;D
Tpam finally admits her dummyness
tpam rawks!
Tpam rocks like a mufuka
tpam rocks my mutha fucka
Tpam and TPAH both rawk my socks!
The socks of tpam are been rocked
sock it to me tpam
haha......Tpam is funny.
Tpam is steaming hot
Tpam is a dummy.. and blind! ;)
tpay is most certainly not blind tpam, maybe dumb, but not blind...haha
btw, swedish made penis enlarger pumps are inferior to norwedgian made penis enlarger pumps
merry christmas tpam
TPAM is probably sleepin like a baby. I am going back to bed for a few hours!
tpam and I are going to have a fun day!!! :)
Tpam is optimistic
tpam is offline :(
TPAM is ONLINE! =o) and, we are apparently going to have fun today!!!
i think so tpam!
i chatted, briefly, with tpam this morning
Tpam is offline?!?
Tpam is offline....... =o(
tpam is offline!?! ;D
tpam is a goldnigga
tpam trails snail's entrails on rails 8) like a FOX!
Tpam is a lil odd.
Tpam colored her hair
Tpam has longer hair than I do... :-\
tpam gave me a fantastical present last night, its pretty much my favorite vibrating thing i got for Christmas ;)
Is it the only vibrating thing you got for xmas?
yes tpam.
can you post a video of you using this awesome vibrating present tpam ;D
tpam has big ass tittys
tpam is probably getting ready for the club :)
Quote from: mrs_swa on Dec 30, 2007, 02:07 AM
tpam is probably getting ready for the club :)
tpam is hottie
nope...i wish tho
tpam isnt gettin ready for the club coz i burnt down the club along with the hospital and the orphanage *devil horns*
tpam is obsessed with fire ::)
tpam is a mama
why are you always bored tpam?? you live in one of the best cities with things to do :-\
cuz i always aloney
i need a friend like u
tpam have a happy new year
Tpam should not be so lonely!
tpam wasn't alone at NY party
TPAM is my Music God *bows*
again... u're so predictable
Tpam is my Mike P. fan comrade
i like mike P too, tpam
Tpam, have you found your crown yet?
the children resume school tomorrow tpam!!!
Yes, tpam... I am very excited about that! Let's just hope they don't call it because of the cold. ???
snap, tpam, i hadn't thought of that... :-\
LoL.. I've been thinkin about it allllll day. ugh, Tpam
i found my crown tpam, but its myspace jewel is missing :'( tom took it...
you were pwned, i mean robbed tpam
that tom is a fucker tpam
yeah he is, and he is always around tpam....weird shit
tom scares me tpam, thats why i deleted him from my friends
yeah, i deleted him too tpam
Tpam is on my myspace friends list! Damn near the top!
tpam is on my friends list too, i think the second one
Tpam is my SL, myspace and Messenger buddy! =o)
tpam is a good buddy, tho i dont talk to you nearly enough
Tpam is online
TPAM is rarely online anymore!! >:(
Tpam is mad :-\
way to go tpam ::). :)
Tpam congratulated TPAH.
tpam loves to clean ;D
hahaha... TPAM could not be more wrong! :)
tpam is beautiful
Tpam is 100% right
Tpam changed his Signature to match his Number 1 favorite band.. ;)
Tpam noticed :)
(I had the FF there for a awhile since it matched pretty well with my av)
tpam is online!! hi tpam ;)
Tpam seems happy that I'm online
I am happy that TPAM is online!!!! :)
tpam just missed yoda, he was visiting
Tpam is happy about Yoda visiting, I'm sure :)
so he can visit but not post anymore tpam...lame
Deleting one's ID is lame, TPAM. I'm here for life. Congrats people!!! I am never leaving. =o)
Tpam made me sad now
TPAm is sad because I am never leaving SL. ???
Tpam is even more dummier than I knew
Then why sad TPAM?
Tpam didn't get the joke
TPAM is very muich a jokester!
hes a regular COMMODEian tpam :D
Tpam is funnier than me by millions of miles
i highly doubt that tpam, being a moron just makes people laugh at you not with you ;D
(just so you know, i am calling myself the moron)
Tpam, tpay is super fun. He always makes me laugh, much like you do. :)
hi tpam!
Hi Tpam. We just made a call to R. No go for a while. Looks like unless N. comes thru.. .we are dry for a while. UGH. :-\
umm N said he would see what he could do......tpam, :(
that exchange made me laugh tpam
Tpam laughs at our highly confidential drug deals! =o)
ha, tpam, you know the code 8)
internet drug deals rule tpam 8)
Tpam does "paperwork"
you know what does NOT rule, TPAM? Ross consistantly trying to add me on myspace. ;D DENIED.
and yes.. Paperwork rules TPAM
lol, tpam is funny
i visited a myspace link he posted once tpam, it was fascinating. he made myspace personas for all his personas here.
that is just fucked up repugnant shit right there tpam
THey have a name for that tpam... Schizophrenia
i thought it pretty funny tpam. to think of all the time spent doing that. the best part was the personas were all friends with each other and there were other people who were friends with them too
Boredom at it's best, Tpam.
tpam, tpay investigates shit!!
He's bored at work alot tho TPAM... he posted a million posts in just one month!
the sad part is i dont have access to myspace at work tpam, just sharinglungs. i found it at home and was so fascinated i spent a good 45 min zoning out and checking all the pages. they all had full fledged pages with layouts and shit. my mind was blown
Tpam has a douche work computer
Tpam is a great friend.
Tpam is teh best
nuh uh tpam.. .you are.
BOD tpam.. I guess were both teh best \,,/
Always, Tpam. I'm off to pick up food. Be back.
Tpam adds shit to her describing :)
tpam is probably counting the seconds until she comes back
Not really tpam, but I'd like her to be back soon.
i'm sure you would tpam
Tpam seems.. Odd?
nahhh tpam, i consider myself unique
Tpam is unique. Better than odd I guess :)
tpam is up late
Tpam is correct. Not tired you see
TPAM is not tired. But I took too long getting food and now Tpam is offline. :(
tpam is offline too... Hah !
And so is tpam..
coz they are tpam, coz they are
Tpam likes crap music
tpam dislikes the music of tpah
Tpam is right, who likes KoRn today?
Tpam is also unique
i like tpam's av. it is unique
TPAM likes Strapping Young Lad symbol.
tpam and i did some paperwork :D
tpam is SL stock owner
tpam iznt, ner ner :P
uhhh, you aren't either tpam
Tpam is right and online!
tpam is wrong, and offline
Tpam sees the river
Tpam hung out at a bar for a while last night!
Tpam is wrong, I hung out for 4 hours and went to sleep at 7am.
ahhhh Tpam.. I thought you were going to the bar!? Well, this is not the first time I've been wrong!
I did go to a bar, I meant I wasn't there for a while.. Tpam is a dummy.
Tpam likes to call me names... :-\
i don't call tpam names, and i miss her today :(
tpam s e x y
hey, tpam, why so bored???
tpam is awesome
Tpam finally bought The Last Sucker. How's it kicking?
it is fucking awesome tpam, so good totally wasnt expecting the old skool flava
Tpam is an fellow Ministry fan, therefore awesome.
TPAM is a metal fan!
i think it's going to be a cool storm tpam
i saw a blue october vid today tpam, the vid was cool but the song...meh. cant remember the name, the one theyre playing on vh1 right now
Tpam doesn't like Blue October (neither do I)
everytime i hear them it takes me a minute to realize its not peter gabriel tpam :D
Yeah, tpam doesn't like bad music
neither does tpam \m/
i think everyone has their own definiton and opinion of good music tpams
i never said blue october was bad tpam, they have their moments. i just dont listen to them on a regular basis. i learned a long time ago "different stroke, for different folks" except for limp shizkick...i cant fucking stand them
lol @ shizkick, tpam.
I want to fuck tpam vaginas
tpam is an unstoppable rebel force penetrating woteva cums their way ;D
tpam couldnt penetrate a wet paper bag
tpam, i think i saw your crown on ebay :-\
tpam sees dead ppl and crowns on ebay
are you selling my crown, tpam >:(
i'm selling A crown, tpam ;)
tpam is bissexual.
tpam should join me in a 3some ;D
imaginary friends dont count in a 3some tpam
snw777 is imaginary? thanx 4 the heds up tpam
tpam likes playing with phones
Tpam is nice
tpam changed his av/sig
I just got off the phone with TPAM.
Tpam is me best friend here
tpam is a good friend of mine here
tpam is witty
tpam is pretty funny too
tpam likes boobies and penis
tpam has nver had sex
tpam is incorrect
tpam has had sex?
TPAM has had sex.
TPAM has had sex.
Tpam and I are chatting on Myspace msngr. :)
tpam came over to my house last night
hey tpam, send me a pic of your body, I love your avatar and the way you type...please dont be late
what is it about the way i type tpam?
is sexy
hahahah, you make me laugh tpam
can you send me a pic of you? I will send a pic of me (on pms).
tpam has been here a year
tpam has been here longer than me
tpam is correct
tpam is hot.
tpam is drizzzzuuuunnnnkk!
tpam has a new av, me likes
thanks tpam...
tpam likes reggae!
Kelly is a sweet person, sorry Kelly if I said something different.
me too goldpony, I love you man no homo like David says.
I love David hes one of my best friends even being on New Orleans and Im in Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais Brazil...well Im too sweet now I wanna another beer]]
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juiz_de_Fora check it oput, is my city.
Im the only Brazilian here ion SL now I Think.
tpam is a chatty drunk, but in a good way ;)
tpam is close friends with Cyn
Tpam is correct. Tpam also has a new av.
hi tpam, i miss ya
I miss TPAM too. How is your evening going?
it has been a looong night so far tpam... :(
Sorry, tpam. My kids are going down in 10 minutes! YAY! Then it's MEEEEE time!
have fun tpam, i wish i were there instead of here......
I will be thinkin of you tpam.
tpam will be thinking of me.
I am glad TPAM is back!
tpam's sig is upgraded
tpam is real
the rest
so / SO
tpam is offline
Tpam should be sleeping
hi tpam, it's only 1:15am here, just started a bowl, i am up for a while :)
tpam does drugs late at night
Tpam does them before and after work! =o)
i am thanking tpam for the hug earlier...
TPAM should know I send hugs mentally every day to her.
i do know that, but it was a nice surprise and it made me smile tpam
Well I'm glad I did it then, Tpam.
tpam, digital summer is playing in vegas on feb 9.
which does not help me at all, tpam. =o(
uhhhhh, so what are you doing tonight tpam?
right now I am sitting here lookin around online... and then putting kids to bed at 9.. .and smokin a lil. Pretty much same as last night.. only I hope to go to bed earlier than I did last night, Tpam.
ahhh, why up so late tpam?
cuz everyone was here late. Sara and Randy left just after 4 I guess it was, tpam.
oh my tpam, i have to go we are playing scrabble..... :-\
Have great fun, Tpam. I'll see ya later. :)
tpam is offline
tpam is my nigga
tpam refers to certain individuals with an explicit reference to african americans
that was very....politically correct tpam
yes it was tpam, no spelling errors either for a change :)
that is shocking tpam
Tpam and I did not hang out last night. I hope ya had a decent time TPAM. :)
tpam likes nkotb
tpam has a sexy sig ;D
tpam is a big fan of buckethead. (to point out the obvious)
Tpam also likes NKOTB
tpam knows Joe was teh awesomeness! (Jordan too)
Yeah, tpam..... but never hotter than Justin Timberlake is...... *ahhhhhh*
tpam speaks the truth
Tpam and I used to chat alot ...
we should chat sometime pam
Tpam has a nice av/sig combo
tpam dislikes my extremely good taste in music
Tpam thinks he has good taste in music... ???
tpam duznt hav to tell me for me to know that she thinks my taste in music is awesome 8)
Tpam is crazy. I only love my taste in music! :)
is it possible tpam and myself hav the same taste in music?
I guess anything is possible, tpam.
tpam encourages peter pan-style flying ;D
Just not in green tights, tpam.
wheres the fun in that, tpam?
It's still fun. Just not as elf'ish looking.
Tpam dislikes elves
tpam is correct.
Tpam is el grande beautiful
tpam is el grande finnish :D
Tpam is El Grande American!
tpam has el grande chest ;D
haha TPAM is el grande observant! =o)
you know me tpam, never lookin in the eyes ;D
Tpam don't like to look me in the eyes. >:(
i like looking you in the eyes tpam, its just there is ususally a couple of BIG distractions
Tpam is a boob guy ;D
tpam's boobs are the center of attention
not really tpam
I met tpam before...
And he's right regarding the board's center of attention...
Tpa you both is 15.. That is why he thinks that tpam.
correction tpam, i'm 16 ;)
Ok tpam. Sorry. Same difference when talkin about boobs. ;D
I rest my case, Tpam.
tpam rests her case..........................A CASE FULL OF BOOBS!!!!!!!! :D
tpam has a better grammar now (thanks for that), but he's still as much as an idiot as he used to be...
tpam gave me a compliment :)
tpam is happy
Tpam seems to be happy, but probably tired. :)
tpam's on msn now
tpam is from russia... And he's a music sharing god....
tpam shaved his *coughPUBEScough* beard :)
tpam has a GREAT sig!!
tpam has green eyes.
tpam should know I have blue eyes. :)
Tpam has blue eyes....
tpam will probably post that she's listening to Ricooo Suavvvvvve on the next music thingy thread
hahaha, tpam. No chance. I don't even have that on my PC. (besides I watch that.. along with Rump Shaker late at night on youtube when no one will see or hear a thing) ;D
TPAM should watch that MC Hammer video that was posted a long time ago...EWW MC HAMMER DICK!!!!!!
TPAM loves MC Hammer.
Tpam loves Vanilla Ice
this is tpams favorite album
Tpam knows
just so you know that i know tpam
Just so you know that I know that you know
Tpams know stuff
tpam: it's your fault i'm busy today.
tpam is faulting tpah
Tpam still engourages ppl to be like Cyn.
tpam is offline
i dont know who tpam is :-\
Im Uly tpam
tpam is whoever the hell he/she says he/she is :( i just have no idea
TPAM has no idea about things.
tpam is right
Tpam shaved all his facial hair off. :)
tpam has a heart of gold and a bladder of silver ;)
Tpam does not know about my bladder. >:(
does tpam have a motorized bladder or something? ???
writing that made me lol ;D
no, tpam. No motorized bladder.
i hung out with tpay yesterday tpam
Tpam and I watched Jackass 2 ;D
that movie was hysterical tpam :D
Did you and Josh watch it, tpam?
no tpam, he got home at 9:15 :(
Quote from: mrs_swa on Jan 16, 2008, 02:44 PM
no tpam, he got home at 9:15 :(
Maybe tonight, tpam.....
the person above me loves to play the stupid game.
tpam likes michael jackson
I like some songs, but hes a strange person today (hes white).
Tpam is right... The old and new Michael Jackson are two different people.
tpam knows there are two michaels
Tpam is me pal
Tpam loves Meshuggah
Tpam is so right
tpam is METAL! \m/
tpam loves bukake
tpam is speaking of himself
tpay got pwnd, tpam ;D
tpam is an indian
tpam is an idiot (nearly same word, how funny is that ?)
tpam always calls me that ::)
Maybe that's a clue of something tpam ?
i can't solve clues tpam, i'm not scooby-doo
Scooby Doo don't usually solve the clues himself anyway. He's got them pesky kids......tpam
but without Scooby's shinnanigans them kids would never find out what Old Man Jenkins was up to, tpam ;D
Tpam has a point. Damn it! =o)
Come on tpam, I'm sure you can should find a better one...
don't let her know that tpam!
tpam... I already know. I was trying to be nice.
Tpam is nice.
tpam loves vodka as much as me...
Therefore, he's nice too...
Tpam and tpah love Vodka
tpam is my best friend and i am blessed to have her in my life
TPAM, I am equally as blessed to have you in mine...
tpam is HOT
Tpam is right
tpam is a metal fag
you know how i know tpam is gay? he listens to oasis ;D
yes tpam Im gay but only active, youre passive.
i will check the link later tpam, no myspace at work. as far as being passive, i am anything butt ;D
Tpam and I decided when we are 60.. we are going to a nude beach. FUN!
we will definitely be swingin then tpam, or at least out body parts will be ;)
I made TPAM laugh earlier. =o)
i made tpam laugh too
i made tpam pregnant
I use to put my cock on tpam.
tpam puts his cock on tpah
that still duznt mean i'm supprting yor child, tpam
u dont want to support our butt baby tpam? whos going to teach it moral values and to be an upstanding citizen :'(
tv and the interwebz tpam :) i turned out fine
you should let goldpony teach it how to spell tpam :-\
Quote from: mrs_swa on Jan 18, 2008, 02:18 AM
you should let goldpony teach it how to spell tpam :-\
rx queen
tpam quoted tpah
tpam he/she?
tpam just called me a transvestite :-\
just kidding tpam..
does tpam ever play golf? i only ask cause i need some balls
I like tpam, hes just a kid.
i just smited tpam... ;)
hi tpam!!
tpam greeted tpah
Tpam is a great guy! ;)
Tpam is right and is a great person herself.
Tpam is a metal head.
i stopped by tpam's house a bit ago
Youre ok
tpam and i have the same last name :-\
tpam thats pretty rare
lets give praises
tpam is 2 kool 4 skool 8)<and i stole his glasses
tpam is a thief :-\
I got to see TPAM quickly yesterday. =o)
i miss tpam :(
I miss tpam and tpah..
i dont know tpam
idk tpam
tpam is cool
you probably don't know him well enough then, tpam
Tpam is silly. He sometimes cracks me up with his random shit.... =o)
tpam is really kind person
Tpam is a sweetheart! =o)
tpam is sexy
Tpam is a part of the kidtones OGs
tpam is down with the lingo 8)
Tpam and I have our own lingo. Happy Paint Satricks Day! ;)
lmao!! yer hot you can look, anyways, we are still working on school projects tpam ...ughhhh :-\
haha... Did you tell your husband of the invite? Tpam is pretty cool.
no, tpam.. i heard rob say he was tired.. he seems better now, shall i tell him now?
Hell Rob didn't care tho. If he wants to.. he is welcomed, tpam
ok, i will be back tpam..... ;)
I'll be here, tpam! ;D
oh really, tpam?
hi tpam!!
Tpam is offline. >:(
i will see tpam later today!
Tpam is seeing Cyn later.
tpam likes the new meshuggah and so do i
i havent talked with tpam in a while...
well, why not tpam?
is a good guy, I think.
tpam is the new post master
tpam is the best guy here!!
tpam is mistaken....
tpam disagrees with tpah
TPAM is observant.
good morning tpam!
Hi Tpam. I hadn't noticed you on! I am updating player on my myspace. =o)
tpam's a myspace addict ?
Yeah, tpam. A little. You?
i am as well tpam :D
tpam is a myspace addict
Tpam has a myspace! =o)
the best myspace tpam, get it right. sheesh
we cancelled the awards ceremony due to the writers' strike , tpam :( its a shame cause i already had my little black dress picked out .... ;D
that was great tpam! i had my own awards ceremony tho, private like ;)
ahhhhh, understood tpam.
Tpam is offline.. And I want to see pics of tpah's award ceremony!
tpam's offline t00
I'm right here TPAM. I'm just stealthy! 8)
tpam is ghost
Tpam is One of the Best Male Members on SL. =o)
good morning tpam
Tpam is non sexual.
tpam has a good memory...
I remember all, tpam.
the pics will be up soon tpam
TPAM is silly. and I love it.
Are you talking about bewbs pics tpams ?
tpam, did you know today is National Compliment Day?
I did not know that TPAM. Uhm. You look nice today!
haha, you have not seen me today tpam...
Tpam can't look bad tho..
aww thank you tpam, i haven't seen you on in ages!!
Tpam has a smilin av! =o)
Tpam has a sheksy av
Tpam is on some strong pills. ;)
tpam has to run errands :(
Tpam is Le Chillin'
so is tpam 8)
Tpam is offline
Tpam is offline
tpam is online
tpam spent more than 60 days online @ sharinglungs
he's winner in this competition
Tpam is on.
tpam is grapes
tpam is online.
tpam made a cunning deduction of my online appearing status
tpam makes me laugh
Tpam looks nice in her av
Tpam has no tonsils! ;)
Tpam is right :)
tpam says tpah is right a lot
Tpam is right
tpam is right and sometimes left ;D
i am lmao tpam ;D
tpam is lhao, which is awesome
lol, wait......are you calling me fat?? hahah j/k, wouldn't want to offend you tpam ;)
there seems to be alot of offending going on tpam
watch out or its double secret probabtion for you
so i would be a double agent tpam? what would my name be?
huh tpam? i dont quite follow you, but i would guess you double agent name would be valerie von heiglburg
....whispers to tpam, sorry, tpam, im alittle stoned....
shhhhh, tpam 8)
tpam is a stoner
tpam is a drinker, but still cool
all hail tpam
tpam is easily impressed
I met tpam before...
I have not met TPAM
I'd like to meet tpam, she's nice
TPAM knows I'm not that nice... =o)
tpam is nice to talk too anyways...
the guy on the left in tpam's sig reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally looks like a chick
tpam is offline
tpam is off the hook
Tpam "You're off the fucking chain!"
i hope tpam is feeling better
Thanks tpam, I do a little. :)
i didnt know tpam was feeling bad, toughen the fuck up :)
Thanks tpam, tonsils were ripped out, didn't feel good for a few days after that mmk?
i was j/k tpam. glad youre feeling better. how much ice cream did you eat?
tpam knows that oprah DOES have a penis! EWW!!
tpam knows humor (if thats how u's spell it)
tpam is a huge supporter of albacore
tpam is going shopping
tpam is correct,cant wait!
I love tpam's sig... I wish I had these papers...
tpam also wants to see STP,hopefully we'll both get lucky.
tpam didn't include "tpam" in his/her post
tpam is the new mod ;D
I talked to tpam this morning. ;)
i need to talk to you tpam!!!
Ok tpam. I'll meet you in chat! =o)
tpam is offline
tpam is full of hormones and carrots
tpam is hilarious
tpam finds my dumbingness laughable-at
tpam is pretty damn cool
tpam is sweet :)
thank you ;). tpam is offline
tpam is offline
tpam is offline, or appearing offline ??? wich is just confuzing
your av and sig are tripping me out tpam.... :D
yeah, a bit tpam.. ;)
tpam is trippin on lipton ice tea
wow tpam, are you trying to hypnotize me?
yes tpam, do as i say, let the twins out to play ;D
lmao...do you know that i actually have twin daughters tpam?
:o no i didnt tpam, wot are the odds, are they like identical?
no, they are fraternal..
tpam is in shock ;)
Tpam looks hot in her new av.
thank you tpam.. EARLY morning pics FTW!! ;)
Tpam is apparently one of them girls that look hot any time of day.
hahah, tpam you should see me right now......
Tpams sig is sick.
TPAM is cofounder of BoD
tpam is my bestest friend!!!
Tpam was over last night getting beautified and pics!
tpam didn't get in any pics :(
Nah, tpam. I didn't feel like it.
im making the sad face tpam...
nah, tpam. I was just happier taking them.. than being in them last night.
it's ok tpam, smile...:)
Tpam seems happy! :)
tpam, i am very happy today, it's weird because i have not had much sleep....but today is a very good day!!
Good. tpam. I am glad.
Tpam is teh goddess of SL
tpam is right again !
:-[ I think the Tpam and tpah have been mislead.
never tpam ;)
Tpam is certain.
it's a fact tpam.. maybe it should be called Sharing Cyn.... :o
haha tpam. that made me laugh.
i'm funny sometimes tpam
Tpam is funny. ;D
Tpam is a great friend. :)
tpam was voted best mod
tpam is sexy with that black eyeliner
thanks tpam :-[
tpam has a new av
tpam <3's panfuckintera
tpam's laptop is on the way
tpam has a bff on the board
yes tpam, and in real life too...she's a really great friend of mine
thats great,pam
tpam has a lot of posts
tpam is a stock owner on the Sl forum
tpam should be too, the she can have 3 titles under her name :)
I am a stock owner pam,I guess 3 wont fit though...haha!
lol, awesome tpam!
Tpam is my bff. :)
i am happy tpam feels better :)
tpam is rocker girl
you know it tpam ;)
Tpam has many new pics! :)
tpam needs to take some new pics with her in them!!
Someday, tpam.. I will. :)
i know tpam ;)...I'm giving you the look...
Tpam is giving the look... ???
haha, tpam doesn't know what the look looks like....
Tpam just informed Tpah... about the look. =o)
TPAM knows the look ;)
Tpam knows I don't have many looks.
Tpam uses a lot of smileys....
Yes, tpam.. they help show exactly the emotion behind what I type.. :)
omg tpam has 6666 posts....makes the sign of the cross....
Tpam is going to heaven. :)
lmfao, tpam is mistaken.... :o
ill send tpam to heaven anytime ;)
Tpam is flirty. ;)
tpam knows how i roll:D
tpam is sweet :)
thanks tpam, i would put an emoticon here but they dont seem to be workin for me and sometimes when i add the laugh or the cry, it erases all my text WTF
its ok tpam, that happens to me too sometimes. yeahh, What the Fuck?
tpam's sig is stylish
tpam has great karma.
i don't believe in karma, tpam
Tpam does not believe in something that is very much true.
i believe in science, tpam. And in things that are proved by science to be real
I think you will find in your life, tpam, Just as I have. What goes around... comes around. VERY TRUE.
tpam rocks the kashbar.
I am a lil unsure what that means tpam?! ???
i think tpay was complimenting you tpam.. :-\
I was thinkin so too.. but.. I was unsure. Tpam and I hung out last night for a while.
hahah, I'm remembering the Polar Pop incident tpam...:)
Oh Noes! I had just forgotten it tpam. :-\
I am looking at your lighter right now tpam.....I can tell it is yours ;)
where are all of our lighters hiding?
I dunno tpam. I am looking at two on my desk right now.
Wake and bake morning?
wrong thread tpam
oh man, i apologize. I am still fucked up from last night...sorry tpam :-[
Hell I knew what thread I was in... I just figured she would answer me.. so I asked her. =o) I did throw the TPAM in there..
I am going to wake and bake tpam.... :D
Tpam is gonna join me in the fun. Wake and Bake. We da Rollaz. =o)
we can sing this tpam...
Doin a hundred while I puff on the blunt
And rollin another one up, we livin like we ain't givin a fuck....... :)
tpam is c00l
Tpam is pretty fuckin cool. If I do say so myself.
Tpam is the most awesomest of coolness ;)
Tpam is el righto.
TPAM's bday is tomorrow! 22... ya old bastid. :P
Tpam is calling me an old bastard, thank you :(
Tpam is acting sad.. when he knows I was just playing. >:(
Tpam is mad now because I was sad.
happy early bday pam
Thank you very much tpam.
youre most welcome pam
Tpam is being very nice. :)
Tpam is finnish i think, I wonder if he likes hockey.
Tpam likes Hockey! =o)
that pic is HAWT tpam
TY tpam.. so is yours. :) Tpam may hang out with me tonight!
Tpam, I like the new AV too!
BTW, it really took me the last few weeks to figure out WTF 'tpam' meant. I should just run head first into the nearest wall.
tpam understands now
Tpam is in the group of Hot av's.
^5 tpam!
tpam is a hot photographer, i mean cool ;)
tpam was missing for a while,but is now back :)
tpam has blue eyes
tpam smokes more weed than me
tpam has met Dorian
I have not met Dorian tpam :-\
tpam is a hot mamma ;D
you are hot yourself tpam
tpam has twins
we are playing musical posts tpam :)
tpam is Cyn's buddie
tpam has good hair
tpam is a member of Defthreats
tpam has almost been on the board a year
tpam is a cool mod
how long before one is not considered a NOOB anymore tpam?
i guess 6 months tpam
sweet, thanks tpam! ;)
no prob tpam ;)
tpam is not a n00b no more
tpam is hungry like the wolf
tpam reminded me to listen to some Duran Duran songs
tpam knows duran duran is awesome!
tpam id bored outta her mind
Ive been more bored than this,pam
tpam is bored
I have not talked to tpam in quite awhile! :-\
tpam thinks I post alot. :-[
tpam is funny
Tpam is bored alot
tpam is right but i things might change soon cuz he might a have a girlfriend soon and will be out having fun with her all the time
tpam supervised my circumsision
tpam is nooooob
Tpam is awesome!
last night was a blast tpam. i'm still a lil out of it..haha
hahaha... tpam... I just woke up. And I still feel a lil outta it. Good times.
your new camera is the shit tpam
ty Tpam.. I need to resize pics... and get them to you
tpam is the most awesome :)
you should share the pics tpam ;D
hahaha... they aren't them kinna pics Tpam.
tpam has a cool deftones tees collection
Tpam has some pretty cool Deftones Tees.. and an awesome Deftones HAT! I want!
tpam is getting sucked in by the world of photography
Tpam is right.. but it's a good addiction. :)
tpam is an addict!!!
We are all addicts about something, tpam. :P
tpam is so damn right
Tpam should know, I know everything. ;)
tpam is smart and hot then
Hi Tpam :)
TPAM is in the SL house :)
tpam has a Chino quote in his sig
tpam changed her sig, cool one btw
tpam is c00l
Tpam is Cool
tpam is cute
Tpam is cute! :)
Tpam is cuite
Tpam is muh doll. =o)
tpam has a new tattoo
Tpam is right. I love it. TPAM has a new Myspace Av. *cute*
Tpam also has a new av, which is hot.
Tpam has longer hair than I do. :-\
Tpam laughs at me. >:(
Tpam is mad at me ;D
Tpam knows I don't get angsty with him often. ;)
I hung out with tpam last night!!
Tpam likes to hang out with her best friend. :)
tpam is correct
Tpam and I totally enjoyed the midnight snack! =o)
Tpam's fav breakfast is donuts with diet coke.
lol.. tpam... Id settle for just Diet Coke. =o) im crazay!
FLAN FTW Tpam ;)
omg.. it was sooooooo gooooood TPAM.
