Any fans ? just got into it over the last few months and its easily in my top 5 ever
goddamn I love Frank..
I've only caught a few episodes from season 1. It's usually on when there's something I feel like watching, but I intend to catch up soon since the new season starts this weekend.
Oh and for obvious reasons I love Emmy Rossum.
Dude when frank told the transplant people butter face didnt need the heart just to get her pension, SHAMELESS!!
Good show, Dunno about top 5 material tho
great show, anxiously awaiting season 3. and yeah, Emmy Rossum is pretty. very pretty.
I'm curious about the original show as well. one of these days I will have to check it out. the original usually IS better that the american remake, after all.
Quote from: Cool Mountaineer on Jan 09, 2013, 03:32 AM
Any fans ? just got into it over the last few months and its easily in my top 5 ever
goddamn I love Frank..
Been watching it since day 1,and I really like it. I wish someone would successfully kill Frank,I loathe him. But I love Lip kid and better man than Frank.
Just got into this show watched the marathon a couple days ago.
Ok I think you guys are bringing me back in... gonna play some catch-up this weekend with this.