Sharing Lungs - Deftones Online Community

Other => Art => Topic started by: wither-I on Mar 04, 2008, 04:55 AM

Title: Fervid
Post by: wither-I on Mar 04, 2008, 04:55 AM
One last!-
desperate, swelling lunge,
in timed accordance to her rythym.
the ribboned banner cut down,
the damage left shown,
strewn about on quilted waves,
in partition of...

Held we there in steeple pose,
while said in vague scrolls of visiting light robbing at the window,
Embelished of shriveled stardust and bruised rose petals,
hath there fastened to my panting groin, to my glistening gut.

All drenched in pasture dew,
and glowing blush violet reds,
from sailing in sheaths of open sun,
breath belittles me in one fell gasp,
as i swallow the sea,
and devour the shore.

All fervid and demure.
All lost and consumed.
All abysmal and whole.

Where in construe to my spur,
in gain for thought,
and far beyond even my natural world-
to be now biased the expression for,
there is no other wonder,
to compare of...

All of only distraught blisses,
and of particulate complacence...
High upon her temple!
Totum core!
All or anything,
resisted of nothing...

Title: Re: Fervid
Post by: theshadeisatool on Mar 04, 2008, 07:22 PM
really really good
Title: Re: Fervid
Post by: wither-I on Mar 06, 2008, 02:52 AM
thank you :)
and its nice to see we have a few writers in this community... a few of course.
Title: Re: Fervid
Post by: occipudding on Mar 07, 2008, 10:13 PM
very cool
Title: Re: Fervid
Post by: wither-I on Apr 10, 2008, 02:49 AM
i modified this one. if anyone remarks that would be sufficient critique indeed. thanks. love is power.