Tpam has a sweet tooth.
yes, tpam I do. Tpam has new Stam1na av's and sig's... In anticipation for new cd!
Correcto-mundo! Tpam :)
haha.. tpam makes me smile.
Tpam has a pretty smile.
TPam covers his smiles alot.
tpam is not sleeping now
tpam is chatting with me!
tpam is chatting with me!
tpam is chatting with me! (not)
I have not chatted with TPAM.
tpam is offline :(
Tpam is ONLINE! (I was on myspace tpam) =o)
Tpam is on or not, you never know..
I am on, tpam. But damn it.. I'm stealthy.
hi tpam!
Hi Tpam.. What's up at the home front?
Tell Josh ... Frontline multiplayer demo is out.
well, i lost all of his bioshock achievments on the xbox....(well, his latest ones anyway :-\)
and i will tell him when he comes back from school tpam...
How did you do that?! BTW.. I love redoing myspace page. <3
What are you up to tonight?
i am going to take the girls' valentine's day pic....but not much else of anything tpam :(
That is cool tpam. Tpam loves photography.
tpam loves her new camera!!
i want to see tpams make love to the camera
are you horny tpam? :o
i think a better question is when am i not horny, tpam
tpam is a horny bastard just like me ;D
Tpam's are all horny. :)
tpam's fault
no its tpams fault ;D
tpam is a kidtones n00b
Tpam and I haven't spoken inna few days. :-\
tpam has an av that is similar to one I have,but i'll wait till she changes to post mine. lol!!
Tpam has her eye as av.
tpam is online
So is tpam. :)
tpam likes to rock out \m/
Tpam is a rocker herself
i try tpam..
You do well, tpam. :)
I want to drive away tpam, i don't care where just far.....................
Awww, tpam.. Take a deep breath. I'm getting ready for a drive... TO THE grocery store... ugh.
can you pick me up and drop me off by the bridge tpam?
tpam wants a ride
lol.. no. But you are welcome to get out of the house if you would like... I am thinkin about French Onion Soup, tpam
Jonas you snuck in there! Tpam is a sneaker.
Josh has his precious fucking darts tpam.......but right now he is sleeping..so I cant leave, and if i did leave I wouldnt come back
Snap... Tpam is frustrated. Bigtime. Ill be back pam... Grocery store run necessary.
tpam called me a sneaker...;D
tpam is a cutie
tpam makes me blush...
awww, tpam is sweet
tpam is sweeter
tpam's feet are cold, so are mine.
tpam i wish i could hang out with in person
we would so go clubbin tpam.....hmm, i wonder where my miniskirts are......
Quote from: mrs_swa on Feb 13, 2008, 01:11 AM
we would so go clubbin tpam.....hmm, i wonder where my miniskirts are......
lol sounds good to me
Tpam needs to be bored less ....
tpam is right
and is my buddy
2 hours and 5 minutes is not bad tpam
Quote from: mrs_swa on Feb 13, 2008, 01:25 AM
2 hours and 5 minutes is not bad tpam
no it isn't we should go to the next deftones show when they come out to chicago
I am in Chicago every time Deftones is tpam :)
Quote from: mrs_swa on Feb 13, 2008, 01:29 AM
I am in Chicago every time Deftones is tpam :)
awwwww how come you never ask me to go
i was saying i would be there tpam, it would be cool if you came too, silly
Quote from: mrs_swa on Feb 13, 2008, 01:37 AM
i was saying i would be there tpam, it would be cool if you came too, silly
tpam is silly
tpam has three beautiful daughters
thank you tpam, as are your children.
tpam needs to find some miniskirts for the club ;)
and some sexy high heels tpam ;)
tpam is making me use my imagination ;)
I inspire creativity, tpam 8)
tpam has a pink phone
haha, tpam has a good memory
tpam is a nice addition to the boards and made me once lol so hard I peed a little.
*points and giggles @ tpam*
tpam salted the earth on ghostrider's motorbike
tpam appreiciates art .
I don't know alot about tpam.. but he seems pretty cool.
tpam has 7000 posts...
Hi, I'm Cyn, Tpam's. And I'm a Postaholic.
tpam is funny
Tpam was suprised to see me last night. :P
tpam cooked a bunch of food last night
Yes, tpam. LOTS of food. Rib eye... baked potato with butter and sour cream, Homemade French Onion soup... Chocolate Creme Pie.... MMMM MMM GOOD.
i have no idea what is for dinner tonight tpam :-\
Cyn Spaghetti is on the menu here tpam. Imma get it going here in the next hour. Simma alll day.
OMG, i forgot about that.......can i move in tpam? lol
Hahaha.. that is the 2nd time in 24 hours someone asked me that. This house isn't that cool. 8)
tpam likes to cook
tpam likes NIN
Tpam loves music.
tpam loves black and white photos
Tpam really like Amy Winehouse.
Quote from: Shaye on Feb 13, 2008, 06:43 PM
Tpam really like Amy Winehouse.
tpam has a cool deftones sig
tpam is online
tpam is very pretty
tpam has a great ass
Tpam has a great ass tooo! ;)
tpam has a super ass tooo! ;)
I have not seen tpam's ass :-\
tpam also has a great ass
I have not seen your ass either, tpam... :(
really, you were grabbing it pretty hard last night tpam ;)
Tpam is an ass
Tpam has a belt that I want.... :P
tpam has spaghetti that i want :'(
Awwwwww Tpam wants my spaghetti. It's still simma'in... Yer welcome for a plate pam.
tpam has all i want ;)
tpam wants all of tpah
Tpam should know that TPAH wants all the girls on SL. :)
true true, tpam ;)
lol tpam and tpah
Tpam knows I speak the truth.
Tpam speaks the truth.......... Not!
tpam is cool
Tpam is cool too. =o)
tpam is cooler :)
Tpam is right, sorry :)
Tpam loves Stam1na
tpam loves deftones, best band ever!!
Tpam loves the 'tones too, I'm sure.
Tpam is right.. we all love Deftones.. right?!
Tpam, that's why we're all here
Tpam knows whatdafuxup.
Tpam is a gangsta bitch, fo real
TPAM is OG wit a gangsta lean.
tpam posted a message on a forum
tpam tried to, but failed miserably, just like Atomic
tpam is artistic
tpam is piece of art ;)
Tpam has a lot of posts!
tpam is not pregnant..lol
Tpam crack me up!
tpam is part of the hot av club
true tpam
tpam always posts just before I do. lol.
tpam did the same a few minutes ago jaja
I just realized that tpam us "jaja" as a replacement for "haha" en español.
tpam is right.....jaja = spanish version of haha...lol
tpam has been posting alot lately
tpam noticed tpah has nothing to do jaja
tpam is a sweetheart ;)
Tpam ate some Spaghetti for dinner last night.
tpam should invite me to eat some Spaghetti
Ok tpam.. Next time I make spaghetti.. yer invited.
tpam is gonna outpost me soon
and i will outpost all tpams soon!
tpam is an arrogant, but great dude tho... ;)
Tpam is always on top of me. ??? ;)
tpam must be really happy then ;)
tpam is sandwiched between me and tpah ;)
tpam needs a vase??
tpam is a "girl on film" ;)
tpam has no idea
tpam made me go :o
tpam photos rawks
tpam has me singing duran duran now!
tpam never sings for me
tpam knows i'm kinda sorta shy...kinda
tpam owes me a slow dance to some genuwine
tpam has to promise not to sing like Keith sweat
tpam knows she toootally loves my keith sweat
tpam thinks he knows me
tpam is right.. i dont =(
imma get off here pam...bi
aaaalrighty then pam, say hey to martin tommy and cole
tpam is oldschool sl member
Tpam is oldskool too. =o)
Tpam has a lyric from one of my fave DT songs under her hot avatar.
tpam seems to be a cool "noob"
tpay is pretty cool tpam
tpam needs to skate more
tpam has a good Chino quote in his signature. I want to know how easy that access is if you know what I mean...wahaha.
very easy tpam, very easy ;)
tpam knows how easy it is to access what's under Chino's pant's. I don't know whether to be scared or jealous.
tpam is jealous...jajaja
tpam is very right.
tpam has a quote from Josh on her sig...
tpam has a qote from jackie in his sig
tpam has a quote about cyn in his sig
tpam has a quote from Chino from around the fur in her sig..
Tpam has a similar sig as Dorian
tpam is aweshum
tpam's idol is buffalo bill
tpam is mistaken
tpam should know that is never the case
Tpam's posts are still higher than mine.
tpam is one of my two friend on this board
i miss tpam
I hung out with Tpam last night! It was fun!
hahah, don't ya mean this morning tpam? 5 hours of sleep was ok i guess. :D
Haha.. I got 3. I'm still kickin, tpam. =o)
please go to chat box tpam
I did not see this tpam ... :( I logged out too quick.
Tpam logged out too quick.
tpam is the winged spawn of satan
tpam is imaginative
Tpam is a nice person.
Tpam is super sweet!
Tpam is sweeter.
Tpam is tooo nice to me! ;)
Tpam deserves it.
Tpam likes Bear Beer. 8)
Tpam has a good memory. *Takes a sip*
tpam doubts my memorization skillz! >:(
Tpam wasn't doubted.
I don't really know tpam too well.
Tpam is a cool chick. 8)
tpam is a cool chick too.
tpam is cool newcomer
tpam is a music freak
Tpam is chatting with me on Msngr! :P
tpam has a really cool msn display pic ;D
Tpam should know all my display pics RULE! ;D
tpam rules for sure!
Tpam is a pretty rad dude that digs Chino and Patton! 8)
tpam digs me ;)
Tpam does not dig me. :P
i wish i had msn at work so i could chat with tpams:(
awwwwww tpam. Install dat bastid!
i cant install anything on work pcs tpam :'(
Work pc's suck tpam
you said it tpam
tpam is missed on msn...
and i miss all tpams on msn, its hard to find time to actually sit down and chat for periods of time longer than 5 min :(
Tpam is short on time. :)
im also short in stature tpam, but not short you know where ;)
haha.. no tpam... I don't know where.... *looks innocent*
I had a blast with tpam this weekend :D
i had a blast"with tpam's av in the shower ;D
hahah. good times tpam ;)
tpam is great :)
tpam took a shower ;)
*GASP* how did tpam know :o
i am psychic tpam
really tpam, do u know who will be elected president?
if i told you, i would have to kill you...muahhaa...tpam
8) u'll go to jail for attempting to assasinate the soon to be president tpam
hahaha, if you only knew tpam...
Tpam is being mysterious.
Tpam is a stranger!
Tpam is a hottie
=o) tpam is just tooo muich.
I live very close to tpam
tpam is my best friend. :)
as you are mine tpam :)
tpam is ms south west airlines
tpam is used to treat the manic episodes of manic depression :-\
tpam is used to treat glaucoma :D ;)
Tpam is sponsored by herpdate.com
tpam is pretty metal
Tpam is pretty... Pretty.
tpam is a strapping young lad
tpam is talking very proper
Tpam loves to take photos too!
tpam is blue october fan...
tpam is a member of kidtones.
tpam isn't
Tpam likes clowns ;)
i chatted with tpam early this morning
tpam was up early
i dont know what time tpam woke up
tpam is like wierd and funny n stuff
tpam used to give me all the deftones leaks
tpam has something i want
tpam should know its kinda dangerous
tpam has 7777 posts and should buy a lotto ticket
i just realized that i have more posts than tpam
lol, you have had more posts than me for a while tpam!!
tpam likes nascar
tpam's dad is my homeboy
tpam's dog loves me most
Dogs love tpam
tpam is a viking
tpam is online!!!
tpam is online too!!! :D
tpam is drunk :)
tpam is right. and I feel guilty :-[
don't feel guilty tpam, just have fun....
lolz. it's 2 am and I'm writing my thesis when being drunk.
ooops. not this thread :D ;D
tpam is my sister.
oh man tpam, not good...better use spell check .lol
lol. I do handwrite tpam. checking spelling doesn;t work for handwriting, you know ;)
what?? why not type it tpam?!?!!
cause I'm drunk and when I'm drunk I write like a motherfucker. 8) lolz, I do handwriting cause my pens were covered with dust ;D
i'm having some "paperwork" problems myself tpam...;)
tpam is one of the best people here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
thank you tpam, you've been missed ;)
tpam is great and lives in Illinois.
known as yoda
tpam sells his sex?
Is what people do when theyre famous...not my case.
I dont know whats going on.
tpam is confused :-\
tpam post's are almost at 3333
that is weird tpam
Tpam's posts are over 3333
how's it going tpam?
tpam wants to know how tpah is doing.
tpam is awesome!!
i've missed tpam!
I can't wait til I play American Idol with TPAM!
tpam likes american idol
Tpam is right... I love it. Imma like playing it even more!
tpam likes to sing?
Yes, tpam I love to sing. Does Tpam like to?
I do,pam,but not in front of certain people for some reason :/
Tpam has anxiety about singing for some ppl.
tpam is one of my sisters here
and I am the other one tpam ;)
Tpam and I are gonna rock out. Just wait til you see song list TPAM... It's AWESOME! some ballad's too!
awesome tpam, i can't wait!!!!!!!! :)
Tpam is back online! :)
ive been back and forth in here tpam....
Tpam has been a busy girl online! =o)
i just can't get enough of online tpam :)
Yeah, plus its kind of boring here right now Tpam.. so I agree with you.
how can it be boring with me here tpam?
tpam should watch the new nike SB video ;)
tpam looks similar to young Chino. =o)
are you flirting with me tpam? haha thx tpam ;)
tpam is spamer
tpam uses Mammal Sauce!
tpam is stoned
he was born stoned
Tpam is russian, but still ok. :)
it seems like tpam thinks bad about russians
I think the Russian pam is awesome! :P
i think the illini pam above me is awesome :o
i think tpam is da shit
i am da shit tpam, thank you for pointing it out :)
Tpam is crazy for Swayze :D
i am waiting for a call back from the guy tpam....
tpam is waiting for my call...yey haha
im looking at my phone and its not ringing tpam......;)
tpam should give me her phone number first ;) ;D
that would help wouldn't it tpam
yeah in order to not make you wait more tpam ;)
tpam is on the cover of Rolling Stone..;)
tpam added my to her myspace a few weeks ago and never comments :P haha
i added tpams to my myspace long ago and i never comment ;D
tpam is about to receive a myspace crazy comment :)
Tpam received this message from me a few days ago. "Holy Million Messages from yer girl BATMAN!!!!" ;)
i remember that tpam, yer funny tpam :)
None of the tpams above me have my myspace. :(
its ok pam i dont have any of them on myspace either
"myspace is for fags"
im sure tpam has one
yes, I have 7 "friends".
I just use it for promo reasons.
Tpam is using the old, "I only use it for promo reasons" line. LOLZ. 8)
TPAM should be uber cool and add me to her myspace. http://www.myspace.com/white_pwny
TPAM!! good morning..were the tacos fucked up last night? i'm just eating mine now and they are not cilantro and onion ......
tpam is eating tacos.
hi tpam!!! ;)
Tpam and I sang Lita and Ozzy last night. :)
tpam ignores me.
Tpam knows I don't ignore him. Tpam abandons me. :'(
tpam and I sang "Sister Christian" as a duet last night.....
tpam can actually sing!
i don't know about that tpam, all i can say is i tried my best :)
tpam tries her best
hi tpam
hewo tpam, havin fun?
im stoned, im sick and im very tired tpam....not having fun :(
awww poor tpam, maybe u should go hav a sleep, wot time is it there?
1:58 am, i cannot sleep tpam...:(
i could try to hypnotize u again tpam
tpam is funny
tpam is sick and should sleep
tpam is right, but my mind is very loud right now, and this helps....
yay i;m helping ;D do u like buckethead tpam?
no tpam.....but i don't care if you do
alright tpam....i'm off to play xbox, sleep well
Tpam has some weird ass shit av and sig.
tpam is offline
tpam is a stock owner
tpam had other account before...
hi tpam!
hello, tpam, nice to see you online!
i have been up on and off all night.....im super sick and cannot get any sleep tpam :(
I hope tpam feels better. :)
thank you tpam, i hope so too :)
tpam is hot :P
tpam likes Christina Aguilera.
Tpam and I are now Myspace friends.. We roll deep, yo. ;D
TPAM is tizzight
TPAM knows what's up!
TPAM should do a drive-by with me cuz I'm feelin' all gangsta-y and shiz 8)
I got my gat tpam. We will put some Chrome to someonez DOME!
tpam is actin like shanana
TPAM wants to ride too, we gon' wet some bitch ass niggas and peel some caps back then go back home and eat a bowl of Captain Crunch, NAHMEAN!?
Imma put a Hit out on Captain Crunch... that shit has been rippin up the roof of my mouth for farrrr too fuckin long, TPAM. We still gangstaz.
if tpam can make it fruity pebbles,Im in!
tpam likes ludacris
tpam has a new phone on the way
Tpam has not felt good. :-\
thank you for helping me out tonight tpam, ....gives a hug....
tpam gives a hug to tpatpam
Tpam is on Mars. :)
I used to be there, tpam. now, i'm back to sharinglungs. tpam is my true friend.
awwwww! Tpam is a great guy!
i talked to tpam quite a few times today :D
i hope tpam is feelin' better :-\
i think tpam feels bad
tpam rulez
tpams avatar scares me.
tpam has some fat guy on her av
LMFAO tpam
tpam has a napoleon dynamite quote in his sig
I think tpam has sifilis.
tpam is all in tpatpam's business.
TPAM is unique
Tpam likes The Beatles.
Tpam is online late!!! (or early for him)
Tpam took some beautiful pics.
TY sooo much Tpam!! Tpam is one of my bestest buddies.
Tpam is welcome and one of my bestestest buddies also.
tpam likes old bald musicians
tpam likes tom collins
tpam and i have had some kick ass times in austin and houston
Tpam wasted alot of his gas on me
tpam totally owes me some man on man
I got tpam's back
tpam has no idea how gross that sounds
Tpam wants some man on man :o
Quote from: lithium on Feb 28, 2008, 02:36 AM
tpam has no idea how gross that sounds
HAHAHAHAH I barely noticed that
tpam likes to play ROCKBAND
tpam should get a ps3 so we can rock out
Tpam should know I'll never waste my money on one (unless FF7 comes out on it)
why not? they're cheaper now pam
Tpam has a nice sig
Tpam always has his favorite bands as his sig. =o)
tpam has my favorite band as her sig
Tpam and I share the favorite band
tpams avatar is hawt
Tpams sig is of a hot girl
tpam is trying to eat her hair
Tpam should see that my hair is NOT in my mouth.
I can clearly see your hair is not in your mouth,pam,I said you were trying.
tpam is silly.. if i had been trying. Id have put it in my mouth!
tpam should know that tpatpam is never wrong
hahaha tpam should know that I am old enough to know that everyone is wrong.
tpam is wrong, coz i'm right
Tpplam should just hurry up and get this threesome over with.
Tpam should know... that I would not.
tpatpam wants to be in one
tpam laughs..
zeepazeepam made me go HAHA!
tpam's are all happy... and laughing
tpatpam has no idea wtf shes talking about
Tpam reminds me of myself sometimes.
Tpams are alike. :)
zeepam should see their movie!! :o
I don't dig man on man tpatpam... ???
tpams keep forgetting this is the TPAM thread. :-[
tpam is gonna ban me.. oh noes!1
zeepam should know I know what im talkin about
tpam has me aaaaall fucked up
Tpam is fucked up
tpam is right up there with me
Tpams are fucked up. Apparently.
tpam looks like she is prepared for a blowjob on her av pic.
tpam has no av pic :-\
I talked to tpam briefly on the phone once
i vaguely remember that tpam....were you wasted? was i wasted?? lol
tpam has a hand and an ear, both necessary for the using of the phoning
tpam can get 30 minutes orgasm
tpam wishes he could be as orgasmic as me 8)
Tpam is silly.
tpam has a name, and i think it's Cyn, but then again i havnt been paying much attention..........
Tpam is right! I am Cyn.
YAY, now if only i knew who Jackie is, tpam.... if there even is a Jackie
i must sound crazy if there isnt a Jackie
I am Jackie TPAM!!! :)
also, Jackson, Jacqueline(full name), i've been called other names too ;)
Jacqueline sounds great, really
awwww,. thank you tpam :-[
Tpam is in Illinois.
tpam is i dont know where... ???
Tpam has Patton in his sig
TPAM and I chatted for a LONG time the other night! =o)
Tpam is right, I was all exhausted and sore...
hahaha tpam.. maybe that's cuz you stayed up ALL night!?
Tpam and I got pedicures tonight!!!!
tpam is Jacky, that i know, and knowing is half the battle!
I don't know tpam's name....
i never told tpam my name.....heeheehee i gave goldpony a hint but he didnt catch on
Quote from: goldpony on Feb 03, 2008, 04:35 AM
Quote from: Atomic on Feb 02, 2008, 01:40 PM
Adrien: a name for boys or girls.....right?
adrien is a boy adrienne is a girl and atomic licks balls :)
*hint hint*
gotcha tpam...:)
tpam has damn nice name
I like Tpam's name! =o)
i called tpam last night
Tpam called me, but I didn't get home til 1 am. We ran over to Jason and Jessica's.
i'm surprised that tpam ran over to jason and jessica's
I am suprised I went too. But, gotta do the family stuff sometimes too. :P
Tpam hates to do the "family stuff"
Tpam somewhat enjoys a damn gd band with Devlin Townsend in, hehe
Tpam likes to write... very good I may add.
Tpam is sex incarnate
Tpam is blind. :P
Tpam IS a dummy!! :P
Quote from: White Pwny on Mar 02, 2008, 09:02 PM
Tpam likes to write... very good I may add.
Why thank ya cyn!
Tpam is very complimentary. I'm blushing in front of this screen now...
hahaha tpam. Well I enjoy reading what you "type" ..... so no thanks needed. =o)
<3 tpam
Awwwwwwwwww Tpam is sooooo sweet! <3
tpam and I had a good chat today :)
Tpam and I have ALOT of good chats. :)
im giving tpam a hug...........................:)
Tpam gave me a hug.. so I am giving one back. :)
im in my room tpam.....he is home..., and surprise surprise, not very talkative :-\
tpam is wife
Tpam is on top of me... again! =o)
Tpam has a person on top of her again! :o
tpam is my new myspace friend :)
Tpam is my myspace friend too.
Tpam is my myspace buddy too!
Tpam is a gangsta bitch.
tpam is offline
Tpam is online!
I talk to tpam almost every day :)
tpam is milf
100% pure fine... ;) :P
tpam is pretty fine himself..... ;)
Tpam's are giving eachother compliments
tpam is greatness
Tpam is right
Tpam is online!!!! :)
Tpam just got online
Yes, Tpam. I am backkkkkkk!
Tpam has a band project
tpam is alright
tpam is a firecracker
Tpam is right!
Tpam is a pretty cool chick. :)
I hung out with tpam for a bit last night
too bad not with me, tpam
I'd hang out with you, Tpam
Haha I'm sure Id have a drunken blast hangin with you, Tpam. :D
Tpam thinks I'm always drunk
Tpam is wrong.. I do not. >:(
tpam thinks tpah is drunk only 97% of the time
haha tpam.. that made me laugh.. altho I don't think that much either.
ok tpam thinks only 3% of the time that tpah is drunk 97% of the time
Uh tpam..yer the tpam up there... are you drunk 97% of the time?
tpam and I are getting tattoos tonight :)
tpam is gettin a tat
Tpam is the worst noob
Tpam is not a noob... and hes great. *getting my tat tonight!!!! *
tpam is getting the same design as chino's socks tattoo'd onto her feet (just a hunch)
tpam is pretty cool
Tpam is cooler than tpah
Tpam is teh awesome.
tpam has one precious new tattoo
tpam has had that sig for quite some time now
Tpam changes his av and sig alot
tpam seems attentive
tpam has a news ticker in his sig
tpam's work is never over
Tpam and I got tats... sistaz for life. =o)
tpam is right! :)
Tpam is happy
Tpam is a great buddy of mine.
i hope tpam is feeling better
Tpam cares alot of tpah
Tpam cares for Meshuggah
Tpam is quite right
tpams likes meshuggah
tpam likes emo
i like emo MUSIC, tpam. Not even all emo music. That's very important. I hate emo ppl, though
tpam hates emos
Tpam is not online. :(
neither is tpam
In the words of Charlie Murphy, tpam... WRONNGGGG ... WRONGGGG...
hahha, the darkness is spreading tpam
Tpam is spooky
Tpam is Cuite
Tpam is wrong and hot
I am not wrong.. I have seen tpam.. he is cuite.. and I like his belt!!! =o)
Whatever tpam is hot
Tpam needs glassorz.
tpam is online
Tpam went tanning!
my freckles are starting to come out tpam
Tpam has freckles. Cute!
Tpam is right, frekles are cuite
I only get them when I tan... =o(
tpam gets freckles when she tans...i wonder where ;)
On my face, tpam. :P
tpam has alot of posts
tpam has had the same sig for a while
Tpam hasn't changed her AV yet. =o)
hi Tpam!
Hiiiii Tpam!
are you joining us in doodle tpam?
Perhaps, tpam.
omgosh tpam, Hell's Kitchen starts on April 1!
Yep tpam... Im cyted!!!
haha, of course you knew that tpam, what was i thinking?
well... I <3 Gordon Ramsay!!!! And watch all the F Words, and Kitchen Nightmares, tpam. Imma diehard for that dude.
tpam has 7512 posts
Tpam is SOOOOOOOOOOO not my friend anymore! :P
tpam is my friend
Tpam is my friend too.
tpam is active SL member
tpam is a big supplier of music :)
Tpam is a big user of music
i love music tpam, don't you?
Tpam loves music, like me
Tpam likes hard music.
tpam will pwn you
i like doodling with tpam ;)
Tpam likes to doodle.
tpam should join the doodle squad one of these nights....
Tpam and I are part of DoodleSquad
tpam posts a lot in this thread
Tpam is right... ;)
its been awhile since the last time I chat with tpam...
its been awhile since i chatted with any tpams :(
hi tpams' !!! what's up?
tpam is just great!
tpam made me blush...
Awwww... Tpam is blushing!
I've seen tpam blush :)
Ive seen tpam smile. =o)
Tpam is in the DoodleSquad
tpam is emo
I bow to tpam, my music God.
what a shit
i'm mortal, really
Tpam is muh buddy
psh at tpam.
tpam is awesome!
tpam tagged Chino with a paintball while he was grazing
tpam confuses me :-\
:D i confuse alot of ppl tpam, wot i meant was Chino is an elephant and u shot him
tpam is creative
my good bud
hi tpam, haven't seen ya around in a while.
i know huh
tpam sexy eyes
I dunno if tpam has nice eyes... or not.
tpam's eyes are a beautiful shade of blue
Tpam is muh Brown Eyed Girl
aww, thank you tpam :)
I did some singing with Tpam last night. =o)
yeahhh...that was very fun, but apparently when i turned off the xbox, and then turned it on today, i lost our progress, and your 100% songs, tpam...:(
whahaaaa? Why is that?! We were signed in!!! We got the achievements! WTF is up with yer box?
i dont know tpam, but i am not happy with it, i called it some names... :-[
I just looked at Xbox.com, tpam.. Ya still have Achievements!~ So that's a bonus.
tpam is talented
and by talented, tpam totally means NERDY.
Nerds are cool tpam...
Talk nerdy to me, Tpam.
hmmm, doesn't it perturb you when you have to resize, crop, enhance pixelization, change colors, and then upload pics to a message board when you go to copy an image code to paste to a reply, and instead you click on the http:// code instead..tpam?
<<<<<<sorry, I am stoned... :-[
tpam is stoned sour
I find sour stuff unpleasing to my palate, tpam.
tpam sez "sour sux balls" :)
Tpam has recently changed his signature. But it's still shitty
no it iznt tpam >.>
Elimagor is disecting Godgray
i don't like your sig either, tpam. it makes me say ewww :-\
i agree with tpam, wtf
Tpam is aware that I always knew....
tpam is NOT a black metal fan :(
neither am I, tpam....but it's ok that you are :)
tpam is online :D
good night, sleep tight tpam..
tpam is now sleeping i bet
tpam didnt like my previous sig
Tpam likes to change his signature's alot.
tpam's new passion is taking pictures
tpam sez i'm unique
Tpam is definately... errr unique.
tpam just made me lol ;D
tpam makes me laugh
Atomic makes tpam laugh. ;D
tpam is nice
tpam is one of Sharing Lungs' coolest members.
Tpam is among the top cool members herself.
try to guess if tpam is there
TPAM is online! =o)
i miss my tpam :(
the person above me owns imaginary stock on a public forum
tpam is so... clever.
the person above me is biting her tongue
nah, i just don't care to describe you tpam ;)
the person above me assumes she could describe me.
Tpam is wrong. Tpah said she didn't care to.
the person above me thinks i'm wrong
Quote from: lithium on Mar 20, 2008, 06:59 PM
the person above me assumes she could describe me.
tpam assumes and you know what happens when u assume ;D
the person above me is making an ass outta u and me
mex from cali
the person above me is not making any sense
Quote from: lithium on Mar 20, 2008, 09:13 PM
the person above me is not making any sense
mexican from cali
Tpam... Tpay is in Texas... not Cali.
the persone above the person above me is doing it all wrong
Tpam should know this is nothing new.
the person above me is implying the watcher is a tard
Tpam is assuming.
the person above me is covering for calling the watcher a tard
Tpam, I would call him a tard if I felt it necessary. ty.
tpam is a good buddy
I like tpam, he is cool.
Tpam should be over my house.. =o(
the person above me thinks the person above her should be at her house
Wow tpam... very observant.
tpam, i will be over after my husband comes home. he's doing son-in-law chores.... ;D
Sweet tpam!
the person above me was being sarcastic just a minute ago.
who, tpam... ME?! Nevah...
the person above me misspelled never
no wai tpam.
the person above me is a grammatical error
It's ok, tpam. I am fun!
the person above me is excited
Life is good, tpam
I'm on my way tpam.
the person above me and the person above her are using the acronym 'tpam' as a noun
It's cool. Tpam spelled person wrong.. til he changed it. ;D
tpam has a huge rack
tpam is being bold
tpam likes big boobs
Tpam is talking about boobs.
good morning tpam!!
Tpam was not feeling well last night!
it was bad, and Josh wouldn't wake up tpam!!
Snap, tpam. I hope you are feeling better today?
a little tpam, please go to chat.
the people above me are chatting it up
tpam is not kind
tpam has JC from Nsync in his sig. lol
lol. of course tpam is wrong
tpam LOL'ed
tpam has cool av
tpam made big come-back some time ago
Tpam has just always been here! He's a legend!
i can't agree with tpam
the person above me is being modest
Tpam double posted.
tpam has nice tatoos
tpam is online!! :)
Tpam go to chat now!
haha, yes ma'am Tpam!
tpam is cool
i luv her
tpam is one of the most awesome of SL...<3
Tpam is also one of the most awesome of SL. <3
Tpam takes some very nice pictures.
Tpam is a sweetheart! :)
tpam is from usa
Tpam is from Russia.
tpam has a big mole on her back
Wow, Tpam... you sure are Mr. Fucking Obvious.
TPAM used the "describe" part of this thread correctly. (but in a rude manner)
Tpam is the poster child of good manners.
Tpam's are all getting along quite nicely. :-X
Tpam.. it must be the weather. :)
tpam didn't "DESCRIBE" tpat
tpam likes description.
Tpam is one of the COOL members of SL!
tpatpam likes fallout boy!! HAHA
tpam belongs to def threats
tpam belongs to KIDtones ;)
Tpam sadly likes Fall Out Boy too.
Tpam looks super cute in her Av.
Why thanks. :) Tpam look super cute in her av as well.
Tpam is at work right now :(
Tpam knows that I'm not actually doing any work right now. ;D
tpam likes to DANCE DANCE!
Tpam looks a bit like a girl I know in her av
The poster above me used to be a huge fan of the Backstreet Boys. He is of the opinion that their 1997 album, Backstreet's Back, is one of the greatest pop sounds in the history of music, and he likes to get wasted and dance to the succesful hit "Everybody (Backstreet's Back)". The follow up, Millennium, did not fare so well.
Also he is Russian and wears a skirt on windy afternoons.
All I can say about tpam is, whoa dude... :-X
tpam has the power to make me giggle
tpam giggles sometimes when she reads my posts.
Tpam's myspace bulletins make me laugh too... comical girl. :)
the person above me got all pissy this morning
tpam is part of the def threats cult for crooms
tpam is part of idiots cult
tpam is cultmaster of the idiots cult
it means i'm master of tpam anyway
tpam is cute
tpam looks like my new eng. teacher
Tpam and I get to chat often..... ;)
very sensitive
tpam added to the pennywise sigs. I hate pennywise.
the person above me has nothing to fear, hes a silly clown
tpam is correct,but that movie scared me when I was young..much like The Wall.
the person above me is very very awesome
tpam loves to say the person above me
tpam likes pictures
tpam was up early!!!
The poster above me plays with internet slang and an album of a band.
tpam luvs clowns OMG!!!!!! me t0o!!!!
Tpam is the shit
tpam is sooo right
Tpam has a clown fetish.
tpam is new for me
Tpam is my E-Brother
Tpam and I share the same E-brother.
the person above me and the person above her have an ebrother
the e-person above me drives the e-mobile to the e-cave
Tpam loves Buckethead
the person above the person above me thinks i'm ebatman
tpam made me lol ;D
tpam is offline.
Tpam is eating a caramel candy bar! :)
:o that was a secret tpam!
Snap, tpam. I was not aware. :o My Lips are sealed.
I'm talking to Tpam as we speak :)
I am speaking to tpam as we talk! ;D
Tpam has a good heart
Tpams signature pic creeps me out. :-\
my husband thinks Tpam is cute.
tpam's husband is right
Tpam is technologically talented :)
Tpam is artistic
Tpam is my friend.
Tpam has a super sweet April Fool's Day hat.
Tpam has a super sweet April Fools Day hat too! =o)
*Brushes dirt off of shoulder*
All the tpams love me.
Tpam is soooooooo sooo easy to love!!! :)
Tpams new myspace pic is a good one.
Tpam is very kind. *slips her a $20*
Tpam just made me $20 richer.
Tpam's av is very cute! <3
Tpams signature pic makes me feel like I'm at the show.
Tpam, I WAS AT THAT SHOW....but we were in front of Stef!!!!!! (it's the Milwaukee gig... from the Rave website..)
tpam was at that show :D
Tpam is still the worst noob
the person above the person above me stole my title >:(
sorry, tpam. ive held the title since birth. if anything youre riding my coattails...........STOP IT :D
Tpam likes to ride my coattails..... (and by coattails I totally mean something else) ;D
I hope Tpam gets her singing voice back soon!
Me too, tpam..... me too. Tpam and I like to sing
i will totally ride tpams "coattails" ;)
Tpam always has to go make the donuts....
tpam's "coattails" were made for riding, YEEHAR!
Well at least they were made for something, tpam.
Tpam is online.
tpam is not online
Tpam is NOT online either! ???
i am now tpam ???
Tpam and I sometimes talk on MSN. :)
Tpam's crab tattoo has a mind of his own ;D
Tpam knows that my tat is a Sneakerd.
Tpam looks like she NEEDS MORE!!! ;)
tpam has a cool sig pic
tpam is closer to me rather than to us peeps
the US peeps are pretty cool tho, tpam. 8)
both tpam and tpatpam are right ;)
i hope to meet all tpams someday
Tpam needs to make a new Chapter to the SL Saga :)
too soon tpam, but i have been thinking about it....
the person above me wants you to wear pampers
sino ka?
the older dude in tpams sig got fucked up
Tpam LOOOOVESSS school. ;)
the person above me is winking at the person above her
tpam got arrested in 2003.
Tpam has sabbath in his sig
Tpam still has Meshuggah in his sig. :)
Tpam maybe wants me to change it..
I want Tpam to have whichever sig he wants. .... simple ass fool. ;)
Tpam is muh nigga
Tpam will always be muh nigga too.
tpam is blacker than snoop and plays basketball better than him too
Quote from: whodunit? on Apr 06, 2008, 03:57 PM
tpam got arrested in 2003.
the person in the quote above me has his albums mixed up, i was arrested in 2000 for WP not ST
the person above the quote is exxxplosive
tpam made me post a long reply in the "ask the person above you a question" thread and now i'm missing anime :D curse u lithium
tpam has amzaing sig
tpam likes my sig
Tpam is a fan of Drawn Together
tpam is teh awesome
Tpam happens to be teh awesome too! He makes donuts!
Tpam helped me out by watching my baby girl today :)
tpam needed help today
tpam is first sharinglungs movie author
thats nothing compared to tpams warehouse of servers filled with porn
tpam drinks chino coffee in the morning
tpam isn't online much.
Tpam and I haven't been online at the same time much lately.
i have not been feeling great lately tpam..:(
Tpam needs to sleep more! :-\
I have been wanting to, tpam. I just haven't been able to :(
why not tpam
It's like my body cannot sleep longer than 3 or 4 hours and then I'm awake tpam...
Start going to the gym or something tpam.
tpam is the only person in the board who doesn't change his sig pic... which is ok ;D
tpam used to be yoda and cool, now hes just wonders whodunit ;)
I used to call tpam noob.
now he can have his revenge ;D ;)
thats king noob to you tpam ;D
Tpam likes to be called King Noob
I know what tpam likes to be called ;)
Tpam thinks he knows stuff...
tpam knows that i know that she knows that i know stuff
Tpam's signature picture makes me giggle.
tpam has oink in her sig
Tpam seems very mature for his age. :)
tpam seems immature for her age (in a good way)
haha, of course tpam! ;)
Tpam is talking to me on the phone. =o)
Tpam is my best friend and I love her very much! :)
the tpams above me are "best" friends that "love" each other very much and long time ;)
Tpam has quite the imagination.
well, tpam, two hawt chicks....
Tpam thinks theres some "hawt chicks" on the board.
no tpam, i dont think it. i know it :)
the person above me is a golden baby horse
tpam is a drug to treat depression and the name of a nirvana song, tho you could say they are one in the same
tpam is...
Tpam is speechless
Tpam is never speechless, she always knows just what to say.
Tpam and I are wordy. =-)
Tpam used an unwordy word to describe her wordyness
i miss tpam old sig
I would like tpam to make me some donuts.
i'll steal tpam's donuts
tpam is progressing
tpam has had that av for a while now
Tpam wants to steal my donuts. :o
Tpam makes a lot of notes....
Tpam makes great salads! :)
I just called that one guy , and he did not answer tpam. :(
ohhhhhhh noooooooooo tpam....... that kind of makes me do this... :-\
it's ok tpam, problem resolved. :)
Tpam is a problem solver. :)
Tpam is probably asleep right now.
The av of tpam is sex
Tpam's av is SYL
Tpam's av is muich cuite
Tpam says I have lil lops. =o)
Tpam DOES have lil lops
Tpams lops aren't as small as mine.
I hope Tpam finds her keys.
lol. Tpam took me runnin today. Andddd the keys are still lost! YAY! =o)
Tpam is super fun to hang out with!
tpam gave the finger
Tpam has streaks in her hair.
tpam posts in this thread alot
Tpam used to post alot. :-\
Tpam is cool?
I dunno tpamm... am I? Tpam seems cool.
yea and Tpam has a sweet sig too
Tpam is like me.... living in Illinois!~
Quote from: White Pwny on Apr 14, 2008, 11:41 PM
Tpam is like me.... living in Illinois!~
me too! +1
there are a lot of tpams from illanoize
Tpam is not from Illinois.
im close to it tho tpam
btw, i still do post alot. i still post about 20 times a day. down from 50 i know, but still
Tpam is close to me!
in more ways than one tpam ;)
Yeah, but thats supposed to be secretive, TPAM! ;)
Tpam is a secret agent
They call me Miss Moneypenny, tpam.
Tpam knows her james bond shit
Tpam knows that I know stuff.. =o)
Tpam knows TONS of stuff ;)
Both of the tpams have nice new avatars.
so does tpam
tpam is close to chicago?
Tpam is cool...like ice cubes. 8)
tpam shares the same interest in silly tv like me :)
Tpam has good taste in tv shows
tpam likes the red chord?
tpam likes Korn??
what a surprise
Tpam is sassy.
Tpam is a "leader of it all"
tpam is offline
Tpam is showing offline.. but that does not mean she's offline..
Tpam is online!
tpam is also online
Tpam is excited that he's back.
Tpam is the queen bee of SL
tpam is heavy metal
Tpam posts a lot. :)
tpam duznt post as much as i
Tpam makes me laugh.
tpam has a nice av :-*
Tpam likes tpah's av. :)
Tpam told me to meet her in chat.
to this place
Tpam is like me and haven't donated
the person above me is not american
tpam hopes you die
tpam is the grim reaper
Tpam thinks we are one.
Tpam is missed very much!!
the person above me misses the person above her very much
tpam's work is never over
the person above me is right
Tpam is stressed
the person above me is wrong, no worries
Tpam says the tpah is wrong.
Tpam changed her myspace pic
tpam did not change his myspace pic
Tpam is correct
Tpam knows I'm always right. =o)
tpams myspace pic reminds me of a guy I work with
Tpam appears to like Chino.
Tpam likes Chino
Tpam likes Chino too. =o)
Tpam was SUPER excited when she finally met Chino! :D
the person above is the leader of it all
Tpam is just a passenger... :-\
tpam has a new av
Tpam has a new av too~!
Tpam takes TONS of pictures.
Tpam is right... too many. Tpam just got back from Vegas.
tpam has a sig I dont quite get
Tpam, the words are a Blue October lyric....
they are also by a band called Brand New,pam
Lolz tpam... I didn't mean Blue October.. I meant Brand New. Maybe I need to lay off the weed. hahaha. Jesus Christ is one of my fav songs.
tpam takes in too much thc
I don't know if its too much, tpam... I think that having kids makes ya a tad scatterbrained.
i completely agree with tpam
the tpam's are in agreement.
Tpam has a Stuffed bread.....
you should get one tpam, they are fantastical today!
Not today, tpam. =o(
tpam is doing laundry.
tpam went to vegas
Tpam changed her av....when was that taken? you look young.
it was taken a week ago,pam
where's the blonde Tpam? that threw me off.
its a high contrast charcoal finish,pam. :)
Tpam likes to enhance pictures.
Tpam likes to work on photo's sometimes.
Tpam is GREAT with pics.
Tpam is right
Tpam drinks bear beer.
Tpam smokes wee weed
Tpam and I both smoke cigarettes
Tpam smokes Marlboro ciggies
tpam is pretty metal
Tpam loves NIN.
Tpam likes NIN
Tpam likes DevilDriver
Tpam is offline :(
the person above me is a sister with an attitude
the person above me's sig hopes i die
the person above me cs da riva
The person above is my brotha from anotha motha.
the person above me is going to go see the raconteurs with mikey and I this weekend
Tpam has lyrics of WGTB on his sig
Tpam and I like to recite Windowlicker parts.. :)
Tpam is a... BITCH!
Tpam is a simple ass fool! ;)
Tpam only chose to use one word... and not TPAM either...
im sorry
TPAM is right
tpam is a fan of the feline
yes tpam
i luv pussys
tpam is talking about FELINES
and the lusioucs tulips that god created in yous females unmetionables
tpam is a a photographer ...JOIN THE CSI UNIT!
tpam made me lol @ tulips...and hell yeah,CSI is AWESOME pam. I'd love to do that,
Tpam has glasses.
the person above me does not have glasses
tpam does have glasses
The person above me is NOT the father
Tpam likes NIN.
Tpam is going to partayyyyyyy :)
I got to hang out with TPAM last night!! =o)
tpam made aenemic a thead
Tpam is going to Lollapallooza
I made Tpam an incredible salad last night, one of the best so far, IMHO. :)
Agreed.. I am suprised that I could walk outta yer house, tpam.
lmao, I was worried about ya driving....ohhh did you know that Flame's discontinued breakfast Tpam?
NO! that is disappointing TPAM.
I thought you would say that Tpam :( Why not feeling so well Tpam?
dunno.. belly ache... just not feeling right, tpam.
that is not good Tpam....
no.. but at least I know I'm not pregnant, tpam!~ YAY!
I hope Tpam feels better.
tpam cant play the banjo
tpam is unpredictable sometimes
Tpam just had a birthday.
TPAM did not know that licking a stamp leads to the consumption of 1/10 of a calorie.
No tpam I was not aware of that. *Thanks God I don't lick stamps* =o)
tpam adds oversized noses to all of her smileys.
Tpam seems pretty cool.
TPAM seems pretty hot.
Tpam's clown scares me a bit. :-\
Tpam and I share the same fear of clowns..
Tpam is afraid of clowns..?
Yeah, tpam... they pretty much freak me out.
I miss talking to tpam a bit..
Tpam is missed as well. =o(
I'm happy that tpam feels the same way
Tpam is happy! =o)
Tpam is right
Tpam hasn't been around SL too muich.
Tpam is right about that too.. kik
Tpam knows that I'm right alot. =o)
Tpam makes me smile
Tpam likes to cover his mouth when he smiles.
Tpam has small cuite lops
Tpam has an awesome belt!!! >:( I want that belt!!!
Tpam can't have me belt
Tpam is not in a sharing mood. =o|
Yeah I am, for me lungs :)
Tpam likes to share lungs..
Tpam does it a hella lot more
That's because I'm mostly home alot, tpam.
Tpam is the opposite of me
Tpam is right... I'm a girl.
sure tpam is a girl, a hot one ;D
Tpam is a cute guy... with a nice voice! =o)
Tpam knows that Mike P is teh shit
Tpam is teh shit!
tpam likes my voice... yeah!!! haha
Tpam has never heard my voice.
tpam should record some sexy phrases and send them to me
tpam should elaborate on what exactly is a sexy phrase...
damn tpam is always right
hahaha.... tpam is learning.. =o)
tpam is teaching :)
Tpam was supposed to teach Spanish....
tpam isn't on msn when I am
tpam only taught me.... Jonas es caliente....
tpam this is all you need to know haha
hahhahaha... tpam makes me laugh.
tpam makes me smile
Tpam is in Kidtones
tpam should know that kidtones are the shit
I prefer to roll on my own, tpam.
tpam should roll with me
Tpam wants me to roll with him.
sure i want tpam
Tpam lives far away from me.
tpam is once again right...
Tpam is into making movies.
tpam is bored as hell like me
Tpam is correct
the person above me dislikes me
Tpam thinks there is something wrong with me.
the person above me maded me lol
Tpam makes up words
the person above me just maded an observationz
Tpam likes the word 'maded"
I'm finally getting ripped Tpam!
Tpam is getting ripped!!! =o)
Tpam should be playing scrabble with me!
lolz Tpam. I suck @ scrabble and I'm a Escal 8.
Tpam is feeling fantastical!
Is tpam also fantastical?
I will say yes, Yes I Am Tpam :)
YAY! Tpam feels great.
"fire in the hole" Tpam.
I had to quit, tpam. DONE!
is tpam quiting? what?
Tpam is curious ;)
Tpam is leader of it all
tpam melts the icecream on my head
Tpam likes SL.
tpam has been around on SL for longer than me
Tpam sees the river
tpam is a strapping young lad...
Somebody gets tpam closer to god...
Tpam introduced me to Major Label. =o)
I just hung out with Tpam at the ball game.
tpam saw a lot of balls.
I did Tpam, but yours weren't there :(
tpam tastes the rainbow
tpam has the devil inside of her
i hate tpam's av cuz i hate anime
Tpam got an awesome shirt for his birthday.
Tpam and I conversated a lil today on the phone.
Tpam was a busy girl today.
Tpam has another new av. (Well maybe just new to me)
tpam and I haven't spoken in a while... I miss it cuz tpam is funny.
hi tpams!
tpam is nice
Tpam is technologically advanced.
Tpam is artistic
tpam is a strapping young lad
I haven't seen Tpam around here much lately....
ive been here tpam, just havent been posting that frequently lately (been busy, plus im the computer all day at work and cant stand to sit in front of the thing when i get home)
wow ... cant really describe the unfathomable stupidity i feel for asking this, but i will anyway since im drunk, so...what is this thread about? I read the first page and still didnt pick up
you are supposed to "describe the person above you"... Tpam = the person above me.......
Tpam is confused. :-\
ok..um....you look like the 90s version of Posh SPice
^^..but.....BUT!...very informative and polite
sweeet! Tpam gained e-cool points! :)
in average tpam posts 11.217 messages per day
No, Tpam, I just have a little time on my hands and love posting in the Games Zone. ;)
Tpam likes posting.
Tpam's slight is too bright to hold back all her dark...
tpam confused me just then
Tpam is confused often...
Tpam, me and my hubby went on stealth missions last night. =o)
that was so much fun Tpam! Especially when my squad locked me outside in the rain. :-X
anddddd turned the spotlight on, tpam. LOLZ. God, I haven't laughed like that in a long time. It was needed.
I haven't laughed like that in a lonnnnng time as well Tpam. ;D
tpam had a good laugh
the person above me has a mole on her back...
Tpam has a green dot on his wrist.
tpam should know its on his FINGER! lol
tpam is nuts?
Quote from: devilinside on May 17, 2008, 03:56 PM
tpam should know its on his FINGER! lol
Finger..wrist...same thing
tpam thinks a finger and a wrist are the same thing! lol (and I was corrected,its his knuckle)
tpam appreciates the simplicity of piano....cool.....
tpam has his own tv channel
Tpam is a Leader of it All :)
tpam is too
tpam wears a Zevaka shirt
the person above me should have her mole checked out coz even if it is a tribute to trent rexnorz it might be cancerous
Tpam is raising awareness of cancer.
tpam has been here almost a year
the person above me is mine
tpam bought a cd...*points and laughs*
the person above me is pointing and laughing at my tiny penis
tpam always talks of his "tiny" penis
the person above me is talking out of her ass
I do not have gas,tpam
can the person above me tell me what that smell is then?
Quote from: devilinside on May 20, 2008, 03:08 PM
tpam has been here almost a year
I have been here a little over a year...since April 23, 2007.
Tpam is wondering what smells...
tpam corrected me
Tpam has a lot of posts.
tpam likes pink
Tpam is a human being and has a belly button.
tpam just sucks cause he likes clowns
tpam is Canadian
Tpam lives in Tn.
tpam is cool
tpam hasn't been around soo much anymore
ive been lurking tpam, always lurking
Tpam is stealthy.
Tpam owns some stocks
Tpam is offline.
tpam is online
Tpam is a good listener and deserves a cookie of some sort
FUCK YEAH! hahah tpam is goin to CHI-ca-GO!
the person above me is a twat, and i stoleded all her cookies
tpam wants me to be all these things im not
Tpams are having fun
Tpam likes to have fun.
I'm chatting with tpam.
Tpam and I chat almost every day. =o)
Tpam might not have to go to baseball games tonight.
Tpam has to go to her kids' program at school this afternoon!
I am going to drop off some paperwork to Tpam.
Tpam does not have to do that. But you can stop by so I can pay you for that paperwork you dropped off the other day. =o)
the person above me and the person above her do paperwork together
Tpam knows what's up.
Tpam knows what's down
tpam is gonna see me act like a fangirl over nin
tpam should know I dont "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" ....I do "YEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAH" tho...lol
imma be at the bar when the person above me and the person above her are going nutz over ninz
no,tpam you're fucking not!
the person above me is bossy
there is something wrong with TPAM
the person above knows what the fuck is wrong with me.. all she has to do is fix it
tpam should know i'm not good at fixin,just ignoring and acting like nothings wrong
there is something wrong with the person above me
tpam is right...my light is green :(
what do you mean your light is green?
tpam didnt describe me...and it should be blue..hmmm hmmm hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Tpam are talking about lights.
tpam has a light
oh i know what light the person above me is talking about,, and hand on.... wait for it, it should be blue now.
tpam made me blue
tpam is blue
tpam is......gonna show his real side in chicago
ha, and what side would that be? the hot dog, pizza and beer loving side?
Tpam is breaking the cypher.
tpam is teh best man lol
Tpam is going to be a fangirl over NIN.
TPAM is a deftones fangirl. ;D
tpam is back in love with the Pumpkins...
tpam must be the nipple!
Tpam is silly.
Tpam is awake earlier than I expected. I was up early too... =o(
Tpam didn't get to sleep in :(
No tpam... I was up at 8. Ema just woke half hour ago.. and Rob is still sleeping. Boys were up EARLY. ugh.
I was chatting with Tpam last night :)
tpam and I like to chat
Tpam and I like to do paperwork.
Tpam and I are bestest friends.
teh bestest Tpam ;)
tpam's say the same things over and over alot
Tpam speaks her mind
tpam is telling me to shut up...lol
Naw tpam...I'm smarter than that.
tpam is a wise lad
We are just all having fun tpam.... repetitive or not.
the person above me keeps things kosher..
tpam is breakin a sweat
Tpam likes Justin Timberlake
tpam likes to rock her body
Tpam, rockin yer body is teh awesomeness.
Tpam often takes nice pictures.
Tpam is not online much. :-\
Tpam is wrong about Tpah. Tpah just watches her silently. In the shadows. Naked.
Tpam is a naked stealth guy.
i wish tpam was naked ;)
I wonder if Tpam is naked. =o)
tpam's are obsessed with teh naked
Naked is beautiful, tpam. =o)
Tpam don't come around as often.... *misses Blondie* <3
Quote from: White Pwny on May 28, 2008, 12:25 AM
Tpam don't come around as often.... *misses Blondie* <3
+1 Tpam.
Tpam just ate dinner!
Yes, but afterward I got bad cramps and am not feeling well now, Tpam.
tpam's uterus hurts
Tpam is my gynecologist. ;)
lolz... tpam has Sam as her gyno.
apparently he knows about my uterus, Tpam.
haha...oh yea. tpam is my fucking patient.
Tpam must have many patients.. enough that he forgot Jax! ???
hahaha @ tpatpam jax is his "fucking" patient ;)
Tpam's Birthday is today!!!!
Tpam made tpah an awesome Birthday cake.
tpam is online at this moment
Tpam has a tattoo
Tpam is teh metal.
Tpam bought me an AWESOME lighter and a Polar Pop. :)
tpam ate that polar pop.
I "think" a polar pop is a drink,tpam...somethin those northerners drink. lol
tpam is probably right.
I have that problem alot,tpam. LOL!
tpam is gonna shave his head like Billy Corgan
Tpam couldn't think of anything to describe tpah. :-\
Quote from: mrs_swa on May 29, 2008, 04:18 AM
Tpam couldn't think of anything to describe tpah. :-\
it would have been cooler if tpam would have said... "tpam made me cry" LOL
I took the crying as him feeling bad about not describing tpah, Tpam... :-\
oic ... I hung out with TPAM for a while today.
Tpam is mami
the person above me has vampires in his sig
Tpam's work is never over...
tpam has no idea
tpam likes chicken salad
tpam is gonna make alot of money soon
Yeah once I start prostituting myself, tpam
tpam needs business cards!
tpam is pretty
Tpam likes Beth Ditto.
tpam likes black and white photos
Tpam likes girls with big boobs.
I hope Tpam feels better. <3
i always like feeling tpam better
Tpam is still the worst n00b.
tpam is wise
Tpam sees the positive things in people
Tpam's opeth sig is pretty dope.
Tpam wasn't around much today.
I did not feel so well.. and I had to get 2 shots! One in each asscheek tpam.... It burnt like a MF. andddd then I passed out til about 25 mins ago. =o\
It doesn't sound like Tpam had a good day.
Nah, tpam.. but it's loookin up! I feel much better now. Thank Gawd.
tpam should get Panlor SS for her migranes
Ive been on sooo many things for my migraines Tpam. The injections helppp sooo much. The Stadol helps. but it really fucks me up. I'm totally out of it on it!
Migraines run in my family,pam. I used to have to take my mom to the dr once a week to get the injections cause they didn't want her driging afterwards. I was on topomax for the longest but it made me into a zombie. Panlor (which is a synthetic hydrocodone) helps tremendously.
I'm on Topamax now... Have been for a few months. I feel ok on it. I've lost a lil weight... only bad side effect is that I forget shit sometimes. And, I'm a pothead... so thats not a help, tpam. ha.
yeah,I lost 40lbs in 2 months on that shit...you just want to drink drink drink. Hope you find something that helps pam
Tpam is soooooo awesome
I'm chatting with Tpam in the chatbox
the people above me are chatting it up...
Tpam needs to get going
Tpam is hurrying tpah.
Tpam needs to be toed
Tpam can be toed... if he thinks it's a good idea. =o\
rofl. tpam should know that I'm not into that kinky shazzzz
tpam is gonna make hetero love tonight
Tpam is sleepy.
tpam's head doesnt hurt anymore?
Nope tpam I feel great today!! =o)
thats good,pam
tpam jipped me this morning
tpam got his so alls good
Tpams were getting theirs this morning.
tpam is always on here
Tpam is wrong. I'm not always on here....
tpam is my pal
Tpam is an Amy Winehouse fan.
tpam is right
Tpam should know I'm always right. =o) I only like Back to Black by her.....
Quote from: White Pwny on May 31, 2008, 05:52 PM
Tpam should know I'm always right. =o) I only like Back to Black by her.....
tpam there's better song then that.
I don't like any others, tpam.
tpam do you like the song "Li Da Di" ?
if you dont know it take a listen.. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=371954297
Nah, not really. But, I'm not really into house music, tpam.
Quote from: White Pwny on May 31, 2008, 05:57 PM
Nah, not really. But, I'm not really into house music, tpam.
lol thats not even house music its more euro trance shit...
tpam do you think deftones will go on tour again next year?
Yes. And I will be attending. Tpam will say he will go.. and then prolly not go.
Quote from: White Pwny on May 31, 2008, 06:00 PM
Yes. And I will be attending. Tpam will say he will go.. and then prolly not go.
ill go... how much were tickets last night
tpam is asking a question?
tpam also asked a question!!!
Tpam did not ask a question.
Tpam has new cute pics.
Ty, tpam.. was just messin around.. =o)
Tpam is going to have a fun night.
I hope so tpam. Tpam should have a fun night too!
well Josh has no curfew, so I don't know how much fun I will have, Tpam.
Tpam has a quiet house for a while. =o)
Im thinking of doing some paperwork in the grotto later Tpam.
That sounds refreshing, tpam.
I am hoping so Tpam.
Nobody described tpam..
Tpam don't like talkin to me no mo. =o(
Tpam is wrong, I just haven't had the time.
Tpam don't have alot of time for PC.
tpam is a white pony
Tpam likes fuller figured girls.
Quote from: White Pwny on Jun 06, 2008, 08:32 PM
Tpam likes fuller figured girls.
tpam is 110% right
Tpam knows I'm more than 100% right...
tpam is so nice
Not everyone thinks that, tpam. =o)
tpam should not care what ppl think about her
" do what you do"
Tpam is 110% right. Fuck em'
tpam should come out to chicago one of these days
I go to Chicago for concerts, tpam.
Quote from: White Pwny on Jun 06, 2008, 08:41 PM
I go to Chicago for concerts, tpam.
tpam should come out june 27
girl in a coma!
I have never heard anything from that band, tpam.
heres the link
It's ok tpam... but I wouldn't spend money on tickets and gas to get to Chicago for it...
Quote from: White Pwny on Jun 06, 2008, 08:48 PM
It's ok tpam... but I wouldn't spend money on tickets and gas to get to Chicago for it...
tpam the tickets are only 10 bucks
but gas is a bitch now adays
Tpam wants to go to a concert.
tpam is impressed
The person above me is a fangirl
Uuuh....tpam is a fanBOY!
the person above me doesnt have to go to work at 11
tpam is gonna buy me an ipod with crystals forming NIN on it...awwww!! lol
the person above me is gonna buy me an ipod with pink twatorsky crystals on it
i think tpam means swarovski,unless it's the ghetto comin outta him..
the person above me thinks i'm ghetto
tpam is a product of his environment
Tpams are private.
tpam is white
Tpam is young. =o)
the person above me is out there
Tpam thinks "I'm out there"
the person above me quoted what i said
Tpam is observant
the person above me is a spelling officer
tpam is a texan
the person above me has ugly ladies on his signature picture
Quote from: lithium on Jun 09, 2008, 08:27 PM
the person above me has ugly ladies on his signature picture
tpam got it all wrong
the person above me is in love with the bass player in his sig
Quote from: lithium on Jun 09, 2008, 08:30 PM
the person above me is in love with the bass player in his sig
tpam is right too... do you know girl in a coma?
i dont, post a link and i'll check them out
Quote from: lithium on Jun 09, 2008, 08:34 PM
i dont, post a link and i'll check them out
alot of ppl say they sound like the smiths
there come out to chicago on the 27 of june
Tpam is informative.
Tpam is always bored.
tpam likes pink
the person above me is a sour cherry
tpam want some of my cobbler..............
the person above is tmobile for life
tpam is an impulse buyer,and doesn't think things thru
the person above me gets to wear sunglasses when she wants =[
Tpam don't get to wear sunglasses when he wants.
the person above me is right. i dont.
tpam could if he wasn't sooooo PICKAY!
can the person above me please point me in the direction of which way her comment is heading
Tpam would like direction.
Tpam has a new av, it's nice.
I haven't talked to tpam in foreva!
tpam will he blown away when she comes to chicago
best city in the world.
the person above me has a girl and two guys in his signature picture
tpam is a joker
this will not be my first visit to chicago,pam
Tpam is a Chi-town veteran
dude above me is finnish and likes metal
tpam is Canadian and likes hockey
the person above me is american and enjoys mcdonalds. like the rest of us.
Tpam enjoys Hartz chicken and long walks in the park.
Tpam enjoys Smashing Pumpkins.
Tpam came over to my house last night and chilled with me!
Tpam is OK in my book
Tpam is online. ???
tpam is also online
Tpam is super stealthy.
tpam is a sexual person
tpam has a myspace
tpam wants to go out on the town.
tpam is right
wanna come along?
Nah, I'm in for the night, Tpam.
your always in
and you are always bored tpam.
tpam i know
i want friends
Tpam likes the big girls
tpam is right
tpam will be in a coma soon
tpam is right
Tpam likes chick singers =o)
tpam is right again
tpam is so pretty in her av
Tpam gave me a compliment! =o)
I just got back from hanging with Tpam.
Tpam and I took Tara for a few shots!
Tpam was ready in 20 minutes! :)
Tpam likes to drive like shes in GTA
Well, only when there isn't that many people on the road, Tpam.
tpam went out with tpah
the person above me is at the pool
tpam is online
the person above me is the greatest
tpam works hard for the money
Tpam is a photographer.
tpam has a new sig
tpam said I was a "baller"
tpam is funny
tpam has a girlfriend
Tpam has a husband.
tpam doesn't know that
Lol, tpam has a big house
tpam has a little Asian in him
tpam's sigs are the best
I have not spoken to TPAM in FOREVER!!!!!
Tpam and I watched alot of Chappelle vids, back in the day.
I just spoke with Tpam on the phone.
I would hug tpam if I could.
Thank you Tpam, at least you will....
Tpam and I hung out Monday night.
the person above me only has one eye
tpam is a bald cartoon character
the person above me has a odd mole on her back
Tpam wants to stay away from me.
tpam can read
Tpam knows I can read.
the person above me thinks my signature quote is about her, when in fact it isnt, none of them ever have.
tpam should have said either "none of them ever have been" or "none of them ever are"
Tpam corrected tpah.
tpam deleted her post in picwar
yes Tpam, it wasn't quite right.
tpam is married with children
Tpam wants more
tpam is drinking wine
the person above me isnt drinking wine..
tpam burnt his arm
the person above me doesnt know which one
tpam burnt his left arm
its the right one
the person above me was wrong at 827pm on 61808
tpam made a note in his phone
the person above me thinks she knows it all
tpam knows i'm right ALOT
Tpam thinks she is right alot
tpam lives in il
Tpam lives in Illinois too
Tpam lives in Illinois too!
Tpam helped me through a rough day, and I appreciate her so very much.
Tpam knows that I am here to help. Anytime. =o)
tpam is a helper
tpam is a nin fan
tpam is in search of a camera
the person above me woke me up
Tpam has Tool lyrics in his sig
the person above me has dave chappelle in his sig
Tpam is a part of the def threats syndicate
Tpam is part of the BoD syndicate
Tpam is a 50% owner of the BoD.
Tpam and I are in business together. =o)
Tpam is too cool for school
Tpam is muh nigga, fo sho.
Tpam is teh shizzle
Tpam and I like to speak gangsta to eachother.
Tpam is fuckin hot, in my book.
=o) I feel bad for tpam's book saying that.
Tpam feels bad for looking eatible
tpam is wrong.. that actually makes me feel good! =o)
Tpam knows she's FUCKING hot as fuck
Tpam likes to say fuck a lot.
Tpam is FUCKING right
FUCK yeah Tpam
hahahhaha tpam is cool.
How's Jackie?
Tpam is drunkovitz. Jackie is hungovervitz.
Tpams above me were drinkovitzing it up
I will probably be partying with Tpam later.
Tpam may come get riptovitz with me
Vitz yeaH! syl FTW! Jax and Cyn.. Just fuckin rule..
Tpam is making me laugh, it feels good.
haha tpam is laughing
Tpam is sunburnt as FUCK
Tpam said "Ohhhh man" when she saw my burn.... =o(
Tpams are laughing. Which is good.
tpams inbox is full.
Tpam, I wonder if tpay can hear the birds chirping yet... ???
My guess is yes, tpam
Tpam is teh sexness?
tpam is drunkovitz, which is why he thinks that. =o)
Tpam knows she is fucking hot
Tpam has a belt I want.
Tpam is after my own
Tpam says hhhhWhat?
Tpam loves Dave C. as much as I do
Tpam likes the "can I get a witness" episode
Tpam kind of looks paintbrushed in her avatar.
Tpams av and sig are dots.
Tpam probably didn't notice that my name is in my sig. Blur your vision or view from a distance to see it.
tpam is right.... I didn't notice
tpatpam has a pretty awesome sig!
the person above me is easily amused
tpam is incorrect
the person above me is into black girls
tpam again is incorrect
tpam is a nin fan girl.
tpam is correct
tpam "feels good with deftones"
Tpam has dark hair.
tpam has more posts than me
tpam has less free time than I do.....or chooses to use it differently.
tpam looks like one girl i know from the university
tpam thinks I look familiar.
tpam is familiar
tpam is a father
Tpam is a mother.
the person above me is a passenger
tpam has a new baby
the person above me is my baby's momma
tpam and tpah are proud parents
Tpam smoked an illegal substance with me tonight.
tpam likes to smoke illegal substances
tpam is bored.
tpam described tpah's name
tpam is being observant
tpam has been a member since 2005
tpam likes nin, which is a very good thing.
tpam has a 1000 posts
tpam thinks I fucking suck. =o(
I think Tpam fucking ROCKS!! and I will tell her this when I see her in a little bit.:)
tpam and tpah are close friends
the person above me likes good music
tpam is up too early
so is tpam
tpam is a fan of the Columbian bean
tpam has a son (?)
tpam has no children...
Tpam has some bebe kids
i always notice tpam's sig in different threads
tpam likes Team Sleep
Tpam takes awesome pictures.
Tpam worked today
tpam is stalking on tpah
Tpam thinks I stalked... when I actually got a call from her today, while she was working. Silly.
Tpam is talented.
tpam thinks tpah is talented
Tpam wants sexy time with T. Reznor
tpam does not want sexy time with Trent.
Tpam is right about that.. Or is she..?
Tpam would maybe swing both ways for TR.
Yeah.. maybe not. Tpam is pretty
Tpam and I used to talk everyday on MSN.
tpam is nervous for some reason
Tpam knows that with family comes alot of concern... and sometimes worry.
tpam is worried about family,hope all is well
tpam likes tattoos
tpam has tatoos
Tpam is golden.
tpam looks nice in her av
Tpam should put his pic as his av :)
Quote from: mrs_swa on Jun 29, 2008, 05:12 PM
Tpam should put his naked pic as his av :)
tpam is TRYING to be funny :D
not as funny as seeing tpam naked
tpam giggles at the thought of seeing tpah nakie
Tpam likes to swim.
Tpam will probably see me today! =o)
tpam's avatar looks really great ;P
Tpam lives in Mexico!
tpam woke up late today
the person above me is a member of sharing lungs
tpam occasionaly changes the lyrics below DEF THREATS picture.
at least I saw him do it twice :/
the person above me has lyrics in his signature space aswell
tpam's dog ran away and came back 2 weeks later
the person above me is my little brother
tpam is in def-threats
the person above me thinks def threats is something you're 'in'
Tpam sounds offended. He might end humanity for all it's worth.
tpam should make me a sig like that
the person above is waiting
tpam is working
the person above me is still waiting
Tpam is still working..?
Tpam is wasted.. Cheers!!!!!
Cheers! to tpam!
is the sun coming up yet Tpam?
Tpam asked about the sun in Finland.. Yes it is
Tpam seems happy right now.
Tpam is right. I'm pretty drunk.. :)
What are you drinking Tpam?
tpam is asking me a question. I'm drinking vodka with orange juice.
Tpam and I are drinking the same thing.
Tpam and I are samies!
Tpam made me laugh.
Tpam is pretty
thank you, I think Tpam needs to put his pic as his av!
Tpam thinks too much
guess what Tpam, Cyn just got here!
Cynmeister just got in to tpams house
I need to go Tpam, have fun with your drunkovitzness. :)
Edit: Cyn says BoD fo eva Tpam ;)
the person above me drinks orange juice and vodka
tpam likes Ikea
the person above me would like ikea too, if she'd go to one and see the awesomeness it is
I've been to Ikea,pam,but i'm not driving 4 hours to Atlanta to go buy some
the person above me is slandering ikea
tpam is wrong
the person above me thinks i'm always wrong
tpam knows I only state facts
the person above me doesnt miss me at all
tpam doesn't state facts
the person above me said 3, it's almost 4
tpam knows its outta my control
the person above me likes me
Tpam is wrong because tpah doesn't miss him.
the person above me likes sneaky polka dots, and is a foreigner
It seems that Tpam is never going to give up on her.
tpam thinks she knows,but has no idea
Well, Tpam, I said "it seems", but you know everything about anything, so I guess I am wrong. ::)
tpam knows i know it all
tpam is SL veteran
tpam is pretty old too...
tpam is from Paris
tpam has a Mars Volta sig, very nice one
Tpam has lyrics from one of my favorite songs under his av.
so i guess apparently tpam likes the deftones, duh. :)
Tpamtpam has lyrics from one of my favorite songs under her sig.
tpam's av is on FIYA! lol
tpam has lyrics to an awesome nin song in her sig
Tpam can throw a pigskin over the mountains!
tpam is an idiot and doesn't understand how this thread works...
He also happens to love cetacean women...
Tpam would do anything for Deftones.
Tpam is livin it up this week! =o)
Tpam has been going to a lot of baseball games!
Tpam came to some of my boys' baseball games!
tpam has almost reached 10000 posts! :o
Tpam is looking good in his new pics.
Tpam and I hung out last night..
i hope tpams son gets to go the LLWS
tpam is gonna hang out with Rocky
the person above me bought a bunch of clothes online the other day.
Tpam stalks others and their buying behavior.
Tpam has a cool sig.
Tpam hung out with me last night, and I hope she was careful driving home ;)
Tpam knows I'm careful, all the time. =o)
tpam has three reasons i could dispute that last statement :D
Tpam is a funny guy. I like em'.
thanks tpam
Tpam was the Post king.
tpam is right, i think bright lights has taken over tho i still avg 14 a day!
correction: bright lights avg is 11! i win!
YAY! Tpam is still the Legendary Post King!
tpam takes nice pictures
Tpam has taken nice pictures as well. =o)
Today is Tpam's Birthday!! :)
tpam has a beautiful pic in her av
thank you :)
Tpam hasn't been around when I have been in a long time.
tpam is a virgo
tpam is bored. =o)
the pam isn't 3/10 ;)
Happy Birthday TPAM!!!!!!!!!!! :)
thank you tpam
tpam and I have always a nice chat
It's Tpam's birthday... a fellow Cancerian. Also, tpam thinks I'm a 3/10 =o)
Quote from: White Pwny on Jul 16, 2008, 04:00 PM
It's Tpam's birthday... a fellow Cancerian. Also, tpam thinks I'm a 3/10 =o)
tpam is NOT 3/10 :P
tpam has cool sunglasses.
tpam is developing her photography skills recently
it's tpam's birthday today...
lol, it was yesterday ;)
tpam is always nice for people
the person above me has some mexicans on his sig
tpam has a nice pic in his sig
Tpam is all about sex and rock n roll. ;)
I love tpam's sig pic
I always stare at the two upside/notupside creatures on the right of tpam's sig picture.
I hope Tpam is having a good day today. :)
I haven't talked to tpam much today. =o)
Tpam had her b-day and I forgot it..
tpam has a myspace
Tpam likes Girl In A Coma
I bet Tpam is feeling pretty good right now.
Tpam is right-o-vitz
Tpam has not been around much lately.
Tpam is observant
Tpam has longer hair than me.
Quote from: mrs_swa on Jul 18, 2008, 11:14 PM
Tpam has longer hair than me.
tpam has so many post
I have a lot of free time, Tpam.
I am hoping Tpam is not bored right now.
tpam nope im listen to my fav band right now
so, I'm guessing Tpam is in a coma. :)
Quote from: mrs_swa on Jul 18, 2008, 11:33 PM
so, I'm guessing Tpam is in a coma. :)
tpam heck yeah i am
u should join me its feels sooooo good
I'm debating on which type of coma I will be in tonight, Tpam.
Quote from: TheWatcher on Jul 18, 2008, 11:33 PM
Quote from: mrs_swa on Jul 18, 2008, 11:33 PM
so, I'm guessing Tpam is in a coma. :)
tpam heck yeah i am
u should join me its feels sooooo good
Tpam enjoys the sounds of 3 lesbians making music
Quote from: cyppe101 on Jul 18, 2008, 11:36 PM
Quote from: TheWatcher on Jul 18, 2008, 11:33 PM
Quote from: mrs_swa on Jul 18, 2008, 11:33 PM
so, I'm guessing Tpam is in a coma. :)
tpam heck yeah i am
u should join me its feels sooooo good
Tpam enjoys the sounds of 3 lesbians making music
only one is lesbian
the bass player
left one my sig
Quote from: mrs_swa on Jul 18, 2008, 11:35 PM
I'm debating on which type of coma I will be in tonight, Tpam.
tpam is funny
Ok, Tpam, no more quoting. ;)
Tpam lives in Illinois.
Quote from: mrs_swa on Jul 18, 2008, 11:39 PM
Ok, Tpam, no more quoting. ;)
Tpam lives in Illinois.
tpam needs to come to chicago
thats where all the fun is at
BELIEVE ME Tpam, I would live there if I could, anywhere is better than here.
Quote from: mrs_swa on Jul 18, 2008, 11:42 PM
BELIEVE ME Tpam, I would live there if I could, anywhere is better than here.
tpam are you coming anytime soon for a show in chicago?
Well, Tpam, I might be coming on August 18, (I think) for Machine Head.
Quote from: mrs_swa on Jul 18, 2008, 11:44 PM
Well, Tpam, I might be coming on August 18, (I think) for Machine Head.
tpam where are they playing at?
Oh snap, Tpam. August 10, at First Midwest Bank Ampitheater.
Quote from: mrs_swa on Jul 18, 2008, 11:46 PM
Oh snap, Tpam. August 10, at First Midwest Bank Ampitheater.
tpam i heard of that place
tpam loves that heavy shit
I am starting to enjoy it more and more each day Tpam, you don't even know.
Quote from: mrs_swa on Jul 18, 2008, 11:48 PM
I am starting to enjoy it more and more each day Tpam, you don't even know.
im staring to love that slow shit
tpam do u like no doubt?
No doubt is pop and no doubt this isn't the ask the person above me thread
Tpam is confused?
tpam made me lol
the person above me means a ton of fuck to me, and shes out at work
tpatpam means alot to tpam
the person above above me has had the same signature for over 9000 years
Tpam is wrong... I've only had this signature for about a month.
the person above me means 9000 months
Nope... just one, tpam. The one before this had Deftones with "I get all numb" lyrics.. and the one before that was the roses with Deftones logo. :P
and that was 9000 months ago? the person above me has no depth perception.. 9000 months would be a reaaaaally long time.
tpam must not understand my typing. How many more ways can I type ONE month? tpam thinks I've had the sig for longer than I have.
tpam is a very intelligent person
Tpam is awesome. ;)
Tpam is my buddy on here.
Tpam is a shooting star, don't you know? And all the world will love her just as long.............
the person above me and the person above her are good friends
tpam has good friends on the board.
the person above me has kittehs
tpam has a kitten too.
tpam has a pussy
tpam has a dick
tpam has a penis too, I'm guessing.
tpam likes dicks ;D
Tpam likes them too! haha. =o)
Tpam is my bestest friend.
Tpam is not only my best friend, but my test subject for photos!
tpam i would like to see those (teh nudes)
Tpam, I am not that kind of photographer, sorry!
tpam you have potential, just try
Tpam, my buddy Tara wants "those" sort of pics done.... Jax has never wanted that done! She's a good girl.
lol whatever happend to her
She's living back here in town with my brother, they will be engaged soon! Yay for sister in laws, tpam =o)
Tpam thinks I am a good girl.
I think tpam should show her good.
tpam wants to see tpah's goods.
all tpams are pervs.... :)
Tpam is a perv himself. =o)
tpam is mistaken... Deeply.... :)
haha... Tpam makes me laugh.
That's cause I'm a clown... tpam should know that already.... :)
How is tpam doing these days ?
I am great tpam ... I hope you are the same.
yes tpam, I am, you know I always am...
Tpam is a ninja.
Tpam did a great job on her living room project.
tpam changed her avatar
I hope Tpam is having a good day.
Tpam has new av and sig. I like em'
Tpam hung out for a bit tonight.
Tpam is watching the Breaking Dawn live webcast ft. Justin Furstenfeld... (and so am I)
i haven'ttalked to tpam in a long time
I miss talkin to the Russian Music God.
tpam appreciates Zevaka's music sharing, so do I!
tpam is not from Norway
Tpam is not from Norway either. =o)
I need Tpam to come over and help me with paperwork!!
tpam needs help with paperwork, and I'm just the chick to help her out!
tpam is helpful
the person above me has coordinates in his avatar
tpam knows what the weather is like in Mexico
the person above me smashed up my sanity
Tpam went to Lollapalooza.
the person above me has a winged chino as her signature
tpam was in Chicago for a few days.
6 days actually
the person above me is in chicago?
I am about 2 hours south of Chicago, Tpam.
the person above me is 2 hours closer than i am to the second city
Tpam is in the culinary business.
the person above me is in the mom business
Tpam is right... and kitteh business. haha. Tpam has a new kitteh
tpam has quite a few kittehs
TPAM lives in Finland.
tpam is stating the obvious
I love the funbags in tpam's sig...
I always liked tpams avatar, and I usually catch some sort of a funny message with the word 'deftones' in his signature.
Tpam is bored... =o)
tpam is white
So is tpam!
tpam is a pro at photography
lol tpam is pretty metal
tpam went to lollerzpalooza
tpam is from the chicago area...I wanna move to chicago.
tpam likes teh windy city
the windy city wasn't nearly as windy as the town I live in,tpam....it's a LIE!!!! haha
tpam wants to move to Illinois.
tpam should be on msn more often
Ive been telling tpam that for a LONGGGGGG time. =o)
tpam is one of the people I notice most on SL
tpam is feelin good
the person above me smashed up my sanity
tpam is being repetitive
the person above me gave up
Tpam is in a board gang.
the person above me just made an ignorant ass comment
tpam is wrong. It was in no way ignorant ass... but meh, to each his own.
tpam is one of two female mods
oh my gay the person above me is in an internetz gang@!!!
lolz. tpam is offended that I pointed out he was in Def Threats. ???
Tpam helped me out last night.
Tpam just needed some moral support. I was glad to be there.
tpam was helpful to tpah
the person above me is ninlite
tpam knows I yell louder than any other NIN bitch
tpam and I both have tattoos on our backs.
tpam and tpah and I have tattoos on our backs.
I saw tpam quite a bit this week.
I think you will agree tpam, that it was a long week.
Tpam is right, it was a long week, but it worked out beautifully.
tpam likes the smell of lilacs
the person above me loves the happiness
tpam loves me
the person above me is captain obvious
tpam knows i'm fabulous with directions
LMAO the person above me is .......the ....master....cough cough..navigator
HAHA! tpam found me 2 awseome shirts
the person above me bought a 15 dollar martini for herself and let me drink it
tpam supplied all the women of lollapalooza with tampons!!!!!!!!!!1
well someone had to do it...the person above me has a new gadget
tpam gave me a fabulous gadget!
the person above me needs good IEbuds
tpam should buy me some
the person above me wants me to buy her stuffs
tpam is into crystal castles
tpam is into Bear Beer
tpam is into Deftones!
tpam does not live in the states
Tpam lives in Tn.
tpam lives north of tennessee
the person above me is into mexicans
tpam is into white southern girls
the person above me is wrong, i'm into A white southern girl
tpam cant keep his eyes at eye level when walking around with me
the person above me should know if we were eye to eye while walking one of us would end up falling
tpam knows what the fuck im talkin about
the person above has eluded me
tpam is some guy
the person above me means the guy, not some guy.
tpam is at work
tpam is my buddy
tpam is depressed
tpam has myspace
tpam was gone for a while
I thought tpam was from Norway
tpam is a polish translator
tpam is living in HK
tpam added me to myspace I believe
the person above me cant be tamed
Tpam cannot tame tpah.
tpam wouldn't pay $80 for makeout music lol
lolz. ^^ tpam wouldn't either!! Tpam wants to move to Chicago.
Tpam has a different sig pic since last time I was here.
tpam is a gangsta
Tpam likes old cars.
Tpam is a gangsta bitch
Tpam is pretty gangsta too.
That's how we roll tpam
Tpam and I are masterminds behind BoD
Tpam is right about dat
Tpam got his own place now!
tpam is pretty
Tpam has a belt I want
tpam looks like marilyn manson in her myspace pic :)
lolz! *kicks tpam in the head*
I will be seeing tpam later.
I saw tpam yesterday too!
tpam is not online
tpam has a new lesbian in his sig
Quote from: cyppe101 on Aug 16, 2008, 12:33 AM
tpam has a new lesbian in his sig
shes not lesbian tpam
tpams sig looks like Lyn-Z of MSI
tpam has a NIN tattoo
tpam is pretty hardcore
tpam thinks i'm not pretty metal anymore :(
sure I do,tpam!
the person above me is gonna go see filter tomorrow.
I think i'd rather go to the gay bar,pam
Tpam is a photographer.
tpam is also keen on taking pictures
Tpam has some great photos on his myspace
tpam has a great pic as an av
Tpam knows it's new?! Tpam drinks Karhu beer! =o)
tpam doesn't drink beer
Tpam doesn't smoke weed.
tpam is gonna hit 10.000 real soon
Tpam will hit 4,000 soon. And I just realized I like posting alot.
Tpam's phone is not working properly.
No,tpam. All day... for 3 fucking days. I'm not very happy.
tpams post count is above ten thousand.. whoa
tpam is one of the coolest people here
tpam's statement is unexpected.. and I am grateful for that!
tpam was surprised
Tpam is a like muh brother on the board.
Tpam has alot more posts than me.
Tpam likes to remain low key
Tpam thinks I like being low key, when it's just the way I am.
Tpam is on my MSN msngr.
I tried calling tpam earlier...
Did ya, tpam? I just got up about 20 mins ago... didn't check phone. Did ya need something?
no, I didn't need anything, I just wanted to talk with my best friend. But, if I think of something I need, I'll call ya tpam...
No, no no.. it's not like that Tpam. I just slept in.. as tomorrow is the big day! And I have to eat quickly and today is day of finishing basement. I'll be offline for a lil while.
what is happening tomorrow tpam?
Kids have orientation tpam. Only for a little while, but ugh.. starts the school year,and waking up early which I haven't done all summer.
ahh. Now I understand, Tpam.
tpam's kids and mine start school tomorrow.
tpam will have more time to relax from now on
YETH! And, no more babysitting, tpam. It will definately be weird being here by myself all day. But on the other hand... it will be definately nice.
tpam likes taking pictues...
tpam has a strange dude in his av
the person above me has two metal godz in his av
tpam is wrong
Tpam is muh buddy.
tpam is some foxy lady alright!
Tpam may need glasses. =o)
Tpam and I hung out for a bit, it was nice.
tpam got me faded last night. =o)
tpam is a mami
Tpam is online.
I just talked to tpam on the phone a little while ago
I hope tpam gets all her things done so she can relax.
tpam has a new av, sexy.
Thank you Tpam, as always, I think you should put a pic of you in your av ;)
nah tpam, i think that syl kanji logo is much better than my face.
Psh tpam is being modest
tpam thinks i look good
Tpam is right. He does. =o)
tpam is right, thah does look good.
tpam's are making me blush
Tpam is shy.
tpam is pretty and polite
Tpam and I used to chat a lot.
tpam is one of the people I like to talk to!
Tpam is a cool person.
tpam is a cooler person
Tpam is teh coolest
tpam is HOT
Tpam has a belt I WANT.
my phone died while I was talking to tpam :(
tpam has bad luck
It's late where tpam is.
I have rarely seen tpam wear belts.
I rarely do tpam... but he has a fuckin rockin one.
I see tpam is feeling better.
I have to, I don't really have a choice. Tpam is feeling better too.
Tpam and I are in tpam's sig.
Tpam has a music God in her Sig.
tpam thinks Chino is a god
the person above me is going to nin sunday
tpam will join?
i regret to inform the person above me that i will not be joining kelly at nin this sunday.
tpam loves teh nin board....like I do ;)
it isnt ruined by fucking slobs
tpam didn't say "TPAM"
tpam has scary blue eyes
tpam is bored
tpam is Variable, Trey.
very informative.
tpam is right ;)
Tpam and I talk nearly every day.
tpam is starting a photo album of carpet pics
Tpam wants me to do that.. but I probably won't.
tpam better shut the fuck up and do it
Tpam best respect muh ass.
tpam better get cracking on her pumpkins, or else
Tpam is trying to be intimidating.
tpam is a jerk face
Tpam is sensivitz.
I dont even see a person above me anymore
Tpam is trying to pretend that he has me on ignore.
tpam forgets that I would never be gay enough to use an ignore button
Tpam isn't gay enough.
tpam wants to have sex with me
Tpam wishes I wanted to.
lol, tpam cant fake it
Tpam thinks I'm "cute"
tpam just made me laugh
Tpam knows I have the pimp hand.
tpam is high
Not yet, tpam.. not yet.
tpam got in my way of calling myself fucking hot
I want to have anal sex with tpam
Tpam just made me lolz.
tpam didnt realize I was talking about myself
tpam is the smartest person I know
tpam has great hair!
tpam is a sex machine
Tpams sex machine is his hand.
tpam knows I have a girl friend now
tpam is soooo coooolllll
tpam loves lance bass
Tpam's girlfriend is his hand. =o)
tpam wishes she was my hand
Tpam and I like to joke around. ALOHT.
tpam lies ALHOT
I stil want to have anal sex with tpam
Tpam loves me.. and should go to bed.
tpam and tpah are major flooders
no, tpam we are major posters. Too bad not many others do the same.
tpam. word
tpam likes to describe himself
tpam also wants to have anal sex with myself
tpam must have been exposed to some airborne toxin that's made his brain not work correctly. Kelly does NOT what what in the butt. ;D
tpam assumes that I was talking about her taking it in the butt
tpam is saying he wants it in the butt??
tpam is crazy
tpam is the one thats crazy...look @ teh sig & av
Tpam is jealous of my stunningly good looks.
tpam has crazy sig
tpam knows whats up
tpam should change what it says under Lance...
the person above me has attended an nsync concert
tpam has performed to q lazzarus
the person above me loved it
tpam is NOT Caucasian
the person above me is NOT mexican
tpam is missing out on noonies happiness
lolz did she have beans for breaky?
nah,she had blueburries,pam
tpam is close to ten thousand posts
tpam is right! dayum...hahaha
tpam has over 10.000 posts
Tpam likes to say eem.
Tpam is palatially regalia. =o)
tpam likes inside jokes
Tpam and I have alot of cuite inside jokes.
tpam's avatars get hotter and hotter
the person above me is doing it for the lulz
tpam is haunted
the person above me needs to quit that shit
tpam doesn't need to breathe teh air!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the person above me shoulda told me it the happening was more than creepay
tpam is evidently a sissy,cuz it didn't scare me.
the person above me is scared of bugs, whose the sissay nao?
bugs are REAL...tpam!
and the possibility of a terrorist attack isnt?
not a PLANT terrorist attack.....retardtpam!
oh what the fuck ever, the person above me isnt afraid of anything. she is the super womang
i'm afraid of the kid from teh grudge!! And teh girl from teh ring! PAM
tpam posted a lot of bands
sorry to dissapoint you person above me
not disappointed,pam
the person above me thinks i'm not real
tpam knows thats just retarded
everything is retarded to the person above me
tpam needs to tell his cat to shut up
judah is sleepin you person above me
i know what the mab wants
and what do i want wam
to stretch ur toes and say im a robot....mab
what does mab mean ?
MAN ABOVE ME.....mab
wouldnt man above me be mam?
NO!!!! It's secret code...JESUS MAB!
the person above me is being silleh
im gonna get off pam...talk soon
i guess
tpam is my nigga
tpam has winehouse stuck in his signature
tpam has tool lyrics written on his sig
tpam listens to Tool (cause he noticed the lyrics)
tpam is right, tool is one of the best bands on earth.
Tpam is saying eeeeem.
tpam had bday!
tpam has a funny av
tpam has a great band in his av
tpam likes good music, my man.
tpam is Scandinavian (?)
tpam is a SL member from closest country to mine of them all
tpam lives close to my country too
what's the sign in your av, tpam?
Tpam is curious about the Strapping Young Lad Av.
tpam is a _____ machine
tpam is a _________ _______ _________
Tpam just said that tpah is a hot sexy man. Whatever floats his boat.
tpam is imaginative
tpam is very cool
tpam is very cool too :P
Tpams are all cool.
tpam has a huge crowd in her sig
Tpam is my e-brother ;)
Quote from: Penicks on Sep 02, 2008, 05:34 PM
Tpam just said that tpah is a hot sexy man. Whatever floats his boat.
yeah, but in all fairness. Its not like any of us weren't thinking the same thing.
the person above me has four leather jackets in his signature picture
tpam loves manson
the person above me loves nin
tpam doesn't really know the depth of my love for nin
the person above me should help me understand
tpam sould get on the rail with me at at show,then you might just witness teh love
i promise the person above me i will one day
tpam says he's gonna tough it out on teh rail.
the person above me is gonna have to guide me well
tpam is gonna have to run like they do from the bulls!
the person above me is a donkey, not an elephant
tpam is neither
what would the person above me consider me to be? lol
tpam left a question directed at one user and effed this shit up
the person above me said effed
tpam is my homie
tpam doesn't know tpah
the person above me made nachos for dinner?
tpam knows what I had for din
the person above likes to send this smiley =-O
tpam gets smileys
tpam has long hurrr
tpam likes chocolate cake
Tpam answered some questions for me, and one of them I was like... :o
tpam, I hope, will tell me (in my @thread?) which answer was like.. shocking
tpam is hoping for answers that are shocking.
tpam changed her signature
tpam is not bored anymore ??? ha
tpam is a SL member
tpam is the greatest person here ::)
tpam has a huge self esteem haha
tpam is an OG
tpam would vote for someone based on how they look
dapam got me into nin what she doesnt know is that i still think: trent's a biatch but still does interesting stuff lawl
tpam is one of the SL members which I often notice
tpam is a good person
Tpam is doing his Friday night posting.
tpam is right and changed her av again
Tpam doesn't know, but I get bored with things easily.
tpam gets boreeeed
Is tpam singing it?
tpam is wrong. tool is million times better than deftones.
tpam has an opinion.
tpam has another opinion
dapam seems like he likes the tool lawl
I don't think tpam can fit much more in his av/sig section.
lawl i dont get at all what dapam means to
the person above me is eccentric
tpam saw some break dancing last night
the person above me was sexy dancin before that...
I was not dancin pam...it was teh nu!
no but later when you were talking about how she dances.. you, the person above me, subconsciously started sexy dancing..
ooh ...ahahahah...tpam sent me a cute pic earlier
the person above me sent me a pic of POOP last night
tpam should clarify,it was DOG poop!
lol, the person above me doesnt want anyone thinking she enjoys photographing her shit
I have never in my life photographed my poop...unlike tpam
the person above me was violated to violator
tpam has a terrible band in his (her?) sig
Tpam is a great friend.
tpatpam has show he has absolutely no taste in music
Quote from: devilinside on Sep 06, 2008, 10:03 PM
tpam has shown she has absolutely no taste in music
Tpam is a teacher.
I don't know what tpam does! :-[
tpam is out of the sl-scene
the person above the person above is retarded, nine inch nails terrible? nin over anything omar or cedric any day
tpam really likes NIN
the person above me has a mole on her foot
yes tpam, but it is only like a square inch.
the person above me found a cure to forest cancer
I almost understand what tpam is talking about.
tpam changed her sig and av :]
tpam has a nice av
Tpam enjoys black coffee.
tpam is a nice person to chat with.
tpam is the most retarded person here.
i laughed at tpam
I feel bad for that, tpam
tpam knows how to dance
tpam knows how to write dumb posts
tpam knows how to take a load in the mouth :)
the person above the person above me has a kitten who shares a name with my neice
that's nice tpam
the person above me listens to black metal
tpam does not listen to black metal
the person above me has made an assumption
tpam is a smart guy
Tpam likes his coffee black.
tpam likes her coke light
I still don't know what symbol in tpam's av means
Tpam seems really interested in tpah's av.
Tpam removed her sig and put up a newer av.
tpams and tpahs head position in their avatar is similar now
tpam has said something about tpatpam
tpam has a cute kitten.
tpam does not have a cute kitten (or...?)
... I have 2 cute kittens.
I was saying your kitten is cute tpam.
tpam was clarifying for tpatpam
the person above me needs a new cellphone
tpam should buy me one
the person above me needs to be patient, it's not even out in the u.s. yet
tpam is not watching intervention
the person above me isnt listening to new mitch hedberg
tpam should tell me HOW TEH FCUK Mitch Hedberg could come out with new shit!
it's a live album recorded a few days before his death. bright lights posted saying 'mitch hedberg going tupac!"
the person above me should also dl the deftones concert posted in their 'download' thread, it's pretty cool
maybe later,pam
the person above me said maybe later
tpam is gonna have house guests soon
the person above isnt one of them =[
tpam wants me to visit?
the person above me just asked a stupid question
tpam is a sharinglungs user
would the person above me wear fajita cologne?
tpam has nin inch nails in his sig
tpam is alllllll about Mexican
tpam is right
tpam should know im always right.
the person above me likes madonna
tpam terrible reality tv shows
tpam is pretty awesome
tpam is from Finland
when girls telephone the boy above me
tpam is a good soldier
the person above me would give anything
tpam is using a drug name for his nickname
tpam has a myspace
tpam has a myspace toooo, muahahahah!
tpam is my myspace stalker.
tpam is my best friend
I not only stalk tpatpams myspace, but tpams myspace aswell ;D
you are also being stalked tpam... 8)
Tpam and I got our tat's together
we do almost everything together tpam.
we should get PIERCINGS TOGETHER!!! (or else Imma have to do it alone) heheh.
im good on piercings, but would go with you tpam.
I dunno when I'm going to go. I went last night, on a whim. Andddd they were closed. =o( Booooooooooo!
I bet tpam was pouting
tpam smokes ciggarettes
Tpam smokes weed.
tpam would vote for Mccain
tpam would not vote for McCain
Quote from: devilinside on Sep 10, 2008, 05:45 PM
tpam would vote for Mccain
no i wouldn't, that was a joke tpa tpam
i'd vote for green party :D
tpam likes teh GREEN party....lol
the person above me has robin finck as her signature.
tpam is my brother.
tpam has a strange person in the signature
tpam is from Europe
Tpams av is...... different.
tpam AGAIN changed her avatar
Tpam notices that I like to switch stuff up alot.
Tpam left her lighter here last night.
tpam and tpah were smoking last night
tpam is bored
tpam is the Captain Obvious (no offence ;D )
Tpam has cut down on drinking.
tpam is an og
Tpam is my homie!
tpam looks nice in her new av
Tpams new place is nice.
tpam thinks my place is nice
tpam's place is probably nice
tpam likes his coffee black
Tpam sees a burning city..
tpam is sexy
tpam thinks tpah is sexy
tpam is right.
tpam agreed with me
the person above me is sexy IN REAL LIFE
tpam smells yummy
the person above me is making me huuuuuuunnnngreeeeeeeh
tpam isn't really hungry
the person above me doesn't know that for sure
tpam has a point...to what he said...haha
the person above me is laughing at herself
tpam is commenting on said laughing
I haven't talked with tpam in a long while.
tpam changed his sig into Omar! good going. if it is Omar. lol
Tpam enjoys The Appleseed Cast
tpam is ocassionally stalking me ;D
tpam is from Illinois!
Tpam is not in Illinois
but tpam is from Illinois..
Tpam is chillin with his friends tonight
tpam is a member of the project called BoD
Tpam is the other member of BoD
tpam is online and making me feel yay
Tpam feels YAY because I'm online!
tpam rules
Tpam is pretty badass himself.
tpam thinks i have a bad ass.
Tpam has a bad ass belt.
I like tpam's pics
tpam is scared of Russia
tpam is damn right; and it's pretty serious.
tpam is now aware of who MSI is
tpam is very informative
tpam loves his country, Poland
does tpam love his country too?
tpam.. no, I do not love my country as you love yours
that's sad tpam
it's just that my country did not actually give anything valuable to me,
maybe yours did, tpam
I'm just proud of the history of my country, tpam. that's all.
tpam lives in a country I would like to visit
that's interesting! why would you like to visit Poland, tpam?
Well,because of it's history and from the pictures I've seen it looks beautiful. It's also in the cluster of countries I want to visit...pam
tpam is interested in central/eastern europe
tpam is a good human being
tpam has a great band in his sig
tpam apparently likes SYL
tpam is 101
tpam is suggesting, that all this is a dream.. and I must admit I think that way too!
tpam is one of the closest (to me) SL users
Tpam will always be the Russian Music God.
tpam has a new piercing
Tpam likes to do physical activities
tpam is right... tpam likes photography.
tpam is completely non sexual. haha.
tpam talks to God.. but only musically
Tpam posted a cool new sig pic.
tpam has a new piercing in the same spot I had about 9 months ago!
Tpam and I are piercing twins.
tpam has a twin !!!!!!!11111
tpam have no twins yet
but when he does, they will be asian -_-
tpam hasn't seen 1612
tpam also hasn't seen the year 1612 or so I would think..?
Tpam has not seen that year either.
tpam spent 53 days, 11 hours and 52 minutes lurking in SharingLungs.
tpam is stalking again.
tpam wants to be blown away
tpam is above me
tpam thinks she's a shy person
tpam gets along with people interested in music
I always thought tpam is not nice to people. I was wrong.
I have not seen tpam on msn.
Because work just squashed me like a mastodon, tpam. I'm sorry. I'll be better soon. I promise. Just give me a week or so. ;)
besides, tpam is a great person to chat with!!!
Tpam is also a good person to chat with.
tpam always has something to say
tpam has a nice taste in music
tpam changed his av
tpam admitted to watching The HIlls. :)
tpam is now aware of my guilty pleasure
tpam loves NIN
Tpam used to have another screen name
tpam is right
what was tpams last nickname?
my last nickname was YODA ON MARS, tpam.
tpam went medival on our ass
tpam should update his Christina pic,cause her boobs are even bigger now
Quote from: devilinside on Sep 18, 2008, 01:18 AM
tpam should update his Christina pic,cause her boobs are even bigger now
nah this version is good :P
tpam thinks his picture is fine as is
tpam sais shes awshum... :P you better believe her
tpam has an avatar of 007?
I must be wrong
tpam has wood in his av/sig
tpam has people in his signature
tpam is young
so is tpam...
tpam beat me to this post
tpam hates Spencer. lulz.
I still do not know tpam
tpam likes Appleseed Cast
tpam likes Weeds! and Fight Club. works for me
whats wrong with 007 tpam... i think the new one looks bad ass
tpam, I'm not a fan of James Bond :/
lawl its okay tpam...
i guess ;D
tpam thinks not liking double07 is ok. tpam is wrong.
:( .... :(
8) >:( >:( >:( 8)
Tpams post went through a range of emotion.
tpam likes me
Tpam likes me too!
tpam is right
I think tpam would be enjoyable in a conversation
I've not really had a conversation with Tpam.
Tpams new piercing looks good.
tpam has same views about Palin that I do
tpam has a guy in her sig who plays one riff throughout the whole song
tpam knows what song he's playing?
no, but I know it's from the latest record.
Tpam is my buddy.
tpam has a tatoo on her foot
I dont know if tpam knows what an amazing guitarist Robin is
Quote from: devilinside on Sep 19, 2008, 08:49 PM
I dont know if tpam knows what an amazing guitarist Omar Rodriguez is
tpam manipulated my post!!!
I did, tpam, bu also I've made a wink :)
tpam likes winking at the ladies
the origin of tpams nickname was always a mistery to me
Tpam can stop wondering...it's a triple meaning: I live in Chicago, it's a kick ass 80s movie starring Michael J Fox and Queefer Sutherland, and it's also an awesome song by metal band the_Network
tpam is not a secret to me anymore!
tpam is my neighbour
tpam is my neighbour too!
that is what I like about him, - him just being close to somewhere I am.
cause SL is sooo multinational..
I like all the neighbours too, tpam :)
tpam is from Poland
tpam is from USA :P
tpam is from liettua
tpam is in Finland
I am on the phone with tpam right now.
tpam has hands to spare
Tpam has me listening to Love? right now....
Quote from: cyppe101 on Sep 20, 2008, 12:42 AM
tpam is from liettua
Lithuania. Not Liettua :)
tpam is talking about socks in her @ thread
tpam corrected Cyppe101
The person above me is mine
tpam still had no electricity thanks to Ike
tpam is from US? :-[
Tpam is correct :)
tpam asked me whether or not I am talking to her
tpam was talkin to me! ;)
is this tpam in the av?
Tpam wants to know if Tpah is in her av.
yes,patpam,that is Kelly
Tpam has an open mouthed, glasses on, secretary lookin av... I used to have one of them too!
tpam says she used to have an av like mine.
Yes, tpam it was similar. Only mine had cleavage.
tpam likes to show cleavage in her av's
I'm just not ashamed of it, tpam.
tpam is not ashamed of her cleavage
Tpam has seen NIN this year
tpam is correct
Tpam is dreaming, and none of us are real.
tpam is a fan of melanie
Tpam likes Smart water
tpam should try it,it's good for ya
I have tpam. Just the other morning on my walk. It reminds me of tap water. I like Fiji Water.
tpam prefers artesian water over water with electrolytes.
Tpam lives by Nashville
tpam lives by Chicago
Tpam knows Chicago is teh best.
Chicago is a nice city,not THE best...It's only downfall is the fucking rude ass people,pam
Tpam must know there are fucking rude ass ppl everywhere.
this is true,but northerners are the worst compared to southerners....pam
tpam somewhy posted David Beckham to my @ thread.
Tpam would rather me call him by his name.
tpam is absolutely correct! :)
tpam has nice pics on his myspace.
Tpam has nice pics on her myspace
tpatpatpam loves Beckham...lol
tpam went tpa crazy..
tpam always makes me smile a lot :)
tpam tried uploading on remixed how I said?
the person above me is asleep
the person above me has Thrice's lyrics in his sig!
Very nice lyrics btw
the person above me likes thrice?
dunno...tpam has lights now after 2 weeks without
the person above me is correct, i was in fact without lights for exactly 2 weeks after hurricane Ike ravaged my neighborhood
tpam's neighborhood didn't get RAVAGED!
the person above me is lying
tpam doesn't know what that means me dont think...he would be homeless or have large amounts of destruction to his house,but he doesn't.
the person above me knows im kidding
the person above me wouldnt get me a venti americano =[
Tpam is amazed.
tpam had someone clean her house today....lucky!
tpam looks like the fucking hot teacher that's in every school
the person above me is a dave chappelle fan
the person above me is absoletely above me and defişnetly waiting for a weird answer...
tpam takes pictures?
tpam knows what i am doing...
i don't know much about tpam.
tpam delivers
I assume tpam will be sleeping in today.
tpam seems to assume correctly
two person above me dont wants to sleep and the person above me want to sex
tpam knows what's up.
tpam like the last video on deftones blog
tpam seems to be new here
tpam, why cuz i have 47 posts...may be i was just a reader before, may be my keyboard was broken, my be i dont have hands, may be i am chino !...
yeah right i am new :p
tpam likes to joke
tpam is pretty awshum
Tpam is like a younger brother to me on this board.
tpam has 10736 posts....and its gonna be 7 now
tpam has some good pics on deviant
Tpam is a photographer too.
tpam is on
tpam is online too.
tpam is on three :P
tpam likes Still :)
tpam has a funny signature with Trent Reznor :)
tpam is without a map.
tpam has a new sig pic
tpam has a funny sig
the person above me is part of the revolution
I don't think I quite understand tpam
the person above me is not totally sure what the person above him meant
tpam heard me talk all southern today
the person above me has a very sexy southern drawl
tpam speaks some very sexay MEXICAN! hahahahaahaahahahaha
the person above me should know i'm just some loco kid from the streets getting paid for my vocal. the person above me should also know that it is something she can't understand.
tpam is officially retarded
i knew the person above wouldnt understand
tpam heard me get PWNED by a 9 year old
the person above has a smart little dude, coz it's cacti not cactumasus
tpam is speaking all crayzay
the person above me knows how to swimz
tpam likes clams
the person above me just made me LOLZYPANTS
tpam wears nice clothes
the person above me wears nice clothings too
tpam should look at the funnay in my @ thread
the person above me is good at direction
tpam knows I can navigate like no other...buwahahahahah
the person above me just made me LOLHARD
tpam lol'ed hard @ me :-\
the person above made a frowny and it made me go awww
tpam went hmm hmm hmm after the aww me bets
the person above me is correct
tpam is spamming word thread with various forms of word "moderator"
tpam should know the word Moderational is funnay.
tpam likes Trents teeth.
tpam is a fan of Dave Gahan and Martin Gore
Tpam wants Trent to give her a private show.
lol that sounded dirtay.
tpam colored her hair again,and its her fav
Tpam likes to color her hair also
tpam is right
tpam's av has dissapeared
tpam is awesome!!! ;)
tpam described himself. :)
I miss tpam
tpam said my av is missing....but I see it :-\
the person above me called me a twat
tpam can piss me off real good
the person above me is easily pissed off
tpam is right...for once
the person above me is sweet like juicy fruit
tpam is ........ a legal Mexican..haha
the person above me is a illegal white girl
tpam likes noonie noises
the person above me cheesed her pants today!
that sounds nasty pam
the person above me thinks 'i just cheesed all over my pants, that was so funny' sounds dirtay
tpam knows cheesing in pants means smiling....gaaah
the person above me loves nin
tpam knows about my obsession
Tpam is obsessed with NIN
tpam would scream and fall to the ground if she saw a large spider
Tpam would lol if she saw me do that.
Tpam lovesss her some Simon Rex
Tpam appreciates that fine ass man, herself.
yes, Tpam, he is quite dreamy. :D
Tpam has 3 dreamy dudes in her mind.
Tpam might see me later.
Yes, if tpam is up for smokin a bowl!
tpam has some colorful weed
does Tpam smoke weed?
on occasion with my dad and stepmom. much rather do that than drink....pam
Tpams can all have some of my colorful stuff.
you know what tpam's. I think we need to band together, we are like the only girls on here who post daily.
I totally agree with tpam...
I agree with both tpams.
then it's agreed tpam's. watch out boys ;)
Tpam has given the warning.
tpam has a quote from tonedef in her sig
TPam wonders what the letter said that Trent gave her.
TPAm! please look thru your pics of me, I have no good cleavage shots on my PC. :)
lolz. Ok. Tpam wants me to do some searchin for her.
Tpam has wayyyy more pics of me than I do.
tpams av is hawt
Hey Tpam, tomorrow is October 9!!
:) thanks tpam
hockey!!! :D ;D :D
Tpam is on my Xbox friend list
tpam got owned in mk3
Tpam pwned the pwny. =o(
tpam made me laugh though, those were some good times :)
Hells yeah! We need to find another game you can whoop me at, tpam. Just so you can laugh at me. :-\
tpam has a ton of post
Yeah tpam. I have the luxury of not having to work. So I got some time to post on my hands.
tpam wants to be entertained
yes... does tpam like being entertained?
Yes,pam...I do find enjoyment in being entertained.
Tpam ponders what Trent would do.
the person above me has a picture of herself as her avatar.
tpam beat me to this post
Tpam never got to see Trents letter.
the person above the person above me means the world to me
tpam is obsessed.
the person above me is wrong
tpam would never act like he does around me in front of other people
the person above me is also wrong, coz i would
Tpam always thinks I'm wrong.
tpam knows he's obsessed
tpam and I agree.
the person doesn't know what she's talking about, and the person above the person above me is just being silly, because if what i feel is an obsession, than what she feels is 10x stronger.
tpam thinks im SILLY....and a slut
the person above me continues to be silly
apparently tpam thinks tpah is silly.
the person above me has one thing in common with me
tpam should enlighten me.
the person above me should have figured that out herself
Tpam seems to always talk down to me.
the person above always seems to think everything is about her, and it's not, so don't be silly
tpam lives in houston
the person above me has been to houston many a time
tpam thinks hes a bartender now
the person above me has made an inaccurate statement
tpam is silly that I think everything is about me. I know it is, duh.
tpatpam thinks he knows about all drinks,correcting someone and all
the person above me is mine
http://www.drinkswap.com/drinks/detail.asp?recipe_id=381 Tpam should read and learn that I WAS right.
tpam was right
the person above the person above me has provided me with a link, proving her right. but failed to prove me wrong.
tpam saw my tosies?
yes, i did.
has america turned into a three ring circus sideshow?
tpam is confused
lolz tpam is right.
tpam will listen to britney spears then pass out!
the person above the person above me added a z to her lol, which is pretty funny
lol don't forget the scream in the middle of them two things, tpatpam!
i will go watch that again....pam
the person above me is going to watch a funny youtube video
tpam posted his BALLS!
the person above me has built a very strong wall around herself, a wall i wish i had
tpam wished he could be cold and emotionless like meh
the person above me is confused
Tpam likes to point out things he thinks about ppl.
tpam said what I just typed
tpam and I think alike.
the person above me and the person above her are awesome friends
tpam has sarcasm in his typing
the person above me is so far away
tpam knows there is distance between our states
the person above me is over 9000 states away
Tpam thinks theres over 9000 states in the USA.
the person above me thinks there isnt over 9000 states in the US
That's because there isn't tpam Me thinks tpam is being "silly"
next the person above me will provide a link debunking my statement of over 9000 accuracies
tpam is making me lol with 9k states
la persona sobre mi se esta riendo
tpam is NOT speaking WHITE!
the person above me just googled some shit about some other shit posted in another shit thread
Tpam is calling the SL threads shit. When in fact... they aren't.
tpam be careful...someone might make a thread about shit!
the person above me should not take everything i say so literal
tpam knows im super serial
the person above me shows no sign of growin sleepy
tpam is WRONG
Tpam does not agree with tpah.
Tpam came to my house yesterday
Tpam and I did a lottttt of paperwork, it was very fun. :D
Tpam and I like to do paperwork.
Tpam likes to dance.
tpam likes green
tpam like mighty knights in armours...
tpam plays rugby
Tpam taught me the variations of his name.
tpam wants her Ron Paul book asap
tpam is pretty awshum
tpam is pretty knowledgeable about politiks
the person above me is sicky
tpam wants to work at waffle house....LOL
the person above me at one time in her life wanted to work at the waffler house aswell
tpam knows my 9 year old dreams
the person above me was a cute pie when she was nine, now shes grown and sexay
tpam is just retarded
the person above me is the bullet in my gun, and she controls me.
tpam uses nin lyrics to describe meh
the person above me is a clever little girl
Tpam is controlled.
the person above me got payed today.
tpam should get a lava lamp
the person above me is gonna send me some lsd for my lava lamp
tpam should know I retired lsd YEARS ago
the person above me is a lsd veteran
tpam is correct
the person above me should trip balls one last time
thats ok pam,I dont like the consequences of getting caught with it..I like my freedom too much.
Tpam don't want jailtime.
the person above me is alive and breathing
tpam has a cat that wont quit meowing
the person above me should know he's not meowing right now, it's only when you call that he meows.
tpam is maybe Ross.
tpam is wrong
the person above me wears earrings
tpam is not maybe ROss
the person above me might be ross aswell
no no tpam... tpay is Darius.
the person above me knows the person above her real name
tpam should know that I know ALOT.
the person above me knows a lot ..... of probably useless information
Tpams posts are pretty much always condescending to me
the person above me shouldnt feel like that. but in any case you took offense, my apologies.
tpam apologizes
the person above me reads
tpam wants a Jeep Rubixcube
the person above me misspelled rubicon
tpam is stating the obvious
the person above me just did the same
tpam is offline
the person above me didnt rock the ganj till she was twenty seven
Tpam has tripped before.
tpam went to catholic school...as did I
Tpam played soccer in school.
tpam has a few cats
the person above me has a few cats of herself
Tpam has a cat also
the person above me and the person above her are cat people
Tpam cooks for a living.
tpam is somewhere in her sig
yeah somewhere front row.. Stef side.
Tpam likes candles.
tpam likes candles too....couldn't live without em'
Tpam has dark hair and blue eyes.
tpam cooks a lot
tpam has ocd about her house
the person above me is proud to be an american
tpam wont quit talkin about a stupid phone
the person seems to not understand that its the fucking OPERATING SYSTEM not the phone that i keep going on about
Tpam don't give a shit about the OS.
tpam doesn't give a shit about the os either lol
Tpam is right... I don't.
the people above me are dense
tpam thinks we're dense cause we don't care about what he likes
Tpam loves technology... but not as much as you.. you see... haha.. Napoleon Dynamite ftw!
the person above knows they dont hire mexicans for "indoor" jobs.. i'd only get to cut the yard over at google headquarters.
tpam made me EL OH EL!
the person above has been doing el oh el for a while.. when it's obvious that lulz is much more appropriate
Tpam told tpah what was more appropriate.
the person above me has an ipod
Tpam has a laptop.
the person above me has a desktop?
Tpam is right. Tpam play LBP demo?
the person above me should know i am currently w/o the triple.
LBP demo was for PS3 tpam.
the person above me hasnt heard the douche on a youtube video calling the ps3 the "triple"
OOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... hell yeahz I have... Uhm... fuhk. Chad WARDEN!!! haha.. slickkk blackkkk *whistle* my brain wasn't working for a minute tpam. That sucsk.. The demo kicked ass.
yeah, i'm getting another one in a few weeks
i was really looking forward to playing little big world
can the person above me explain the game play?
You can work alone or as a group. Moving things to jump up to higher ground... swinging on things to get from one side to another.... running jumping.. bitchslapping the ppl yer playing with.. dragging stuff around to use. I played 3 actual Little Big Planet levels... and the rest were all User created. Some were seriously fun as hell. Some levels like "rollercoaster" one person has to activate the controls and the others hold on... if you don't hold on.. you fall off and die.. and can't respawn til the rest reach next checkpoint! It is sooooooooo much fun, tpam!
the person above me plays video games
Tpam likes Thrice
tpam is on this thread aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllll the time.......
tpam notices me allllllllllllllll the time.
tpam is wrong... it's just that you love this thread... And no need to deny it tpam...
Tpam is denying his noticing me... by trying to get me to not deny loving this thread...
tpam had me read her sentence several times... And I still don't get it...
Maybe I should have slept yesterday, that would help with my brain...
the person above me is confused, and he's french, so it's double fail!
tpam left me a retarded comment on myspace
it's not that retarded, but the person above me is always right so i'm way out of line.
Tpams have myspace
tpam has her myspace link showing under her avatar
the person above me is half the man i used to be
tpam thinks I have a wang?
the person above me totally has a large wang
TWO wangs,pam!
the person above me is a herMORPHadite
tpam thinks kurt had a good voice
the person above me is implying he didnt
he had a decent voice,but Chris Cornell cold hit some high ass notes...he had a lovely voice. Kurt had a scratchy,chain smoker voive....PAM
and would the person above me care to explain how that isnt instant win?
The ONLY scratch voice I love is Stevie Nicks...PAM
the person above me just fleetwood macked all over the carpet
LMFAO! I'm going to bed...pam....
the person above me is going to bed..
tpam is mysterious
tpam lives by the Baltic Sea :)
tpam likes things super sluttaay
tpam is tired!
tpam is bored
tpam is bebo.
no u r
tpam likes to doodle.
Yes i do, and we need to have a doodle night, ya?
tpam is going to post nudes
tpam knows I will not post nudes.
tpam has no balls
the person above me has flowers as his avatar
tpam has a strange person in his avatar
tpam likes to manipulate emotion through sound
tpam is a happy thirty something
Tpam is almost 30
tpam has tried sushi?
Yes... and I dislike it, tpam. Tpam loves sushi.
the person above me has no gag reflex.
Tpam likes to ditch me.
tpam lies so good.
Tpam introduced me to The Knife
tpam wants a pony tattoo.
the person above me knows it's all wrong
tpam seems to work alot.
the person above me is a passenger
tpam is online too much
the person above me is online way longer than i am
tpam is wrong..I might be on the COMPUTER longer,but not online.
the person above me likes motley crue
tpam knows you dont mess with the CrUe....Buwahahahahah
the person above me and i are all alone on the board...
tpam is all alone now....* POOF*
the person above me just poofed
Tpa tpam left him all alone.
tpam is currently offline
still haven't figured out what's in tpams sig
It's nin....pam
Tpam loves NIN
tpam is a good human being
Tpam is my friend.
tpam takes pictures
tpam is a fan of Dave Chappelle
tpam is a fan of NINtendo
Tpam is a fan of SYL
tpam is a mommy
Tpam is a son
tpam is attractive
tpam said NINtendo! LOLOL
The person above me was a bit sad yesterday =/
tpam is posting from his phone!
Tpam is posting from her house!
tpam is grrrreat!
Tpam is one of the nicest guys on SL.
I talked with tpam a while ago.
tpam has 5800 posts at this moment
the person above me has over 9000 posts
lol....tpam has over 2639 posts
the word hammer makes the person above me lol
tpam knows what I think of when he says hammer
the person above me likes popcorn and M&M's
tpam likes large pickles and white cherry icees
does the person above me prefer small pickles?
I love all pickles,pam
the person above me likes bread and butter pickles
tpam should try homemade ones
the person above me should hook me up with some then
tpam should go blonde......NOT
the person above me knows she'd love me as a blonde
Nah...I'm not attracted to blonde's.
tpam does not like when women are referred to as bitches.
tpam can tell it irks me a bit
i think tpam and i are in agreement that it is degrading.
The person above me and the person above her are women, not bitches.
Tpam sounded like a gentelman in that comment.
Tpam and I were stallonnnnned last night.
can the person above me tell me what stallonnnnned means?
I can't tpam it's an inside joke.
Tpam and I have aloht of inside jokes.
the person above me and the person above her have inside jokes
tpam fucked up my tpam description!
the person above me wasn't quick enough
Tpam is quick!
the person above me is an american
tpam smells like burrito
lol.. tpam has a headache
tpam is familiar with the headache shit
Tpam and I both get headaches.
the person above me and the person above her have chiruns
QUIT beating me to post...PAM!
the person above me blames me for everything
Tpam is Speedy replying.
the wominz above me should know i'm not doing anything out of the ordinary
LOL...tpatpam said SPEEDY....
*ques music*
haha... tpam made me laugh.
the person above me is RACIST for laughing
LOL...tpam prolly giggled too...didnt ya??
the person above me is correct, and should tell the person above the person above her that im just kidding
I'm sure tpupthere knows you were
the person above me would die for her babies
tpam is very correct...wait...for birthing more,or my present ones?
for both. the person above me will one day bear my chirruns
tpam wants to knock up tpah.
the person above me has been knocked up b4
Tpam is right.... 4 times.
tpam was fertile
the person above me middle name is myrtle
tpam is wrong...and his middle name is earl
erik earl, my parents must of been smoking some strong shit huh?
the person above me forgot that i'm a ninja turtle
Tpam is a TMNT
tpam is having a good day?
the person above me probably still has a headache
tpam is very much correct...imma get in a hot shower to try and ease it
Tpam does not feel well... and yes.. I'm having a very good day.
tpam is hoping the weather works with her
Tpam is hoping her headache goes away
the person above me does not have a headache
tpam should come clean Eryns room for me
the person above me should come clean my house for me
tpam doesn't have kids to take care of,so his house should be clean
tpam knows that kids make messes.
tpam is aware of children's mess too
Tpam has no children.
tpam has 3 children...NOT 2
Tpam knows what's up.
tpam is very popular!
tpam is an awesome guy.
tpam is effin awesome
I haven't seen tpam around in a while.
I saw tpam yesterday! We went on an excursion!
i'm patiently waiting to see the pics tpam....
I am glad tpam is patient.
tpam looks like she's about to fall asleep.
tpam has an even number of posts
the person above me is all i need
Tpam needs tpah.
the person above me is 33 years young
Tpam is younger than me.
the person above me listens to the knife
tpam is a nice person, I suppose. other wise he wouldn't be here
the person above me has some dali as his avatar?
tpam has... idk what the fuck is in your avatar
bebo is bobo
tpam likes pacquiao booo
tpam has a disturbing sig...
tpam's sig changes
tpam has a tattoo of her zodiac sign (?) on her lower leg
No,pam,I do not. I have one on my back and one on my wrist
sorry, tpam, then I must have taken you for somebody else :)
tpam made a mistake...but it's ok :)
tpam has SIN tattoo on her back. !
Tpam is CORRECT!
tpam doesn't play well with bitches
tpam still has that weird signature
tpam doesn't know lil' jon
I know him, just it seems weird, still, tpam
the person above isnt familiar with dave chappelle?
no, why, tpam?
I like tpam
I like tpam too! He's one of the nicer SharingLungs members :)
the person above me should youtube dave chappelle and cheer up.
tpam is me homie for saying what he said above
Tpam and I used to watch Chapelle clips alot.... and use words like... YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH and Hwuttttttttttt?!
yeah tpam..change this weird sign...
i get tired to see ''hhmmm what''
Tpam gets sick of the sig... I on the other hand LOVE it.
the person above me loves her some chappelle
tpam loves him some Judah
the person above me loves her some lillay
tpam should have said zoooway
the person above me loves her some zowayy too
tpam should make me smile
the person above me knows i can make her smile..
off i go in search of the funnay.
tpam is gonna find a funnay for me
tpam has Trent in her signature, again!
tpam is into other SL members' signatures.
the person above me doesnt have a signature
tpam has signature
tpam loves radiohead
the person above me gets bored
tpam used my nickname to describe tpatpam
the person above me is elite
tpam is elite too. muahha
the person above me is a regular
the person above me is awesome
tpam is offline
the person above me has a gwen stefani gif as her avatar
tpam is online
Tpam is quite an artist
no u r tpam
tpam is bebo
tpam is muh homie.
tpam is a sexy bitch
the person above me has ministry? on his sig
tpam likes Radiohead, I suppose
the person above me changed his username?
Tpam has a different username from when I first came here.
the person above me's username is a play on words between internet lingo and a deftones album
tpam is right about me changing my username
Tpam is on my myspace friends list.
Tpam is coming over tonight.
tpam is a very nice person!
Tpam is cool, I like him.
tpam has three daughters = a very nice family. :)
I dont know much about tpam
the person above me will be 30 soon
tpam just turned 26
the person above me likes to laugh
tpam can be funnay
the person above me laughs at my funnies sometimes. sometimes she calls me a retard, and that in turn, makes her laugh
tpam thinks he knows me or somethin
the person above me knows i know her
tpam is on messenger chattin it up
tpam has DM signature :)
tpam is very talented.
the person above me is an organ donor, and stock owner
tpam is elite
the person above me is the world police
And don't forget oppressive, tpam.
Tpam forgot her smokes last night.
the person above me and the person above her are bffs
tpam is waiting for a call
the person above me is doing stuffs
tpam will hear my voice shortly
tpam is a great NIN fan ;)
tpam is a riddle to me with some goood musiacl taste.
Tpam is a fun person to talk to.
the person above me thinks the person above her is fun to talk to
tpam has a bass player in his sig
t-pain look alike
tpam is new here and has an interesting av. where is it from?
Tpam isn't around much :(
tpam is a looking good
Tpam and I are myspace buddies.
Tpam now has her smokes that she left here :)
Tpam stopped by my house.. and it was nice seeing her.
tpam is cool
Tpam is new here.
Tpam is my BFF :)
Tpam is my bestest friend in the whole world.
Tpam is muh brown eyed girl.
awww, Tpam is a sweetheart.
tpam and I are planning a shopping trip in February.
the person above me has a new av/sig
tpam has chi in his/her sig
tpam is a nice buddy and has TMV in his sig :P
Tpam enjoys making music.
WHAT IS A TPAM?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
tpam don't know that tpam means THE PERSON ABOVE ME.
Tpam has a bike.
looks like trent reznor
lolz It's teh pic tpam. Normally I don't. =o)
tpam means THE PERSON ABOVE YOU!!!!!! And NO!
i'm just playing you are a very pretty lady, of strong moral character, an opposer of abortions, you vove democrat and you are the best driver i've ever seen
tpam would NOT lick an anus! lol
i've did it before :-[
i just got an awesome idea for a new thread ;D
actually he would like to lick anus AGAIN
Tpam likes Ashes Divide
tpam doesn't look like T-Rez!
Tpam likes Depeche Mode.
Tpam made my spaghetti recipe today!
Tpam got out of the house today.
the person above me has an extensive handbag collection
i know cuz i went in her closet when she wasn't home
Tpam is a stalker!
the person above me needs to open those pesky blinds, i can barely see inside her house from out here in her backyard
Duh, tpam should know he won't see me from the back of the house!
oh, wait. i'm at the back of TRENT REZNORS house. i get you guys confused sometimes. just kidding!!!!
lolz tpam thinks I look like Trent Rez.
Tpam changed her av/sig.
Tpam is at home.
doesnt like to be compared to trent reznor
Tpam is wrong. I wouldn't mind being compared to him, I just don't want to look like him!
tpam doesn't like to look like TR
Tpam is muh nigga
I just attempted to have a phone conversation with tpam. :-\
Tpam is coming over! haha @ phone convo.
I am trying to sober up before coming over tpam.
Tpam is wayyysted
Tpam makes me happy.
tpam looks mean kinda
Tpam has uber short hair!
tpam is very active in SL community
tpam was bored
the person above me has had the same signature picture forever
tpam likes the weed
tpam likes dicks
tpam nowadays has the weather just like I do. nasty one. cold wet and windy
don't you, tpam?
Tpam and I are myspace buddies.
Tpam and I need to hang out soon.
Tpam is right. I miss her.
Quote from: lostpilot on Nov 20, 2008, 10:54 PM
tpam nowadays has the weather just like I do. nasty one. cold wet and windy
don't you, tpam?
yup :(
tpam is a beautiful human being
tpam likes The Mars Volta and that is great!
and by the way, can tpam upload Frances the Mute extended version? cause I think I have the regular one
tpam requests an upload
Tpam is making his Friday appearance.
TPAM will explain to me what exactly I am supposed to do and if they do not...I SHALL DESTROY THEM!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *COUGH* I really should cut back on the cigarettes...
tpam has an album as av that is one of my fav bands
tpam doesn't realize that I don't know what av means...
tpam doesn't that av = avatar, in your case 10.000 days by tool
tpam is awesome for clarifying me to my stupidity. :D
tpam seems to be a cool fella
Tpam is still awake.
tpam is mocking me
Tpam is offline
tpam is online very often!
tpam is tmv lover!
I really miss chatting with tpam.
Tpam has a new av... and its cute!
tpam has a signature that once used to be my wallpaper!
Tpam is a cool dude.
tpam owes me some tits :P
Tpam didn't know about SL til I told him about it. =o)
tpam is totally true and still cannot get out of showing me some vag or some tits...
tpam is new here
tpam likes to point out the obvious :P
tpam likes Tool. which is good.
Tpam has the ability to be very artistic.
tpam me is hot
I do not know what Tpam looks like.
tpam probably doesn't want to know...don't ask, don't tell...but you can probably find a picture of me on myspace through another members profile on here...at least I think I saw you on their profile...anyways...
hmm, Tpam has me curious.
tpam should read between the lines and find the plate I'm dropping as I am their passenger...
Tpam and I share the same initial for our first names.
tpam is incorrect...
tpam was here couple of hours ago
tpam is correct and I am here again!
the person above me claims to be a 21 year old male going for a 33 year old married femail 1000 miles north of him through a message board and I really can't know how extremely crazy the world really is these days.
tpam has his own strong beliefs
tpam changed his name
tpam is yawning
Tpam loves TMV
tpam had a nice weekend
Tpam makes nice music.
Tpam and I haven't talked over for over a week
not "talked" talked, but e-talked.
Tpam had an enjoyable weekend.
Tpam don't have to be with her family for thanksgiving
tpam is currently online
Tpam is online too!
Tpam must be done cooking. edit. or not. lol
tpam has a nice new av
thanks, Tpam hasn't changed her av in a while.
Yeah pam...haven't been feeling very photogenic lately :(
tpam has gone to a few gigs this year
tpam's hubby puked recently
lol. yeah he did. Tpam would scream and fall over if she saw him do it.
I haven't seen Tpam puke much.
tpam does hair
tpam likes depeche mode
^^^ cock eater ;)
Tpam likes to post here.
tpam changer her sig and av once again:)
Tpam changed his av too! I just get bored too easily with mine, so I change them alot.
tpam, I'm all the same! Just the boredom..
I like tpams new av.
it's a symbol of HEROES, tpam. you know this show don't you :)
i caught tpam checking me out
when i first got here i thought when people called me tpam that they were insulting me
tpam is chaotic
Tpam thinks I am aware of HEROES when I am indeed, not.
tpam is a very nice person
Tpam is like my little brother on the board.
tpam, HEROES is a very good tv show! you should check it out.
TPam likes Heroes
tpam likes Blue October!
Tpam is right, I love them. They totally touch me.
I saw Tpam last night.
Tpam was in her robe last night!
Tpam has a longer pony tail than I do.
Tpam has brown eyes.
Tpam has a very bright future.
Tpam is a skilled stylist.
tpam is over 12k of posts :o
Tpam don't post as much as I do.
tpams signature picture goes out of the frame !
haha, tpam. Not on my screen!
oh yeah, this means tpams screen is bigger than mine. damn. I should've seen this one comin
Tpam is sweet.
tpam is one of my favourite SL members :P
Tpam enjoys things on "special occasions" ;)
tpam also enjoys "SPECIAL OCCASIONS"!
tpam is my Slavic bro
tpam avatar is freaky
tpam's avatar rules
Tpam is drinking a few beers.
tpam is right!
Tpam has an awesome belt that I <3
tpam is swooooooooshing (and listening to some KoRn)
Tpam is bored alot
tpam is wrong, I am bored not that much at all!
Tpam corrected me altho I was referring to his old name.
tpam has an incredible amount of posts!
Tpam has alot less posts than I. I just have alot of time to spare! =o)
Tpam has been reading a lot lately.
Tpam thinks I'm the board stoner!
well, Tpam, the usual stoners have started to go to the "dark side" with wine and such. :-\
two person above me and whodunit have an electric to each other......somthing like..''like''...less than love
I do not know much about tpam
Tpam is one of my SL favorites.
Tpam has not been around a lot =(
I don't know tpam a lot
tpam wasn't around much lately
tpam likes TMV
the person above me likes tool
you should know that song you're quoting is about anal fisting
tpam thinks I don't know what the fucking song I quoted was about.
tpam likes to read
the person above me is holding a guitar
tpam is texan
the person above me is an illinoian
tpam is right on that
maybe soon to be texan too
the person above me is moving to texas?
tpam lives in texass
the person above me loves texas
tpam either thinks he's dumb or has been listening to Nirvana
the person above me looks like hes holding a sitar
tpam has santa claus in his av
tpam is depressed
the person above me has a girl in tight pants in his signature picture
Quote from: lithium on Dec 14, 2008, 03:25 AM
the person above me is moving to texas?
when i get older tpam
maybe in the 3 to 5 years
Quote from: lithium on Dec 15, 2008, 12:13 AM
the person above me has a girl in tight pants in his signature picture
a girl!? that's robert plant!
the person above me should realize i was kidding!
tpam made me dumb lol
tpam will have a minor surgery :P
the person above me is sticking his tongue out
tpam has very nice penmanship
the person above me should write me somethang
tpam has a pretteh phone
Tpam is coming to see me when New Moon comes.
tpam has a nice rack lol
Quote from: lostpilot on Dec 15, 2008, 11:52 PM
tpam will have a minor surgery :P
I had it two years ago :)
I don't know tpam
I miss Tpam.
tpam is into ledzep atm
tpam is into heavy music!
Tpam likes to drink wine and chill with friends.
tpamlikes to do paper work
tpam is from Finland :)
tpam loves the mars volta :)
the person above me used to be a small little green man from mars
tpam still calls me by my old nickname :P
tpam has a band
the person above me seems to always be above me, which is not a bad thing.. i'm just saying.
Tpam is in Texas.
the person above me likes blue october, who i think are from here in houston
Tpam is right... they are! Lucky bastid.
tpam has a sad avatar
I would really like to meet tpam in reality. And I think I will someday
I hope i meet tpam in reality
the two people above me think posting on a message isnt really happening.
tpam confused me...
tpam is new here
tpam is into Led Zeppelin atm
I will now send a link of a sort of promotional video from our concert last night to tpam
I like what tpam sent me
tpam is a :o
Tpam likes the White Pony
Quote from: dictatesofreason on Dec 22, 2008, 03:54 PM
tpam is a :o
what does that mean tpatpam?
tpam still has this sad av :(
Tpam loves music.
tpam apparently has no signature :o
Tpam put on a show last night.
The person above me is a nice person.
I think tpam is a nice person :)
well tpatpatpatpatpatpam it means: :o = "touched in the head"
tpam is a weird-o
and once again the person above me is the person above me
tpam is a tpam.. *sigh*
Tpam has longer hair than me.
Tpam has bigger bobs than me.
Fucking misspelling..... :) .....in the crucial wor¨d....
Just one more beer.....kthx
tpam has bobs...i wunder wat those are
Tpam is in accordance with the dictates of reason.
tpam like trust co.
the person above me is kinda new around here i think
tpam likes Victor Wooten
the person above me knows who victor wooten is
tpam has been around here awile mesa thinks
the person above me just talked like the worst character in star wars history
tpam discrimants against Gungans..
I like tpams avata
i like tpams silhouette
Tpam likes Deftones and Team Sleep
I have a gift I need to deliver to Tpam.
Tpam needs to deliver a gift to the person above her.
stop talkin the persons above you and send a gift to me, tpam..
tpam is still sort of new here
damn its been a year mr tpam. I just love to read yours !...
okay, tpam is here for more than a year, but I still do not quite know what kind of person tpam is
i love tpam, cuz he loves deftones...My personality is kind of like that :)
(also i love potatoes)
Tpam loves Deftones, potatoes, and sex!
i love tpam, either....she is hot ! :)
tpam thinks cyn is hot
Tpam loves Karhu Beer!
tpam is so right.
tpams been gone...nice to have tpam back, welcome back tpam
i don't know tpam
Tpam knows me!! =o)
I saw Tpam last night and today :)
Tpam is holding something for me in her deep freeze :o
Tpam has a lot of posts.
Tpam will have alot of posts too. =o)
Tpam changed her av again.
I was workin on changing sig... but I fucked it up.. so it's a no go. Tpam has no sig.
Tpam is into technology.
Tpam has been a member just one year less than I.
Tpam introduced me to Sharing Lungs. ;)
tpam is gorgeous
Tpam is one of the nicer guys on SL.
tpam is gorgeous too
Tpam loves Led Zepplin
tpam apparently wants to quit his job
tpam creates beautiful art
all 3 Tpam's are some of my favorites of SL. :)
tpam has her photo in her av
Tpam is my e-brother. :)
the person above me has electronic relatives
tpam has santa in his(her?) av
the person above me is correct, that is indeed santa claus on a rooftop, with a fifth of shnapps and a gun to his head.
tpam is a hardcoe SL user
tpam is elite
tpam is a leader
tpam has a huge sig
the person above me has a tiny av
tpam has a bug in his sig
Tpam lives in Illinois also!
TPAM is my best buddy? Rite?
tpam is a big kid now
tpam is my neighbour
tpam likes to update his signature, and sometimes does not bother to resize it :P
tpam is right
the person above me is ELITE
tpam thinks he's dumb but he's not
the person above me has JESUS IN HIS SIGNATURE!!
lol, it's John Frusciante, tpam ;)
the person above me isnt keen on sarcasm
lolz, I'm not, tpam
tpam seems to be a funny person
the person above me should know that anyone can grow their hair, be jim morrison and play guitar
the person above me once again has that BUG in his signature
the person above me is a perfect example that anyone can play guitar
I want to be jim morrison and play the guitar, tpam :-[
the person above me wants to be like jim morrison, so does everyone and their mother.
you win, tpam
the person above me just lost the game
tpam needs to do it.
tpam has a mc'donalds guy in his av
the person above the person above me said i need to do it.. do what exactly?
tpam has a depressed satan clause in his avatar
Tpam has the White Pony in his avatar
Tpam is having people over for New Year's.
the person above me is going over to the person above her house on new years eve
Tpam will be not be staying up late on New Year's :-\
the person above me is lucky coz she gets to party
tpam is rich
Tpam and I need to catch up on things.
tpam, go to chatrrom
I missed Tpam in the chat box. :(
Tpam has the coolest pic on her msn display
I like tpam.
Tpam has a new sig pic.
tpam has still the same sig pic
I wonder if tpam likes wine
I LOVE wine!
I guess tpam likes wine, too
obviously, tpam!
and cheese with wine. oooooooooooh good times
Tpams like cheese and wine
yoda dude i'm not anywhere near rich man
the person above me is poking out of the shadows in her avatar
tpam likes the word EPIC
the person above me has a tiny sea in her eye
Tpam has a funny avatar and sig
tpam has a cool sig
tpam is a deftones lover and a teamsleeper
tpam has another cool sig,, damn i can never add pics to my sig...that why i stick with the bandbars
tpatpam has a nazi person in the sig
tpam is unknown to me
tpam dosent like fer sum reason, their loss
tpam makes love to deftones
the person above me has a kick ass picture as his signature
tpam likes bugs
the person above me likes fishy feet
the person above me as a gif thats been creeping me out EVERYTIME i get on sharinglungs!
theres a possibility hes above 18 and might even believe in santa ;p....*shrug*
Tpam is a good photographer.
tpam is a good photographer either
tpam has artistic skills pouring out of his fingertips that have dazzled everyone on sharinglungs and he is procrastinating about posting the rest for our vulnerable eyes to feast on. : )
tpam uses too many words
tpam has a subliminalPENICKS message in his signature
tpam is being depressed
Tpam's sig kind of freaks me out.
tpam looks dark in av
I wonder if tpam got my message with youtube links
does tpam like the band Vesania?
tpam has a kissable display pic.
tpam has less posts than me.....
at last i found somebody.........
tpam should know that post count doesn't mean anything...
tpam is an OG... and he has less posts than I do.
What is OG tpam please ?
an OG is an Original Gangsta tpam.
I see I see... tpam is right then...
Tpam likes to chat naked while laying in bed. lolz.
i prefer tpam chat naked while laying in bed ;)
I couldn't reach the PC from the bed... therefore I can't tpam =o(
impossible is nothing, tpam...just do it :D
Tpam should know me chatting naked = not pretty site.
tpam likes blue october
the person above me has cannibalistic piranhas eating a poor fellows pedicured foot as his signature picture
the person above me talks weird
tpam still has on a weird display imho
tpam is newbie
(;p gotta start somewhere 'leader of it all')
tpam i like you already :P
tpam is not a noob here
Tpam wanted to stay a pink maggit... but fuck it.
tpam is a pouter
I just have normally pouty lips. It sucks. Tpam has a very nice av pic.
: ) thankee
tpman doesnt look old enough to be old at all and that makes me wonder how old she is then!
tpam is sleepy
where is your sig pic from, tpam?
tpam i found it google i search hot drunk chicks lol
Tpam likes drunk chicks.
tpam not really... i was just bored
Tpam is bored alot.
tpman has her photography up on a website that is........?
the person above me is a passenger
tpam believes in santa
Tpam is pretty cool.
the person above me changed his avatar
Tpam likes smiles?
the person above the person above me is a twilight fangirl
Tpam does not care for Twilight like I do.
the person above me is gonna get a blanket like kelly's
Tpam wants Erik to come to Belgium.
i thought the person above the person above me was from arizona
i guess i should change my av
Tpam is in Texas
Tpam should know I'm in Illinois.
Tpam has trouble remembering things.
Tpam should be in bed
Tpam is a pretty cool member himself.
Tpam is going to sleep. Have sweet dreams, tpam.
the person above is cooking a steak on the computer
Tpam changed his av and sig.
Tpam has to go to the store
the person above me is bored
tpam must be also, as he's online. =o\
that's pretty much how my days off are, aaand to add to that i'm a little sick.. i hear it's allergies.. dunno person above me
if the person had been here past xmases he'd know that's my holiday's avatar
Tpam does not feel well.
hugggge rack chick
tpam likes black nail polish
tpam is new
tpman says things that have been said before.
tpam is a smart-ass
tpman is a hottie in that display pic : )
haha, tpam made me laugh
tpam is ignoring me
tpam is ignored by tpah
tpatpam, I'm not ignoring you. Just didn't have time to answer.
tpam is an esence of everything that's French, in a positive way :)
tpam has a sig pic that truely owns every other pics on this forums ass and he should keep it there till forever coz nobodys going to get sick of it in this lifetime.
tpman would rock too if he found out what (//) is used for ; )
hahah i typed (http://) without a gap for tpam
tpam cannot read between the lines ; )
Tpam had to explain stuff to tpah.
Tpam is my e-stalker! lol. =o)
Tpam lives in "my rockin' asshole" heh.
tpah! tpah! i typed out [ img ] [ / img ] without gaps.
tpman needs to chopchop tell me what 26th june 2007 is about on this forum coz its never too late!
Tpam has me confused.
tpam is hawt.
Tpam likes to syber with me.
tpam needs to review what happened on this forum on 26th june 2007 because 392 people were on which makes me curious...
tpam knows something i dont know;p
I think there are times when there are a ton of people on. I've seen days where there are like 14 guests... and no members but myself. Then there are days where there are hundreds. Your guess is as good as mine Tpam. Most of them Im guessing didn't post. =o\
tpam aka white pwny did not pwn this time.;p
haha tpam... aka sleepymaggie is awake!
Tpam is ''Global Moderator Terminator Organ Morgan Donator ''
Tpam is queen of this board.............
Tpam doesnt have a king in this board...........(i guess whodanit will be.....or trey gonna hunt her)
Tpam has cool avatars..
Tpam is female version of Trey
Tpam likes my photoshop stuffs..
Tpam cant cook...
Tpam doesnt like sleep..
Tpam.......cant tell, you have to live
DUDE!!!! Tpam, I LOVEEEEEEE to cook! =o) Tpam posted lotsa stuff about me!
tpman, as i know now, is a UBERCOOLMOM! : D
Tpam seems like she is also uber cool. She and I love photography! =o)
me three, tpam.....its my job
it seems deftones fans are into the art......
what can tpam cook ? (egg?)
I can cook anything, tpam. All breakfast foods... steaks... burgers... seafood.... pasta.... you name it... I can cook it. Tpam also likes photography.
tpam and tpah love photography and have their stuff up on the web but i dont know where...
Well... I have a deviant art with just some stuff tpam.. and then photography myspace... its linked in my profile, tpam.
tpam is a rebellious moderator as she didnt follow thread rules. muahaha. BANN HER!
haha.. TPAM set me up by asking a question. Im bout' to drop bannnn hammer on tpam. bwahaha. =o)
sleepygirl try to kill the carrier of tpam !....she wants to be the queen and generator moderator terminator organ morgan donator of the board :)
tpman and tpah are INTIMIDATING thread killers! where are the other mods! BANN EM ALL I SAY! ;p
tpam still doesnt have an avatar and a signature..........well i have :D
Tpam has an interesting sig.
Tpam has no sig
tpam is from chiiiiiiiiiiiiii town.
Tpam is from Chi town
Tpam is wrong. I'm 2 hours south of Chicago
oh that's close enough tpam :)
tpam likes lost.
Tpam has pics of drunk girls in his sig.
TPAM probably hasn't noticed I'm on my messenger way, way, way more :)
See you soon TPAM!
tpam is mah dutch homie.... :)
tpam is rich
toman is the person that always gets stuck above me when i want to post on this thread. *how does tpam do that!! O_o*
tpam is always under me...
now i am under tpam..........wait , no i dont wanna be
tpam has shit in his signature
tpam thinks christmas trees without the potential aurora borealis or lights it is cool and doesnt HAVE a sig pic ;p
Tpam knows about getting his teeth washed.
tpam IS a laugh ; )
tpam is unknown to me
avatar of tpam is not unknown to me
Tpam don't like to be shit on.
actually i dont like variable, tpam :)
Tpam don't like Trey.
and tpam likes Trey
I like Tpam.
tpam is politely letching;p
tpam is my homie
tpam who deserves a bearhug made the tpah softy gush ; ) *cough*
tpam is captain obvious
tpam wants to be funny
tpam aka Captain Obvious was gotten wrong by tpah aka Captain Accurate and doesn't want to be funny. O_o
Tpam has now officially accepted the role of Captian Obvious and is wasting space on this thread ; )
tpam is sleepy
Tpam is 20 years old...
yeah, me neither tpam
tpam stalls before replying to pms
I wrote a pm to tpam
what the heck are you talking about tpam?
Tpam's signature freaks me out a little bit.
tpam is beautiful as her avtaar indicates
tpam has good eyes
i think tpam plays far cry or something....but it sucks.....devi may cry rocks !
Tpam has a shitty signature...lol.
tpam likes photography and cats too apparently! how awesome; )
tpam has a lot on common with many of us gals.
It's nice to see Tpam around here more :)
Thanks. Tpam also likes photography.
The persons above me like photography, i mostly like editing them...
Tpam is an editing master.... and has a shit sig.
actually its variable's sign...
an actually its a snake.....thats the variable's shitty side....sometimes he is funny but sometimes he is shitting...
tpam likes photography but ive never seen her stuffs , can i just.... see /:(
Sure tpam. Do you have a myspace?
Tpam came over last night, and brought some paperwork.
Tpam was just out of paperwork, so it worked out great.
Tpam loves me! :o
Tpam is loved.
Tpam is loved by alot of ppl too!
everyone loves tpam
tpam is elite.
Tpam is teh awesome.
tpam is a posting monster
tpam works alot
tpam likes bjork
tpam is not a noob.
Tpam IS a passenger tho.
Tpam is right.. and tpam just said three sexy things in same sentence. Chino sensual burning.. MMMmmmm!
tpam is often above me
tpam fucks it
tpam is from Belgium
tpam is one of the SL members I enjoy having around
tpam is a good person to have around here too actually...
tpam is religious
tpam is sorely mistaken....
tpam said I was wrong, but still, he has jesus in his av and I like tpam a lot
Tpam loves WhitePwny.
Tpam loves WhitePwny too. :)
Tpam has to use crutches :(
Tpam would bring me alcohol if she lived nearby. ;D
tpam is a female.
tpam likes Real World
tpam is right
Tpam enjoys "bigger" women.
Tpam is my bff and I heart her.
Thank you Tpam, you are my best friend too, and I love you.
tpam doesn't know how to set an av
Tpam doesn't give a fuck about avatars. ;)
tpam cares about her beauty
Quote from: rock_n_frost on Jan 13, 2009, 12:45 AM
tpam cares about her beauty
Tpam is saying things I don't understand.
I dunno tpam that well but he seems like a swell guy.
Tpam is also a swell guy.
Tpam wanted to be stay a pink maggit.
Tpam would rather laugh with me, than cry with the saints. That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard! Srsly. ;)
Tpam hung out with me earlier.
Tpam and I had some paperwork to do.
rolling papers, tpam?
Tpam is smart! =o)
awesome, tpam is awesome
tpam is in Illinois right now too!
Tpam loves her Simon Rex.
tpam knows that it's frickin freezing out
Tpam is from the big city.
tpam lives in the burbs (i think) 8)
Tpam is an Eh hole. :)
tpam is grrreat!
Tpam is my buddy.
Tpam has kids home today for a snow day. ITS FREEZING!
Tpam also has kids home today. I wish they could go outside for a bit, but their gloves are MIA, damn kids.
Tpam knows my frustrations well.
Tpam and I need to go to a concert.
Tpam is right.. we DO.
Tpam is a fan of Cyndicate. =o)
tpam is cool mofo
tpam is from mexico
2 months ago : Tpam didnt have an avatar and a signature
now : Tpam hasnt an avatar and a signature
2 months later : Tpam will not have an avatar and a signature
tpam likes gifs.
tpam likes vectors
tpam has another awesome avataar..popart IS awesome
tpam i dont have any poptarts
ehm, tpam used to call himself Moz, now didn't he?
tpam is mistaken
tpam is right that tpam is mistaken. where the funk is mozlapunk?
tpam is lookin for Mozzy too. He apparently got a life. :-\
tpam misses Moz :(
Tpam has been around here more :)
tpam is a mom
tpam is not a poptart but likes popart
tpam likes shrooms
tpam has a cat
tpam has a guitar
i voted tpam best newbie of the year
i think the person above the person above me meant to say ''best noob''
tpam is a pile of shit
Tpam is expressive.
tpam looks gorgeous in her av!!!
Tpam is a sweetheart. :)
tpam has a proncess in her house ;)
tpam also looks gorgeous in his av!!
Tpam looks gorgeous in her av!
the people above me are gorgeous
tpam has no signature and avatar :(
tpam has an av thats missing an aurora borealis
tpam is a cool new joiner from India...
tpam does not think its necessary to add a face to his name and believes his words speak for everything and is also affiliated with sharinglungs in an important way.
tpam should know better that my face was posted already in here, and will probably happen to be posted again at some point....
But tpam is right : my words do speak for me way better than my face does...
tarkil makes for a hawt jesus : )
Apparently, tpam is from India, is named Maggie and is sleepy.
Tpam changed his ID again
I like how tpam said "again". She's been around for a while. :)
i dont know the person above me
well I know tpam and I love tpams signature picture
tpam has a god under his av
tpam has heaven under his av ;)
tpam has just winked
tpam is in a good mood I suppose
tpam is partially right
tpam is about to 60, or by the time another being reads this, has alrady passed 600
Tpam can sing well.
tpam has a make-up guys in her sig
tpam doesnt make up
tpam is wicked
i wonder whats job of tpam
why does everyone want to know what I do, tpam?
tpam is from poland, red and white flag...
i donno but just tell......i terribly wonder your job right now, and it gets bigger and bigger
no iam dancing, tpam (http://img367.imageshack.us/img367/5540/d38nk.gif) (http://img367.imageshack.us/img367/5540/d38nk.gif) (http://img367.imageshack.us/img367/5540/d38nk.gif)
Tpam is amused.
tpam is gorgeous!
Tpam recognizes beauty when he sees it.
tpam changed his nickname
Tpam doesn't remember my previous nickname.
i don't remember your previous nickname either
It's ok, tpam. I'm not that big of a poster. But it was "ImperfectCircle".
now when I know tpams last nickname, I even remember an avatar of this guy he used to use
Tpam finally knows who tpah is.
Tpam has always known.
tpam is vesanic(nothis/herrealfuckingname)
Tpam is solid gold.
tpam is scarf bitch
tpam has dramatic chipmunk in his signature :)
tpam me changed his signature and its interesting
tpam finds humour in destruction
Tpam is a sleepy photographer
tpam is huge fan of blue octorber
Tpam likes to sing. And he does it pretty well.
Tpam has some vocal skillz.
tpam revealed his name
I am interested in cover of some album tpam has in his sig
Quote from: lostpilot on Jan 23, 2009, 10:07 PM
I am interested in cover of some album tpam has in his sig
tpam, the band is great and teh record is A+, especially the song EARTH SHIP. 1975-prog rock. Omar is influenced by them. Beautiful music!
tpams sig remind of those old lord of the rings artworks
tpam likes the colour red
tpam is open
tpam is above me again!
tpam loves deftones and team sleep
tpam loves wht pwny
Awww, tpam is loved.
Tpam took a lot of pictures last night.
tpam thinks what tpat said is interesting
tpam has many annoying actors in her signature :( sorry but I dislike them :(
Tpam isn't a fan of Twilight
tpam is a fan of Twilight
Tpam is a musician
Tpam is a great guy... and damn it, he can sing!
tpam shoots up painkillers for headpains;/
tpam is hot
tpam is sexaayy ; )
Tpam loves alot of stuff.
tpam thinks that white pwny is jealous...(why)
tpam still has no avatar and signature
Tpam is a Passenger.
tpam's in IL
tpam is a request and download king
Tpam is wrong about me and jealousy. Srsly, tpam. Why would I get jealous online with ppl I don't know?
Tpam is not a jealous person.
Tpam and I got to hang out a bit more last week and the weekend. It was nice. =o)
Tpam thinks he's a prick.
tpam is approaching normal
tpam was on seven hours ago...
tpam is unimaginative
tpam can't wait for new Omar leaks!
is tpam also waiting for them to leak?
yes, tpam, cause you know I'm also interested in that all stuff.
tpam is quite obsessed with Cyn
Tpam is getting ready for his concert.
tpam knows things about me ;)
did you know that 2 omar's songs are up here: http://www.myspace.com/willieandersonrecordings, tpam?
yes, now I know, tpam!
goood, tpam.
tpam and tpah enjoy similar music.
tpam has changed her sig. I miss the old one!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'(
Tpam is sad :(
TPAM has so sig or av.
tpam knows the layout of O'Hare
tpam has lots of ice
tpam made me think of vanilla ice right now
tpam likes Ice, Ice, Baby
tpam is correct
tpam is safe
tpam saw the mars volta. omar hates ex-ussr countries and will never come here
Quote from: Zevaka on Jan 28, 2009, 07:37 AM
tpam saw the mars volta. omar hates ex-ussr countries and will never come here
well, ATDI was in Russia few times, tpam ::)
though Mars Volta will never come to such country like Lithuania, tpam! so you're god damn lucky!
tpam is a musician
tpam has a screamin guy in his sig.waahaha wooahaha get up cum on get down with the sickness
tpam is being silly.
tpam youve heards the richard cheese vversion right
tpam has a hot someone in the sig
Tpam likes The Mars Volta and so do I.
tpam is good music lover
tpam yet again changed his sig
Tpam's show is tonight!! I wish I could go.
Tpam is always changing her avatar
Tpam rarely changes his av/sig.
Yup, pretty sure you've said that. But I totally understand tpam.
TPAM has a rad sig
I want to see Tpam's hair when he grows it out.
the person above me is offline
tpam is always workan
tpam is a girl i guess
tpam is a dude, I guess. =o)
:) Tpam is absolutely hot ::)
tpami isn't hot
Tpam and I haven't talked in a long time.
Tpam is a photo-grapher
tpam has a pic in his/her sign that was used as an inspiration for tmv covers
it would be very very interesting to meet tpam in reality
Quote from: lostpilot on Jan 31, 2009, 11:17 AM
it would be very very interesting to meet tpam in reality
there's nothing interesting about me, tpam ;)
as well as me, tpam :D therefore it would be interesting, now wouldn't it? :D
Quote from: lostpilot on Jan 31, 2009, 01:37 PM
as well as me, tpam :D therefore it would be interesting, now wouldn't it? :D
it woulde be great, but tpam at least know how to play the guitar ;)
i cant think of anything to say to tpam..damnit
I don't know what to say abou tpam either
ahh yes, betcha $50 pittsburgh is guna win
tpam is...
tpam can't find proper words ;)
tpam is glowing
am I, tpam? how? ;D
Quote from: lostpilot on Feb 01, 2009, 09:35 PM
am I, tpam? how? ;D
tpams an-garwy :D
haha... tpam has a pic of a chick with panties and bra on... with a pic of a baby in the foreground.
tpam, tpay is implying he loves mommies and deftones ; ) ; ) oooooh.
perfect match i see *coughcough*
tpams signature confuses me
Tpam is using his old avatar and sig. :)
Tpam is always in the chat box.
tpam has another new avatar....
tpam is a deftones fan
tpam has no sig picture and no av
Tpam is too hard on himself sometimes.
tpams online!?!?!!!
tpam has himself (?) and his girlfriend in his signature
tpam has a nice av
tpam has Salvador Dali (my favourite artist muahaha) in his sig
tpam has good taste in art
tpam interest in art....wow i thought tpam just wanna see porn ;D
Quote from: rock_n_frost on Feb 04, 2009, 12:29 PM
tpam interest in art....wow i thought tpam just wanna see porn ;D
what made you think such thing, tpam?
tpam is close to magical number of 666 posts ::)
Tpam lives with his gf.
Quote from: White Pwny on Feb 04, 2009, 04:07 PM
Tpam lives with his gf.
are you going to that blue october show? thats in next few days?
tpam has crazy chicks in the sig
Tpam is my buddy.
Tpam is my bff. <3
Tpam and I are going to the Blue October concert!!!
tpam is my buddy, too
teres a bodyless head in tpams sig
tpam how are they crazy?
tpam makes no sense...
tpam is vaguely very attractive and i cant tell why
how would tpam know that ? Does tpam know that my avatar is not really me ? :)
tpam screws us all
tpam is correct ;)
tpam travells a lot
tpam has a sexy sig.
Tpam has a Pineapple Express sig
tpam is a beautiful person
I like tpam's sig pics
tpam hasn't changed his sig or av in a LONG time.
tpam has Mordor language under his av
Tpam is skilled with language.
tpam is skilled in photography
tpam, it's not mordor language. ;D it's icelandic
lol, I know tpam ;)
Tpam has a break from work.
tpam is online :)
tpam had obviously watched/read LOTR
I like to get high and listen to tpam's music.
whoa, tpam, that's.. unexpected! that's nice of you ;)
tpam, in soviet russia chi deftones YOU!
tpam is strange
I agree with tpam. ;D
tpam, I added you on skype ;)
I accepted the invitation, tpam.
Tpam and tpah are buddies.
tpam is uber creative and inspiring for me if i ever get to momhood.;p
tpam likes shrooms
Tpam likes beautiful ladies.
tpam IS a beautiful ladies
Tpam needs to get on MSN!
I wish I could but I need to prepare a hot chow for my g/f, tpam
Tpam cooks for his girlfriend.
tpam cooks for her princess :)
tpam and I were just chatting on skype. nice!
Tpam and i have never really chatted.
tpam is going to a gig
Tpam is pissed at his cat.
tpam is damn right
Tpam was formerly yoda on mars
tpam was formerly ImperfectCircle
the person above me was once bored
tpam was once lithium royalty
tpam always was devilinside.... :)
the person above me has always had that same signature
tpam is a member of a few message boads
tpam got the table, finally
I always enjoy tpams signature pictures
I always enjoy tpam's music.
tpam looks pwetty cozy while resting on pillows
tpam has a picture in her signature of the bunny tripping ON shrooms
tpam is in a band
Tpam has a pic of Al Pacino* in his avatar
tpam has 999 posts at the moment
tpam has 1699 posts. it's like 16,99 euro or something
tpam wants to be a sailor, drink cheap whiskey and have tatoos all over his chest ;)
lol, tpam, lol! I would get sea sick every single day :(
and tpam wants to be a ROCK STAR, play some rock, do drugs and fuck std chicks!
Quote from: lostpilot on Feb 11, 2009, 05:34 PM
lol, tpam, lol! I would get sea sick every single day :(
and tpam wants to be a ROCK STAR, play some rock, do drugs and fuck std chicks!
tpam is right! ;)
tpam went away to do something, so he's not replying to my chat on skype :P
both, tpam and me, went poo to many times lately
tpam is going to play in a new band :P
tpam will have a rehearsal soon
whenever i see tpam i instantly think omar or volta
whenever I see tpam I think about Christina Aguilera. lol.
whenever i see tpam i think of good music
well, tpam, that's nice to hear :)
Tpam is a talented musician.
tpam has huge amount of posts
Tpam likes pussy. (cats) =o)
Tpam made a joke.
Tpam and I talked on the phone last night.
Tpam is always there when I am feeling down. <3
Tpam knows that's what a BFF is for!
Tpam might be getting a cold. :-\
Tpam... I am DEFINATELY getting a cold. Head is all stuffy... I'm congested.. and I am headachey. FIgures! Why didn't I just get sick the same time as you.. rather than it waiting til almost the weekend?!
tpam has a new av pic
Tpam is a busy guy.
tpam changed her avatar :p
tpam has trees in his avatar
sometimes tpam makes me LOL indeed
tpam likes .gif's
tpam has a sexy sig
tpam has much to do until the end of his vacation :P
Tpam likes weekends with his friends.
tpam likes spending time with Jacqueline :)
tpam is Omar-like robot ;)
tpam will hear alllllll of my recordings some time in the future :)
Quote from: lostpilot on Feb 13, 2009, 02:58 PM
tpam will hear alllllll of my recordings some time in the future :)
will you share cello stuff, tpam? I would like to add some acoustic guitar to it ;)
Quote from: whodunit? on Feb 13, 2009, 03:06 PM
Quote from: lostpilot on Feb 13, 2009, 02:58 PM
tpam will hear alllllll of my recordings some time in the future :)
will you share cello stuff, tpam? I would like to add some acoustic guitar to it ;)
at the moment, tpam, I don't have the cello, but in the future - yeah, maybe yeah :)
tpam posted pictures of his room in another thread
tpam likes asian chicks
tpam seems like the kind of person id want to get to know somehow sometime in my life.
Quote from: Sleepymaggie on Feb 13, 2009, 08:24 PM
tpam seems like the kind of person id want to get to know somehow sometime in my life.
oh, why is that, tpam?
Tpam will probably meet up with sleepymaggie sometime in the future...probably.
I haven't talked with tpam in a while.
tpam hates her room :(
tpam hates valentine's but he loves mrs swa...
tpam has satan in his sig
tpam has two satan in his sig
does tpam like a band VESANIA?
Tpam described himself.
TPAM is always stunning on her avatars
tpam has an odd av
Tpams av is a cats eye
tpam is married....(why god, why)
tpam has not only a chipmunk satan in his signature, but also a bunny
Tpam is a musician.
Tpam did a bit too much paperwork yesterday.
Tpam got me all messed up yesterday.
Tpam brought me a polar pop yesterday.
tpam has a new av again
Tpam is offline :(
tpam is a mom
Tpam is Moz???
the person above me is confused
tpam is da devil
the person above me is a conspirator
I'm going to see tpam soon.
the person above me is a traveler
Tpam is still my best friend.
the person above me and i have had some BA times
tpam is my ni55a
the person above me is obsessed with morissey
tpam likes Patsy Cline
the person above me is one of those girls..
tpam is the devil
the person above me is an angel
tpam is the devil
tpam has a strange avatar
the person above me is a tool
tpam's cat poofed
the person above me had a cat disappear as well
tpam knows why he disappeared
the person above me has forgotten all about Georgia
tpam doesn't know how disgusting brown rice bread is
i'm sure the person above me will tell me all about it sometime
tpam wanted to stay a pink maggit. but now he's a passenger.
tpam said the same thing to me a could pages back
way to change it up tpam...
Tpam is elite.
I usually get tpam in this thread
tpam made a beatufiul video
why thank you, tpam!
tpam leaves great melancholic artist vibes : )
If I didn't have a girl, who I love, I'd like to date tpam
wow! Based on instinct and pure intuition, tpam has a thought that wholely agrees with mine! : )
we agree with tpam, which makes me happy :)
to be in a same opinion with sleepygirl makes tpam happy.......................what make me happy is...everyone knows ;D
tpam has funn sigs ;D
and tpam has a ethereal and absolutely beautiful sig
tpam is a nice person
I love tpams new sig picture. where is it from?
yes, tpam, I know, it's from Soliaris! astounding movie, just like STALKER :)
and by the way, tpam, lol, that actor is lithuanian!
Tpam likes to play in the studio.
tpam has a GORGEOUS display pic!! O_o : )
thank you Tpam :)
Tpam and whodunit? would be cute together.
tpam needs to start posting some interesting posts on this thread!
tpam, like I, has addictions. :)
hehehe im not sure if i know what tpams talking about but i have a strong feeling it will give me a very contented smile ;p care to confirm?
well.. look at your signature. that's enough to say I think, tpam :)
awww tpam has the power to make me smile IRL just by little innuendos : D
I'm glad I do, tpam :)
Tpam asked a question to sleepy girl....
Tpam has killer sigs
Tpam is a cool chick.
tpam has a very beautiful pic
Tpam is a passenger.
Tpam is part of Cyndicate. =o)
Tpam is apparently easy to please.
Tpam went to the mall with me last night.
Tpam watched me get attacked by dogs!!!!!
Tpam disregarded the sign that said "please do not touch".
Tpam and I had some BREADDDDDDDDD at the mall. =o)
Tpam made me laugh.
Tpam and I are going to 2 gigs... back to back... YAY!
I cannot say much about tpam
tpman is motherfucking artsy farsty. oh wee envious me ; )
oh wee. :D I like tpam as a person. she seems interesting, empathic and thoughtful
tpam is killing it on the good vibezor
Tpam is a cool ass chick.
the person above me is a regular around here
tpam is crazy for loving me haha
the person above me is an artsy fartsy musician
dpam is el diablito loco buscando su guitarra
the person above me hardly comes around anymore
tpam is a 5-star general
tpam has surreal online moments like surprise adding people on gtalk and disappearing into other 01 parallel dimensions;p
tpam does not use he real name here
tpam can see the sea from his window!! (wow we can totally increase our post count with this now heheh)
tpam lives in dangerous area :o
tpam has an absolutely UN prouncable first name ;p
tpam is an artist
Tpam is online almost daily.
hmz. Tpam said gotcha.
i wish my 30 year old sister was as cool as tpam
Tpam would be an awesome sister.
Tpam thinks I'm crazy.
when tpam will have an avatar and a sig ?
I don't know anything about tpam
i want to know more about tpam : )
i know tpam is a beautiful chick....(its coming vesanic,only my work takes most of my time)
tpam is diverse
tpam needs to know that this too shall pass and stuff...
tpam seems to be so fuckin' cool
2nd that pam
tpam is my homie
tpam enjoyes coke
tpam might be right
tpam who always has very awesome sigs, and tpahx2 pleasantly confused me about where that came from!! ? : )
why guys!?
tpam is a female.
tpam likes diddy
tpam is pretty fuckin mexican
well tpam has a fuckin hilarious avatar
well tpam who has an uber action packed sig and poparty avtaar hasnt answered my question!
tpam may need to repeat me the question
Quote from: Sleepymaggie on Feb 26, 2009, 11:05 PM
tpam who always has very awesome sigs, and tpahx2 pleasantly confused me about where that came from!! ? : )
why guys!?
tpam is curious and confused
tpam makes arbid statements and cant back them up! ;p
tpam is a smart girl
tpam did not describe tpa him
tpam eats fish oftener than others?
I hate fish, tpam
tpam has accurately corrected my presumption about him living near the sea/dock
Tpam was corrected.
the person above me is a personal frand
Tpam is a pretty stand up guy.
i'd would like the person above me to go to a nin show with mikey and i sometime soon
Tpam wants me to go to a NIN show with him. When?
the person above me should check the NIN thread more often, it's june 3rd
tpam fucks it.
dpam thought i called him -my love- haha
tpam likes Heroes!
tpam is Ves
tpam doesnt feel quite right in life and i identify with that : (
tpam is an adviser and a nice person
Tpam is a teacher or somethin?
tpam is somehow right
tpam is not a father.. yet
tpam uses himself as the subject of artistic phtoographs sometimes
dapam's artwork is on my desktop :)
tpam has used tpatpam's art
Quote from: emotivelotion on Mar 06, 2009, 07:57 PM
dapam's artwork is on my desktop :)
wow! thats awesome! killer killer killer! thanks : D
tpam di dont describe anyone
tpam doesnt realize it wasnt meant to and was an insertion into the thread,
tpam lives in a place where any kind of abortion is illeagle!
tpam lives in India
tpam is generous and donated money to a forum he loves : ) weee!
tpam have seen a terrorist attack
tpam is back to multiple intelligences again:)
why BACK to MI?
I thought you removed that from your sig a while ago.. maybe I just stopped noticing it, tpam :)
tpam is from a country which capital is named Vilnius
tpam is from a country which the capital is named Paris
tpam the questioner didnt describe on this thread
tpam was wrong about my origins
tpam thinks only women are drama queens
the person above me likes lemon ice
tpam wants to be a DJ
i suggest the person above me turn her tv to the motha effin discovery channel
tpam is talking about bees?
did the person above me not see the infestation of black widows?
yes,pam I saw them crawling and one on a guys neck.
tpam is usually crazy about upcoming shows of her favourite bands :p
tpam thinks he doesnt exist, only you exist ;p
tpam sold her hands for a dreamers gloves:)
tpam seems to be depressed
tpam is absolutely correct
artists are always depressed, tpam
tpams name is an anomaly!
tpam is nice
Tpam is nice too.
tpam is nice three!
tpam is the hippie kind of girl I think:)
tpam is not a hippie
tpam, who would I be by those classifications? ;D
tpam is always sick and depressed....
tpam thinks I'm frank,but I'm just stating observations.
the person above me is going to see depeche mode pretty soon
tpam likes blue wang
the person above me doesnt so much enjoy blue wang
tpam knows me well
the person above me draws awesome little tulips in nice little fields of grass, with little butterflies and cute little clouds
tpam can now draw a house with an X in the middle without going over the same line twice or lifting up the pen.
the person above me taught me her trickery
tpam is crazy for loving me. yeaaaaaaaaaah I feel so special
i dont love the person above me
tpam can hear my FUCKING voice
the person above me is proud of her bitchiness
tpam is awesome
Tpam is totally gonna whack Dave Gahan off after the concert.
tpam is totally wrong!
(and fuck you lithium for editing my post!! >:[ )
tpam is angry
tpam is lost
tpam is into prog-rock
only I exist, tpam
Tpam only exists
tpam smokes
tpam is george clooney
tpam sox
the person above me kicks churches
tpam is more than just a moderator, but a global one.
tpam is a grey's anatomy fan
tpam is introducing himself to Isis
Tpam is a musician.
Tpam is a housewife and needs to cook me some eggs and bacon right meow.
tpam has the best sig on the board...aside from mine :p
Tpam thinks my sig is the bees knees.
tpam is telling you to wag your flag!
Tpam is in search of something meaningful in life. (There could be a question mark after that though)
tpam is gorgeous
tpam has some deathhead in his signature :P
tpam has TS logo in his av
I haven't talked with Tpam in forever!!!!!!
tpam smokes that green shit.
tpam likes latinos
nonetheless tpam is evidently into chicks with big asses
tpam is in depressed mode
tpam is a church kicker
Tpam is a Karhu drinker
Tpam quit smoking
Tpam has a picture of a bear in his avatar
tpam has a picture of a pony in his avatar
Tpam is the board's resident frenchie who wine's em, dine's em and 69's em.
tpam has a gif in his signature from DM's newest video, 'Wrong'
tpam suddenly has some daylight in his avataar : )
tpam doesn't want to talk to me
the person above me wants to talk to the person above him
tpam likes patsy cline
tpam is a pyt
i dont understand tpam
the person above me is a pretty young thing
tpam made me say oh muh gawd!
the person above me has cast a spell on me with her southern charm.. yall
tpam likes depeche mode I guess
tpam is always depressed.
the person above me is right about the person above him
tpam is a maggit
tpam is drunk :D
Tpam is really kick-ass.
I think that tpam has changed his/her name sometime ago.
tpam is an astronaut
tpam fucks it.
TPAM is jewish :)
tpam posted more in 1 week than my 1 year
tpam looks like jared from superjail
tpam has said falseified this courtroom
because the tpam, the person above him has 1000 posts......jewish !
tpam didn't have 200 in a week
tpam is fresh
tpam is secretly Amelia Earhart
tpam, huh?
tpam lost pilot
tpam is new. we used to make noobjuice bakc in 2004 out of such people.
tpam is freakishly cool
tpam has a new message
tpam is telling the truth
tpam is quite active here
tpam i wonder if thats bad
tpam, it's quite good actually. I mean. SL is quite stale
tpam, they want it to be cancer
tpam has a girl avtaar but was referred to as 'himself' by vesanic : / which one is it
tpam is a nice bright person
tpman is a soulartist and needs to realize the beauty of life more and stop getting depressed forevaaarr! : )
tpam, i'm a guy lol.
should i have a man avatar?
yes! hehe i was about to start bonding with you and talking about my period on pm with that avtaar;p
tpam is decieving the peoples of the board.
tpam is still the hottest girl in the boards......
Quote from: Sleepymaggie on May 11, 2009, 10:38 AM
yes! hehe i was about to start bonding with you and talking about my period on pm with that avtaar;p
tpam is decieving the peoples of the board.
LOL OH NOEZZZZ! well you can still bond with me just not about your period haha
tpam everybody loves you, you're adored
Tpam is a dude with a chick avatar. =)
tpam is a chick with a chick avatar :p
Tpam is a "new"ish board member. Welcome, tpam.
if tpman were a boy i would be infatuated with him.
Tpam is as extremely talented photographer.
Tpam helped me with paperwork yesterday.
Tpam made me fap to her display picture. That's masturbating over a 100x120 picure. Wow.
I bet Tpam feels better now.
tpam you are hotter........(masturbatin with penics now...and yeah feels good)
tpam is one of SharingLungs nastier members.
tpman makes me curious about what he actually looks like and i must admit i thought whether he was a really pretty boy transclothed;p so heres my email sleepymaggie@gmail.com and if not im on pm to help me figure this out! :p
tpam has a major criiss
tpam likes alex grey !
tpam's mail has been delivered lol
tpam has tricked me with an awesome high contrasty hidden face pic and has not cleared any of my suspicions of him having an effiminate pretty face ; )
tpam lololol...well, Versanic has a decent picture of me i think.
Tpam has a cute chick as his av.
tpam has nice and live breasts ;D
tpam has streaked his hair blonde
no i dont have....but i will !
tpam still has the same avatar
Tpam don't want to wait til October.
oh tpam.....ooooh...you have incredible...ooooh ;D
(do you think blonde streaks would go good on my hair,the person under me ?)
Sure! Try em' out. Tpam wants blonde streaks
tpam, my hair has been so different colors lol
really, tpam ?
yeah it was kinda gay but i did it, tpam :-\
i dont wanna be gay tpam
tpam has confused hairstyle thoughts and has turned this topic into a discussion rather than a description of tpah
tpam want to see no more sugar as naked !!
tpam, you're already gay remember? ;D
how can i forget..i am dating with tpam
true story...and versanic and jesusinabowlofdirt, tpam
SL gay orgy much, tpam?
Tpam spent some time at my house today.
tpam knows the person above them
Tpam should know that the Tpah is my BFF.
oh well now i know, tpam :)
Tpam has no more sugar.
tpam is a nice person
tpam is a smart one
tpam is so sexy that even married women want him...
tpam is so sexy even i want her
tpam's last statement makes me think he is a homosexual fellow.
i am all-sexual , tpam
tpam only goes homo with kenny
thats right !..
tpam is a god about the nastiest thing ever
Tpam has 3 nipples.
tpam wags his flag. metaphor?
tpam is a fan of lost but i do not know what else he is a fan of..
Tpam is very sexually open.
tpam has two penises !
tpam's pussy belongs to sharinglungs
tpam's ass belongs to sleepygirl
tpam has got it all wrong...life has my ass at the moment
tpam is not lying :/
life is a bitch, tpam
[youtube=425,350]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/ZxgW3M0YGXY&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&feature=player_embedded&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/ZxgW3M0YGXY&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&feature=player_embedded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube], tpam :D
Tpam's name is Cinasev backwards.
The person above me is a deftones fanboy
the person above me is a star
tpam is wrong when he thinks I'm the one who pick on him on youtube
tpam has a new chick in his sig
Tpam also has a new chick in his sig.
i cant hold on....sorry but !.........tpam has brilliant breasts..breasts...breasts...
Tpam likes boobs.
who doesnt tpam...who doesnt ;D
vesanic is gonna take a picture of that, be careful tpam...
Take a picture of what, tpam? I have no worries.
The person above me rarely comes around anymore
Tpam still comes around. I guess I am just bored of it. Pretty quiet around here lately.
Quote from: Vesanic on May 18, 2009, 05:21 PM
Rock_n_frost thinks I'll take a picture of tpam's boobs but I won't, although I'd be honored to.
thats my dying request tpam...dont forget that ! you promised ! >:(
Tpam is online.
please kill me, tpam...
Tpam wants to be killed. o.O
Tpam is silly.
hhhhh....who doesnt tpam...who doesnt ;D
Tpam likes Southpark
tpam takes beautiful photographs.
Tpam is a fan of the Cyndicate
tpam loves that blue octobor guys.....
i were a girl i would have sex with tpam
Tpatpam wants to have sex with Tpam.
tpam prefers to have sex tpa him instead of my girl version..
Tpam is contemplating... sex with a male. eek.
tpam is not much around lately
tpam likes the same crystal antlers song that i do the most.
tpam is a good writter.....
just and advise, write a short novel,tpam
Honestly..don't know too much about tpam. what is your story, tpam?
im a graphic designer on wedding photography
i work at home
i have a terrible english
i love cyn's boobs and potatoes
i hate deftones
i live in europe
i interested in film directing, animes
and i m not gay..
now tpam know something about me
tpam likes south park, which is really really good!
i thought tpam and shine down unshy is the same person...
is he whodanit ?
no, I am lostpilot, a.k.a. bored (this was my nickname for about two years on sharinglungs).
whodunit just deleted himself, tpam
do you know why ?
tpam is cool guy.
Tpam is just saying that because tpam above the tpam has very large and supple breasts.
Tpam's apparently like talking about boobs.
actually tpam, i like talkin bout boobs....
actully....i can sleep on them, talk to them, name them, look them, bite them......
i love breasts ;D
Quote from: rock_n_frost on May 20, 2009, 02:17 PM
do you know why ?
he just got bored of this place.. again
and, tpam, please stop making this thread a chat thread.
it's a describe the person above you, not the chat with the person above you thread :)
Tpam told tpah what's up.
Quote from: lostpilot on May 21, 2009, 01:46 PM
Quote from: rock_n_frost on May 20, 2009, 02:17 PM
do you know why ?
he just got bored of this place.. again
and, tpam, please stop making this thread a chat thread.
it's a describe the person above you, not the chat with the person above you thread :)
lol. this wasn't really a post describing the person above you... you pretty much were chatting with the people above you... just sayin!
Tpam was at my house yesterday. It was nice hangin with her. =)
so much people hangin @ tpam's house...
Quote from: lostpilot on May 21, 2009, 01:46 PM
it's a describe the person above you, not the chat with the person above you thread :)
you talked like if i do that computers will explode :)
Tpam has a new Avatar.
Tpam is a fan of tpah.
tpam likes Chevelle which I used to like a long tiiiiiiiiiime ago:)
tpam has weird avatar,sign and username
aaaaw !!
at last ! ;D
now find another one, a good one ;D
huh huh huh..hey Beavis.
tpam likes Butthead
tpam needs a new avtaar
i have the same opinion with tpam
Tpam does NOT want to wait til October.
I hung out with tpam last night.
I think tpman is a very sexy girl.
tpam is a butt-head
Tpam's av isn't that bad.
Tpam just FINALLY has an Av.. .which is nice.
Tpam is elite.
the person above me should consider voting for my list in the 2009 music draft
Tpam is the politician on the board. =)
does the person above me like any of the 11 hotties on my sigpic? coz they're all part of my fantasy draft and she should totally vote
tpam and I have the music draft signatures
too bad the list the person above me is promoting is inferior to my own
well see about that later, tpam :D
tpam has a killer sig!! : )
it would surely be interesting to meet tpam in reality and to see what's she really like
it would surely be interesting to meet tpam in reality and to see what he's really like : D
Tpam and Tpah want to hook meet up with each other.
tpam is observant ;D
it's tpam's birthday today ! I hope you have a good one... :)
tpam hopes that tpah who doesnt get on the same chat program that i do :(*cough* which is gmail sleepymaggie@gmail.com) has a good day on his birthday and so do i!! : )
Tpam is not here as often as she used to be....
Tpam sprained his ankle.
tpam has a beautiful pic of themselves as an avatar
Tpam has a pot leaf as his av. =)
tpam posted something meaningless
tpam IS meaningless
the person above me sprained his ankle playing soccer
tpam is my ni55a
the person above me is gonna see giac soon
Quote from: lithium on May 28, 2009, 05:01 AM
the person above me is gonna see giac soon
tpam is going to see them 2 times in a row
tpam been away for a while
tpah cannot answer tpmans question (who loves playing and watching basketball) after my post ;p
Tpam is one of the awesome SL females.
Tpam has been my hang out buddy lately. =) I wub tpam.
Tpam is one of the awesome SL females too. I heart her.
I want to seriously molest tpam.
tpam made me crack up with that post! heheheh.. 99% of everyone is on the same wavelength : D tpah is super pretty/hott : )
tpam is looking at a picture of me in my avtaar
tpam has a teeny tiny picture of herself as an avatar. I also made tpam giggle hardcore
the person above me is a recreational marijuana smoker
Tpam is a hard fucking worker.
the person above me is a movie buff
tpam is a music buff of sorts.
Tpam hates rapidshare.
Quote from: mrs_swa on Jun 02, 2009, 02:45 PM
Tpam hates rapidshare.
tpam must know something about rapidshare ; everyone hates it..
Tpam has an awesome Deftones tee.
The person above me seems to like the band oleander
Tpam likes the band The Raconteurs
Tpam had an interesting weekend.
Tpam hung out with TRock on her bday
Tpam is fasCYNating.
Tpam made another Cyn name that I LOVE! =)
I wonder if tpam can figure out how I did it.
Tpam needs to fill me out on how.. my brain capacity is at about 5% working at this time.
Tpam should listen to Echelon again.
Tpam likes coming up with new names for her best fran
Tpam is a cool dude. =)
tpam loves that thread........(they are girls, they are weird)
Tpam looks stoned in his av.
tpams children keep getting injured!
Tpam enjoys being wine-drunk.
tpam is usually at Cyn's home
is it tpam in his avatar ?
i wonder what kind of form tpam in
Tpam doesn't make sense sometimes.
I agree with tpam.
tpam has silent bob and the other guy in his signature :)
Tpam is talented.
Tpam is photogenic.
tpam likes big boobs !
tpam sometimes doesn't make sense
everyone thinks like tpam, but its clear ;
big boobs tpam, big boobs.. >>>>(http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k194/Keyni_01/Kyal/big-boobs-1.jpg)
Tpam believes he is a genius.
Tpam is pretty much a mystery to me.
tpam listens to quite diverse music
Tpam's music is very enjoyable.
we shouldnt stop talking about hot girls,tpam. Or people gonna start to think that we are gay
too late, tpam
i don't know the person above me
the person above me should click my sig
the person above me fails to notice the awesome performance that awaits him at the end the link
tpam claims SharingLungs are attacking something
the person above me is spending the summer in Ireland
the person above me is spending the beautiful summer in sharinglungs
Tpam has an awesome sig.
the person above me has a picture of what i can only explain as a cross between a luchador and a clown
Tpam's username makes me think of Nirvana.
I hanged out with tpam
the person above me and the person above him have hung out
The person above me should know that the person above them is one of the coolest guys i know!
The person above me has taken the person above him temperature
Tpam lives in Texas.
tpam is awesome
and hot!
Fuck it... tpam wanted to stay a pink maggit.
the person above me hardly comes around anymore
Tpam is doing a film draft.
the person above me should have participated in said draft
tpam is latino
The person above me is a fan of music
Tpam is toasty in Texas
Tpam is online!!!!
tpam...screw this game...how are you?
tpam obvious does care about the game.
I think tpam wants to 69 Chango
tpam is a decent person with a not so decent signature
Tpam is from a country pretty near mine
the person above me hardly comes around anymore
Tpam is offline.
Tpam is still hot....and offline
Tpam is ignored by 1 member. :-\
the person above me drinks wine
the person above me doesnt?
the person above me is being attacked by sharinglungs.com
tpam has Thrice avatar :P
Tpam is a musician... I haven't talked to tpam in a long while.
ya... just haven't posted about it or really about anything inna while. Tpam was the leader of the Pwny fan club.
Tpam shouldn't worry about what others think.
I once thought that... then he grew on me, pam...
Yes, quite a bit actually. I have been in the gym every day for the past month and 1/2.... Im feeling fantastic.
Tpam pays attention!
Tpam has posted alot of cool vids on youtube lately
Tpam is a pretty cool dude.
tpam is gettin drunk
tpam usually lurks in this thread.. or so it seems
well you're usually the one who last replied to this thread, tpam
like, always
tpam it's a cool dude
I'm not sure who tpam is
I know who tpam is. His name is mother fuckin' Darius. That's right, Darius. Is your name that cool? No, it isn't.
tpam obviously made me laugh ;D
tpam found that humorous
tpam has me all wrong! I'm a True Blood groupie...big difference. ;)
the person above me seems to be quite narrow minded.
tpam doesn't seem to comprehend that the ONLY similarity between Twilight and True Blood is vampires. The shows are NOTHING alike.
tpam is somebody i dont know well on this board
tpam is pretty much right
tpam is movin on up
Tpam is a regular on the board, now.
Tpam post pretty excellent material from deftones in the 90s on youtube
tpam use to have the best Youtube account ever! but got banned but slowly is re growing now....
Tpam is here often.
tpam above me is unhappy
tpam is online all day/night long :o
tpam will break his modem, lol
i don't know tpam
tpam's the second to say "i don't know tpam" lol
tpam downloads the leaks
tpam have a cool Deviantart page.
tpam me is from belgium and they kicked our ass at soccer
tpam sometimes does not make real sense, but that is interesting
tpam really gets pissed off when you post topics in the wrong place
tpam already have his own @ thread
Tpam is looking for other SL females.
I am secretly (or not so secretly maybe) stalking tpam on Stalkerbook.. tpfu, Facebook.
Tpam's status updates are not in English so it's hard to tell if he is having a good day or not. :-\
Tpam forgot about Shaye, another great female.
i wonder if i could stand to meet tpam
I think the Tpam would be annoying in real life... sorry bud lol
tpam has a fat chino sig and a LJ avatar....and it says 'good morning', has 658 posts aand he's a passenger...
tpam must be pretty def
HAHA....no i'm not...
the police believed tpam was dead...when he was high on i don't know why and i find that pretty fucking funny
tpam has sand in his dry crusty vagina at all times
tpam cuts himself in every direction
tpam is dreaming heavily
tpam is sort of unhappy(?)
tpam does not hang out here as often as he did before
Tpam and I have not spoken in a long while.
tpam is correct
Tpam is offline.
Tpam has Chino in his sig.
Tpam made me laugh.
tpam is right.....
cuz that is scientific factual
Tpam is using big words.
Tpam is stylin' in her new Av.
Don't see tpam too much anymore.
Tpam is offline.
tpam is a girl
Tpam loves Chino.
ThePersonAboveMe Is A Mod.
tpam's sig is also cool
and what may i ask was that, tpam?
tpam is inquizitive
Tpam is right.
Tpam is one of my favorites on the board.
Tpam sounded like Clint Eastwood
Tpam has a large sig.
I like tpams signature picture
tpam has a cat avatar, and a chino sig, wich can be interpreted as a dude having a horrible diarrhea pain and he's forced to scream it off...and his name is 'vesanic'...
tpam is the bootleg master
tpam turned out to be a really cool guy.
tpam trying to be a really cool guy
;D i know what tpam mean
tpam can suck it
tpam is more weird than me :)
it should be ''weirder'' i guess, isnt it tpam
tpam is under the impression that on sharing lungs, the definitions of hate and love have been reversed
Tpam is a regular in this thread.
Tpam is friends with Cyn in real life. They hang out and share cookie recipes all the time.
I wonder if tpam downloaded my new album
Tpam shamed himself.
tpam is a girl
tpam studies at M. University.....and he loves Chino 69 times
tpam is the photoshop master
tpam is a computer master
Tpam is master of Belgium
tpam is the master of mexico
tpam has a reverse ass picture on his avatar
tpam lives in turkey
ilovechino69 has a fat chino face
tpam is a idiot
tpam is on muh facebook!
Confrontational but cool.
tpam is hated by WMG
Tpam is a flaming homosexual because he loves a male lead singer.
TPAM hangs out with women for fun
tpam likes Depeche Mode :D
tpam is my buddy
Tpam likes quotes
tpam is a global moderator
tpam compares 30stm's to limp bizkit!
tpam is 31
tpam has made 700 posts
Tpam has been a member a while... and just didn't like to post.
i think that's corey taylor so i would guess some sort of slipknot or stone sour related thing.
tpam keeps me hooked up with bootlegs though he dosen't really know it.
tpam shares my love of elliott smith.
tpam recognizes that elliott smith was a true genius and a one of a kind soul.
tpam makes me translate things
Tpam is a non smoker.
tpam is sexy.. im sorry but it's how I would describe you :)
why am I always describing tpam?
tpam hails from the soils that spawned van-damme
I don't know much about Tpam.
Tpam needs to listen to Superjoint Ritual.
tpam makes pixelsblur noticed
Tpam is one of my facebook friends... =)
Tpam likes my sig. =)
Tpam is awesome. :)
Tpam is right... tpah is my bestie.
Tpam is a great hostess.
TPAM knows what time it is....
Tpam likes Polar Pops.
Tpam is also a fan of Polar Pops
tpam spelled pony pwny
tpam loves Chino 69
ThePersonAboveMe is an old vet.
tpam had an awesome signature picture but now changed it with some random chick
tpam puts too much thought into internet and internet people. just saying
tpam is not getting the point
so does tpam, lol
Tpam is a super nice guy.
Tpam is pretty alright himself!
tpam is my fran!
Tpam's new AV is pretteh.
Tpam and Tpah have awesome av's.
tpam is a bit upset because her children are slowly growing up :)
tpam makes great Deftones videos and fights with youtube for copyright infringement
tpam comment been there for weeks ^^^^^^^^
tpam pointed out that noone here has what to say about me, so my post hung in here for almost three weeks
Doesn't have anything to say about TPAM
The person above me has the gayest Internet handle I've ever read.
tpam steals jokes and cd's at the same time he makes threads about how bad el pulkazone is cause he steals videos
tpam is not a fan of annoying people
tpam is a loving mother and the most honest NIN fan at this place
Tpam is my buddy. =)
tpam seems really cool :]
tpam has a girl in their sig and it reminds me of Emma Watson
TPAM is a NIИ fan like me
tpam OBVIOUSLY has good taste in music :p
Tpam has beautiful children. =)
the girl in tpam's sig almost reminds me of Claire Danes with black hair
I can't really explain anything for tpam
a) tpam loves LOST
b) I always enjoy seeing tpams singature, though I have no idea what that means anyway
tpam had me on ignore
*btw...his sig is a scene from Beastie Boys Sabotage*
actually, you're not on ignore-list anymore, tpam
tpam makes lovely music
tpam clearly enjoys 'Rocket Skates' :)
Tpam has some good musical tastes.
tpam stalks chino on twitter
tpam has a youtube channel that eats a LOT of my time.
I know nothing about tpam
let me do it for you..
tpam got fucked once again..
i always hated that joke, tpam..
btw there s a turkish fighter in ''super street fighter 4'' but you dont have any fighter...
nananana-naaaa- na !
Tpam makes me laugh.
tpam is belgian.
tpam is always so angry
tpam is right, and sexy..
tpam loves naked ladies but who doesn't
tpam calling code is 32
tpam wants to make love with chino 69 times 69 position
tpam has another account
Tpam cracks me up sometimes
Is always cool to chat with TPAM
tpam signature freezes my computer up
tpam's computer must be in rough shape.
tpam is the funniest batman ever
tpam reminds me of Chris Angel
tpam signature is from change
tpam's sig is from sabotage
Tpam has Chino in his sig... <3
tpam has a post count i can hardly even fathom
Tpam thinks my post count is crazy.... =)
tpam is a helpful person when it comes to music
tpam is Belgium
tpam is from THE STATES
tpam wears a scarf sometimes
tpam is super-heterosexual
tpam thinks diamond eyes is best deftones album evar
tpam wants to fall in a long sadistic trance with sahsa grey
tpam has stated a fact
Quote from: Vesanic on Mar 25, 2010, 04:53 PM
Tpam likes boobs.
i'm really more of an ass man.
tpam is a person i'm not acquainted with.
tpam is a fan of adam west
tpam has a good eye to take pictures
tpam has a WICKED tat.
Tpam don't want people looking at his sig....
tpam likes cyn's boobas
tpam ditched his 101
tpam signature is stupid
Tpam and I are facebook buddies. =)
tpam has alot of posts
tpam has two accounts in SL nowadays
the music of tpam is cool
tpam is a Team Sleep fan!!
tpam is also a team sleep fan
tpam has Larry David in his signature
tpam old nickname was bored
tpam is correct!
tpam says I am too old for this damned stupidity kind
tpam should know I don't speak french
Tpam likes being on bottom.
Tpam has a picture of Chino's audition for Brad Anderson's film The Machinist.
tpam likes the guitar riff from MOS
Tpam is the new Variable of the board (sorry Trey)
tpam is a self-destructive personality
me means that tpam has monents of severe depression
Tpam is lovely :)
Tpam is pretty (sic) on the guitar...
tpam is damn (sic) on the camera! (and I will be looking through her lense one day! ;))
TPAm is awesome......
and tpah .. I will shoot one day.
tpam has a SHIT ton of posts.....
tpam and I are in agreement that SHIT ton should be a standardized measurement of things.
Tpam (like me) has spent waaay too many hours posting shit on here over the last 5 years ;)
tpam is often describing the people above him.
tpam is a fan of hockey
Tpam likes the fragile (right) as much as me
tpam is right about the Fragile being one of my top albums...but I'm more of a left girl.
Tpam is my fran on FB.. and she's a great photographer.
tpam has one goal
tpam's sig makes me LOL
TPAM's sig is from my Favorite Foo Fighters song.
Tpam sig is from south park
TPAM listens to Electronic music...
tpam avatar reminds me of the bombs in Super Mario 64
tpam can be an ass but it's the internet so i think he's a-okay.
Tpam has a person who had his ass beat in his signature.
Tpam should be loved
*blue october reference*
Tpam has lots of posting and should be the queen of this place for having so much posts ;D
Tpam and I are in agreement.
now, where is my fucking crown?! =)
Quote from: White Pwny on Apr 26, 2010, 06:40 AM
Tpam and I are in agreement.
now, where is my fucking crown?! =)
I dont know :(
Tpam is a pretty awesome guy.
Tpam has an opposite opinion of me, oh well atleast tpam is awesome.
Tpam should be less worried how these people see him.
And tpah should know I think he's pretty awesome too.
TPAM is stating facts geez
tpam may like mornings.
tpam is wrong i hate mornings
Tpam and I agree that mornings SUCK.
tpam also thinks angel dust is a phenomenal album.
Tpam and I seem to have similar tastes in music.
tpam seems to be cool
Tpam is right... I am pretty cool.
I make laugh a lot TPAM
tpam just wrote a description that confuses me.
tpam is a fan of rocket skates
Tpam is a Foo fan. =)
TPAM & I bot agree that there is no better album closer than Pink Maggit......
dapam "Is too old for this kind of bullshites"
tpams name makes me think of mr. show and a perfect circle. both good things.
i'm a superstar, in a superstar machine
taking it to the stars
emotion lotion
dapam got a good perception about nickname, it's almost closer lawl (APC+deftones)
tpam is pretty fuckin mexican! haha
Tpam is a photographer.. and one day .. she and I will have a shoot.
tpam is introspective (mostly about SL) these days
Tpam hates that 8bit remix ;D
Correction. Tpam likes that 8 bit remix. He should bump that shit to sonic 4 :)
Tpam is besties with Jesusinabowlofdirt...... but spelled dirt wrong.
Tpam is a fan of the Cyndicate.
TPAM just reached 5000 posts the other day, and now has 5096, God Damn!!!
TPAM Screams
TPAM might know more about the Deftones than the actual Deftones lol
tpam is a capitals fan if i remember correctly.
tpam is from the District of Columbia
Quote from: gunsrazorsknives on May 01, 2010, 01:27 AM
tpam is from the District of Columbia
tpam is way off. my time zone on here might indicate as such though. i'm actually from nova scotia, canada. i'm as non-columbian as they come.
ok then lol tpam likes batman
Looks like tpam plays piano
tpam sins
tpam would hate jews 60 years ago
TPAM changed his avatar.
tpam geared me the new ratatat and it's pretty funky fresh
TPAM would be correct. and TPAM probably lit one up when he listened to that new Ratatat!
Tpam is the man!
TPAM loved deftones streaming performance (And should look at my channel full of live shit ;))
Tpam should give me his channel link. =)
tpam is a good friend
tpams town, Nashwille, is floooooooooooooded
Tpam is pretty much THE MAN.
tpam is often described as the man by whitepwny
tpam is a fan of Charlie
tpam is my friend on facebook
Tpam is not my friend on Facebook.
Tpam is coming over tonight to have some brownies. =)
tpam well uh he's swell
Tpam is rockin the Mod status.
Uh, hmmm. tpam is now a moderator. So beware!
oh shit! I'm with tpam!
Tpam has an awesome sig of Betty white
Tpam tells it how it is
Tpam recognizes Betty Whites OG Status
Tpams sportin the FOD.
Tpam is not doing his job. Ergo, no Sonic 4 for him 8)
Tpam has the mindset of a killer...
tpam wants sonic
Tpam is my FB friend. =)
Tpam Uses facebook.
Tpam plays video games and listens to deftones. Oh and she's a girl.
tpam likes girls who play video games
I dont know tpam's first name...
Tpam His name is Romain.
Tpam acknowledges literary prowess
Tpam doesnt know that i meant acknowledges the ability to read
I now know tpam's name.
Tpam could be a spartan
Tpam engages robobuzzsaw
Zombies enjoy attacking tpam
Especially when tpam locks me out of the safe house -_- lol
i have never really chatted with tpam
dapam, you come and go ♬
just like you tpam ;D
the 2 ppl above me should stop by more often! :)
tpam thinks i dont come around ;D i have stealth ninja powers u cant see me
Thinks Tpam should share this awesome ninja power
tpam thinks ninja power can be shared; practice, practice, practice (and dont get caught by po-po)
Tpam is a wise ninja master.
Tpam is at work.
Tpam is correct
TPAM name is a combination of MX and Knife party
Tpam spelled Knife prty wrong :P
Tpam could probably kick my ass at gears of wars
Tpam is correct. :P
Tpam totally sucks at Gears of War :P
TPAM(The people Above me) couldnt beat me at Gears of War
tpam likes coke
and nintendoXO how did I spell knife party wrong? lol
Tpam is awesome
Tpam is pretty cool
And on the album its spelled Knife prty :P
I could beat Tpam in a street fighter 2 match :P
Tpam is correct.
Tpam has acknowledge my street fighter skills lol.
tpam and tpam above tpam need to get a room already
Tpam needs to get a room
With my mom.
tpam o nice come back lol :p
o and by the way been there done that...
Tpam got served!
Tpam Recognizes servege
Tpam Doesnt like cocaine But likes the way it smells. :P
Tpam is awesome cuz he's the man.
Tpam is one of my buddies in MSN :D
tpam is not one of my buddys on msn
Tpam uses MSN.
tpam is a nerd
tpam needs to stay away from peoples mothers.
tpam has a rad sig
Tpam chose gnr
tpam likes sailor moon
Tpam is wrong
Tpam thinks gta is better than zelda
tpam doesnt like the ass photos i post lol
Tpam is one of the few to post in the hip hop thread!!
Tpam has a pretty good picture as their signature.
tpam loves games
tpam loves trees
Tpam is gold and a pony.
TPAM's profile says he's currently living in the land of Blackhawks. (who better not win the cup) ;)
tpam is a mod
tpam ends where i begin
tpam lives in the windy city
tpam is from belgium
Tpam is in MI right now.
tpam is a teenager
TPAM resides in sunny FL....
Tpam is afraid the blackHawks will win the Stanlely Cup
Tpam is the man according to White Pwny
tpam described tpah the same way i did
tpam is a nice guy if u dont rub him the wrong way
tpam gave a shit that i was pissed on facebook. thank you tpam.
tpam should add me on facebook
TPAM (gunsrazorsknives) and Sing Blue Silver and Vesanic should all add me on FB because I think they're pretty fucking cool dudes!!
http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=625931164 (http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=625931164)
Tpam will probably like Cyn's videos from last night.
Tpam is a Deftones freak, which is awesome.
TPAM helped get this place started, which is sick!!
Tpam should know there were a lot of people here before me who deserve that credit.
I thought TPAM was one of them? sorry if I was mistaken?? ???
tpam is wrong
Tpam resides in florida
tpam resides in Chicago
Tpam is a good friend of mine.
Tpam and I haven't fought yet. =)
Tpam subscribed to me on youtube :D
Tpam and I are connected thru SL, FB and Youtube.
TPAM has my respect for keeping me posted will all awesome Deftones vids, and breaking news ;)
TPAM agrees with me that korn is done
Tpam wants to know if there are any last words...
tpam has a great collection of deftones bootlegs.
TPAM is a bad motherfucker!
TPAM is my Nigga ;)
Tpam will be sad to hear that sonic 4 got pushed back to the fall season
Tpam always comes through with the video ripage
Tpam is pretty much awesome...
Tpam is pretty cool.
TPAM and I are both dying to hear the "in studio" song from the Eros Record!!! FUCK !!!
tpam is a cool dude
tpam use to be ilovechino69
TPAM has insomnia....
Solid Gold.
Tpam is leader of all.
TPAM lives in Seattle. And I <3 Seattle!
Tpam is a trader.
Tpam is named romain
tpam likes video games
tpam sig is one of my favorite flicks.
Tpam lives in Cali
tpam and I are like the only ones who play this game with no long delay.
tpam is my facebook friend
tpam is a fan of the Bat
(and gunsrazorsknives is correct.)
Tpam is now above me. How the positions...... I mean tables have turned
tpam wishes he was a ninja
Tpam's basketball team can rot in hell for all i care. :/
Tpam is my homeboy!
tpam changed his username?
tpam's basketball team sucks :P
tpam's name reminds me of lunch in the fridge
Tpam likes 8 bit remixes
Tpam downloaded the "How to Destroy Angels" free EP
tpam is new to the board
tpam is a girl
tpam likes radiohead
Tpam seems like a pro photographer and likes NIN
TPAM <3's his \m/
Tpam might know who tesla is
tpam used to make "Adventures of Robobuzzsaw and Steph'
tpam lives in the windy city
According to tpam's location, we're apart of the human centipede.
Tpam killed this topic
tpam revived this topic
tpam likes Minecraft ;)
tpam loves Chi
now this time, tpam is right!
I am happy to have tpam as one of my listeners!
Also, tpam is a very proficient person when it comes to all-things-videos-and-collections-of-Deftones-collectibles.
^ depression boy, I mean tpam seeks a better life in Stockholm
Tpam banned ''Jesusinabowlofdirt''
tpam likes beer
I think tpam had a ''Batman slaps Robin'' picture in his signature
tpam is a very nostalgic person
tpam likes Hunger Games
tpam is new here
i remember tpam had a hot boobie girl in his signature
Tpam always posts illegal bootleg Deftones videos on Facebook and shit
Tpam thinks bootleg videos are illegal
Tpam doesn't know I meant illegal bootleg Deftones child porn, not concerts!
Tpam has a lot of posts
Tpam has a lot of posts but not as many as tpah
tpam is a luchador...
tpam uses glasses, i didnt know about that
Tpam is gay.
Tpam has a funny song on his soundcloud
Tpam is a collector
Tpam heard a song I forgot was public on my soundcloud haha
I think tpam is a fellow Texan.
From the post above, I was able to gather that tpam must also live in TX
Tpam, Is the "see you on the other side" quote from the salivial version of pushit?
Tpam, I knew it was some form of Maynardism, didn't remember from where, but yeah so I guess so haha. Where in TX does tpam above me live so I can describe tpam
Tpam, Houston
Tpam lives in Houston, I live in DfW (Mansfield)
Tpam is closer to in-n-out than I am.
Tpam might have his heart broken next summer.
Tpam doesn't know In-n-out sucks! Actually almost went there the other day but I refused. It wasn't as good as all the hype made it to be at all...
Tpam states the obvious
Tpam seems pretty sure that I like Deftones.
How old is tpam?
tpam still likes playing tpam after all these years
Tpam is teh coolxorz!
Tpam is a happy person
tpam is tpam
tpam rocks out with his socks out
tpam has no idea i actually rock out with my cock out!! oooooh!!!
(http://gifsforum.com/images/image/disgusted/grand/oreilly_disgusted.jpg) (http://gifsforum.com/image/4341)
tpam broke this game
I'm guessing tpam likes bananas
edit: in his butt...
Tpam is Dan.
Tpam is Rome.
Tpam believes in ''the other side''
tpam knows nothing...
Tpam is a Glassjaw lover.
Tpam likes British film and television.
Tpam is Bitchish
Tpam made me real hard lol.
tpam knows nothing
tpam is copying what i said a few posts back
tpam hates the miami heat
tpam loves 8-bit
tpatpam is absolutely right. FUCK THE HEAT!! It's ok we'll win the championship again next season..
tpam has a picture of some little emo kid as his avatar.. haha
tpam thinks i hate the heat which actually I was born in Miami and love them lol
tpam thinks i thinks he hates the heat. but I never said that, i mean "we will win again" as in us here in Dallas!! we'll kick your fucking asses man!!!!
Tpam likes to shove bananas in his ass
tpam = (http://www.htbackdrops.com/v2/albums/userpics/10187/thumb_Deftones-Thumb1-500x500.jpg)+(http://avatar.identi.ca/10823-96-20100529234748.jpeg)+ (http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/64/28133121.jpg)+(http://www.bananadrops.com/upload_img/imagem007logoinicial.jpg)
correction: (http://www.htbackdrops.com/v2/albums/userpics/10187/thumb_Deftones-Thumb1-500x500.jpg) + (http://avatar.identi.ca/10823-96-20100529234748.jpeg) + (http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/64/28133121.jpg) + (http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS5Ic1zqp9mQLDjCX_Ng3Tb7ks9ThH6jp37Sio-6uqtHlr46clXtg)
tpam corrects people
tpam described tpah, therefore tpam plays by the rules
tpam need to let someone else have a go.
I consider tpam a friend.
Tpam's fave hockey team now had J Tootoo
tpam is a women
omg tpam is a genius
Tpam has been on the board a bit yet, I know nothing about them.
Tpam has a badass chick as avatar.
tpam is a monkey lover
i dont know who tpam is
i'm jared I live in florida and I love sports. tpam now knows me :)
Tpam made a friendly gesture.
tpam was FREAKIN OUT cause he didn't know who tpatpam was.
Tpam don't know nothin bout nothin!
tpam doesn't know much about anyone lol
tpam seems to be obsessed with a pt anderson film
Tpam took me to see above mentioned film when it came out.
It was mine and tpam first date!
TPAM AND TPAM Have some offline history! You guys like a couple now?
Lol my poor attempt at humor. Shine down is a friend irl tpam.
Quote from: lithium on Sep 26, 2012, 04:11 PM
Lol my poor attempt at humor. Shine down is a friend irl tpam.
lol how would I know that tpam is a jokester
Tpam is not the mod who banned me, so i'm not gonna cut his throat while he sleep.
tpam has a pretty cool sig